Discoveries "Here they come," Sheba said as she talked with Jolly and Brie in the landing bay. "Are the kids here yet?" Apollo asked breathlessly as he and Starbuck ran over to the small group of warriors. "Yeah, here's one right here," Jolly said and gave Brie a pat on the head. He laughed when Brie elbowed him and nearly knocked herself over. Sheba chuckled then looked up at Apollo. "The cadets are on the way down now. Were you able to find Athena?" she asked softly while the other warriors playfully taunted each other. "Yeah we talked to her," he said as he lightly ran his hand down her back before placing both his hands on his hips. "She's mad at us now." "Look who I found," Boomer said loudly as he walked back into the launch bay following a man in a wheel chair. Apollo's brows drew together as he saw the bearded man recklessly wheeling toward them. The hair was longer and the uniform was gone, but he would recognize his old squad leader anywhere. "I don't believe it. Colonel Kaden." Kaden did several pirouettes with his chair on his way over to the group of warriors. He extended his hand first to Apollo then Starbuck. "Still a lieutenant I see," he said to Starbuck. "I've still got a problem with authority," Starbuck returned and Kaden chuckled. "I had no idea that you were even in the Fleet," Apollo told him. "Yeah, we heard you were killed at the Battle of Maako," Starbuck added. "What happened?" He shook his head. "Those Akin pirates left me for dead when we were ambushed by the Cylons. I crashed on Maako and my legs were crushed on impact," Kaden told them. "But I managed to pull myself out of my Viper eventually. I'm not sure how long it took me to drag myself over to a small pond, but that's where some of the villagers finally found me five sectaries later. By then my legs were gone." "How did you survive?" Apollo asked. "Luckily the pond was fresh. I drank as much as I could whenever I woke up and was able to catch some of the aquatics." Kaden leaned over slightly when he caught sight of the woman standing just behind Apollo. "Well hello there lovely lady." He rolled his chair back then jutted forward to make Starbuck and Apollo jump back out of the way. "And what might your name be?" "Sheba," she returned with a laugh when he grabbed her hand and lightly kissed it. "Oh I'm sorry," Apollo said. "Colonel Kaden, this is Lieutenant Sheba. Colonel Kaden was our first squadron leader," he informed her. "Don't tell me you're with one of these losers," Kaden said to her. When she shot a glance over to Apollo, he had his answer. "Ah well. So much for taste." He lightly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand as he smiled suggestively. "Maybe I can change that over a glass of ambrosa?" Apollo grabbed both of their wrists and pulled their hands apart. "She has plans," he told him and tucked Sheba's hand into the crook of his elbow. "What's the matter Apollo?" Kaden asked with a grin. "Afraid of a little competition?" "Wasn't there that woman on Leosia who both of you." Starbuck began. "Would you stop?" Apollo interrupted. Starbuck stuck his unlit fumarello into his wide grin as Boomer and Kaden laughed. Apollo and Kaden had made complete fools of themselves to get the attention of one particularly beautiful woman. "So what are you doing on the Academy barge?" Boomer asked the colonel to give Apollo a break. "Somehow I can't see you working as one of the instructors." Many of the warriors who were no longer physically capable of combat had become instructors on the barge. Their experience gave them a unique insight that helped produce some of the finest warriors they had seen since the destruction of the Colonies. Kaden swerved his chair around so that he could see Boomer. "Naw, they've got me working on a new Viper prototype. Very hush, hush," he told them with a grin. "Wilker keeps coming up with improvements and I've got to figure out a way to make them fit." "If anyone can do it, it's you," Starbuck complimented him then looked over at Sheba. "Kaden knows every circuit board, wire and whatever other felgercarb there is on a Viper." "From nose to thrusters," Boomer added. The excited awe of the new Academy students entering the bay broke into their conversation. "Looks like the cadets have arrived," Apollo said then looked back at Kaden. "I wish we had more time to talk, but it was good seeing you again, Colonel." "You too Captain," he returned as he shook his proffered arm. "Are you taking these junior war daggits out on their first flight?" "Yeah, lucky us," Starbuck returned less than enthusiastically. "Did you guys get caught raiding the Officer's rations again?" Kaden asked out of curiosity. Apollo