Palatine Hill

November 19, 2007

Remember on the initial Coliseum page, I mentioned not to lose the ticket you purchased at the Coliseum for it includes entrance to Palatine Hill?

This is where you need it. As you are climbing up the "ramps" and "steps" away from the Roman Forum, there will be a person whom you have to show your ticket. He/She will mark it in some way to show you have been granted access to Palatine Hill. You can use the ticket only once.

When you reach the top, there are a few areas, such as the one below behind the statue at the railings, where you can walk to see a breathtaking overview of the Roman Forum.

Other than that, the initial area is the "Garden" area.

When you are finally able to pull yourself from walking the many acres of garden, you will start to see, what I call, the Emperor's playground. Back then, this was the place to live. It not only overlooks the Roman Forum, but also the Circus Maximus, and Capitoline Hill. The total ground area that this covers makes the Roman Forum look small. It literally goes on and on and on. You start with some of the ruins.

This is a maze of different building segments. This Palatine Hill area soon became a place not only for the emperor, but also for the wealthy and powerful to build their homes.

Once you make it past that, there is a little more of an open area. There are fragments of columns, statues, pottery, buildings...

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