Scala Sancta - The Holy Stairs

The Scala Sancta are said to be the stairs that Jesus climbed on his way to the praetorium to stand trial before Pontius Pilate at his palace in Jerusalem. The legend is these stairs were brought from Jerusalem to Rome around 326 AD, by St. Helena.

There are 28 steps. The original steps are preserved by wooden steps. To climb them, you must do so on your knees. If you cannot, there are steps that you can walk up at the side of this building.

There are "windows" in the wood stairs that you can look through and see the blood of Jesus. It is said to be a slow climb on your knees. But, in doing so, you are absolved of your sins.

Once at the top, you can see the chapel of St. Lawrence (Sancta Sanctorum).

The Scala Sancta is at the top of my list to visit on my next trip to Rome.

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