chuckled. "No, my son is in the class." Kaden shook his head. "You're a glutton for punishment. Last group the warriors took out ended up blowing chunks in the training Vipers." Starbuck and Boomer shot Apollo a look. "Have fun!" Kaden chuckled and rolled away. "We'd better get to the kids," Apollo said and made a quick exit as well. "Hello junior warriors," he called out to get the children's attention. They had scattered out somewhat to take a closer look at the Vipers. "I'm Captain Apollo and these." he looked back at Starbuck and Boomer who were giving him the evil eye, "kind men and women are Blue Squadron." He glanced at Jolly. "Except for the big guy there. He just became Red Squadron Leader." Jolly tossed a wave then froze when an unexpected cheer from the kids made him blush. Apollo took a moment to introduce each warrior individually before continuing. "I know that you're instructor has told you all about what it's like in a Viper, but we're going to show you what one can really do. When we take off, you're going to feel a little light headed and probably a little queasy, but that should go away after a few centons. If it doesn't, don't be afraid to let us know. Flying in a Viper isn't for everyone and sometimes it can be very disorienting. Now, does everyone have their pressure suits on?" He received a smattering of responses from the kids so he stood a little straighter. "What was that cadets?" "Yes sir!" the majority of them yelled. Apollo smiled. "That's better." He clapped his hands together. "Okay, since there are so many of you, we'll have to take you out in two groups." He crooked a finger at Boxey who quickly walked over to his father's side. "Pair up with one of the warriors and let's get these Vipers in the air." A cheer went up from the kids as they hurried around to get near one of the warriors. Apollo went down on one knee as he put his hand on Boxey's shoulder. "Are you ready for your first flight?" "Yes sir," he replied crisply and gave his father a salute. Apollo chuckled. "Then let's get to it." It took several centons before they were able to get everyone situated in the training Vipers. The warriors took the back seat to give the children the best view and to avoid having regurgitated primaries on their uniforms. Apollo couldn't keep the smile off of his face as the Viper canopy came down. "Is everyone in?" he asked over unicom. He could barely make out the responses over the chatter of the children, but he signaled the bridge of the barge to let them know that they were ready. "Blue Squadron, launch when ready," the response came. "Hang onto your lunch boys and girls," Apollo ordered then hit his thrusters. Boxey's eyes grew wide as he was shoved back into his seat. Ribbons of steel and light flashed by as they were propelled down the launch tube. Microns later they were zooming out into space like a cork from a bottle. "Yeeeeeoooooo!" Boxey yelled excitedly and his fists shot up into the air. Apollo laughed when he saw Boxey's hands smack hard against the canopy. "You okay?" He got back a strangled "yeah" and laughed again. He flipped on the unicom once more and heard a horrific scream. "Who's got the howler?" he asked loudly. "That'd be me Skipper," Jolly yelled back. There was a moment of silence when Apollo started to respond, but then the girl with Jolly let loose again. "If you can't get her to calm down, head back to the barge," he ordered. "And switch off your transmitter. I can't hear a thing." "Imagine how I feel," Jolly returned before switching off his broadcast signal. Once the shriek was gone, they could hear the other warriors chuckling over the unicom. "Poor Jolly," Sheba said as the squadron formed on Apollo's lead. "All right Blue Squadron," Apollo said. "Let's head away from the Fleet and show these cadets what a Viper can really do." The warriors took the cadets through a series of standard maneuvers as they made their way out of the solar system. They flew past one of the more colorful planets in a roll to give the cadets a better view then fired their way through a small asteroid belt as the cadets cheered. Once they were away from the system, the Vipers spread out. "Are you ready to give it a try?" Apollo asked Boxey and saw him try to turn in his seat. "Really?" Boxey asked excitedly. Apollo chuckled when Boxey had to readjust his helmet. "Take the stick firmly in one hand and try moving it gently forward," he instructed. Boxey's heart was pounding in his chest as he grabbed the control stick with both hands before putting one down. He eased the stick forward and they started moving away from the rest of the squad. "That's good," he returned with a broad smile. "Now ease