Author's note: I have used the symbols << >> to signify a memory of a past conversation. I hope that it isn't too confusing. Chapter 5 “Paxton, you’re amazing,” Athena said, leaning back in her chair with a clearly dumbfounded expression. “I feel so stupid. I can’t believe I had the sequence all wrong.” “Don’t feel stupid, my dear,” Paxton consoled. “I know many people, including myself, who could’ve easily made the same mistake.” Athena smiled at the older man and leaned forward to run the program once more. It boggled her mind how she could’ve worked on this thing for sectars, spent countless sleepless nights trying to work out the bugs, and then have Paxton come and fix everything in a matter of centons, simply by rearranging a few number sequences. “Well, one thing is for certain,” she declared as her fingers ran over the keyboard. “I definitely have a whole lot more to learn.” “And once you’ve learned all there is, you should try to learn some more,” Paxton exclaimed, a more serious expression on his face than Athena was used to seeing. “You should never stop learning. “That is what I admire so much about your father,” he continued. “Adama is a wise man but he has never claimed to be omniscient. He surrounds himself with intelligent people and constantly opens his mind to learn. It is that quality which will help lead us to Earth.” Athena’s eyes widened and a proud smile beamed across her face. Her past conversations with Paxton had been on more lighthearted topics, but recently he had shown a side of himself that she found she truly liked and hoped to see more of. It still amazed her how much she didn’t know about this man. It was only a few centars ago that she had learned of his past as a research scientist. She now wondered what other tricks he had up his sleeve. “Thank you, Paxton,” she gently placed her hand over his. “Thank you for everything.” Paxton blushed slightly. “No, Athena, it is _I_ who should be thanking you.” “Oh really?” she chuckled, squinting her eyes in confusion. “How do you figure?” “With all this peace and quiet lately, it is obvious that some have let their guard down,” he explained. “It’s nice to know that someone is taking the time to explore new ways of thwarting our foes. And I’m glad I could help.” “You’ve done far more than that,” she insisted. “You’ve been a real friend and confidant. I have to admit that it’s been a long time since I’ve really been able to talk to anyone about... things,” she shrugged, her cheeks flushing. “As I said, I’m glad I could help,” he smiled warmly. “And uh... have we heard any apologies or anything else from a certain Captain?” “No,” Athena shook her head. “And I can’t say as I will hear anything from him. Personally, I think he has some issues with his recently defunct relationship that he needs to resolve. I would really prefer to stay away from him until he does that.” “Mmmmm...” Paxton eyed her quizzically as she turned her attention back to the console. While he had heard the rumors of Starbuck and Cassiopeia’s breakup, he hadn’t heard Athena mention it until now. “Oh, and from what Lt. Commander Tigh told me earlier, the Captain will be a Major shortly,” she added. “Oh really? They promote you for being an equine’s astrum now?” Paxton teased. Athena burst out laughing. “If that were the case, Starbuck would be Commander by now!” “Or President of the Council at least,” Paxton added. “He and Captain Boomer are being promoted tomorrow,” Athena explained, still giggling a bit. “They’re both due, as is my brother. I must say that I’ve enjoyed sharing the same rank with Apollo, but I knew the fun couldn’t last forever,” she sighed. “So does this mean I should prepare for a celebration of sorts?” he asked, recalling promotions past. “Who knows,” Athena replied, a yawn suddenly bursting forth. “Oh! Excuse me!” Paxton gave her an endearing smile. “It’s alright, my dear. These blasted defense theories really do steal your sleep periods.” “And now that this one is solved, I wish I could celebrate by going to my quarters and sleeping for the next twelve centars,” she mused. “But alas...” “The big date with Reese?” Paxton chimed in, an undeniable tension in his voice. Athena laughed, albeit nervously. “I guess Reese hasn’t made a good impression on you either huh?” Paxton kicked himself for revealing even the slightest of his opinion for the Security Chief. “I’m sorry, Athena. It’s none of my business.” Athena let out a heavy sigh. “Paxton, it’s just like I was trying to tell Starbuck. I’m not getting sealed