Palatine Hill - The Final Part

November 19, 2007

Palatine Hill even had its own game arena. This is a full oval. Each of the stumps you see was a column at one point in time. Many different types of games were played here including racing.

Finally, we begin our journey towards the end of Palatine Hill.

Walking down the path still has a few more sights. As you reach the far end in the above picture, and turn to the right, you see outside of the arena and more.

The path makes a 180 degree turn.

This is near the end of the Palatine Hill area. The street is to the right. What you have seen on these past few pages are only *Some*, and I stress the word, "some," of the highlights on Palatine Hill. There are at least two small museums on this site that I know of. There are probably some areas I missed on this huge estate. It is a definite Must See if you ever visit Rome!

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