it a little to the right." The Viper tipped slightly as Boxey complied. "Now straighten it back up," he said and they slowly moved back. He was impressed at how smoothly they were gliding. Cadets generally moved the stick too quickly or overcompensated, but Boxey was handling it like a pro. "Are you ready for some speed?" "Yes sir!" Boxey returned enthusiastically. "When I tell you, I want you to hit the button on the middle of your stick and hold it for a count of five. You're going to jerk back so make sure that you don't pull back on the stick as well." "Okay," he returned as he shifted slightly in his seat and fixed his eyes on the stars ahead. Apollo smiled as he looked at Boxey's reflection in the canopy. "All right Cadet. Punch it." He kept his eyes on the instruments as Boxey kicked in the turbos and let out another yell. Apollo laughed and shook his head. Boxey was maintaining a perfectly straight line. "Okay. Now show me what you can really do," Apollo ordered once they had picked up enough speed. "Anything I want?" Boxey asked uncertainly. "Just don't fire the lasers," he returned. "All right!" Boxey returned and they immediately started to spiral. Apollo reached out and grabbed the console on either side of him as they spun. He was about to ask if everything was okay when Boxey leveled back out. Next he pulled back on the stick and took them around in a large loop before spinning for several microns again. "You okay back there Dad?" Apollo laughed. "Yeah, I'm okay." "I've been dying to do that." He laughed again as he shook his head. "Why don't you see if you can bring us back around to join up with the squad?" "No problem Dad. I mean Captain." Apollo watched in amazement as Boxey studiously followed his instruments to bring them back to where the other cadets were practicing their skills. He switched on the unicom. "Form up on us Blue Squadron," he ordered. "Okay Boxey. Set that dial in front of you to four-two-seven." "I'm on it." Apollo smiled broadly as they watched the other Vipers fall into line around them. "Any casualties out there?" he asked over the unicom. "We're okay here," Sheba said. "We've got a minor malfunction in our lower turbines," Starbuck reported. "Can you make it back to the Fleet?" Apollo asked. "Not a problem. We'll just need to send it in for repairs." "There are only a couple of kids left. We can do without one Viper." "Make that two," Boomer interrupted as he wiped at the canopy. "This one needs a hose down and I need a clean uniform." Laughter erupted over the unicom. "You and I are going to have a little talk, Captain," he warned. "Boomer, how did it get on you when you're behind the kid?" Starbuck asked as he grinned broadly. Boomer sighed heavily as he dropped the saturated cloth to the floor. "We were in the middle of a loop when the kid let loose and it came right over his head." There was a roar of laughter over the unicom once more and Boomer's mouth contorted as he nodded. Apollo did his best to keep down his mirth. "Let's head back to the Fleet," he ordered then shut off his transmitter as he laughed again. "Okay Boxey. I want you to hold down the thruster button until I tell you to let go and stay on this heading." "You're going to let me fly back?" "Just to the edge of the Fleet then I'll take over." "All right!" Apollo was bursting with pride as they made their way back through the ships in the Fleet. Boxey was a natural in the cockpit and he executed orders without hesitation. Apollo listened to the excited chatter over the unicom as cadets pointed out their various home ships to the others while he brought the squad around for a better view of the Galactica. "That's not where the Galactica was when we left," Boxey noted. "That's very observant of you," Apollo complimented him. "The Commander has a bit of a surprise planned." He switched channels to contact the Galactica. "Captain Apollo to Galactica. Blue Squadron is in position." Microns later, the sky around the Galactica became illuminated in flashes of blue and white as it used its various systems to put on a light show for the new cadets. Laser cannons on the far side of the Galactica started firing, streaking red bolts out into the flashing lights in a choreographed pattern. The display only lasted a centon, but it was the perfect ending to the cadet's first flight. ~~~ "She will see you now," the young woman told Tollen then gave Athena a pointed look. "Alone." Tollen took Athena's hand into his. "My apologies for abandoning you like this. I'm sure my mistress will want to meet with you, but we have business to discuss first." "I don't mind waiting," she returned and gestured to the low benches next to the door. He