Battlestar Galactica: Adventures Of A Space Casanova by Eric Paddon and Seanchaidh Based on the episodes "The Man With Nine Lives", written by Donald Bellisario and "Murder On The Rising Star", written by Terence McDonnell and Jim Carlson Battlestar Galactica: The Man With Nine Lives From The Adama Journals Twelve sectans have now passed since the remarkable chain of events that began with a missing patrol of vipers and an encounter with an enigmatic figure who called himself Count Iblis. In only a matter of days we were witness to such incredible sights as the capture of Baltar, the disappearance of the Cylon pursuit force, and the intervention of those mysterious beings of light traveling faster than the eye could comprehend. Who in their boundless mercy gave us both deliverance from Count Iblis and his evil plans, and coordinates that presumably will guide us to the planet Earth. No reference of time seems apparent in the curious directions. Quadrant Alpha, nineteen million sectars by Epsilon Vector 22 on a circular reckoning course of 000.9. They are so general and ambiguous. I'm reminded of how when I was a young boy of eighteen, I traveled by hovermobile from Caprica City to Laodicea on the other side of the continent and got lost at one point. When I stopped to ask for directions, a local tavern owner told me to keep following Continental Pathway #1, and eventually I'd get there. He wouldn't tell me if it would be in another five centars or five centons, but I'd know sooner or later. I somehow sense that same ambiguity in these coordinates. They tell us that the direction we are traveling is correct, but it is impossible to know if we can expect to find Earth tomorrow, or many yahrens from now. Or even in this present generation. General surveys of the various planets we have passed have provided some promising reassurances that this heading is indeed correct, and that the coordinates that Apollo, Starbuck and Sheba revealed to us were not the result of some space hallucination following their mysterious last encounter with Count Iblis. Our archeological teams have discovered artifacts that date back more than 7000 yahrens and are clearly Kobollian in origin. They are telltale signs that the space ark that carried the Thirteenth Tribe to Earth followed this same path long ago, and that we can be reassured that we are getting closer. There has been no trace of our enemy since that day when Count Iblis caused the pursuit force that had dogged us from the very beginning of our flight from the Colonies, to disappear in the blink of an eye. It seems clear to me that the good grace of the Lords has not allowed that task that Iblis performed with an ultimate evil purpose in mind to be undone, and that we in all likelihood have reached that important phase of our journey across the stars where the danger from the Cylons has passed for good. Because of this, an air of optimism has taken hold of the Fleet. Our people's expectations grow with each passing day. It has now reached a point where I feel comfortable giving extended furlons to our weary combat pilots. I noted with disappointment that Apollo seemed reluctant to take advantage of this extra leisure time that his fellow pilots are enjoying. There seems to be something deep within Apollo's soul that keeps him from loosening up and enjoying the few pleasures of living that remain to us. Perhaps what Athena once told me is true and that the memory of Serina's death continues to haunt him. This morning, I decided to prod him in the right direction. I all but gave him a direct order to go with Blue Squadron to the Rising Star and leave me and Athena to look after Boxey. Hopefully his time over there will lead to some new, more promising developments. About the only thing that worries me is whether or not Starbuck plans on taking advantage of Apollo's lack of enthusiasm to win some high stakes at the chancery tables. Chapter One It was like the days of old, when the warriors used to shuttle off the Galactica to whichever port she was at, and have a few days' furlon on the surface. In those days, Starbuck used to live for those furlons, anticipating the sights he'd see, whether they were the new sights of a brand-new locale, or the familiar scenery of a favorite getaway. He would always have his friends in tow, looking for adventure and amusement wherever they went, knowing that they'd have to be back at their ship at certain point in the future. So much had changed since those fondly remembered days of independence. Now, the old familiar furlon hunting grounds were gone, long destroyed by the Cylons in their quest to destroy the human race. Any new planets the Galactica visited were more often than not for missions, not furlons, though the odd one might occur here and there. And even the furlons were few and far between, with the Cylons being a threat that always loomed over the humans' shoulder, poising to strike even if they hadn't made an appearance for sectons. It was with immense relief and joy that Starbuck received the news that at long last, Commander Adama was putting the squadrons on furlon. They'd been on alert for too long, and everyone aboard the battlestar knew it. Tempers were growing short, and attention spans weren't as good as they once were. It was getting to the point where the warriors needed to get away from their responsibilities and enjoy themselves without needing to worry about alerts and combat. And so here they were, on a shuttle packed with warriors, headed for the Rising Star. Starbuck grinned as he pulled out one of his fumarellos, his precious habit that was being threatened with the lack of real tobaccon in the fleet. Like many other things, tobaccon was a commodity that didn't add to the well-being of the fleet, and the space where it might be grown was better off being used to grow food. Knowing that, Starbuck didn't bother lighting it, especially since it was forbidden aboard the shuttle. It was more of a reflex action that allowed him to relax, and remind him of the old days. Besides, it was the sign of confidence. He had a new system for Pyramid planned. And Apollo knew it, too. It wasn't anything that had to be said; it was more an observation gleaned from his friend's body language. Yahrens of being Starbuck's closest friend and wingmate enabled Apollo to know things about Starbuck that took others some time to figure out. Starbuck and his enthusiasm for wagering were one of those things that Apollo knew all too well. It was also one of the reasons why Apollo had been so reluctant to join the rest of the squadron on the Star. He knew his father suspected that he had other reasons for evading the furlon's escapade to the gaming ship, preferring to stay in his quarters and simply rest, maybe spending time with Boxey. Anything but be a hapless victim to Starbuck's ploys. For a few microns, Apollo wondered how he might have his vengeance on Adama, because if it weren't for his father's direct order, he wouldn't be there on the shuttle. He remembered a few pranks he had pulled on his father as a child, and how little Adama had appreciated them. Apollo's personal favorite had been one winter evening at the age of nine, when he had gone outside with a protective bag to scoop snow into it. He'd then snuck upstairs to his parents' bedroom, where he had quietly slipped the bag underneath the covers next to Adama's feet. It had been worth the grounding he'd received to see his father jump out of bed with a great screech, but after the stern lecture he'd received, coupled with the threat of the strap, it was the last one he'd ever played on his father. Glancing over at his friend, Apollo spotted the grin on Starbuck's face, and quickly looked away. He knew that Starbuck had something up his sleeve, and it would involve a Pyramid table. With a great sigh, he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the back of his seat. He would need his strength to put up with whatever it was. "I wonder how much longer this shuttle ride's going to take?" Starbuck wondered idly, hearing Apollo give another sigh as he tried to get comfortable. He looked about the shuttle's cabin, seeing the familiar faces that surrounded them. Lately, they'd been pinched with fatigue, but now they were bright again with cheer and energy. He spotted Jolly and Boomer on the other side, both engaged in an animated conversation. The four of them would have been sitting together, but by arriving late with the reluctant Apollo, they were forced to sit in the only two vacant seats. "It takes about fifteen centons to get over," Apollo muttered, finally in a comfortable position. He folded his hands neatly in front of him and forced himself to relax. It felt good, though it was going to make him feel sleepy, shown by the yawn that suddenly developed. He wondered if anyone would mind if he simply disappeared into one of the suites available through the Rising Star's dining lounge to sleep. Boxey would be jealous, he thought as he smiled slightly, because he would never wake up to a sitting dish of mushies in front of him. "We launched three centons ago." "Oh." Starbuck twirled the fumarello in his fingers, then crossed his arms before uncrossing them to rest on the armrests. They were what he liked to think of as his prechancery jitters. "You know, Apollo, I just can't wait to get to that gambling deck." Apollo gave an inward groan, but decided not to answer. "It's been so long since I last came to a chancery for more than a few centars at time, you know," Starbuck continued. "Not since Carillon, and I've had all this time to mull over some ideas on what I might do. I think I've finally got a system that can't lose." This time, Apollo did respond. He opened his eyes to give Starbuck a sidelong glance, otherwise not moving. "Can't lose?" "Nope." Starbuck finally decided on holding onto his fumarello with one hand, while his other arm stayed on the rest. "You'll have to excuse me if I get a sense of deja vu, but," Apollo paused, "those were the exact words you used at the gaming chancery on Pineus." He closed his eyes again, knowing that he was missing out on a great expression on Starbuck's face. "That's not fair!" "It's funny that you should mention that, but I didn't think so, either." He gave Starbuck another hard look, remembering the evening of their return to the Galactica as two very downtrodden warriors. "Especially since I lost a secton's pay betting on your last system." Starbuck shrugged, remembering the furlon as well. It had been a system he'd heard about from a warrior in Green Squadron, and after a little bit of adapting and fine-tuning, Starbuck had been positive that the system was fit for a trial at Pineus. The planet was one of the most famous leisure worlds known in the Colonies, and had been for nearly two hundred yahrens. It was also a world where many a traveler had departed without his or her cubits. "I know what went wrong," he defended himself. How was he supposed to know that the system failed if the round in particular went over three turns? "So do I!" Apollo shot back, as he pointed to himself. "I lost a secton's pay!" "It could have been worse," Starbuck replied truthfully. "You could have lost a sectar's pay, or even a yahren's." "If I had, I'd be incarcerated right now for terminating you," came Apollo's sweet comeback. "It'll be a cold day in Hades when I find myself back in a chancery with you at my side." Starbuck watched as his friend settled back into his seat, a determined expression coming onto his face. He hated it when Apollo threw those little tantrums, because he knew that in the end, he never succeeded in what he swore he wouldn't do. All it took was a little firm convincing from Starbuck to get him to follow. Besides, where would he be without Apollo's financial support? Coming toward the Rising Star in the opposite direction was the civilian shuttle Canaris. Although she really wasn't a shuttle, having actually started her career as a private transport on the Aquaria-Canceria-Caprica tourist route, she'd been one of the few ships to be able to take an overcrowded load of people following the Destruction. Her status as a small ship that easily fit in the large landing bays of several ships in the fleet immediately classified her as a shuttle. Kerby had served aboard the Canaris in the two yahrens before the Annihilation, and he knew every part of her better than anything else. The pilot who flew the ship had only been aboard her for a few sectars, at the most, and Kerby had actually shown her most of the ropes. She had been a typical assignee from the Cancerian branch of the Star Travels Agency, but her attitude changed as the pilot began to respect the ship with Kerby's influence. The only problem with being assigned as a shuttle meant that the ship was about tenth on the list when it came to spare parts. Most of the pieces that became available went to ships that really needed it, like the actual ships that carried the remnants of humanity across the stars. Then came the bigger transports, then finally the smaller ships like the Canaris. Kerby made it his business to find