The USS Intrepid - the Hangar Deck
On November 25, 1944, all the men in this Ready Room were instantly killed
when a kamikaze plane struck the ship. This room is protected by plexiglass
so we can see it, but not enter. The rooms in pictures below this were also protected by plexiglass.

Back to the Hangar Deck

The Anchor Room

By this point, my camera battery had died and I had run out of film.
There is a section on the main Hangar Deck where they show a movie of the Japenese attack on the ship on
November 25, 1944. It is beside one of the doors that lead to an exterior aircraft elevator. On that day,
a kamikaze hit that area. Had we been in that spot on that date, we would have died. They told us that at
the end of the movie. The movie, with actual footage, really hits the heart as you think of the courageous
men and women who fight for our country.
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