Adama smiled at his wife and pulled her closer to him. She smiled and savored the feeling of having his arms around her once more. She felt secure, and she also felt the passion behind his embrace. "No, you're not going mad. This is real or we're both dreaming." He leaned forward and she felt his lips brush softly against hers. Ila leaned against her husband as he deepened the kiss, sending waves of desire through her own body. Despite the things that were still out of place in her memory, she remembered this. She remembered their love. Part 5: She placed her hands on his chest and moved them slowly to his shoulders. He pulled her a little closer, pulling her up onto her toes. He broke the kiss and looked down into her blue eyes to see the look of love he remembered so well. "Do we need to put a sign on the door darling?" He smiled at Ila's suggestion and led her over to the seat under the view port. He sat down and pulled her into his arms. For now, it was enough just to feel her warmth against him, to smell the scent of berries and flowers that was uniquely her. She fit perfectly against him, her head resting just under his chin. They were interrupted a few centons later by the sound of the intercom being activated. "Commander, we have the Warriors from the Rycon." Adama sighed and stood up. "Enter." Outside the door, Apollo looked at Starbuck. Apollo had been about to just enter, but Starbuck had insisted he announce them first. He opened the door and led the group into the room. Apollo watched his father look over the six warriors originally from the Rycon. He regarded each of them silently before stepping behind his desk. "The six of you inspected the Spica after we left the Colonies?" The senior officer among them, a lieutenant, spoke. "Yes sir. We did." Adama nodded and looked at Ila who was sitting silently on the other side of the room. He then returned his attention to the warriors. "Do any of you remember seeing this woman?" He gestured towards his wife and the six men turned around to look. One of the younger sergeants spoke. "I do sir. I saw her on the Spica." "Did she give you a name, or was she speaking at all?" The young blond haired warrior frowned in thought, trying to remember from nearly a yahren before. "I don't remember her speaking at all. She seemed to be in shock, but I didn't think she was injured badly enough for transport back to the Galactica." Apollo and Starbuck both looked at the warrior. Apollo spoke. "You didn't think shock and not knowing her own name was important enough for the Galactica's doctors to treat her?" Anger tinged Apollo's words. Adama looked up at his son. "Captain, please." "Commander, if she'd been brought over here then, . . . ." Adama cut in. "Captain. This is not the time." He turned back to the sergeant. "That's all you remember?" "Yes sir." "Thank you. You're dismissed." The warriors left the room and Apollo moved to stand across from his father. "Father, if that flight sergeant had brought her here when he saw her, we would have had Mother back then, not a yahren later." Adama looked at his son. "Apollo, if we had been more observant ourselves not a sectar ago, Ila would have been found then." Adama spoke, referring to the time that the Spica passengers had been aboard the Galactica. Ila stood up and crossed the room to stand between her husband and son. "Would you two please not argue like this. It's over now and we're together now. No guilt or blame is on anyone. I can't even recall how I got to the Spica. I'm just grateful I'm here now." Apollo and Adama looked at each other for a moment and then at Ila. "You're right. Apollo, you and Starbuck go finish your duties and we'll see you at dinner." "Yes sir." * * * * "What do you mean that they've both been caught?!" The man snarled at the cowering man at his feet. "Colonial security located Matias and took him to the Galactica, and they already had Nero." The taller man stared at the cringing form before him. His plans were ruined, almost. He'd been so hopeful when he'd seen Adama's wife on the Gemonese Freighter, obviously not herself. He'd thought she'd been killed in the attack on the Colonies. As soon as he'd seen her, he'd started planning again, she seemed to have memory loss, and he'd planned to use that to his advantage. Nero's last report, about her realizing who she was had come as a shock, and he'd been forced to act more quickly than he'd wanted to. He'd handle this himself, after all, he could surely get clearance to board the Galactica, he had a spotless reputation. All he had to do was avoid Commander Adama. * * * * Ila looked over at her husband. Adama was seated at his desk, finishing some reports before dinner. "Adama, you haven't said anything about Zac. Is he all right?" Adama looked up at his wife. He knew Salik had thought it too soon to tell her, but he couldn't lie and putting it off would only make her suspicious. He stood and crossed the room. He took a deep breath. "Ila, sit down, please." She sat down slowly, never taking her eyes from his. He sat at her side and turned slightly to face her. "Zac and Apollo were on patrol the night the Cylons attacked. They were the ones who discovered the ambush at Cimtar and headed back to warn the fleet. Adar wouldn't listen to me when I recommended going to alert, but I readied the Galactica anyway. Zac's Viper was hit and he had to come in without his high engine. He made Apollo leave him to warn the fleet since the Cylons were jamming their commline." He paused, the sight and sound of his son's Viper exploding mere metrons from safety still clear in his mind. "Apollo landed, Zac was close and radioing for help. Ila, I . . . I should have ignored Adar and gone ahead with launch then. I could have done it and . . . .Zac was killed just short of the landing bay." Ila saw the tears in Adama's eyes and took his hands in hers. She wasn't sure of her own voice, her throat felt tight with the urge to cry. The room was silent for several centons as they held each other. She finally pulled away to look at him. "You launched then?" "Yes. Adar wouldn't do anything. The Galactica was the only ship to launch all Vipers. With Apollo's report, I guessed that the Basestars were attacking the Colonies and headed for home as quickly as I could." Ila nodded. Adama hoped it wasn't too much for her. He knew Salik had warned against telling her so soon. * * * * Cassie looked at Starbuck. "Are you sure it's all right?" There were standing just outside the Commander's door. "Yes. The Commander invited me and you." "It's a family dinner." Cassie spoke slowly, glancing around to avoid meeting his gaze. She couldn't seem to get her nervousness across to him. She didn't know Ila at all and while the Commander had accepted her, she felt strange being introduced so quickly and on this first time for the family to be together after such a separation. "Yes. It is. Why are you so nervous?" Starbuck frowned at her. She already knew everyone except Ila and Starbuck knew Ila would love her. "It's their first dinner together since Ila reappeared." She finally looked up at him as she spoke. "Right a celebration. Let's go." Starbuck just looked at her, still not sure what was wrong. He raised his hand to sound the buzzer for the door when Apollo approached with Boxey. "Hey Starbuck! Hey Cassie! Dad said I get to meet my grandmother tonight." Starbuck smiled down at the boy. "That's right kid." He looked up at Apollo. He wondered how much had been said about Serina, about Zac. He certainly wouldn't bring either up just in case. Apollo just opened the door and went in with Boxey ahead of him and Starbuck and Cassie behind.