Catacombs of San Callisto

November 20, 2007

Via Appia Antica, 136
00179 Roma, Italy
06 7887035

After we finally left St. Peter's Basilica, we went out to the Taxi area in the Vatican Plaza and caught a taxi to the other side of Rome to see the Catacombs of San Callisto. In a way, it was good that we did. It is possible to take a bus to the Circus Maximus, and catch another bus from there to the Catacombs of San Callisto. However, the Catacombs are "out of the way." having never been there, we may have walked the wrong direction from the bus stop, which is down the road, and missed this entrance (pictured below). The lady taxi driver knew exactly where to take us.

Wow, is this a super long driveway!

Once we arrived, it was not too difficult to find where to purchase tickets. There's also a souvenir shop in that small building.


However, they didn't tell us where to go after they gave us the tickets. They didn't even give us any sort of information pamphlet. There were multiple groups of people standing around outside in the area you see in the above picture. We could tell there were groups that came together as they all wore identical shirts. We walked around the groups until we heard people speaking English. As luck would have it, that was a group of random people waiting for the tour guide just like us. We had to wait around 15 minutes until we were taken through the entrance (picture below).

Not all of the popes are buried in the Grottoes underneath St. Peter's Basilica. There are many who are/were buried in these Catacombs.

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