Rome Churches

These are churches that have not appeared on previous pages

Basilica di Santa Prassede - There is a segment of the alleged pillar upon which Jesus was flogged and tortured before his crucifixion in Jerusalem. Historians dispute it due to lack of evidence. You can decide.

Basilica di San Bartolomeo on Tiber Iland

Basilica dei Santi Cosma e Damiano

Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore

Chiesa Nuoval - St. Philip Neri tomb

Santa Croce in Gerusalemme - This is said to be a piece of Jesus' Cross

San Paola Fuori le Mura

San Giovanni in Laterano

As you walk out of the front doors of San Giovanni, look directly left and you'll see the side of Scala Sancta.

Go to page 46 - Pizza in Rome.                       Go to page 48 - Scala Sancta.

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