smiled broadly and brought her hand up to his lips. "I promise not to be long." She only got a glimpse into the next room when Tollen left her, but it was enough to see that it was someone's private quarters. She glanced around before pulling the hood of her cloak up over her head and making herself comfortable on the low bench along the wall. She took slow deep breaths and focused her attention on Tollen. It wasn't hard for her to pick up on Tollen's presence in the next room. His mistress had some harsh words for him and his defenses were down. It was almost as if she was eavesdropping on the conversation. "What do you think you're doing bringing her here?" she demanded. "I simply took advantage of an opportunity," Tollen returned. "You do not know enough to be take advantage of any situation," she hissed back. "Uri took advantage of an opportunity as well. Would you like the cell next to his?" Tollen chuckled at the reference. "Uri was merely a pawn." "And what do you think you are?" He jerked back slightly. "I am the messenger, the voice of our lord." "Don't overestimate your importance, Tollen. You are merely one in a legion. We all have a job to do and you have overstepped your bounds." He shook his head. "I am well acquainted with our Master's desires," he argued. "Perhaps it is you who is concerned with your station. Athena would make the perfect Countess." "You think that's why he wants Athena?" She laughed out loud. "You are as big a fool as Uri, weak and easily manipulated." She stood in front of him. "Typically, you've come too soon and expect me to be pleased with your efforts. Did it ever occur to you that she is spying for Adama? That she's trying to find out who I am?" He chuckled as he shook his head. "Now you overestimate your importance. What would be the point? It's too late to stop anything. Soon we will be re." "Silence!" she ordered as her eyes bore into the wall over Tollen's shoulder. She had been so irritated with Tollen's stupidity that she had missed the gentle probing. "She's listening." Tollen turned to see that they were still alone. His first instinct was to say that it was impossible for Athena to hear them through the thick walls, but then he remembered that Athena had been blessed with many gifts. She took a tentative step closer to the door as she shook her head. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. "That's not Athena." She moved quickly toward the door and Tollen followed on her heels. Microns later, they walked out into an empty corridor. "Find her," she ordered. "Now!" ~~~ Adama nodded uncertainly as Boxey words spilled out in one long sentence. "We were going so fast and I just thought about spinning and we did and then I made a big loop and then we spinned again and then Dad let me fly back to the other Vipers and then I lead Blue Squadron back into the system." "That's incredible!" Adama returned appreciatively as Apollo laughed. "A squadron leader at seven yahrens? That's got to be some sort of record." "You would have been so proud of him, Father," Apollo told him as they finished their dinner. "Boxey is a natural in the cockpit. He was even able to use the instrumentation to lead us back to the squadron." "Gillian and I have been reading ahead in the manual," Boxey informed them. "Did you know that there is a whole section in there about battles? They're like stories and tell how the pilots did different raids and stuff." "Did you know that one of the Commander's battles is in that book?" Apollo asked. "No! Really Grandfather?" His eyes were wide as he looked at Adama. Adama smiled broadly at his enthusiasm and nodded at his grandson. "I was one of the pilots at the Battle of Gal'Adriel." "No way!" Boxey returned as he stood up out of his chair and went to his grandfather's side. "That's one of my favorite stories! Gillian and I act that one out all the time! Were you one of the ones on the Battlestar or in the patrol?" "I was one of the four surviving pilots from the patrol," he returned. "You were in that daggit fight?" he asked incredulously. "You wiped out two full squadrons on your own!" He shook his head. "Well, I had a little help." "I can't wait to tell Gillian. She's not going to believe it." "Then we'll just have to invite Gillian to dinner and I'll tell you both the story," Adama promised. "Really?" His eyes lit up. "Thanks Grandfather!" He dropped down against Adama's chest to give him a hug. Adama chuckled as he gave Boxey a squeeze then his gaze dropped down to his napkin while Boxey returned to his seat. "Besides, it will be nice to have some female companionship with our meals again." Apollo shot his father a glance. It had been awhile since Adama