Gelato II

Okay, Okay! We have to start looking on the inside of the shops, not just the outsides!

This could be promising!

You say to yourself, "Self, Wow!!!! There are so many different flavors, which one do I choose?"

You continue to look, and search, and taste just by looking.
"Such a tough decision. They all look so good. What does my tummy want?"

As you look further down the same case...

You soon realize that you have been drooling for more than 15 minutes, trying to make a decision.

Go to page 34 - Gelato.                       Go to page 36 - Gelato - There's More?

Jump back 10 pages to Page 25 - The Pantheon.
Jump ahead 10 pages to Page 45 - Santa Maria in Trastevere.