to Reese. I’m not his girlfriend. We are simply going out to dinner. It’s not a big deal. Believe me, sleep sounds ten times better right now.” “Then why don’t you call Reese and schedule for another night?” Paxton asked, hoping that a temporary postponement might turn permanent. “Well, I hate to admit this,” she began sheepishly. “But if I do that now and Starbuck finds out, he’ll think I did it because of him and I don’t want to give him the satisfaction.” “Athena,” Paxton eyed her in both disbelief and disappointment. “That’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard.” Athena cringed. “I know! But if you knew only half of what has happened in the past with Starbuck and I, you’d understand. Believe me, it’s well worth it for me to go out with Reese tonight.” Paxton’s demeanor was turning almost parental. “So now you’re going out with him to prove a point? Athena...” “Paxton, please don’t disparage me,” she pleaded. “It’s hard enough as it is...” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he grabbed her hand. “It’s just that you deserve so much more happiness and I hate to see you having to play these games. But I promise I won’t say another word.” “Thank you,” Athena sighed in relief. “However,” Paxton interjected with a cunning grin. “I do expect to hear all the details tomorrow morning. You make sure this guy treats you right and spends every last cubit on you tonight.” “Hey, you never know,” she gently nudged him. “I might actually enjoy myself.” ‘If I don’t fall asleep on him,’ she thought as she stifled yet another yawn. ************************ While the two wingmates had passed the centars away with idle small talk, it was pretty obvious that their minds were elsewhere. Apollo knew Starbuck well enough to know that he wasn’t truly listening to the detailed description of the minor viper modifications, but was just as confident that the veteran warrior would make the adjustments as if they’d been a part of his viper for yahrens. Apollo knew that his best friend was still troubled by the latest revelations of Cassie’s new, or not so new, boyfriend, but he also knew when Starbuck didn’t want to talk about it. Starbuck had opened up a bit but had quickly shut the conversation down almost as soon as it had started. While Apollo wished that he could help Starbuck further, he knew that Starbuck needed to work things out on his own. ‘Besides, I don’t know how I _could_ help him,’ Apollo thought. ‘Other than taking him to the Rising Star for some bachelor fun.’ Apollo quickly shook the amusing thought from his head. While he was sure that Sheba would understand that a wild night out with the boys would be solely for Starbuck’s benefit, there was certainly a possibility that he would wind up sleeping on the couch for a few nights following. Yes, Starbuck would have to enjoy his new bachelorhood alone. “Galactica patrol,” came Rigel’s familiar voice. “You are cleared to land.” “So, what big plans do you have for tonight?” Apollo asked. “None really,” Starbuck replied. “I was going to go for a run after we land. I hadn’t thought much further than that.” “Then I’ll probably see you in the Officer’s Club later?” Apollo assumed. “Er... uh... possibly,” Starbuck hesitated. He hadn’t gotten the details of where Athena and Reese would be having dinner and he definitely didn’t want to run into them if they happened to choose the O Club to dine at. “Please don’t tell me that you’re going to become a hermit,” Apollo teased. “Seclusion is not your style.” “Now Apollo, do you really think that I would deny the female population my stunning good looks and charming disposition?” Starbuck retorted. “I’m back on the market buddy.” Apollo rolled his eyes but couldn’t resist a smile. “I’ll alert the IFB.” “Gosh, would you?” Starbuck replied sarcastically. “They don’t nearly get enough of me.” Starbuck winced as he was fairly certain that Zara was already salivating at the thought of a new breaking story. He could hear it now... “The soon-to-be-promoted Captain Starbuck is available again. And, since it appears that his two lady loves have moved on to bigger and better things, the handsome warrior is out on the prowl.” Starbuck groaned as his imagination spun nauseating pictures of Athena with Reese and Cassie with her new man... that he hadn’t even seen yet! With little word to his wingman, Starbuck quickly left the landing bay as soon as they had returned from patrol. He desperately needed to vent some frustration and a good workout was the only way. ‘Unless I run into Reese first, in which case I could beat him to mushie pulp,’ he mused with delight. ‘That would definitely make me feel better.’ Starbuck hadn’t taken into account Apollo’s previous threat to have a word or two with the Security Chief. Apollo had barely noticed Starbuck’s hasty exit as he was too busy thinking of how to tactfully warn Reese against messing with Athena in any way, shape or form. He realized that his sister was old enough to take care of herself and that she would probably give him an earful for meddling, but he admitted that he would always think of her as his “baby” sister and he would gladly accept any anger she would throw at him. As he looked at his chronometer, Apollo noted that he had about thirty centons before he was to meet Sheba and Boxey in his father’s quarters for dinner. Not much time to find Reese, but he had a good idea of where to look. Reese and his security team had taken to frequenting the O Club at this time of day, directly after their shift ended. Since the Destruction, the Council had proclaimed that the Officer’s Club was open to Council Security as well as Colonial Warriors. This edict had not gone over well at first, but over time the two groups had come to respect each other’s space and had generally gotten along. ‘Hopefully that will continue,’ Apollo pondered as he entered the O Club. Sure enough, his hunch was correct and there was Reese at the bar. Reese turned as if he’d known that “big brother” was coming. While he had always despised the dark-haired warrior, well... all warriors, he threw on a big smile. “Apollo,” he boomed. “Come join us!” There weren’t many in the club at the time, but the hush that went throughout the room was obvious. Apollo had made no secret of his feelings for Reese and Reese was certainly no Mr. Congeniality. The other security members simply stared at one another in shock that Reese would make such a gesture. Apollo wasn’t buying one bit of it. If anything, Reese’s ploy at pleasantries only annoyed him further. “Not tonight Reese,” Apollo said flatly as he approached. “However, I do want to talk to you.” *********************** Athena laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling. ‘It would be so easy to close my eyes right now,’ she pondered. ‘A hot shower, a bite to eat, crawl into my bed and sleep ‘til morning...’ She knew that she had less than a centar before she was to meet Reese in the O Club, but that was hardly motivating her to rise and embark on the usual pre-date rituals. Not that she really needed to. As far as she was concerned, this wasn’t a real date. Of course, nobody else seemed to believe her. Not that that mattered. As long as Reese knew it, and she assumed that he did. It was he that suggested that they “meet” in the O Club. A “real” date would be gentleman enough to escort her from her quarters. That’s what all the others had done. Even Starbuck. Starbuck. Athena clenched her eyes shut and waggled her head, as if the gesture would shake the handsome warrior from her mind. “Don’t you dare get back into my head, Starbuck,” she said aloud. “It took me too long to get you out of there.” Athena knew that it wouldn’t be that easy though. It never had been. No matter where she had been in her life, no matter how old, no matter who else was involved... Starbuck had always been there, either giving his approval or disapproval of whatever was going on. Whether Athena wanted it or not, Starbuck could always be counted on to give his opinion. More often than not, she wanted it. While growing up, it had been difficult to talk to her older brothers about the more personal aspects of her life. One might have thought that Athena would’ve gone to great lengths to keep her private life from Apollo and Zac, but Athena had her father’s instincts to do as much “research” as possible before making an important decision and this included getting a male perspective. Unfortunately, when it came to her love life, both her brothers had a tendency to squirm away from the issue. Even Zac, who Athena had been closer to, hadn’t offered much help. Oddly enough, it had been Starbuck who had become her confidant. <<“If you tell them that I told you this, I’ll completely deny it,” Athena recalled Starbuck telling her one day. “But if Apollo and Zac had had their way, you’d have been locked in your room with a purity belt when you turned sixteen.”