the bigger parts to keep the ship running. It could be difficult, but so far, he'd come up with enough to keep the Canaris in fair condition. Along with his ongoing quest to find good parts for the ship, Kerby had a lot of other responsibilities, including acting as a kind of steward on-board the ship while they were doing their runs between ships. He'd see how the passengers were doing, and he'd collect their ducats. It wasn't like the old days, when passengers had to pay for their voyages from Colony to Colony. Now they were used to make sure that the person coming aboard the ship had the proper authorization to voyage. That's what Kerby was doing at the centon. The Canaris was on one of her most popular routes, to the Rising Star, and most of the passengers were from the Seniors ship, and two other passenger liners. He studied their faces as he walked down the aisle between the rows of seats, pushing his ducat collector in front of them with his near-mantra line of, "Ducats, please. Your ducats, please." Most people followed without a second thought. Others would engage him a bit of small talk as he gathered the ducats, but mostly no one could give the time of day. Today, the on-ship display was featuring the InterFleet Broadcast, the network that had sprung up no more than a sectar before, in an attempt to unify the two-hundred-andtwenty ships into some form of civilization. Unlike the networks that had flourished on the Twelve Worlds, with the programs available in the Colony's native language, the IFB's selection was meager at best. At that micron, the tail end of the centarly news broadcast was finishing. There really wasn't much news in the fleet, and most of what the two anchors, Zara and Zed, had to say dealt with boosting the morale of the people in the fleet. Kerby barely gave Zed, a middle-aged man with graying brown hair that was stylishly coifed and a fake smile, a second look as he continued with his duty. "The fact that the Cylons haven't been seen in nearly a five sectars shows us that we seem to have evaded them for good," the anchor was saying, finishing off each sentence with one of those dramatic pauses that seemed too artificial for most people's taste. "Word from that Galactica that most of her squadrons are going on furlon seems to support that observation. Good news for a change. "Those are the top stories for the IFB news. After this brief message, we'll go to Zara's closing feature, the 'Warrior of the Centar.'" The image changed to a shot of the Galactica's bridge, with the facial shot of a bridge officer directly in the middle of the monitor. Behind him, other officers could be seen going about their duties. This, Kerby thought, was the epitome of propaganda, because that's what it was. Propaganda to encourage people to enlist into the Colonial military. He listened to it with half an ear as he went about collecting more ducats. "The survival of our fleet depends on the dedication and quality of our warriors, but we still need a few good men and women," the officer was saying, and out of the corner of his eye, Kerby could see the monitor showing images of Vipers both on patrol and in battle. They certainly made a romantic image to warm the hearts of the adventurous, he noted. "If you're between the ages of 16 and 46 yahrens, and not already serving in a highly critical civilian position, you should consider becoming a Colonial Warrior. If you want to be become part of the team that's defending the fleet, request an open channel to the Galactica's recruitment. We need you." Kerby let out a sigh as he advanced to the next row of passenger seats. Maybe if he were a few yahrens younger, he'd consider it, even with his position here on the Canaris. Others could do this job as well as he could. Then again, ducats were one thing. Taking care of the old Canaris was another. No, there wasn't anyone else who could take care of her like he could. The scene changed one more time back to the original studio, where a younger woman with the same artificial look as Zed was sitting with the huge letters "IFB" were displayed. Kobol know where the IFB had drudged up their anchors, but during the Canaris' travels, Kerby had seen plenty who by far outclassed those two. Orban had been the star reporter for the TNV on Virgon, while Serina of Caprica's BNC had won awards from across the Colonies for her stories. "Welcome!" she began, smiling at the monitor. "Please join me in welcoming Lieutenant Starbuck." The scene widened to include Zara's guest, a warrior that Kerby had seen many times on the IFB during the semi-regular Triad games. Unlike the usually brash exterior the lieutenant displayed, Starbuck was now visibly nervous at being interview up close, something completely different from the Triad games. "Hello!" Zara greeted him, and was rewarded by a wan smile. "Uh, hi..." "Why don't we start with some background information?" she suggested. "How about your age? How old are you, Lieutenant." Starbuck shrugged. "I don't know." A trilling laugh came from Zara. "I realize that you must be very nervous at being interviewed, but surely you can remember how old you are!" "That's the problem. I don't know how old I am." Starbuck leaned back in his chair, the fingers of his right hand dancing slightly on the armrest as he spoke. "You see, I was orphaned back in 7322, when the Cylons attacked the little agron community of Umbra on Caprica. I was found wandering in the Thorn Forest after the attack by some Colonial Warriors, and they never could find out who my parents were. Almost all the records that were there were obliterated. So I really don't know how old I am, but to answer your question, I'm probably about thirty-two yahrens old." Zara was leaning forward in her seat, her eyes wide with interest. To Kerby, she looked like she was anticipating something, as though something had been placed before her, and she was about to pounce on it. "I'm sorry to hear that." "Actually, it's been good in some ways. When the Cylons annihilated the Colonies, almost everybody I know lost one or more loved ones. Not having a family to lose, I guess that I was just lucky." There were only a few more rows to go, and Kerby glanced at his wrist chrono. Only fifteen more centons before the Canaris was due to dock at the Rising Star, so he was running a little behind. He came upon a row where an older man and woman were sitting, and with his polite, "Your ducats, please," placed the collector in front of them. The woman, an elegant siress with an ornate dress and tidily pulled-back hair, placed her ducat in the slot, but the man held up his hand to tell him to wait as he listened to Starbuck finish his sentence. Glancing at the uncollected seats, Kerby ventured, "Sire, your ducat, please." With a determined flick, the man turned the monitor off, and turned to face him. Kerby found himself looking into two very intelligent and bright blue eyes. The man himself was dressed in a neat suit, and he appeared to be at least ten yahrens older than his companion. With a shake of his head, the man said, "We're making a mistake with that program." "Your ducat, please, sir. We're only fifteen centons from docking, and I still have to --" "Just look at the way Zara goes after the story, egging the poor warrior on as he's petrified with nervousness," the man interrupted him, disgust in his voice. "I'm going to have to do something about it the micron I return to the comtel ship." His companion looked at him with wide, admiring brown eyes that told Kerby that they hadn't been together for very long. "You run the IFB, Chameleon?" He gave her smile, "No, my dear, not the entire IFB. I just direct the news and interviews. We've seen too much of the warriors, wouldn't you agree? They're on the Triad games, and practically everything else. What we need is to see life from elsewhere in the fleet, about people who do more than just fly ships and fight battles. We need more human interest stories." "Oh, I agree completely," the siress told him. "There are people in the fleet who have occupations who are at least as interesting, even more so, than the warriors." Chameleon's blue eyes looked at the ducat collector to Kerby's face. "How about you, for example? I'm sure that you have many more responsibilities other than coming around here and asking for our ducats. Am I right?" Kerby stood up straight and put on a smile. "Oh, of course! I'm responsible for the Canaris's maintenance. Finding enough hand-me-down parts to keep her flying is a full-time job in itself!" Chameleon turned to his companion. "See, Blassie? Those are the stories we should be hearing about on the IFB! Stories about determination and innovation and the will to fight against misfortune and bad times. People who serve without glory." Blassie nodded her agreement, and Chameleon, completely consumed by his enthusiasm, turned to Kerby. "By the Villium moons! I just had an idea! Zara should interview you on the IFB!" "Me?" Kerby was stunned. "Well, I suppose..." "It could be called the 'Unsung Heroes of the Centar.' I'm sure people would find that a lot more interesting than about the same old stories that warriors could tell." Chameleon scrutinized him carefully. "Would you be interested?" Kerby was just about beaming with pride at the turn in conversation. "Of course!" "Excellent! As soon as you're off duty, report to the comtel ship. I want Zara to interview you for the first broadcast. I'll notify her once I get aboard the Rising Star." "Thank you, sir!" Kerby could help smiling. "I will, as soon as I can. Please excuse me, but I have to collect the rest of the ducats before we dock." "Of course." Chameleon's smile mirrored Kerby's. "And thank you." Still stunned but elated that he was going to be interviewed on the IFB, even if by Zara, Kerby was about to ask the next row for their ducats when he remembered that he hadn't gathered Chameleon's. He hurried back and placed the collector in front of the older sire. "Your ducat, sire?" he asked. He received a sympathetic smile. "I gave you my ducat, remember?" He felt his cheeks redden, even though he could vaguely remember it. That's right, he thought. The conversation with Chameleon must have distracted him. "Of course you did. I'm sorry, sir." Kerby left the two alone to continue with the other rows, and Chameleon settled back in his seat. He exchanged a smile with Blassie, who was giving him another one of those wide-eyed looks. Reaching out, he turned the IFB back on, where Starbuck was finishing a sentence before Zara asked him another question. "Do you remember anything about your life before the attack?" Zara asked, looking immensely interested. "Not really. I was only a toddler when Umbra was destroyed, and my parents both perished in the attack. At least I think that's what happened. I mean, with the thousands of children who were orphaned, lots of us probably got lost in the shuffle of bureauticians. Caprica didn't exactly have the greatest social services system before Umbra, and the extra burden placed on them bogged them down for yahrens to come." Chameleon stared at the monitor for a few microns, his eyes losing their focus as he looked, but didn't see, the images on the monitor. Memories of his own, of a wife and child lost for thirty yahrens, came back to him, and he felt the feeling of loss that he had been sure he'd never feel again return. His journey into the past faded when Blassie touched his arm. "Are you all right?" Her brown eyes were looking at him in concern. "Yes," he smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. Just looking forward to the Rising Star. It's been a while since I've been to any kind of leisure ship, especially in the company of a lady such as yourself." She smiled, and Chameleon didn't return to the memory of his lost family again. He had happier and more current things to think about. The Galactica's shuttle was the second ship to dock with the Rising Star. As soon as the pilots powered down the engines, the warriors began to unfasten themselves from their seats. Starbuck and Apollo remained where they were until most of their fellow warriors had exited, then they made their way out the hatch. Boomer and Jolly were already waiting for them in the brightly lit lounge at the entrance of the bays. "So!" Jolly said in greeting. "How was the ride over? I thought I heard the beginning of an argument between you two." "Argument, what argument?" Starbuck asked, playing innocent. "We were only having a discussion." "Sure," Boomer said, looking at Apollo. "Let me guess. He has a new system to try out for Pyramid?" "How'd you guess?" the captain replied with a mirthless grin. "Now, I suggest that we make our way to the Astral Lounge. I heard that there's supposed to be some interesting entertainment lined up for the duration of our furlon. I thought that we could check that out first. We do have two days to play with, after all." "Sounds good to me!" Boomer chimed in. "Oh, the cultured sires," Starbuck teased. "Just because you're uneducated in the finer aspects of life doesn't mean it's too late to learn," Apollo shot back, motioning to