
This page is dedicated to the fine delicacy of Gelato. In my opinion, it makes even the best creameries in the States taste bland. There wasn't a gelato flavor that I tried and didn't like. The flavors are very rich. Even though a small cup was $2 Euro, they pack it with the two flavors of your choice.

This page may take a while to load.     :)     For one must enjoy, savor every slow bite of gelato.

Generally said, the best gelato places are "supposed" to be away from the main tourist areas. The only two that I can definitely remember going to are Blue Ice in Santa Maria in Trastever and Della Palma. There are two locations for Della Palma. I don't remember which one we walked to using a map. Now on to the gelato!

Hmmmmmmmmm. Yummmmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmm. Where do we start?

You hear a hypnotizing voice. "You need to have gelato."

"You gotta find gelato."

"You Must Eat Gealto!"

Go to page 33 - Vatican Museum Highlights IV.                       Go to page 35 - Gelato II.

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