>> Athena laughed as she remembered the day that Starbuck had found her sitting by the lake behind the house. She had been dating Orion for some time and it had gotten serious. He hadn’t asked her to be sealed yet, but the speculation was that a proposal was imminent. Everyone in the family was excited, except Starbuck. <<“I just think that you’re too young to be thinking about that right now,” he explained. “You haven’t even graduated from the Academy yet.” “Mother and Father got married when she was my age,” Athena had pointed out. “That’s different,” he continued. “Your mother never wanted to command her own battlestar.” “Oh please, Starbuck,” she had laughed off his argument. “Do you really think _that’s_ ever going to happen?!” “Yes, I do! But I doubt you’ll get the chance if you marry Orion,” Starbuck shrugged. “And why is that?” Athena raised her eyebrow. “Because you don’t really love him,” Starbuck replied flatly.>> Athena opened her eyes, once again staring at the ceiling. She remembered, and again felt, the stabbing pain in her heart at his words, not because they were hurtful, but because they were true. <<“How dare you say that! Of course I love him!” She bit back defensively. “Oh really? Then why are you down here alone and crying?” “I don’t know! Why are you giving me such a hard time?! If you see that I’m upset, why are you trying to make me feel worse?!” Athena growled. “Oh, well I’m so sorry,” Starbuck retorted sarcastically. “Poor little Athena. Great home, loving family, making top marks at the Academy... yeah, you have it rough. I feel so sorry for you.” “Starbuck, what is with you?! What is your problem?! If you’re going to be mean to me, you can just leave!” “I think I will, but not because you want me to,” Starbuck replied and rose to his feet. “I really don’t want to stick around and watch you throw your life away.” “And how am I throwing my life away?!” Athena demanded. “Well, you haven’t yet, but you will if you marry Orion,” he answered. “All you’ve ever wanted was to become a Colonial Warrior, get out of the shadows of Apollo and Zac. What do you think will happen if you marry Orion now? He’s already proving himself as a warrior, you haven’t even graduated yet! You won’t ever get your chance to prove yourself. You’ll just be his wife.” “Maybe that’s not such a bad thing,” Athena said softly, hanging her head. “Oh please! I know you don’t believe that!” Starbuck replied angrily. “I think you’ve been listening to Apollo and Zac too much. Sure, they support you becoming a warrior, but don’t think for a micron that they wouldn’t be happier seeing you married and living planetside with a husband and children.”> Athena continued staring at the ceiling in her quarters as she remembered the end of the conversation. Her memories were so thick that she didn’t notice the chime at the door. <<“Look, Athena, I’m sorry,” Starbuck calmed himself. “But you’ve worked too hard to throw it all away. I don’t know. Maybe you really do love Orion. And, I’m obviously jumping the gun here. He hasn’t proposed yet, has he?” Athena shook her head. “Well, he will,” Starbuck assumed. “I just think you should wait. There’s nothing wrong with a long engagement. At least until you’ve graduated, maybe after you’ve been assigned. At least until _you_ are comfortable and ready. If he really loves you, he’ll wait.”>> “If he really loves you, he’ll wait,” Athena repeated aloud as a second door chime eluded her. “That’s funny coming from you, Starbuck.” <<“And if he doesn’t and he breaks your heart, I promise that I will personally kick his astrum,” he concluded with a warm smile. Athena looked up and couldn’t help but return a smile of her own. “That won’t be necessary. However, I do appreciate you kicking mine every now and again.” “My pleasure,” he joked. “You know that anytime you don’t want my opinion, I’ll give it to you.”>> “Heh, that’s one thing that hasn’t changed,” Athena noted in her quarters, referring to the most recent opinion he’d given her in the commissary that morning. Suddenly, she realized that the door chime had rung for a third time. Disoriented, Athena jumped from the bed and ran towards the door. “By the Lords! What time is it?! I’ll bet that’s Reese wondering where I am!” As she reached the door, Athena glanced over at the wall chronometer and noted that she still had another half-centar to get ready. With a sigh of relief, she opened the door to an unsmiling Sheba... eyebrow raised, arms folded. “Hi Sheba,” Athena greeted her friend hesitantly, unsure of her perturbed demeanor. “What’s up?” “I’m going to come right out and say it,” Sheba began slowly. “What in Hades are you thinking?!” Athena