the exit. "Onwards." Putting his fumarello back into his mouth, Starbuck started to follow his friends' lead when he happened to look up and see the monitors placed next to the walls in the lounge. To his embarrassment, it was the interview with him and Zara. He groaned as he heard his own voice, tinny over the speakers, responding to something about the life of a warrior. "I wish they'd turn that fracking thing off!" Starbuck groaned. "It's horrible. I thought Zara was never going to ask an intelligent question! And I'm not even photogenic!" "You're more photogenic than the rest of us put together, Bucko," Boomer told him. "And that's saying a lot." "Besides, you're in the wrong profession. You should have picked the designation of an actor," Jolly told him. "You're great at playing to the monitors." "Sure I am. Just wait," he threatened good-naturedly. "You're going to get a communiqu‚ from Zara one of these days, requesting your presence on the comtel ship for a mandatory interview, signed by the Commander in the name of relations with the public." "You'll never find me on the IFB," Apollo said, shaking his head. "Oh?" "There are some benefits to being the squadron commander, after all," he grinned. "After all, who do you think suggested you to the IFB?" He headed out of the lounge with Jolly and Boomer, leaving Starbuck to trail behind. With his fumarello in his hand, he pointed the unlit tip of it at Apollo's retreating back. "Watch it, buddy, those be fighting words!" He exited just as the Canaris finally docked, and her passengers entered the lounge directly behind the warriors. Chameleon and Blassie were mixed in with them, and they walked toward the Astral Lounge. The ship had an atmosphere unlike any other in the fleet, that of fun and of reminiscings. This was a place where one could forget about the fact that they were simply one more human running from the Cylons, and that they only had a fraction of the life they once lived back at the Colonies. Here, on the Rising Star, everyone was someone new, and this wasn't the place for worries or grief. In the hallway outside the Lounge, Chameleon suddenly stopped as he checked his pockets, a worried look on his face. Blassie looked at him in concern. "Oh, dear..." he muttered. "What is it?" Blassie asked, pulling the two of them aside so the others could pass by without any problems. "Is there something wrong?" "I seem to have misplaced my wallet on the Canaris," he explained, looking up at her. "If you don't mind, I'll go back and fetch it. If it's not a bother, you can go in and reserve us a table. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." "I'll do no such thing!" she informed him. "The Canaris has probably already left, and besides, you can always ask them later if they've found it. I'm sure they're very good about keeping lost items in storage. In the meantime, I have plenty of cubits, even some marks and Orion cheques. You can use some of them, if you wish." He shook his head firmly. "I'm afraid that I can't possibly accept money from a lady, especially a siress like yourself." "I insist." He blinked at her for a micron, then smiled slightly. "If you insist, because it's even ruder to deny a lady's wishes. However, I must insist that when the evening is finished, we return to my billet this very night so that I may repay you." "It would be my pleasure to have the Director of the IFB's news and interviews join me for an evening of amusement." Blassie's eyes were sparkling as she looked Chameleon in the eye. "And if you feel that strongly about it, naturally I shall accept. So you can... repay me?" Chameleon gave her a large smile and offered his arm to her. "Of course. Thank you, Blassie. Now, shall we go in?" With a smile of her own, Blassie put her hand on her companion's arm, and together, they entered the lounge. She was positive that there wasn't another couple on the entire ship who could match them. Chapter Two "I've been looking forward to this day for the last six sectars." Jolly was bursting with the enthusiasm of a six-yahren-old child as he and Boomer reached the entrance to the Astral Lounge ahead of Apollo and Starbuck, who were still locked into their conversation over both the IFB and gambling. "At long last, the chance for some food other than that Mess Hall slop on the Galactica." "Lucky for you, you've had to wait six sectars, Jolly," Boomer said dryly. "You'd never be able to fit into your viper cockpit again." "And you wouldn't either. Admit it," the corpulent lieutenant retorted good-naturedly. "Maybe," he conceded with a half-smile as the doors to the Lounge slid open. Inside, the Lounge was almost packed to its maximum capacity of two hundred people. Most of the two dozen tables strategically placed about the performing stage were occupied, leaving only standing room at the back of the lounge. The music was loud, the decorations were bright, and the room was permeated with abandonment. Most of the warriors in the room had their eyes fixated on the stage, were a group of dancers were performing something that Boomer could vaguely identify as coming from Piscon. The performers were dressed in tight-fitting costumes that left no details to the imagination, and their bodies were completely covered except for their faces. They looked almost spectral, in that the area around their eyes were painted with bright makeup that gave them the edge of otherworldliness that seemed to be desired. "What have we here?" Jolly asked, stopping dead in his tracks as his brown eyes widened to take in the sight. A grin appeared on his face as he watched the lead dancer, a lithe woman who danced around her fellow performers, twirled and twisted and kicked her legs. The expression on her face was of pure concentration. "It looks like heaven taken form." "I wouldn't really call it that," Boomer replied, but he could tell that his words weren't being heeded. Jolly's eyes remained locked on the dancers, and by the way he started moving forward with determination, told Boomer that his friend's thoughts of dinner had evaporated completely. "Stay clear of my ion trail, Boomer," Jolly announced, the giddiness in his voice apparent as he hooked his hand on the back of a chair at the only vacant table. "I'm locked on target!" "Hey, hold it, Jolly," Boomer teased as he tapped him on the shoulder. "I thought we were going to get some food. Remember? Roasted Piscean fowl. Broiled Libran calf with crisp vegetables. All those delicacies you said you've been drooling over for the last six sectars?" "Boomer, I see all the food I need!" Jolly shook himself loose and made his way down to the front. "Besides, haven't you guys always said that it's better to feed the mind than the mouth?" The dark-skinned warrior let out a hearty laugh. The Book of the Word's right, he said to himself as he followed him. Man definitely does not live by bread alone. "Just watch me for the first hand," Starbuck was saying as he and Apollo entered the Lounge thirty microns after their two friends had gone in. He had finally lit his fumarello which he waved about him non-chalantly, and more than once, Apollo had fanned an errant strand of pungent smoke away from his face. "If you see me win once, will that ease all your anxieties?" "Not in a million yahrens," Apollo shook his head as the two of them flashed their furlon passes to the Rising Star's Chief Steward, who stood on duty at the entrance. "Your so-called run of good luck will be what is known as a fluke." "Ah, Lieutenant Starbuck," the gray-haired, mustachioed Chief Steward said as soon as he saw the blonde lieutenant. "How nice to see you aboard the Rising Star again." Starbuck looked up and smiled. "Oh, yes. Zeibert, isn't it?" "I'm glad you remembered," Zeibert said with more than a trace of admiration in his voice. "The last time I saw you was a most memorable experience for me." Yeah, all I did was give you over eight hundred cubits for extra private rooms when I was trying to juggle both Athena and Cassiopeia showing up unexpectedly, Starbuck thought as he recalled the incident. No wonder you remember me. "If by any chance the two young ladies are accompanying you this time, Lieutenant," Zeibert said, "I should have little trouble arranging private accommodations for you to handle the both of --" "Ah, thank you, Zeibert." An edge of curtness entered Starbuck's voice as he interrupted the Chief Steward. "I'm afraid that this time, I'm not in the mood for 'pre-war' behavior. I'll just stick to the Chancery and try my luck there." "A pity," Zeibert said as he realized that he wouldn't be receiving a windfall of extra cubits this time, "Enjoy your stay, Lieutenant." "I intend to," Starbuck said with emphasis as he followed Apollo in. His friend was staring at him somewhat dubiously. "Pre-war behavior?" Apollo raised an eyebrow. "What was he talking about, Starbuck?" "Ancient history, Apollo," he said firmly. Which was true to a large extent ever since his relationship to Athena had fizzled out completely, and his devotion to Cassiopeia had steadily increased. "It's nothing important." Trying to avoid the subject that he knew Apollo wanted an answer to, Starbuck looked about the lounge until he noticed Boomer and Jolly settling in at a table right in the front row. Their spot was a scant three metrons from where the three dancers continued to perform. "Where did they disappear to?" Apollo asked, not seeing the duo in their enraptured position. By his tone, Starbuck knew that Apollo had another item to hold against him in his quest to avoid the chancery. "Over there. I guess they're occupied for the rest of the furlon, huh?" Starbuck motioned to their friends with his fumarello, and once he saw Apollo nod, he let his voice resume its brash edge. "Now, old buddy, let's say I show you how misplaced your lack of faith in me really is?" "Starbuck, I meant what I said. I am not losing another secton's pay." The harsh edge returned to Apollo's voice, and he fixed his friend with a stern look. "I don't care if the Lords of Kobol themselves revealed this new system to you." Starbuck grinned slyly at his friend and took a long puff on his fumarello, "Come on, Apollo, how would you like to win an extra secton's pay? Think of all the extra dividends that would come from another two hundred cubits. Maybe even something special for Boxey's next birthday. Besides," his grin widened, "you owe me one after forcing me into that painful session with Zara." "No, I don't." "Yes, you do." Starbuck started to drag him by the shoulder out of the Astral Lounge toward the door that led to the Main Chancery. "Starbuck, wait!" Apollo protested, feeling as though those doors were going to spell his doom, as though beyond them lay the worst torture imaginable. "What makes you think I don't want to watch those dancers, too?" "You'll have time for that later," Starbuck said as they reached the exit, watching as Apollo feebly reached to grab onto the edge of the doorway. He smiled slightly, thinking about how much Apollo reminded him of a poulon on its way to the slaughter, not that he had anything like that in mind for the evening. "Besides, if it's good dancing you want to watch, I suggest you wait for the Skorpian troupe that performs later tonight. Now they have some pretty girls in costumes that would really boggle the mind." "Look, Starbuck," Apollo snapped, shaking himself loose from his friend as soon as they were out in the short passageway that connected the Lounge with the Chancery, "I really--" Before Apollo could say anything else, the doors to the Chancery opened and a sour-faced warrior with curly blonde hair emerged. He was so busy counting from a large bag of cubits that he held in his left hand, a grotesque number to begin with, that he didn't notice either Apollo or Starbuck until he bumped right into them. "Hey, watch where you're going!" Starbuck angrily protested. The curly-haired warrior looked up and as soon as he saw Apollo and Starbuck, a taunting sneer came over his face. "Well, well," he said, "If it isn't the self-appointed kings of the triad court themselves." Starbuck's face twisted in disgust when he realized who it was. "Oh great," he groaned. "What rock did you crawl out from under this morning, Ortega?" "Starbuck," Apollo clenched his teeth and grabbed his friend by the arm. Sergeant Ortega, an ex-Colonial Security Guard who had transferred to Flight Duty during the difficult period when so many pilots had been stricken with illness before the Battle of Kobol, folded his arms and grinned menacingly at Starbuck. "What's the matter, Starbuck? Just one secton before the big match and already you're feeling scared?" "Ortega, the day I'm scared of you on the triad court is the day I defect to the Cylons. You and Barton don't stand a chance against us." "Frack, I wouldn't even need Barton," Ortega continued to taunt. "I could take on the both of you all by myself and still win the match." "I'd like to see you try!" Starbuck shot back and shook Apollo off. "Maybe we could settle this whole thing right here and now!" "That's enough!" Apollo suddenly stepped in between the