Other Pictures of Rome

These remaining pictures, in no particular order, are places we walked by but didn't stop to see.

Cast' San Angelo - It is straight down Via della Conciliazione from the Vatican. Walk straight down the via from the Vatican to the River and you'll see it. It was the Mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian and his family. It is now a museum. This is on my list of things to do the next time I go to Rome.

The bridge leading to Cast' San Angelo is the Bridge Of Angels. Notice the Angel statues going down both sides.

Continuing down the via from Cast' San Angelo is the Palazzo di Giustizia. Notice the statues on it and even on the roof? Rome loves statues.

When we were searching for tickets and how to enter the Coliseum, we saw these as we walked along Via dei Fori Imperiali. That via leads from the Coliseum to the Victor Emmanuel Monument.

This one I took from across Via dei Fori Imperiali. I had to do some research to discover it is Trajan's Market, real close to the Victor Emmanuel Monument.

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