had pressed him about his love life. He had never been subtle when it came to prying into the personal matters of his children. "Yeah, where is Athena anyway?" Apollo countered then took a sip of his drink as Adama grinned. Boxey looked from his father to his grandfather knowing that there was something behind their comments even though he wasn't sure what it was. He couldn't understand why grownups didn't just say what was on their minds. "Are you going to marry Sheba?" Apollo spewed out the juice he had been drinking as Adama burst out laughing. "What?" Apollo finally managed as he reached for his napkin. "You were kissing her," Boxey returned with a shrug. "Doesn't that mean you want to marry her?" Apollo shot a glance at his father who had his face covered with his hand as he looked down into his lap. He couldn't hear anything, but he could see Adama's shoulders moving and knew that his father was still laughing. "You see Starbuck kissing women all the time and you never ask if he's going to marry them," he returned. "That's because he's Starbuck," Boxey replied with another shrug. Apollo shot another look at his father and knew that he wouldn't get any help from him when he saw Adama discretely wiping away tears. He looked back at Boxey curiously. The conversation had taken on a decidedly adult tone. "Let me ask you a question," Apollo tested. "If I should decide to get sealed again and I'm not saying Sheba and I'm not implying that I even want to get married again." He sighed heavily after adding the qualifiers. "How would you feel about that?" Boxey shrugged. "You need someone in your life, Dad. You seem so lonely." Apollo felt like the wind had been knocked out of him at his son's response. It almost sounded as though Boxey had already thought the possibility through. "You wouldn't think that I'm trying to replace your mother?" he pushed. Boxey laughed at the thought. "You can't replace my mom. Even if you had an exact duplicate, she still wouldn't be my mom. Just like Muffit." He looked down and smiled at the mechanical daggit when it barked and twirled its ears. "I still miss Muffit I, but that doesn't mean that I can't love Muffit II. He's my best friend. Aren't you Muffy?" Apollo's mouth dropped open as he sat in stunned silence watching Boxey talking to his daggit. "Is it okay if Muffit and I go to the Rejuvenation Center for a centar?" Boxey asked. "Boomer said that he would play some compartment billiards with me if I came down." He shook himself out of the fog. "Uh, yeah, sure. But only for a centar. You've got to get some sleep." Apollo shook his head in disbelief once he was alone with Adama. "When did he grow up?" Adama smiled as he leaned his elbows on the table. "Like most children, when you weren't watching." ~~~ Gaea rushed to the launch bay as her stomach churned. Someone onboard that ship had the mental ability to attack psychically and was using that power to slow her down. She could feel the energies of others drawing closer even as her own energy was drained. She fell against the wall and struggled to stay on her feet. It was Semele. She was certain of it. She could almost hear an evil cackle in her head at the knowledge. Gaea's head dropped back against the wall and she deliberately looked up into the bright light above her. The sudden pain deep in her eyes gave her the instant that she needed to regain her thoughts. She pushed down the assault on her senses and clenched one hand into a fist as covered it with the other. She envisioned that fist holding onto the riot of emotions being sent toward her and she was able to gain some relief. She could more clearly sense the people looking for her and the direction that they were in, but there was something else. Her gaze shot down the corridor leading to the landing bay. "Starbuck," she whispered. She couldn't believe that he was there, but she could sense his presence onboard the Adena. She pressed her hand over her warring stomach and ran toward the launch bay. As her attention became focused on finding Starbuck, she could feel the taunting images coming back to her and her stomach churned even more. Gaea pressed a hand to her forehead as her head began to throb. She was sweating by the time she reached the landing bay. She leaned against the cool metal next to the door and tried to get her eyes to focus on the control panel. Steeling herself once more, she drew in a deep breath. "Back off!" she ordered aloud and was given only a slight reprieve. She wiped at her face then looked down at the control panel and punched the door open. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Starbuck told Cassiopia as he toted an assortment of medical boxes off of the shuttle. Cassiopia smiled as she checked off the list on her data pad. "I really appreciate the help," she told him sincerely. "How did you get suckered into this anyway?" he asked as he dropped his load onto the small pallet. "Everyone has been so busy lately that we're two sectaries behind with the deliveries." She gave Jolly a warm smile as he exited the shuttle with the last of the boxes. "If someone didn't step in then these medical supplies would still be sitting in storage." "You volunteered?" Starbuck asked in disbelief and sighed heavily. "Haven't I taught you anything?" When Cassiopia shook her head Jolly interrupted. "When are you going to ditch this guy and go out with me?" he asked as he dropped his boxes onto the pallet. "What?" Starbuck shot a look over at Jolly then did a double take when he caught a glimpse of Athena stumbling into the landing bay over Jolly's shoulder. "Athena?" Cassiopia and Jolly both turned when Starbuck started across the bay then dropped everything to rush after him. Athena clung to Starbuck as soon as he was within reach and he struggled to keep her from hitting the flight deck. "Athena? Are you all right? What's going on?" Starbuck looked up the corridor just before the door to the landing bay closed and saw no one following, but it was obvious that she had been running. "Get me off this ship," she ordered, grateful for his strong arms around her. "Is someone after you?" "Please!" she insisted and felt her knees starting to buckle. "Maybe we should get you to the Life Station on board," Cassiopia suggested instead as she tried to help her stand. "I've got to get to the Commander now." She squeezed her eyes shut as a wave of nausea nearly overwhelmed her. Starbuck hesitated until he felt more of her weight against him. "All right," he said as he gathered her close. "Come on. It's only a few metrons to the shuttle." "I'll get her fired up," Jolly said and hurried back to the cockpit while Cassiopia and Starbuck helped Athena onto the shuttle. When Starbuck tried to strap her in, she pushed his hands away. "Launch," she told him. "I've got to wait for clearance or." Jolly began. "Launch!" Starbuck jerked back at the command then hurried to the front of the shuttle. He had never seen Athena behave that way, but he could hear the urgency in her words. Something was definitely wrong. Within microns, Starbuck and Jolly launched. As soon as they cleared the ship, Starbuck jerked off his headset to silence the flight crew screaming into his ear about their recklessness. "Head straight for the Galactica at best velocity," he ordered Jolly. Starbuck crawled out of the pilot's seat and walked back to see Athena hunched over holding her stomach. Cassiopia was hurriedly searching through a medkit for something to ease her nausea. "Athena? What's going on?" "I'm not Athena," she told him and the shock that he felt pushed her stomach over the edge. She rose quickly and rushed back to the turbo flush. ~~~ "Yes, Boomer told me about finding the patrol schedule this morning," Adama returned while they went over the duty roster. "If it's okay with you, I'd like to arrange a lecture on protocol for the new cadets with Colonel Tigh," Apollo requested. "He has a way of driving home the fact that the regulations are there for a reason." Adama nodded. "An excellent idea. I'll say some." "Commander!" Starbuck interrupted as he walked into Adama's office with Gaea tucked under his arm. "What happened?" Adama asked as he hurried over to Gaea's side. "We need to talk," she said listlessly as she transferred her weight from Starbuck to Adama's arms. "Call Dr. Salik," Adama ordered Apollo. "No!" Gaea insisted. "She wouldn't let us use Fleet communications," Starbuck explained. "Cassiopia is on her way to the Life Station to get Dr. Salik herself." "Please, I need to sit," she said weakly as she moved toward the bench in Adama's office. "What happened?" Apollo repeated while Adama helped Gaea to the seat. Starbuck shrugged uncertainly. "Jolly and I were helping Cass deliver some medical supplies to the Adena when Gaea came stumbling out into the launch bay looking like Athena." "What?" Apollo said softly. "They're after her," Gaea told them and had everyone's attention. "Athena?" Adama asked as he sat down next to Gaea. "Who's after her?" Apollo demanded. "The Illuminati," she clarified. She brought her hand up to her forehead as she felt her stomach turn. "Please stop the questions," she begged and took a moment to try to get her senses under control. Adama gestured for Apollo to get a drink for Gaea from his serving tray as she focused on closing off her telepathic abilities. "I know that this is going