two. "Enough! If either of you so much as lay a finger on each other, you're both on report and I'll see to it that you both spend the rest of your furlons in the brig! Is that clear?" "Clear," Starbuck muttered as he continued to stare at Ortega with pure venom. "I guess so, Captain," Ortega deliberately placed some heavy sarcasm on the title. "Until next secton, on the triad court then?" He flashed a malevolent smirk at the two of them as he went back to counting his large wad of currency and disappeared into the Lounge. "Lousy Sagitarian snake," Starbuck seethed. "Enough," Apollo said firmly. "You should have known better, Starbuck. He deliberately provoked you because he thinks it'll have you too riled up, come the match next secton. You'll be so on edge that before you know it, you'll do something you'll regret on the court, earn yourself a disqualification and all but guarantee victory for him." "Who can control their temper around him?" Starbuck spat, "That guy should have been jettisoned with all the excess refuse the day we fled the Colonies. All he ever does is go out of his way to be a pain in the astrum. He's been that way since the day I met him at the Academy." "And got him expelled. I know that," Apollo nodded, recalling as well how an exasperated Bojay had come to him two sectars ago demanding that Ortega be transferred out of Silver Spar Squadron because the curly-haired sergeant was being too much of a disruptive influence. It marked the third time in a yahren that Apollo had been forced to move Ortega from one squadron to another because virtually no one liked to be around him. "But Starbuck, if you want to prove how better you are than him as a human being, and not just as a triad player, then you've got to stop letting him goad you. Before you know it, you'd only end up hurting yourself." "I'll take it under advisement," Starbuck said, clearly having difficulty shaking his anger and inner rage off. "Now in the meantime, I'd like to get back to the Chancery." Apollo wasted little time following him in. After what had just happened, all of his reluctance about accompanying Starbuck had evaporated. He had to make absolutely certain that the run-in with Ortega wouldn't rattle Starbuck to the point where he'd self-destruct at the gaming tables. In stark contrast to the crowded, noisy activity taking place in the Astral Lounge, the Empyreal Lounge, located on the starboard side of the Rising Star was a haven for those who desired a more quiet atmosphere. The Lounge itself took up two deck levels and featured over forty plush, comfortable chairs and couches scattered about the vast room. From each chair on both levels, a visitor could enjoy a drink while taking in the spectacular, unobstructed view of the stars that came courtesy of the massive, two-story transparent porthole that lined this area of the ship. This was the place on the luxury ship where people in the mood for quiet talk and introspection would come to. Where they could be free of the raucous din of the Astral Lounge's loud music, or the frenzied, cheering crowds of the spectators at the Triad Court, three levels below. A closed-circuit videocom might on occasion carry the live feed of a triad match in progress, but always with the sound off so as not to disturb the Lounge's other patrons. Any music that was heard in the Empyreal Lounge was always of the soft, tranquil variety, usually performed on the large spinet situated on the top level next to the bar. Quiet and introspection, though, was the furthest thing from the minds of the many Galactica warriors who had come over to the Rising Star for their furlons. As a result, the Empyreal Lounge was not enjoying any major increase in business that the Astral Lounge, the Chancery or the Main Dining Hall was receiving this day. It suited the staff of the Empyreal Lounge just fine. Since all members of the Rising Star's crew were designated as Level Three employees on the Fleet Treasury's pay scale, then all of them would receive any pay raises stemming from the increased business caused by the warriors on furlon, regardless of whether or not their own section had enjoyed any increased business. Not a bad system, the Lounge's Assistant Chief Bartender, a tall man in his late thirties with salt and pepper hair thought, as he brought over two glasses of Sagitarian brandy to a table on the second level. The Astral Lounge staff has to do all the extra work, and we all get paid the same. "Will there be anything else?" he said politely to the middle-aged couple seated at the table. These were regular customers at the Empyreal Lounge, who showed up every day to spend a centar taking in the view. "Thank you, Pallan. That'll be all," the man smiled back. After many sectars of coming to the Lounge, he and his wife both knew the Assistant Chief Bartender well enough to be on a name basis with him. The same was true of many other regular customers. All of them, without hesitation, knew the Assistant Chief Bartender as a genial man who was always quick to serve the patrons with honest, friendly service. So much did they like him, that the regulars virtually made a point of coming whenever the man called Pallan was on duty. And all of them were always quick to leave him with an extra ten cubits gratuity to express their appreciation. None of the Empyreal Lounge's regular customers though, would ever have guessed that the man called Pallan carried a dark secret deep inside him. A secret that would have shocked the people who liked him so much, beyond all measure. It never would have been gleaned from a look at his personnel file in the Fleet Computer. According to the Fleet Records, the man called Pallan was a native of Piscera who had been a bartender his entire adult life. Single, and without family, he had survived the Holocaust while working in the fashionable Solaria Restaurant in Piscera's capital city and had hooked up with a band of Pisceans that had been able to rendezvous with the Galactica and the rag-tag fleet of 220 ships that had left the Colonies behind forever. It was true that there had once been a bartender named Pallan who had worked in the Solaria Restaurant on Piscera. But the man who now worked aboard the Rising Star was not the same man. He had merely assumed that identity after stumbling across the dead body of the real Pallan in the shattered remains of the restaurant and stealing the dead bartender's identification cards. Ever since, he had lived the life of a total lie. It was a lie that had to be maintained for the rest of his life, since the truth would only result in a punishment too severe for his mind to comprehend. Each passing day, though, always carried the risk that the lie would be undone and the truth of "Pallan's" real past would come to light. From the very beginning, Pallan knew that there was one man in the Fleet who had the power to expose him. Someone who knew his real identity as the result of a chance encounter on the eve of the Holocaust at the Caprica City Aerodrome. "Good morning, Pallan," a voice from behind him suddenly spoke up. Instantly, Pallan felt his skin crawl. The one man who held his fate in the palm of his hand had decided to show up. Showing no outward emotion except for the pleasant expression of a genial bartender, Pallan made his way over to the table alongside the railing that overlooked the main level, where the man had seated himself. "Good morning, Sergeant Ortega," he said, "The usual for you?" "Actually, I think it's time we have a nice little talk," Ortega said as he kept one hand buried inside his sack of cubits. "Suppose you join me." Pallan tensed slightly and smiled thinly. "Very well." After going over to the Chief Bartender to tell him he was taking a ten centon break, Pallan came back to Ortega's table and calmly sat down. "Okay," the bartender kept his voice low and confidential, in keeping with the kind of conversation that the Empyreal Lounge was noted for. "What is it this time?" Ortega, still feeling malevolently satisfied in the wake of his run-in with Starbuck, smirked at him. "What do you think?" "If you're asking for more cubits, forget it," Pallan said coolly but forcefully. "I've been as generous with you as I possibly can. Twenty-five percent of my salary plus all the cubits I had left over from the stash I won on Carillon. What more could I possibly give you?" "Plenty." Ortega leaned forward. "You see, my dear Pallan, I have a very nice set-up in place aboard the Rising Star. And it's enabled me to enjoy considerably more success in the Chancery than the average warrior ever experiences." Pallan eyed the bag of cubits that the blonde sergeant still had his hand in. It seemed heavy enough to number in the low thousands. "You cheat?" He decided to be blunt. "I wouldn't exactly call it that." Ortega leaned back in his chair. "Let's just say that the dealer at Table number three, a certain Chella, owes me some favors, and because of that he's made things a lot easier for me." "That's very interesting." Pallan found himself struggling to keep his composure. "What does that have to do with me?" Ortega smirked. "If I tell Chella to do me a favor, he does it. And if I tell him that I'm not the only person who needs to go on a winning streak at Table 3, he'll listen." Light suddenly dawned on Pallan, "I see," he nodded. "I go on a winning streak, and then I turn all of the winnings over to you. Is that the idea?" "You go to the head of the class," Ortega grinned wickedly and patted the bartender on the arm. "This way, I get to make a double killing so to speak." "Supposing I can't come up with extra winnings?" Pallan retorted softly. "Suppose your friend Chella isn't anxious to reciprocate? A dealer who loses too much money is bound to attract attention sooner or later." "That isn't my problem," Ortega shook his head. "From my standpoint, you only have to be concerned with coming up with those extra winnings." "And if I can't?" Ortega grinned. "Don't worry." his voiced was dripping with the sense of holding total power over the bartender. "I can always come up with an alternate way that will help you meet my demands." Pallan felt on the verge of exploding with fury. "And next secton brings more demands and more cubits? When is it all going to end?" "Never," the curly-haired sergeant's words were blunt and sharp. "Because when it comes to you, my dear Pallan, I have you over the proverbial barrel." "Don't be too sure." For the first time, the bartender matched the malevolent tone the sergeant had been using with them. "There's always another way out for me." Ortega grinned again. "Yes, I haven't forgotten what you said to me that night on Carillon when you first gave me 5000 cubits to keep my mouth shut. You said I could prosper from my silence or die. But one thing I know you aren't, Pallan, is stupid. Capital offenses are a thing of the past, especially in a Fleet as small as this. No one who commits murder has a place to hide. You'd only be asking for trouble even bigger than the kind you're in now." "Don't bet on it," Pallan raised the low venom in his tone a notch. "The worst thing you can ever do is get too overconfident. If I were you, I'd lay off for now." "Don't think I wouldn't be prepared." the blonde sergeant patted the holster of his uniform. "In the meantime, my dear Pallan, I suggest you pay Chella a visit and get a head start for when we next meet. And I expect nothing less than a thousand cubits." Before Pallan could say anything, Ortega rose from his seat and reached the stairway that led to the main level. Pallan took a deep breath to keep the fury he felt inside from exploding and made his way over to the railing that overlooked the main level. He could see the warrior walking at a carefree pace toward the exit that led to the luxury ship's main corridor. The only thing he was certain of, was that he had no intention of letting his situation with Ortega remain status quo for much longer. "Passenger shuttle Callisto is now docking. Please wait for all arriving passengers to depart before beginning general boarding." Ortega sat down on one of the cushioned benches lining the docking lounge and began to idly count some of his large sum of money. If the Fleet's second largest passenger shuttle was carrying a full load of people, it would be at least five centons before he'd be able to board for his return trip to the Galactica. "Someday you're going to have to tell me the secret of your success." The curly-haired sergeant looked up and saw that his Red Squadron wingmate and Triad court partner, Sergeant Barton, had arrived and settled next to him. He barely acknowledged him with a half nod and said nothing. Typical, Barton thought with a trace of disgust. He'd heard all kinds of stories about Ortega's surly demeanor from a whole host of pilots during conversations in the Galactica Officer's Club. As a result, when he'd been paired with Ortega six sectars earlier, he'd acted as cautiously as he possibly could, refusing to let himself be goaded by any of Ortega's insults or attempts to start a fistfight. Even though there were many occasions during that first