Vatican Museum Highlights IV

November 22, 2007

I must stop here. Otherwise, there can easily be another 50 pages. It is amazing how much is in the Vatican Museum alone. I hope you enjoyed these four pages of museum photos.

You exit at a different area further down the wall from the entrance. When you walk out this exit door, turn right and follow the wall, you will eventually return to the Vatican plaza.

Do you see that beverage vehicle on the right of this picture? A bottle of Coke light cost 3.50 Euro when we were there. That's $5.00 US. That's one expensive pop bottle.

The rest of the day was walking around and doing whatever else it is we wanted to do. The touring of major sites was finished for us.

Since this day was Thanksgiving Day back home across the Atlantic, around 9:00 PM, we went to a Ristorante and had a turkey dinner. This was a common time for us, as well as Romans, to have dinner. It's also not uncommon to be at a Ristorante for 2 hours as dinner is a big occasion to Italians. As was our custom, we finished off the night with a cup of gelato. We called it the night around midnight. In two and a half hours, I had to prepare for my flight home and be in the lobby at 4:00 AM for my taxi ride to the airport. Early Thursday, I has talked to the person at the reception desk about setting up a ride to the airport. They have an agreement with a Taxi company to do it for $35 Euro. Since my trip was in the middle of the night, it was $45 Euro. That was fine with me. It was $15 Euro less than my trip from the airport to the hotel.

Go to page 32 - Vatican Museum Highlights III.                       Go to page 34 - Gelato.

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