rolled her eyes and sighed. She didn’t have time for this. While she wasn’t going to put a lot of effort into getting ready, she at least wanted to look decent and she didn’t have a whole lot of time. Exasperated, Athena turned and started walking back towards her living area, gesturing her friend inside. “Come on in, Sheba. It’s Lecture Athena Day and you’re next.” ******************************** “What can I do for you, Major?” Reese politely asked as Apollo led him away to a private corner of the O-Club. “Or is it Lieutenant Colonel now? Congratulations, by the way.” “Save it, Reese,” Apollo hissed as he stopped and turned to face the security chief. “This little act might go over on _your_ friends, but I know you better than that.” “Now, Apollo, you know as well as I that people can change,” Reese replied in the most stepford of tones. “Certainly you and I have grown enough to put our old rivalry to rest, especially in light of my relationship with your sister.” Apollo felt his blood start to rise. “Reese, you don’t have any kind of relationship with my sister, and you never will.” “She’s a grown woman, Apollo. She’s very capable of making her own decisions. She obviously agreed to go out with me without any help from you or your warrior friends,” Reese declared sternly. Fleet gossip through the yahrens had made it clear how Athena felt about her big brother’s meddling and Reese was fairly certain that his defense of her would score him points if she ever heard about the exchange. “I’m not sure why she agreed to go out with you tonight, except that she’s always been a very _charitable_ person,” Apollo responded, making a great effort to control his temper. “However, I’m not as interested in why she agreed to the date as much as why you asked her out.” “Apollo, if you’re that blind, you really shouldn’t be flying a viper,” Reese chuckled. “Don’t test me, Reese,” Apollo growled. “I’m fully aware that Athena is a smart and beautiful woman, but she will always be my baby sister and, as her older brother, I demand to know what your intentions are towards her.” Reese decided he had had enough. He did have definite intentions towards Athena, but he would be damned if he was going to discuss them with Apollo, or anyone else for that matter. “Apollo, I respect your concern for your younger sister,” he placed a hand on Apollo’s shoulder. “I even admire it. But what she and I do is absolutely none of your business. Now, if you’ll excuse me...” Apollo firmly grabbed Reese’s wrist. “I’m warning you, Reese. Don’t even think about what you’re thinking about. I have no qualms about spending a few nights in the brig for kicking you squarely in the astrum.” Apollo threw Reese’s arm back to him and quickly left the security chief, knowing full well that he would’ve made good on his threat right then and there had he stayed another micron. “Have a nice evening, Apollo,” Reese exclaimed graciously, knowing that all eyes in the room had been upon them. More often than not, Reese knew that he had been perceived as “the bad guy” in past confrontations with Apollo. He also knew that, if his plan was going to work, he would need to distinguish himself as a changed man who was nothing more than misunderstood. While he wanted to shout out every nasty epithet in the book at the dark-haired hero, Reese put on his best wily grin and returned to the bar. “What’s up with Apollo?” was the collective question as Reese approached. “Beats me,” Reese shrugged as he picked up his glass and proceeded to chug the last of his grog. “He’s got some bug up his astrum about my date with Athena tonight.” It was thought for a moment that they might need to call a med-tech as those that had been mid-guzzle promptly spit out there grog and appeared to be choking. “You what?!” Lieutenant Riley finally spat out. “I have a date with Athena tonight,” Reese replied nonchalantly. “In another half centar to be exact.” “You’ve got to be kidding?” Riley stared at his superior in awe. “How in Hades did you manage that?!” “We’ve, uh, been spending quite a bit of time together lately,” Reese began spinning his tale. “A dinner date is just a natural progression.” “To what?” Lieutenant Kegan chuckled. “Oh c’mon you guys,” Reese replied. “I might seem to be the consummate bachelor, but I might be persuaded to settle down, have a couple of kids.” “With Athena?!” Riley exclaimed, barely able to control his laughter. “You’re dreaming, Reese!” “Am I?” Reese responded confidantly. “You might be very surprised, Lieutenant.” “I