secton together when Barton felt like shoving the curly-haired sergeant into an airlock, he'd held his tongue and waited for Ortega to back off. His silent approach had proved successful, especially when Ortega discovered how good a triad player Barton was, and how his wingmate was the only warrior willing to partner with him in the athletic contests. In the six sectars since, they were by no means friends or even cordial to each other. They had however, settled into a stable situation of mutual tolerance, in which they could at least work without any fear of ugliness or violence erupting. And since they had become one of the top-ranked triad teams, they both knew underneath that it was in their best interest not to antagonize each other. And so on this occasion, Barton didn't bother reacting harshly to his wingmate's snub. He was long past the point where he could be affected by it. "By the way," his tone grew more business-like, "I got a telecom last night concerning the duty roster. Our deep-patrol's been moved back to four days from now." For the first time, Ortega responded to him with a half-smirk, "You suppose Apollo pulled some strings so that we'd have to fly so close to the match?" Barton hesitated for a brief instant, knowing that one wrong word might set Ortega off into one of his patented rages. "I....don't think so," he chose his words carefully. "Why not?" Ortega kept staring ahead at the crowds of passengers that were now getting off the shuttle, "Boomer's our squadron commander. Boomer's best buddies with Apollo and Starbuck. And the winner of the match goes on to play Boomer and Castor. Boomer'd feel insulted if he didn't get another crack at Apollo and Starbuck." There he goes again with one of his paranoiac rants, Barton thought. All typical of a man who saw the universe divided neatly into two parts. Himself on one side, and his enemies on the other. "I don't think Boomer's that devious." Barton said gently, which brought a guffaw from his wingmate. They exchanged no more words for the next two centons as they waited for the light to turn green above the docking ring that connected the Callisto to the Rising Star, indicating that it was time for them to board the shuttle. The steady stream of departing passengers had trickled down to only a few, indicating that it wouldn't be much longer. Already, Ortega and Barton had both gotten up from the bench in anticipation of the light turning from red to green. The last three passengers finally emerged and as soon as the two warriors saw who they were, expressions of disbelief and amazement came over them. "Now there's something you don't see every day," for one of the few times in his life, Ortega was awed, "Borellian Nomen." The three men who'd emerged gave the impression of towering giants, as each was at least six feet, seven inches in height. Heavy brown robes covered them from head to foot, but still failed to obscure their incredibly broad shoulders and powerful physiques. The faces of two of the men were concealed by massively thick beards that blended perfectly with their equally thick eyebrows. Only the third one was beardless, indicating that he was at least twenty yahrens younger than his companions. The three men were Borellian Nomen. They were natives of the planet Borallus, a harsh desert world located outside the main star system of the twelve colonies. Though considered human in the general sense, they were totally unlike any of the other ethnic tribes that were native to the twelve worlds. The exact origins of the Nomen race had always been shrouded in mystery, but it was generally believed that they were the descendants of an expedition of early space travelers who'd set out from the Colonies four thousand yahrens ago and crashed on the distant world of Boarallus. There, the survivors had encountered the native population, and the cross-mating between the Colonists and the native Borellians had resulted in the Nomen species. Human in a general sense, but with features and characteristics that always managed to put Colonists ill at ease. The suspicion and hostility between Colonists and Borellians had always been mutual, ever since the first modern contacts between the two races twelve-hundred yahrens before. It was because of that underlying hostility that the Borellian government had been reluctant to enter into any kind of alliance with the Colonies after the war with the Cylon Empire had begun. Only when the Cylons had scored a devastating raid on Borallus did the Borellian government finally feel compelled to ask the Colonies for protection. In the thousand yahrens since, the relations between the Borellian Nomen and the Colonies had never been better than that of a grudging tolerance in which they both realized that a common enemy could destroy them all. Of the Fleet's population of 70,000 survivors of the Holocaust, there were more than 150 Nomen who had been living in the Colonies as official emissaries of the Borellian government or as expatriate settlers who found that they could often find profitable employment as private bodyguards for prominent Colonists. Now, they were largely confined by choice to living quarters on one passenger freighter that few people ever liked to visit. Ever since the beginning of the Exodus, the hostility between Colonists and Borellians had only deepened. Many Borellians expected Adama to return them to their home planet after the journey had begun, but it wasn't until much later that they realized that they would never see Borallus again. Adama had refused to consider stopping at Borallus for supplies since he already knew that a Cylon task force would be lying in wait for the Galactica. Few Borellians had learned to accept Adama's decision. Practicality would have told them that the Cylons had likely taken advantage of their destruction of the Colonies to destroy Borallus as well. Instead, the Borellian Nomen saw Adama's decision as a further example of Colonial prejudice against Borellians in general. Given the hatred and contempt Borellian Nomen held for Colonials, the Rising Star was the last place anyone might have expected to see them. "What do you suppose they're here for?" so great was Ortega's surprise that it had completely pierced his anti-social exterior. "Don't know," Barton shook his head, "But I don't think I want to stick around to find out." His triad partner nodded, "I'm with you." The two warriors wasted little time boarding the shuttle. They didn't even cast a second glance at the three Nomen, who were headed in the direction of the Astral Lounge. Chapter Three The music was slow and melodic, and it suited Chameleon just fine. The noise that the youth these days called music was a little too artificial for his tastes, but every once in a while, there was a song that was perfectly suited to slow dancing. And now, he was dancing with Blassie in his arms, without a care in the world as they slowly circled the dance floor. Around them, other couples were dancing, and Chameleon knew without looking that many were casting appreciative glances in their direction. He smiled to himself. He hadn't felt this comfortable with a woman dancing in his arms in yahrens, not since... He blinked his eyes slightly as his eyes threatened to mist over. Even now, more than twenty yahrens -- now nearing thirty -- after Umbra, he still couldn't think of his wife without his eyes blurring. At least it was improving with time, but there had been no one like Gabriella. His poor beloved Gabriella. The day he met her, it was just like it happened a few sectons ago. He had run into the younger woman when he was during one of his more tame periods. He hadn't been to a chancery in sectars, and he was starting to make a name for himself in the designation that he'd chosen for himself. And he was miserable. Gabriella was ten yahrens younger than him, but with a feisty maturity that immediately attracted Chameleon. Her parents, of course, didn't approve of him, but Gabriella didn't care. After seeing each other for a few sectars, he proposed to her, and she accepted. He had been so surprised, because the relationship was moving at a speed that he'd never experienced before, but with every fiber in his being, he knew that this was the woman he was meant to be with. He still wasn't sure why they'd picked Umbra for their new home, but the small community had everything they wanted. Chameleon remembered when he had brought his wife to their dwelling, carrying her the old-fashioned way, and how Gabriella had laughed as he twirled her around so she could see the entire room. The birth of their first child, a beautiful baby boy, two yahrens into their marriage only increased their happiness. As Chameleon watched his wife and son, he knew that he was light yahrens from the man he'd once been, and Kobol willing, he'd never go back to that life again. Lady Fortune was the patrol deity of gambling, and she never forgot her own. Nor did she let them go. Like the unsteady odds she influenced in wagering, she pulled strange things on her unsuspecting victims. It was a morning that would destroy everything Chameleon held dear. Late in the fall, Chameleon was helping some local agron producers calculate the insurance they'd need to cover that yahren's crops, and to estimate the following yahren's, as well. If he didn't use his math for odds, then percentages were just as good. They were located at a five centon's drive from Umbra, and the village could be seen in the distance. One of the farmers' wives had started screaming. In the blue sky that one micron had been completely empty, Cylons ships could be seen. In the blink of an eye, they descended on the defenseless village, strafing the buildings and streets. All Chameleon could think about was Gabriella and their son. Without any thought, he ran from the shocked farmers for his hovermobile, heading straight for Umbra. With his heart beating as though it would burst in his chest, he drove straight into the heart of the attack. By some miracle, he made it to their neighborhood, and he was nearly physically sick when he saw that their house was almost completely destroyed. He could see the Thorn Forest a few dozen metrons from their area, but he paid it no attention as he ran for the dwelling. Half of the house was on fire, but he ignored the panic that the sight inspired as he made his way inside. He wasn't able to find anything, though. The laser blasts had weakened the foundation, and the floor gave way underneath his weight. He didn't remember anything until he heard someone calling to him, using a gentle voice. "Mathias, Mathias... Can you hear me? Mathias?" The name meant nothing to him, but the voice, soft and feminine, made him remember that he hadn't been able to find Gabriella. Opening his eyes, he sat up, crying out his wife's name. But the woman who spoke to him wasn't Gabriella, and as he looked around, he didn't recognize where he was. Feeling his heart beginning to sink, he asked her was going on. When she explained, it felt like he was listening to one of the daily dramas on the Caprican network. The attack had occurred nearly five yahrens ago, and Chameleon gasped at the news. Five yahrens! Had he been in a coma for that long? The woman, a psychtech named Safia, told him that ever since he came here, to a psychward outside of Caprica City, he was suffering from traumatic amnesia, and the only name he had for recording purposes was Mathias. This was the first time he had remembered who he was, and if things continued to improve, he could be released. Feeling his whole body shaking, Chameleon asked about his wife and son. Safia smiled at him gently, telling him that she could provide him a list the Caprican government had put out, listing who had survived the disaster. When he finally got to see the list, he felt his life crumble even more than it already had. Gabriella's name was plainly listed under the deceased list, but as Chameleon examined both the list for survivors and for the dead, his son's name was nowhere to be found. Explaining that to the psychtech, Chameleon told her that his son wasn't listed. Safia calmly explained that several thousand children had been orphaned at Umbra and the surrounding area; by now, they were scattered about the planet in foster homes and orphanages, others probably were adopted by now. Many children had been too young to know their own names, and were supplied with new ones by the Caprican social services. Feeling like he had a new purpose in life, Chameleon was overjoyed when he was released a few days after first "waking" up. Almost immediately, he started searching for his son, and he prayed that Gabriella could give him some help. But now, more than twenty yahrens later, his son still hadn't been found, and Chameleon had never found another woman like Gabriella. He had been with several women since then, but none gave him the true happiness that only Gabriella could provide. Blassie was different, though. She possessed some of the qualities that he loved in Gabriella, but she still wasn't what he wanted. Even so, he could still enjoy the evening in her company. At