Carta's End By Gregg Eshelman January 6, 2000 This story is set on one of the Colonial worlds after the fleet left. There are many people left on the colonies, some of the estimates run as high as 8 or 9 billion spread over the 12 worlds. They fight on, hoping to drive the Cylons off at least one world or to cause them so much damage that they pull back long enough for them to regroup. Hope that help may come from an outside agent has long since fled for most of the survivors. The raid hadn't gone quite as planned. An extra squad of centurions had been posted at the armory the day before and the resistor's recon had missed it. Carta had stayed to provide cover fire as the survivors retreated. He couldn't run since he had taken a shot from a cylon blaster rifle in his left leg. He lay there as quiet as he was able, waiting for the patrols to either pass by or return to their posts so he could try and get to better cover. Unbidden, his thoughts flashed back a centar to when he was wounded; "Carta! Stay here. We'll try to get a team back to pick you up!" Aren had yelled as they tried in vain to press the raid to its objective. It was only a few more centons until it was clear they had to retreat. Now Carta lay there in pain, hoping that _something_ would happen soon, either the rescue team's arrival or being found by the Cylons. He was beginning to not care which. He snapped awake with a start, catching himself before he sat up. "Stupid," he thought. "Sit right up so they can blast your head off." "I'm losing it. Loss of blood, I'm getting delerious. I hope they get here soon." Now he heard what had awoken him, the signature whooming sound of the cylon's eye scanners and their thudding gait. The sound got louder, he tensed, holding his blaster ready, determined to take one with him. "Little good that will do." was his grim thought. The noise got quieter, the search patrol moved away. He relaxed as much as he was able. Finally he had to put the blaster down and grasp his right wrist with his left hand, the pressure was building up again from the old injury. He knew that with a certain twist of his hand the pressure would ease but it always made a *crack* loud enough to startle anyone who didn't know about it. Certainly enough noise to alert any cylon within a hundred metrons. Carta's mood had swung back to where he didn't want to die and he began to hope again for rescue. "Carta! You be careful with the woodcutter! I don't want to have to haul you off to the medic with you all chopped to bits. You hear me?" "Yes mother! I'll be careful." Not two centons later he was finished with his project. He turned off the woodcutter and examined the smooth edges of the board. Carelessly he set the board on the table and the still spinning blade WHANGED into the fingers of his right hand, ringing like a gong. His wounded leg twitched as he slept, skuffling a few pebbles. A cylon paused, calculated that the noise had a high probability of being caused by a small animal and continued the precise search pattern. *CRACK* "Ewwww! Don't do that!" "Sorry, Dima. Its this old woodcutter injury. I have to do that or it starts to hurt like sticking it in a clamp." "Well stop doing it around me. Cutting up this amphoid for bioclass makes me sick enough." Just for spite he made his wrist crack again. Dima playfully swatted him on the shoulder. "You had better get 'cracking' on your amphoid dissection or the instructor will be cracking you over the head!" A slight smile formed on his lips as he dreamt about Dima, sweet, beautiful Dima. Dima of his thoughts, night and day. Dima who had gone to Academy while his injury had kept him out of the military. Dima who had gotten sealed to another man. Dima who now lay dead with the three billion others who had been slaughtered on this world. He stirred from sleep again, weakened, unable to concentrate. The thoughts of Dima had disturbed him. "Why her? Why Dima when there have been so many others?" "I can't think straight, my ears are roaring." "Damn wrist hurts." *CRACK* "Oh frack!" He didn't make it to his blaster. The End