will _definitely_ be surprised,” Riley rolled his eyes. “No offense, Reese, but Athena is way out of your league. I can’t believe that she actually agreed to go out with you.” “I will admit, Riley, that I’m a lucky man,” Reese nodded, digging himself deeper into his charade. “But we’ll find out exactly how lucky later on,” he concluded with a wink to his cohorts. “Those are details that I’d rather not hear about,” Kegan waved up his hand. “What’s the matter, Kegan?” Reese chuckled. “A little squeemish when it comes to matters of love?” “Hardly,” Kegan replied. “I just don’t care to be around when you start bragging about your escapades with the Commander’s daughter. You think Apollo was perturbed now? He’ll do nothing short of blow you out an airlock if he hears you talking about his sister that way.” “Don’t you worry, son, I’ll take care of Apollo,” Reese boasted as he took another guzzle off his grog, unaware of the muffled groans and the shaking of heads. ******************************************* “Whoa, buddy, did the klaxon sound?” Boomer exclaimed as Apollo nearly ran over him “What’s your hurry?” “Sorry, Boomer,” Apollo stopped and took a deep breath in an effort to calm himself. “What’s going on? What’s gotten you so bent out of shape?” Boomer asked. “Oh, nothing,” Apollo replied, somewhat embarrassed that Reese could get his dander up so easily. “Reese still has a way of getting under my skin. I just can’t believe that Athena’s going out with him tonight.” “Ah, that,” Boomer nodded. “I’d heard about that.” “Oh really? From whom?” Apollo asked defensively. It always amazed him how quickly the gossip went around, especially when it concerned his own family. “I ran into Starbuck in the gym,” Boomer explained. “He’s as happy about this as you are. He said that Athena told him that it wasn’t a big date or anything, but that apparantly doesn’t make any difference to him, or you.” Apollo ran his fingers through his hair. “I know that I’m being ridiculous. I mean, it’s not like Athena is a kid anymore. I just don’t understand why she would waste her time with someone like Reese.” “Give her some credit, Apollo,” Boomer counseled as he led Apollo to a nearby table. “She’s only going to dinner with the guy. If you hear the word ‘sealed’, that’s when I would worry.” “Oh, Boomer, don’t even say that,” Apollo groaned. “Of all the men in the fleet...” he trailed off. “Would you rather she dated Baltar?” Boomer teased. Apollo quickly shot a look at his friend. “You have a point there.” As the two warriors sat down and ordered a round of ambrosa, Apollo did his best to keep his cool. It wasn’t especially easy with Reese within eye and ear shot. But Apollo was confidant that he had done his part as the big brother to warn Reese against any ill intentions. He had also subtly informed Sheba about the date, knowing full well that Sheba would immediately try to talk Athena out of it. Apollo chuckled to himself at how well he knew his girlfriend. His self-amusement was short lived, however, as both Sheba and Starbuck walked into the O-Club, neither one of them wearing smiles. “I take it that you went to see Athena?” Apollo immediately asked. “Like you knew that I would,” Sheba retorted. “Of course she wouldn’t listen to a word that I said. But she does claim that this is not really a ‘date’. According to her, it’s more like two friends having dinner.” “She might want to tell that to Reese,” Apollo gestured to the security chief across the way. “Apollo, you didn’t,” Starbuck broke in. He was beginning to regret more and more that he had ever told Apollo about any of this. “We had a little talk,” Apollo admitted. “Although I don’t think it was very productive.” “Terrific,” Starbuck said sarcastically as he plopped himself down into a chair. “I should’ve never opened my big mouth. Oh well. She’s already ticked off at me. She might as well be _really_ ticked off at me.” “Starbuck, we’re only trying to keep her from making a huge mistake,” Sheba defended. “That’s what friends are for, right?” “As I was just telling Apollo,” Boomer interjected, “it really sounds like you are all making a big deal out of nothing. This is only dinner. Athena herself has said that she doesn’t consider it be a date. Why don’t you all just relax?” At that moment, Athena walked into the club. While she wasn’t dressed to kill, she was certainly looking as gorgeous as ever, and in a new dress. “Easier said than done, Boom,” Starbuck sighed. “Easier said than done.” ******************************************