the main entrance to the Astral Lounge, Zeibert was totally oblivious to the music on the dance floor as he busily consulted the day's admission ledger. Over four hundred today, he smiled slightly with satisfaction. It's been so many yahrens since we had numbers like that dancing and having a good time. Abruptly, the Chief Steward was distracted when he noticed a large shadow gliding over his ledger book. When he looked up, he was startled to see the sight of three Borellian Nomen towering over him. In the more than forty yahrens that Zeibert had worked aboard the Rising Star, this was the first time he could ever recall seeing Nomen aboard the luxury ship. "Your um....your passes please?" he managed to force his words out. One of the two older Nomen cast an indifferent glance at Zeibert and held up three gold admission passes that entitled them to access in all sections of the Rising Star. The Chief Steward hastily nodded his head and backed up against the wall, trying to keep his distance as much as he possibly could. Side-by-side, the three Nomen walked into the Lounge's main entryway. And as every spectator gathered in the Lounge spotted them, it seemed as if a giant off switch had been activated. Conversation, music, dancing and eating all came to a stop as every pair of eyes locked on in amazement at the sight of the three giants. For many, it was the first time any of them had ever seen a Nomen in their lifetime. On the dance floor, Blassie found herself totally transfixed that she didn't notice the uneasy look on Chameleon's face. "Ohhh..." he moaned slightly under his breath as he instantly positioned himself directly behind Blassie, hoping that he might be blocked from view on the other side of the Lounge. He alone, among all the people in the Astral Lounge knew why the Nomen had come, and what they planned to do. It was time for him to do some very quick thinking. At a table close to the dance floor, Boomer set his tankard down while Jolly's eyes darted away from the dancers. The dark-skinned warrior seemed merely amazed, while the corpulent sergeant took on an expression of deep concern. "Borellian Nomen?" Boomer said in disbelief. "I know there's a shipload full of them in the Fleet but I didn't know any of them mixed with the Colonists." "They don't," Jolly's voice had the same deathly serious edge it only assumed during a heavy combat engagement. "Unless they're on a blood trail." "Blood trail?" Boomer shot a quick glance at his friend and he almost went ashen in spite of his complexion. "Yeah." The Nomen in the center of the column, who was clearly the oldest stepped forward with hands on hips and looked out as if he were surveying the Lounge in an effort to find something he would recognize. An air of nervous tension began to fill the room as those who understood the meaning of the words "blood trail" began to whisper their concerns to their friends and companions. Boomer decided that the time had come to take some badly needed initiative. He got up from his chair and walked up to where the lead Nomen was standing. His bearing was firm, erect and one of calm, collected authority, though inside he was a mass of nervous tension. "Relax folks," he said aloud for the benefit of everyone in the room. "There's nothing to be concerned about here. These fellow voyagers are only here to enjoy themselves, just like the rest of us." Boomer came to a stop in front of the lead Nomen, who showed all indications of being the leader of the group. The warrior looked at him dead-in-the-eye and put the most delicate edge possible into his next word, "Right?" The lead Nomen's menacingly indifferent expression did not change. He simply looked at Boomer for what seemed like an eternity before he moved off toward a nearby table. The other two Nomen followed and they settled down. From their position, they had a nearly complete panoramic view of the entire Lounge. Slowly, some of the tension in the room seemed to dissipate as normal conversation began to resume. Boomer went back to his table near the dance floor, where he noticed that Jolly was clutching his tankard so tight, he almost expected it to shatter from his grasp. "Looks like things are under control." Boomer tried to break the ice. "What's say we finally order that dinner?" Jolly kept his eyes locked on the Nomen and shook his head. "I just lost my appetite." Boomer settled down and felt too amazed to even think of using the comeback he'd been waiting to use for yahrens if he ever heard Jolly utter that phrase. Chameleon almost felt on the verge of breaking out in a cold sweat as he kept himself positioned behind Blassie in the hopes that the siress could keep him blocked from view. He knew right away though, that it wouldn't be long before one of the Nomen would have a clear view of the entire room and that would no longer be a viable option. It was time to act. "Uh....Siress," he said apologetically, "I wonder if you would be so kind as to excuse me for a centon. I did shuttle here on business, as you recall. But it won't take long." The attractive middle-aged siress seemed slightly dejected. "Oh, I do hope it's not interviewing those young female warriors." He let out a reassuring chuckle. "Let me assure you, I find a woman who has experienced life, much more attractive than mere youth. Siress Blassie blushed slightly and absently adjusted her left earring. "I won't be long," Chameleon smiled as he started to amble in the direction of the exit that led to the Chancery. "Promise." As soon as he was away from Blassie, he felt the sweat finally break out on his forehead, knowing that he had only mere microns to get out of the Lounge before he'd be spotted. Boomer didn't even bother finishing his tankard of Gemonese ale once he'd resumed his seat. For now, he felt it was more important to keep his attention focused solely on the Borellian Nomen. If trouble was going to happen, he wanted to be able to act quickly. "You ever had to deal with a Nomen before?" Jolly asked, the tension still thick in his voice. "Never," Boomer admitted. "I have." Jolly forced himself to take a sip of ale. "Nine yahrens ago, I was spending a long furlon at home on Caprica with my family. Next thing I knew, District Headquarters called me up in the dead of night asking me to report for an emergency assignment. Protecting the Borellian Ambassador." Boomer shot a quick glance at his friend. "Let me guess. His life was threatened by some renegade Nomen?" "Exactly," Jolly nodded. "The Ambassador was seen as too pro-Colonial by some of the Fundamentalist Nomen who favored a posture of total neutrality in the war. One of the hardline groups publicly vowed to go on a blood trail against the Ambassador. It got so bad that the Caprican Government didn't think it was safe enough to let Caprican Security or even Colonial Security handle protecting him. They wanted warriors to do it." "And you ended up confronting the would-be assassins?" "Yep," Jolly nodded. "The worst experience of my life apart from a combat engagement." "Tell me about it sometime," Boomer grunted as he kept his eyes focused on the Nomen at the other end. "Right now, I need to keep concentrating on them." Just then, Boomer saw the one beardless Nomen shift his attention to the far side of the Lounge. His expression seemed to grow more menacing. The Galactica warrior shot a glance at the far side where it seemed like the Nomen had focused his attention on. Boomer caught a quick glimpse of an elderly, but limber white-haired man glancing back before the door to the Chancery corridor opened. Suddenly, a high-pitched whine erupted drowning out all other sounds in the Lounge. Many people in the crowd abruptly pulled back and let out gasps of horror. "Holy Frack!" Jolly got to his feet. "One of them just activated their laser boles!" Boomer bolted out of his chair and quickly made his way up to the table where the Nomen were seated. The beardless one was holding the two, glowing white orbs that he had yanked off his cloak, and which grew louder with each micron. "What's going on here?" Boomer demanded. "He is young." The lead Nomen who had refused to speak to him earlier spoke up and held out his arm to keep Boomer and Jolly from getting closer. "He activated them by accident." "Then have him de-activate it!" Boomer angrily shot back. "He can't," Jolly said as he felt his heart pounding faster. "Once drawn they have to be used or they reach critical mass and explode." "Great." Boomer preferred to let anger rather than tension or fear control him. "How long until they go off?" "Fifty microns," the lead Nomen looked over at the beardless one and seemed displeased. There was no sound other than the increasing whine of the laser boles as the spectators began filing back toward the Main Exit and the Chancery Entry Corridor. Finally, Boomer snapped his fingers and motioned to one of the vertical support columns located next to a group of now-empty tables and chairs. "You," he pointed at the young Nomen. "Over there. Throw it over there and let's get this thing done with so no one gets hurt." The beardless one looked back at the lead Nomen. He firmly nodded his head. After seemingly taking his time, the young Nomen got to his feet and hurled the twin laser boles at the support column. As soon as it impacted, it let out a medium-sized explosion and left a blackened scar at the base. With the danger past, Boomer let out a quick exhale of relief and then drew himself up to the most angry, authoritative posture he could summon. "You've got some serious explaining to do," he said. "Borellian Nomen don't draw laser boles by accident." The lead Nomen finally got to his feet. He towered over Boomer by almost a full foot. "I said he is young." There was no air of apology or regret in his low, menacing tone of voice. "The drink and the music have excited him. That is all. It will not happen again." "Oh that's a fact sir," Boomer nodded with a dry air. "Because if you're staying here, or on this ship for that matter, then these weapons are coming off." "It is against our Code to be unarmed!" the beardless one suddenly protested. "You should have thought of that before you got excited!" the Galactica warrior retorted. The lead Nomen's glare at Boomer seemed to intensify. "And we should have known better than to mix with Colonials," he said darkly. "We will await transportation back to our ship in the Docking Lounge." He motioned the beardless one to retrieve the laser boles that lay at the base of the column they had exploded against. The young Nomen picked them up and clicked them together, indicating that they were active and ready for reuse. Once he reattached them to his cloak, he rejoined the other two Nomen and they exited the Lounge through the Main Entrance. As soon as they were gone, a collective sigh of relief went out through the room. Slowly, the guests began to return to their tables. "What do you suppose that was about?" Jolly asked as he and Boomer lingered by the table the Nomen had now vacated. "Who'd be on board here for them to be conducting a blood trail?" "I don't know," Boomer said. "The people who usually gather on the Rising Star aren't the types who would ever come across a Nomen for any reason, let alone incur their wrath." Now that he knew the danger had passed, Jolly felt safe letting some humor rise to the occasion. "I've got it," he said, "One of Starbuck's old girlfriends hired them." Boomer allowed himself a thin smile as they returned to their table by the dance floor. "Could be. Or better still, maybe it's Sire Uri they're after." "If that's the case I'd have stepped aside and let them do their job," Jolly quipped as he went back to his ale. "You and me both." Boomer didn't join in the gallows humor as much as he wanted to. He was still struck by the elderly man he had glimpsed before the Nomen had pulled out his boles, and he wondered if the chain of events had been more than coincidental. Ten centons later, the three Nomen were all occupying the same bench in the Docking Lounge that Ortega and Barton had been using earlier. The other passengers awaiting the arrival of the Canaris were visibly keeping their distance from the Borellians, passing time by watching the IFB monitors in the antechamber, which were now devoted to a preview of the next sectan's triad match. ".....And it's reported that ducats for next sectan's match between the number one ranked team of Apollo and Starbuck against number three ranked Barton and Ortega have become so scarce that some fans are willing to pay as high as five hundred cubits on the Black Market just to get in. Of course, since we at the IFB plan on bringing you full live coverage of the match, we hope that all of you watching will choose discretion instead, and save yourselves a small fortune....." "I go to the matches just to get away from your lousy commentary, Zed," one of the waiting passengers talked back to the monitor. The Nomen were all oblivious to the sounds of the videocom and the other passengers waiting. To them, it was all idle chatter of Colonists absorbed in their foolish pleasure pursuits. Only one of the