Largo Argentina

(Largo di Torre Argentina)

November 21, 2007

So far, we have had two great days of not only seeing sights in Rome, but experiencing life as if we were living in the city. After all, Jonathan was living in the city for four months as an exchange student. There is plenty more to Rome than just seeing the major tourist attractions.

When we left the apartment area in Trastevere, we walked out to the main road along the Tiber River. We walked past this grade school.

In a few minutes, we were at an above ground subway/tram stop to catch the No. 8 Argentina tram.

The subway took us across the Tiber river. In a few minutes, we were at the final stop of the subway line (picture below). You can see the switches for the subway cars to change tracks. Look above the subway car. There is a split in between the two buildings. That street is Via di Torre Argentina. It's only three blocks to the Pantheon from this final subway stop.

Across the street from the right side of this picture is Largo di Torre Argentina, Largo Argentina for short. It is down below the street surface. The subway line is along the buildings in the back, right half of this picture.

It is home to four Republican Roman temples, and the remains of Pompey's Theater. Oh, and let me not forget, it is also the home to many cats. It's now considered a cat sanctuary. So much so that a group of volunteers takes care of the cats. In this picture, you see a blue bucket of food that one of the volunteers brought them.

This one just wanted so much attention and lovin', it was hard to walk away. Hopefully, I'll be able to see this kittie again when I return to Rome on my next trip.

Alas, we had to move on to the Pantheon. We ended up stopping by Largo Argentina quite a few times during our stay. It was every time we rode the subway.

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