Battlestar Galactica: The Audio Plays Episode Nine: "Trapped on a Cylon Baseship!" Story by Steven Today Script by Steven Today ROUGH DRAFT Circa 1979 FINAL DRAFT September 18, 1998 Battlestar Galactica characters, names, situations and the Battlestar Galactica universe are the property of Universal Studios. I nor this script are connected with Universal Studios in any way, shape or form. Story contents are Copyright 1979-1998 by Steven Today ( All rights reserved. This document must remain fully intact and may not be altered in anyway. It is strictly used for not-for-profit entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe on any Copyrights. TRAPPED ON A CYLON BASESHIP! FADE IN COUNT IBIS (VOICE OVER): There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe. With tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids, or the lost civilizations Lemur or Atlantis. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive far, far amongst the stars. [BATTLESTAR GALACTICA THEME] [STARRING THEME] [GALACTICA] [LAUNCH BAY] RIGEL (BLUNT, OVER LOUD SPEAKER): This is Core control to Deep Probe Five. You are cleared to launch. Launch when ready. [COLONIAL VIPER LAUNCH] STEV (BLUNT): This is Deep Probe Five to base, I'm starting down my search quadrant. I should be back in a few Sentars. RIGEL (BLUNT, OVER RADIO): This is Core Control, copy Deep Probe Five. We'll be waiting for you. [VIPER TURBOS] STEV (SMUG): Fantastic! I'd like to see a computer do that. [BASESHIP] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command, Spectre. Long range scan indicates a Colonial Viper is heading towards us. SPECTRE (SMUG, ELECTRONIC): A Colonial Viper, well well. Don't you find it strange Centurion that the entire Colonial fleet was reported destroyed yet we came across a Viper? CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Perhaps it is the last remaining fighter that somehow escaped. SPECTRE (SMUG): But that was many sectons ago, it would have run out of fuel long ago. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Perhaps it was on a planet all this time and now decide to travel. SPECTRE (ANNOYED): No! The fleet was never destroyed! It still exists! That is why we're still out here! CENTURION (ROBOTIC): But that would mean Imperious Leader lied. SPECTRE (SMUG): Precisely. I have it from good word Imperious Leader has lied about a great number of things. Once I expose the one about the Colonial Fleet the rest will be exposed. I'll be become the new Imperious Leader's I-L unit and the blasted Lucifer will get what he desires. The scrap pile! CENTURION (ROBOTIC): What is your command? SPECTRE (SMUG): Release the storm on that fighter. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command. [CENTURIONS] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Long range scan indicated unknown craft approaching. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Alert the crews. [SIRENS] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Lens system aligned. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): All systems to speed. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Ready to fire. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Locked on target? CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Locked. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Fire. [STRANGE NOISES] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Fire. [STRANGE NOISES] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Fire. [STRANGE NOISES] STEV (SINGING): Love is here, love is there. Love is. Oh, what bore. [STRANGE NOISES] STEV (BLUNT): This is Deep Probe five to base. Nothing in this sector. I'm about to make my wide sweep back to- [SCANNER] RIGEL (CONFUSED, OVER RADIO): What is it Deep Probe five? STEV (BLUNT): I'm picking up several small objects headed my way at sub- light speed. 200 microns. 190. 180. I'm going to investigate. RIGEL (CONFUSED, OVER RADIO): What are they? [SCANNER] STEV (BLUNT): Unknown, the scanner hasn't identified them yet. 140. 130. 120. RIGEL (URGENT, OVER RADIO): Get out of their Deep Probe Five! STEV (BLUNT): Not yet, the scanner is almost finished. 90. 80. 