Vatican Museum Highlights I

November 22, 2007

We rode a bus to the Vatican today. When we were near the Vatican, we missed the stop at the infamous Y intersection. We didn't know where the bus would be going after it left the tunnel. The elderly gentleman sitting near us, overheard us talking about missing the stop and helped us. It actually wasn't bad. There was a train station terminal about 6 blocks outside the tunnel. The bus looped through there and started making its ways back toward the tunnels. A lady on board also helped us. Right before the tunnels, they told us this was the stop we needed for the Vatican. We thanked them and disembarked. This time we approached the Vatican from the left side instead of the big street in front of it.

To go to the Vatican Museum when you are standing in the main Vatican Plaza, you go through the arches on the right side of the plaza. Since the arches form a half circle, it is in the middle of that circle.

From there, you follow the wall on the left. The line was relatively short - down the street, turn left around the corner, down the short block, turn right at the 90 degree turn in the picture, down the street, turn left around another corner, still following that same wall, and half way down the block. And plenty of peddlers along the way - especially the ones trying to sell you a purse.

Finally, it's the entrance. The entrance was only open from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

Once you are inside, you have to buy tickets.


We followed the crowd as will probably be the same thing you do. Climb the steps, go through the scanner area, and if you wish, stand in line to rent an audio self-tour player (in picture below). If you want to rent the audio device (similar to an ipod), you must have a photo ID or your passport. I think it was 15 Euro. They give you a map with it.

Information on the Vatican Museum is available here.

These are just some highlights from the Vatican Museum

This is a Rafael Room. There are a few of these done by the artist Rafael.

The Entrance was open only from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM when we were there. The exit doors closed at 1:15 PM.
Talk about being in all the halls leading to the Sistine Chapel - trapped like a sardine and being moved along like a herd of cattle.
This is the Hall of Maps.

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