Inside the Catacombs of San Callisto

November 20, 2007

Descending the steps into the Catacombs. When we were there, pictures were not allowed.
These picture are ones I found.


Normally, I prefer unguided tours so I can go at my own pace and not be rushed. At the Catacombs, you have no choice but to take a guided tour. It is understandable as to why. There are over 12 miles of underground tunnels. It is an archaeological site still being excavated. The tunnels are not blocked off. For the safety of the people, and the preservation of the catacombs and their contents, there is the talking guide in the front, and the silent one in the back to keep everyone in order.


It is interesting the way the original workers buried people. They carved the holes in the wall large enough for the casket and sealed the casket inside. When there was no more wall space at the current level, they dug out the floor until they had another lower level. That is why you see a column of casket spaces that are five high before reaching the ceiling.


There are two places we were shown that have private masses/ceremonies for very small groups/individuals. There just happened to be one about to start with three people when we passed by the one room.

Travel Tip: If you take a cab to the Catacombs, ask the driver if he/she can return in an hour to pick you up. We learned that the hard way. When we were finished in the Catacombs, we went out in the parking area and looked to see how we might return to the main part of Rome. A taxi had just dropped off someone. We asked the driver if he could take us to Trastevere. He said we had to call the taxi company and have a taxi sent to us. We ended up walking the long driveway (about 10 minutes or so of walking) back to the main road. There are no signs or anything helpful at the entrance for directions "Follow the yellow brick road to the Coliseum."). We knew which direction the taxi brought us, so we backtracked in that direction. There was a bus stop around the curve that had only one bus listed on it. We caught the bus to the Circus Maximus. From there we knew where to go.

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