70. RIGEL (CONCERNED, OVER RADIO): It's your call, but remain in constant radio contact. STEV (BLUNT): Will do. 40. 30. [SCANNER] STEV (EXCITED): Frac! They are groups of meteors! RIGEL (URGENT, OVER RADIO): Get out of there Deep Probe Five! STEV (EXCITED): Too late! [IMPACTS] STEV (EXCITED): Feldercarb! I'm losing power base! Base? [IMPACTS] STEV (EXCITED): Have to try and knock them off course! [VIPER LASERS] [EXPLOSIONS] STEV (RELIEVED): They're gone and I'm still alive, for now. Better check damage. One wing gone with only half a wing left. One thruster destroyed, one inoperative. Power gone including lasers. The only thing that seems to be working is life resources and emergency lighting. Oh no! I'm starting to spin! I can't control! My tail is gone! My only hope is the Galactica. Wait, what is that. Three objects out of my windshield headed this way. Could it be help already? Well, if they're Battleships it could be! Yahoo! [CYLON RAIDERS FLYBY] STEV (FRUSTRATED): No! Cylon Raiders! I would have been better off if those meteors had destroyed me. They should fire any micron. At least when I'm dead I don't have to run from them anymore. [STRANGE NOISE] STEV (CONFUSED): What the. They are tractor beaming me. Why didn't they shoot me down? [BASESHIP] STEV (EXCITED): Oh no! A Cylon baseship! I was only once on a Baseship. I was caught on a planet and taken aboard. Tortured for data I did not have. When all was hopeless a Battlestar attacked. During the battle I managed to escape. But now I'm right above it. [RAIDER FLYBY] STEV (FRUSTRATED): If only I had laser power, I could fire and I could fire and take out the entire bay. [RAIDERS LAND] STEV (CONFUSED): Where did everyone go? Well, I can't stay in here forever. Might as well go out firing. There is no power so I'll have to blow the canopy. [SMALL EXPLOSION] [STRANGE NOISE] STEV (EXCITED): Aaah! I can't see! What happened? CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Grab the human pest. STEV (EXCITED): No you don't! [LASERS] [SMALL EXPLOSION] STEV (EXCITED): Ha! I got you! Hey! Let go of me! Give me back my gun! CENTURION (ROBOTIC): I've disarmed it. STEV (ANNOYED): Oh sure! Now my sight come back! CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Take him to Spectre. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command. STEV (EXCITED): Let go of me! [GALACTICA] TIGH (BLUNT): Commander, the Vipers and Battleships have searched the entire area. All their scans picked up were meteor debris and fragmented parts of a Viper. Should we widen the search? ADAMA (BLUNT): No. The meteors got him. Launch a new Deep Probe Five. TIGH (BLUNT): Yes sir. [BASESHIP] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command. We have brought the prisoner to you. SPECTER (PLEASED): Excellent. Welcome human. This will be the last room you will ever see. If you do no cooperate. STEV (DEFIANT): I am Lieutenant Stev. Series number 234678321-876558. SPECTER (ANNOYED): Lieutenant of what? The Galactica? STEV (DEFIANT): No, the Rycon. SPECTER (ANNOYED): You can not decep me. I know you are from the Galactica, the only Battlestar that exists. Or should I say did exist, it was just destroyed. STEV (SHOCKED): What! That's impossible! I just left her! SPECTER (SMUG): Thank you for confirming its existence and the it is in the area. STEV (ANNOYED): Fracing machine! SPECTER (SMUG): Give me the exact location of the Galactica and you will be spared. What do you say? STEV (DEFIANT): Go eat your Centurions instead of your primaries for lunch! SPECTER (ANNOYED): You've over played your hand, Lieutenant. We can extract the location from your Viper's computers. Exterminate him Centurion. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command. [DRAWN SWORD] STEV (SCARED): I hope it is a clean cut. This is it! SPECTER (STERN): Stop Centurion! CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command. SPECTER (SMUG): I just wanted to prove to you I mean what I say. STEV (SMUG): I think it has more to do that my Viper lost complete power so the location of the Galactica has been lost. SPECTER (STERN): Give me the coordinates of the Galactica and you will be spared. STEV (DEFIANT): Never! SPECTER (ANNOYED): Fine, have it your way. Centurion, take the prisoner away and extract the information by any means necessary. Once he has confessed terminate him. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command. This way human pest. SPECTER (SMUG): I feel so sorry for you, Lieutenant. STEV (ANNOYED): You can't fool me, Cylons don't have feelings. [HATCH] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): This way Human Pest. STEV (ANNOYED): Yes, I know my way to the torture chambers. [BASESHIP] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Now what is the exact position of the Galactica? STEV (DEFIANT): The what? [HIGH PITCH NOISE] STEV (IN PAIN): Aaah! I can't take it! But I must! [HIGH PITCH NOISE] Aaah! The pain! CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Where is the Galactica? [HIGH PITCH NOISE] STEV (IN PAIN): I tell you I don't know! [HIGH PITCH NOISE STOPS] STEV (CONFUSED): What? They stopped. Have they given up already. The Galactica is in quadrant hector by alpha one omega six. Off the blue star in heldor sector. What the. I couldn't stop myself. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Now that we have the information you are no longer need. Terminate the human pest. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By your command. STEV (ANNOYED): Here we go again. [SIRENS] STEV (CONFUSED): What the. CENTURION (ROBOTIC, OVER LOUDSPEAKERS): Attention. Attention. Long range scan indicates Vipers headed this way. STEV (CONFUSED): Vipers? They are coming to save me? CENTURION (ROBOTIC): It is too late. Your fate is sealed. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): By the indication of more Vipers we have all the proof we need. We don't even need to find the Galactica now. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Yes. All we need to do is terminate the human pest. STEV (SMUG): I think you have that backwards. CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Give me back my laser. STEV (SMUG): Sure. Here you go. [LASER] [SMALL EXPLOSION] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): Stop it! [LASER] [SMALL EXPLOSION] CENTURION (ROBOTIC, OVER LOUDSPEAKERS): Prepare for light speed, we must leave this area before we are in their scan range. [SMALL EXPLOSION] [EXPLOSION] Twenty-seven Microns till light speed. STEV (SMUG): There, that took care of the Centurions. Now for the I-L unit! [HATCH] CENTURION (ROBOTIC): The human pest is escaping! [LASER] [SMALL EXPLOSION] CENTURION (ROBOTIC, OVER LOUDSPEAKERS): Eleven Microns till light speed. STEV (EXCITED): There are too many of them! [LASER] [SMALL EXPLOSION] CENTURION (ROBOTIC, OVER LOUDSPEAKERS): Five Microns till light speed. [LASER] STEV (IN PAIN): Ah! They got me in the leg! [LASER] [SMALL EXPLOSION] [THRUSTERS] CENTURION (ROBOTIC, OVER LOUDSPEAKERS): We have entered light speed! STEV (IN PAIN): I'm cut off, cornered in this room. Where am I anyway. Hey, this looks like the navigational controls. Good bye navigations! [LASERS] [EXPLOSIONS] CENTURION (ROBOTIC, OVER LOUDSPEAKERS): Emergency! Emergency! The navigational systems are off-line! We are out of control! STEV (IN PAIN): Aaah. I'm done for. But I would give my life to see that I- L's reaction when he is told that there is no control. It is only a matter of time before we ram into a star or planet at the speed of light. SPECTRE (FRANTIC, VOICE OVER): NNNOOO!!! [HUGE EXPLOSION] OMEGA (EXCITED): Commander! It we've picked up a huge explosion on the edge of the scan screen! ADAMA (CONCERNED): Identification? ATHENA (BLUNT): None. But it could be natural. ADAMA (STERN): Or a large ship. TIGH (BLUNT): Droidon or Cylon? ADAMA (BLUNT): Does it matter? TIGH (BLUNT): I guess not. Should we investigate? ADAMA (BLUNT): No, if there is one there can be more. Veer away from that sector and pull all of our ships out of it. We can't afford detection. Notified the America. TIGH (BLUNT): Yes sir. [COLONIAL/TERRAN FLEET] ADAMA (VOICE OVER): Fleeing the Cylon and Droidon Ternary. The last Battlestar, the Galactica accompanied by the Terran fleet, leads a ragtag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest. A shinning planet know as earth. [BATTLESTAR GALACTICA END THEME] THE END