reasons why Nomen, with their rigid behavioral codes, despised Colonials in general. A feminine voice suddenly filled the Docking Lounge to announce the arrival of the Canaris. Five centons went by as two dozen passengers got off to enter the Rising Star. When the last of them were gone, the red light above the entryway went on. "Shuttle Canaris is now ready for boarding," the feminine voice spoke again as the passengers in the antechamber made their way over. "Passengers holding ducats for the Antares, Pathmain, Agro Ship, Electronics Ship, Freighter Gemon and Freighter Borallus may enter at this time." Despite the fact that their ship had been announced, none of the Nomen moved from their positions on the main bench. As the last of the passengers made their way aboard, the lead Nomen, who sat on the right side finally broke the silence among them. "This fool is of your blood." He directed his words to the second older Nomen though he kept his gaze forward. "I hold you responsible, Bora." "I accept the burden for my nephew Taba's actions," the Nomen called Bora said with deference as he too kept looking forward. "And I vow that we will bring the prey down." The lead Nomen let out a grunt indicating his displeasure. "Tell me something I do not know, Bora." his voice dripped with contempt. "Like how a Borellian Nomen could break the Code by drawing his weapon without thinking?" The young Nomen called Taba turned his head toward the leader with an almost pleading expression. "Maga," he said, "I saw that jackal Captain Dimitri at----" The lead Nomen called Maga ignored his plea. "Your lack of discipline is disgusting," he said as he kept looking forward. "You are a warrior of the Code. A Nomen. You have a name that strikes like a poison skorpious at the heart of others. For we alone among Borellians knew the trauma of surviving the land of the Maga sun and the endless sands. The qualities that made us superior to the infidels who ruled our planet. The qualities which make us superior to those who presume to lead us now." Maga then wheeled his head towards Taba and his voice rose with defiant, determined menace. "And because we have those qualities, we alone shall survive this trek through the stars forced upon us by the Colonial jackals. But only if we keep the Code." The young Nomen seemed shamed into total humiliation. "I'm sorry," he managed to force his words out. The contempt refused to lessen from Maga's tone. "If you wish to apologize Taba, do it after you've been punished." He then looked away from him again as he added, "If you survive." "Shuttle Canaris now departing," the overhead voice sounded through the Docking Lounge. The Nomen remained seated on the bench as Kerby stuck his head through the docking ring that led inside to the shuttle. He frowned slightly when he saw the three giants remaining where they were and decided to take a chance speaking up. "Uh....gentlemen, the Canaris is leaving now. There won't be another shuttle for your freighter for another two centars." None of the Nomen acknowledged his words or his presence. "If you want to get back to your ship, it has to be now," the shuttle steward tried one last time. "We have unfinished matters to conduct here," Maga finally spoke cryptically without looking at him. "Do not bother waiting for us." Kerby's frown deepened but he knew better not to argue with a Nomen. He stepped back inside the docking ring and punched the buttons that sealed the companionway shut. Chameleon could hear the sounds of commotion going on inside the Astral Lounge as soon as he was safely inside the corridor that led to the Chancery. He could only hope and pray for now that it hadn't been caused by one of the Nomen spotting him. That's the last time I ever let myself get mixed up with those people, he vowed as he reached the Chancery door and waited for it to slide open. Of all the stupid things to do, forgetting all about their Code and their blood trails. You can't treat Borellian Nomen the way you would other people. If he had been spotted, then Chameleon already knew that his safety was only temporary for now. He knew that if he were the hunter instead of the hunted, and had an inkling that his prey was somewhere on board the Rising Star, then the most prudent course of action would be to return to the Docking Lounge and wait. Sooner or later, the hunted would have to leave the luxury ship and there was only one way to go. The doors slid open and Chameleon stepped inside the Chancery. The gambling den was filled to above-average capacity with dealers positioned at more than twenty gaming tables. The only sounds in the room were the occasional laughter of winning customers and the intermittent groans of the losers. No music was ever played inside the Chancery, and conversation usually stayed at a minimum. The Rising Star Chancery, throughout it's heyday in the pre-Holocaust period had always been known as a place where intense concentration came first. That remained true even today. Chameleon looked about and saw numerous warriors, some in dress uniforms, some in regular battle dress hunched around the tables trying to see if they could beat the House at games like High-Low, Temptation, Any Number and Pyramid. From the general tone of the room, there were more occasional groans than bursts of laughter which indicated that the House was doing very well. His eyes wandered about and then narrowed in amazement when he saw a face he had seen barely a centar ago on the IFB seated at a Pyramid table, puffing heavily on a fumarello. It was undoubtedly Lieutenant Starbuck. The warrior who had moved him inside with his story of being orphaned as a child so many yahrens ago in the Umbra disaster. Especially because there was so much that Chameleon could personally identify with when it came to his own life. As soon as that realization went through his head, another one entered. One that he had to admit almost made him feel ashamed. But as he cast a glance back over his shoulder at the door he had come through, he realized that he just might not have any other choice. If the Nomen were waiting for him in the Docking Lounge, then he had to find a way of getting off the Rising Star so they wouldn't be able to make a move on him. That meant finding a way to get off in the unwitting protective custody of some warriors. As his eyes focused again on Starbuck, Chameleon knew that he had the perfect opportunity to get exactly that. All because of that chance listening to the IFB broadcast on the way over. The Lords forgive me, he thought, that I would have to exploit the worst experience of my life to save myself now. He straightened his tunic and nonchalantly made his way over to the Pyramid table. Chapter Four One successful play of the cards was all Starbuck needed to make the sting of his run-in with Ortega fade away completely. It had come right on the first try. When Starbuck saw that his new system had paid off instantly, Apollo almost felt himself groaning inside. Not because he was having second thoughts about what Starbuck had said about the success of his system, but because he knew that it would only whet his friend's appetite for more. If he'd failed on the first try, then just maybe it would have made the brash lieutenant act with a hint of caution. Just enough to keep him from having second thoughts about going too far with it, and keep him from pushing Apollo into making a bet of his own. About the only solace Apollo took was the fact that the Rising Star's Chancery was noted for quiet and concentration. If there'd been music and raucous noise present, the scene would have reminded him too much of what the chancery on Carillon had been like. Where he and Serina had first opened up to each other. "Well, Lieutenant?" the dealer, a heavyset middle-aged man, with curly brown hair that looked in need of a good styling, inquired. "Another go?" Starbuck grinned and took a satisfied puff on his fumarello brand cigar, "You'd better believe it." The man then dealt four cards, first in a row of three, followed by a single card above the middle card in the first row. In Pyramid, a perfect hand meant all of the same color with all four cards representing the different building phases of a pyramid. The next most valuable hand was a full Pyramid, which meant all four building sections but not necessarily all of the same color. From then on down, the hands were ranked according to phases of three-quarters, half and quarter with ties broken according to the value of the odd cards in the hand. The rules dictated that Starbuck examine his two cards on the bottom row first. He lifted each one up and his eyes widened in almost childlike glee when he saw that he had the necessary card for the first quarter, along with an upper level phase of the same color. "I'll hover with these." he grinned at the dealer and then shoved a medium-sized pile of cubits across the table, causing Apollo to impulsively grab him by the arm. "Starbuck, have you lost your mind? You just opened with two hundred cubits." "Naturally," Starbuck grinned, "Since I know this system can't lose, there's no point probing delicately. Better to make a preemptive strike right away." The warrior then looked at his next card without revealing it to the dealer. Without changing his expression, he looked the dealer in the eye and said simply, "Build me." The dealer then dropped another card on top of the one Starbuck had rejected. The warrior then moved another pile of one hundred cubits across the table and looked at his final card in the pile. "I," he gave the dealer a satisfied smirk, "will hover with these." "The House raises the pot by an additional one hundred cubits," the heavyset dealer said. "Do you wish to match?" "Absolutely." Starbuck didn't bat an eye as he pushed another pile across. At that point the dealer now exposed the first portion of his hand. "Your last chance to build, Lieutenant." the dealer said, stone-faced. "At this point, the House has at least a perfect half-Pyramid." Starbuck looked at his own cards. He already knew that all of his cards added up to three-quarters, though not of the same color, and he had already rejected another card that would have helped the House extend to three-quarters. I am home free, he thought. "No build," he said, "I am definitely going to hover with these and I raise the pot by one hundred cubits." Next to him, Apollo had placed both his hands on his chin in amazement at how far Starbuck was going. "What'd I tell you, Apollo," Starbuck gave him a playful nudge, "This system can't lose. I am about to make the biggest legitimate killing of my life." Apollo remained non-plussed, "The evening is still young, Starbuck." "The trouble with you is a lack of faith." "No, just an overabundance of experience with your 'systems', Starbuck. Especially on a place called Pineus." he added a touch of frost to the last word. "Ah, stop being so bitter. I was dealing with one of those Pinean dealers, and you know how crooked they can be." "Then how come you're not using the old system?" "Because this one is foolproof." "Another fifty cubits, Lieutenant?" the dealer inquired in the same neutral tone. Once the building phase was over on both sides, the pot could go up as high as either side wanted until the customer called. Starbuck casually pulled out his pocket computron to recalculate the odds he'd factored in to his system. When the readout reconfirmed everything he'd planned in advance he grinned and pushed another small pile over. As soon as he was done and had placed his computron back in his jacket pocket, he heard the sound of a voice clearing itself. Glancing to his right, he discovered that the seat next to him was now occupied by a handsome, elderly man with silver hair. "Pardon me," Chameleon leaned over and said in a confidential tone, "I realize this is no concern of mine, but I couldn't help but notice your calculations. If you're playing the system that I think you're playing, then it has one flaw." Starbuck looked at the elderly man with faint incredulity, "Flaw?" "Mmmm hmmm," Chameleon nodded, "The odds are three to one in your favor, which are quite good. But if the dealer is holding the capstone of the same color to go with his perfect half-Pyramid, then that automatically beats your regular three-quarters Pyramid with no capstone. Have you factored in that probability?" The brash lieutenant seemed at a loss for words to hear a kindly looking old man giving him pointers about something he regarded as his specialty. But there was an air of familiarity in the way the man spoke that made Starbuck feel uneasy. He got the distinct sense that whoever this man was, he knew what he was talking about, and was speaking from experience. "Anyway," Chameleon went on, "I thought you'd at least want to know that." It took Starbuck nearly a half-centon before he smiled faintly and muttered, "Thanks." Feeling slightly rattled inside, he looked at the pile of three hundred and fifty cubits he had placed in front of the dealer in long contemplation. "Do you plan to exercise a withdraw option, Lieutenant?" the dealer inquired. The withdraw