Trastevere - Continued

One thing I noticed when we were there, the local folk will eat outside whether it is warm or cold.

This first picture is in Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere.

As you can see in the following picture, there are really no parking rules in Rome, unless a sign explicitly marks the area as No Parking. Other than that, it is basically, "Park wherever you can fit your vehicle/moped." I saw one case where the car parks its front end pointing to the corner of the curb. You can parallel park, park at a perpendicular angle, park at any angle in which your mode of transportation fits. Maybe you want your front wheels on the curb, or maybe your back wheels. Maybe you want to park your car on the sidewalk. Actually, what is in the picture below is mild to some of the park jobs I saw near the hotel along Via Carini and in the alleyways.

Here's another good example of parking. Double parking? Sure. Why not. Not a single vehicle in this picture has a person in it.

This fountain is in the center of Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere.

"Taxi, anyone? I still have 8 lives left in me. I'm the fastest meow this side of the Tiber river. Surely, how could you pass up a kittie as pretty as me?"

I know I may have overdone it with so many pictures of Trastevere. I hope it gives you a small idea of what life in Rome is like outside of all the mainstream attractions. There is a whole lot more to Rome than just the Coliseum and the Vatican. Before I traveled to Rome, all I knew about it was the Vatican and Coliseum.

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