to sound like a strange request, but please try to keep your emotions under control," she said as she centered herself. "I know what your questions are and I will answer what I can." Adama took the glass of ambrosa from Apollo and waited while Gaea drew in several slow breaths. He didn't need to be psychic to see that Gaea was quite ill, so he didn't press her and did his best to shut off his thoughts to give her some respite. All three men waited quietly as she took the glass from Adama and drained nearly half its contents. "I was on the Rising Star when Tollen came in with some of his people," she began. "Someone came to him and told him that is mistress wanted to see him, so I followed." She looked up at Adama. "I hoped that he might talk to me if he thought that I was Athena. I thought he might see her as a kindred spirit and it worked, but I had no idea how na‹ve that was until we arrived on the Adena. Tollen and I talked at length about the Illuminati, but that is unimportant at the moment." She brushed it aside as she reached out to take Adama's hand. "Tollen's mistress is the one pulling the strings. She had one of her people manipulating Sire Uri, but he ruined her plans by trying to seize control of the Council. I don't know why the Illuminati wants Athena, but Tollen wasn't supposed to be the one to bring her." She looked up at Apollo, hearing his unasked question of then who is? "I could be any one of a thousand people. The Illuminati have been careful about hiding their membership with the exception of Tollen." She looked back at Adama. "Commander, the person you have been looking for is Siress Semele." "Semele?" Adama repeated in shock. Gaea nodded. "It was her all along. She has been manipulating events in the Fleet for some time. I even suspect that she was the one behind the destruction of the Earth ship. She said that they were one of a legion. She must have people in every conceivable position in the Fleet. There's nothing that she doesn't know about or can find out." "Which is why you didn't want us to use Fleet communications," Starbuck said. "Everything that goes on in this Fleet, she knows," Gaea reiterated then she looked back at Adama. "She's very powerful. Her skills with the mind are beyond anything I had imagined. She has the ability to block out any psychic contact. The only reason I knew it was her was from seeing her through Tollen's mind." She looked up at Apollo as his mind continued to race. "I can tell you which quarters are hers if you want to check them out, but I'm certain that Semele has gone into hiding." "We may find something there that will tell us why the Illuminati want Athena," Apollo said to his father and received a nod in response. "She's the true leader of the Illuminati, but there's something more." She shook her head as she tried to organize all of the images she had received while listening in on their conversation. Tollen's mind had opened up to her once he thought that he was in a protected place and she had absorbed as many images as she could bear. "A power struggle of some sort. I sense that Semele is the one in control, but Tollen is looking for any opportunity to take her place." "If they're planning on using Athena as a pawn then all we have to do is make sure that no one can get to her," Starbuck stated. "Easier said than done with Athena," Apollo responded. "We could always just lock her in her room." "I wish it was that simple," Adama interjected. "Putting Athena into seclusion may be just what the Illuminati want us to do. If they have people on the Galactica, what's to stop them from locating her?" "If you ask me," Starbuck said, "Athena would be better off without Sire Leto and Croft as company." "Who asked you?" Athena said angrily as she stood in the doorway to Adama's quarters. She had only caught the last bit of their conversation, but it was enough to know that she had been the focus. Starbuck and Apollo turned at the sound of Athena's voice and exchanged a guilty look. "We were just." Apollo began. "Talking about me again," she finished for him as she folded her arms across her waist. "Didn't you get the message earlier? I am not spying on my friends for you or anyone else and what right do you have to bring Father into it? Or Gaea?" "Athena, it's not like that," Adama began as he stood. "We're just concerned about your safety." Athena's mouth dropped open as she pointed over to Apollo and Starbuck. "So you agree with them?" she asked incredulously. "Perhaps if you understood our reason." "I'm a grown woman Father," she interrupted. "I don't need you or anyone else deciding who my friends will be." With that, Athena turned and stormed out of the room.