Victor Emmanuel Monument

November 22, 2007

We did so much walking the previous three days, we took the Bus 44 from Via Carini near the hotel to the end of its route - Venezia. That's is short for Piazza Venezia and just happens to be next to the Victor Emmanuel Monument.

We stood on that middle island for a few minutes looking to see if the bus that would take us to the Vatican would arrive in this area. When we saw that it wouldn't we had to start looking around this big area to see where we could catch it.

This is a big area! We crossed over, began walking and looking for other bus stops.

When we turned and really looked at the monument, it is quite a sight.
Ah, but it would not be justice if you didn't also see the monument in its full glory.

This monument, a.k.a. 'Il Vittoriano,' was built in 1885 as a tribute to the first King of a united Italy, Victor Emmanuel II. It was not inaugurated until 1911. Near the statue in the center of the monument is supposed to be the tomb of the unknown soldier. Unfortunately, we didn't climb the steps, or explore the monument or its museum. That is on my plans for my next visit to Rome.

When we finished looking over the monument, we had to find the correct bus number to take us to the Vatican. The Vatican is quite a long walk from here, probably 30 minutes at the minimum. At the bus stop where we arrived, the bus we were looking for did not have a bus stop sign. The traffic around here is continual - no stop signs, no traffic lights. Although the traffic in this picture is light, it was heavy the morning we were there.

We walked around in this area, watching the flow of busses and their numbers. We eventually found the bus stop we needed - on a one-way via heading away from here.

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