
Since we spent so much time in Trastevere, it deserves to have a page all of its own. I already mentioned a brief history on a previous page.

Outdoor seating for ristoranti is as common here as in many of the alleyways, err streets, uh via in Rome. Most of the ristoranti will have a menu displayed outside on a easel. The one below was on the same "via" as Jonathan's apartment, only a few minutes walk away.

Short after passing the ristoranti, there is a small square area with a church - Santa Maria Della Scala. You can see the name above the door. The Della Scala comes from the street name as we are still on Via della Scala.

When there is no mass occurring, the gate is closed and locked.

Across from the church is a small Panini place where we grabbed a quick bite to eat.

If you walk down the alley to the left of the building, it will eventually bring you out to the main street, err via beside the Tiber River. You will be at the Mostra Dell. You already saw a different picture of this on Page 4.

From here, where there is a break between the trees, where there is a small crowd of people, it is another via. It will lead back to Jonathan's apartment.

I must remind you, it is very easy to become lost in the mazes of Rome. Trastevere is no different.

It is only by pure luck, that I found the street above on Google Earth. It is Vicolo del Bologna. Getting lost isn't so bad. We knew we would come out at either the river of Via Garibaldi at some point, maybe even the Tram lines. We also were able to see little stores hidden away from the mainstream crowds.

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