Walking to Jonathan's Apartment

The American University in Rome

November 18, 2007

Are those groans I hear?

Little did we know, this was only the beginning of the hills we would climb every day. Come on. We have to walk up Via Pietro Roselli.

In the orange/red building, on the right....

Yeah, that one, is the choir room where we sat and listened to a class practice.

After walking past the University and reaching the top of the hill...

...and looking at this building while we catch our breath...

...A-HA!! There is a down hill after all. Even the via name changes. Now we're on Via Giacomo Medici.

Do you see that black jeep-type vehicle in front of the white camper? There are two armed guards, machine guns. They were always there. Some of them were nice and said Hi as we passed. Others ignored us. They were facing a gate in the wall on the right side of this picture. We are not sure what they were protecting. All that we know is they are not the police, nor the armed forces.

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