option entitled a customer to pull back half of his accumulated wager if he suddenly felt that the odds against him of winning were too great. "Uhhhhh......" Starbuck hesitated slightly and cast another glance at the old man, and then at Apollo, who almost seemed to be enjoying the predicament his friend was now in. Then, without saying a word, Starbuck casually pulled back half of his accumulated pile. The old man was firmly nodding his head in approval. The dealer then turned up his last card. "Red capstone on top of perfect red half-Pyramid." he said, "The House wins." Apollo gave Starbuck a deadpan glance, "Can't lose, huh?" "Of all the......" Starbuck was shaking his head in amazement. Of course he should have thought of that possibility, but it had seemed so negligible in his mind, until someone else had pointed it out to him with such authority as the old man had. "Well, like the man said it has one little flaw, but I can work it out." he then turned back to the man and shook his hand, "I should thank you for saving me a hundred seventy-five cubits at least, ah----" "Chameleon," he returned the handshake and smiled. "Chameleon. Well, I'm Starbuck and," he pointed next to him, "This is my conscience, Apollo." He always hated it when circumstances humbled him into using that line, but this was one occasion where he knew it was all too appropriate. Apollo reached over and shook the old man's hand, "And I've got to thank you too, Chameleon. You just saved me an early shuttle home listening to all the reasons why his system should have worked." "Think nothing of it." Chameleon said nonchalantly, "Perhaps I can show some further hospitality by purchasing you both a drink?" "You know," Starbuck said thoughtfully, "Maybe this time if I tried----" "That would be a wonderful idea." Apollo interrupted with a grin as he instinctively grabbed Starbuck by the arm and pulled him out of his chair at the gaming table. "Come on Starbuck. Your benefactor's not through with you yet." "Uh, but_" Starbuck protested faintly and then decided not to belabor the point as he gave in and started the walk toward the rear of the Chancery. As soon as Chameleon got up from his seat and followed the two warriors, the gambling table was empty and alone, except for the heavyset dealer, who shook his head in amusement as he cleared up the cards and cubits from the table. They never learn, he thought. Always thinking there's a foolproof way of beating the House. But the dealer had worked long enough on the Rising Star to realize that there was only one foolproof way of making money off the House. And unfortunately for him, he knew all about that one foolproof way from personal experience. "Excuse me, is this Table Number Three?" The dealer looked up and found himself staring into the face of a tall, thin man with salt-and-pepper hair. "Yes," he said, "You want to place a bet?" "Is your name Chella?" The dealer's friendly expression hardened into one of neutrality, "What of it?" "I need to talk to you, in private," the man said. "My name is Pallan. I work in the Empyreal Lounge." "Lucky you," Chella's tone was indifferent as he reorganized the decks of cards into neat stacks. "I hear you guys aren't getting any overflow from all these warriors on furlon. But you'll all end up getting just as much of a raise from the overall net profit." "This is important, Chella," a note of urgency entered Pallan's voice, "Sergeant Ortega referred you to me." Abruptly, the dealer stopped his sorting of the decks and slowly looked Pallan in the eye. His neutral expression had now taken on a distinct air of hostility. "All right then," he said, "Not here though. In the Astral Lounge in five centons. I'll get my relief to take over." The assistant chief bartender nodded, "I'll be waiting." As Pallan turned and departed, the dealer named Chella had to exercise all the self-control he could muster to keep from tearing a deck of Pyramid cards in half. Since the departure of the Canaris, the only sound that filled the Docking Lounge was the noise of the IFB monitors airing a replay of the previous evening's triad match. The three remaining beings in the Lounge took no notice of it though, as the Borellian Nomen continued to sit across the cushioned bench with the air of sentries on duty. Each of them, watching and waiting for their prey. From the corner of his eye, Maga saw Bora cast a glance over at the monitor which indicated only one thing to him. A mounting sense of inner impatience. "Patience, Bora," the lead Nomen continued to stare straight ahead as he broke the long silence that had set in, "He can't stay in there forever. Soon, he must appear. And then, he will be ours and the Code shall be honored in full." "I couldn't believe it when you indicated that you knew all about the system, Chameleon," Starbuck said admiringly as he drink remained untouched. "I thought I was the first person to dream it up." The old man took a sip of his drink and said with an almost gentle, paternal air, "Lieutenant, I'm afraid I was using that system on Caprica while you were probably still in swaddling. Maybe even before you were born." he then smiled wryly, "Although I must say, I never met anyone else who played it." "If it exists, then Starbuck will play it at least once in his lifetime," Apollo quipped, which brought good-natured chuckles from all of them. "Are you a professional wagerer, Chameleon?" "I was," Chameleon sighed as he looked Apollo in the eye, "Long ago. But being a wagerer isn't a proper way to make a living nowadays, especially when the sacrifice of everyone in the Fleet is required. I'm a genetic tracer now." "Genetic tracer?" Apollo frowned. "I've never heard of that profession." "Few people have," Chameleon took a sip of his drink, "It's rather a new science." "How new?" The old man took another long swallow from his glass and then kept his expression on Apollo, and away from Starbuck. "It's what you'd call a post-Holocaust occupation, Captain. You see, there were so many frightened young children herded aboard the ships in the Fleet during the evacuation of the colonies, that a lot of them didn't have a scrap of identification on them. No records whatsoever, and many of them too young to offer anything definite about their parents. In short, poor orphans with no knowledge at all of who they are, and where they came from. My task is to help unite those orphans with blood relatives who might have survived." Starbuck, whose attention had started to wander back toward the gaming table, suddenly darted his head around and stared at Chameleon with a large measure of disbelief. "You've got to be kidding," the blonde lieutenant said, "That's got to be an impossible task." Chameleon set his tankard down and looked directly at Starbuck for the first time, "It's difficult, but not impossible, Starbuck. If I have reason to believe such a relationship exists, there are genetic tests that can confirm or deny it." "You mean you can test everyone in the Fleet and tell who's related to who?" Apollo's interest was clearly piqued. Chameleon shrugged, "Theoretically, yes. But with over 70,000 people in the Fleet and then running cross-checks, it would literally take hundreds of yahrens. These tests are very extensive in nature. They require taking neurological cell samples from both subjects, and all other kinds of technical tests that it....well, you can see the challenge it poses. Especially when our facilities are so limited as they are aboard the Orphans Ship. That's where the main base of operations under Dr. Pia is set up. She's a fine scientist. Former deputy Chief of the Taurean Science Ministry as I recall." "It sounds fascinating," Apollo shook his head in near-awe, "And you gave up being a professional wagerer for that? Those jobs seem light-yahrens apart." "Well there's a personal reason why I chose genetic tracing, Captain," Chameleon drew his shoulders up and then silently said to himself, Forgive me Gabriella. "I have much in common with those orphans. You see, I was badly injured in one of the first Cylon raids on Caprica. For five yahrens, I was a traumatic amnesiac. And upon recovering, I learned that my wife had been killed in that raid. But my baby son may have escaped." he let out a forlorn, sad sigh and stared off into space, "I tried so hard to find him." Starbuck felt as if he'd wandered into some kind of surrealistic dream. Trying not to let any false alarms of hope enter his mind, he quickly asked, "And did you find him?" Chameleon gazed at him and smiled weakly, "No, Starbuck. I never did. There were just too many babies and children rounded up by the Caprican government and dispersed to local orphanages." The brash warrior felt his heart start to pound with the same kind of trepidation he hadn't felt since he'd first strapped himself inside a viper simulator at the Academy. "This ah, this raid on Caprica. Where and when did it take place?" As soon as the question was out of Starbuck's mouth, Apollo felt his eyes widen in amazement as he realized right away what his friend was getting at. A subject so deep and personal to Starbuck that he could only recall his friend talking about it once to him in all the yahrens he'd known him. "Oh, you've probably never heard of it," Chameleon nonchalantly waved his hand. "It was on the edge of the Thorn forest. A little agro community called Umbra." Apollo felt his hand freeze on his tankard, while Starbuck took his cigar out of his mouth and began to absently mash it out inside one of the ashtrays. "Lieutenant?" Chameleon frowned, "Is something wrong?" Starbuck felt himself taking several deep breaths trying to come to terms with what he'd just heard. From nowhere, out of the blue, this strange old man who was more savvy about gambling than he was, had walked right in and shared something else that he had in common with the brash warrior. Something that conceivably held the answer that Starbuck had wanted to answer for his entire life. Ever since he'd first experienced conscious memories in an impersonal Caprican orphanage. Could it really be? He tried so hard not to raise any false hopes inside himself. Could it really be that this man holds the key to the one thing I want to know about more than anything else? "Uh, Chameleon," he finally forced his words out. "Chameleon, I was orphaned in the raid on Umbra." The old man's eyes widened in apparent amazement, "Were you?" "Yes," Starbuck nodded, "I was only, oh they said I was probably anywhere between eighteen sectars and three yahrens old. I was in an orphanage my whole life until I entered the Colonial Academy." Chameleon let out an incredulous chuckle, "Well now to say the least, this is an incredible coincidence." "You know Chameleon----" Starbuck leaned forward and started. "Oh well now, wait a centon, Starbuck," he held up a cautious hand. "I know all about the exact statistics of the devastation at Umbra, because I must have memorized them a thousand times during my search efforts. There were over three thousand children orphaned in that raid. I mean, the chances that you could be my...." he hesitated for a brief instant, "Well that you could be my son, are astronomically low to begin with." "Yeah, that's true, that's true," Starbuck then nodded vigorously, as though he wanted an air of practicality to remain in his tome, "But....well Chameleon, there is a legit chance, nonetheless." "About the same as you ever getting two perfect Pyramid hands in a row, Starbuck," Chameleon smiled wryly. "Hey, those are chances I've always lived for," the warrior matched it, trying to break some of the apprehension he felt inside. "This is wonderful, Starbuck," Apollo found himself grinning, and then feeling a sense of dread caution kick in, "But hey, the man's right. Don't get too over-enthused at this point." "Apollo," Starbuck's voice dropped to a low whisper, "Don't you realize that for the first time, I've met someone who might be my father?" "The key word is might, buddy." "Look," Starbuck held up a hand. "I know the odds are against it. But we'd have ways of confirming that, wouldn't we? At the very least I can eliminate one possibility from my mind, which is more than I've ever been able to do in my whole life." "That would sound reasonable," Chameleon nodded. "I haven't been able to pursue one solid lead for so many yahrens, and now that we're all in this horrible situation, cut off from the Colonies forever where there aren't any other means of properly investigating...." his voice trailed off. "So what you're saying, is maybe you should set up an appointment for Starbuck to come over to the Orphans ship and go through one of these genetic tracer tests?" Apollo inquired. Chameleon finished off his drink and set the empty tankard down. "Well, it's not quite that easy, Captain. I'm not in any position of authority on the staff, and there's so much advance paperwork that has to be done on an individual case study before Dr. Pia would ever approve a new tracer comparison. And I'm afraid that she'd be far less receptive toward letting an adult like Starbuck get priority ahead of a poor young child who has a lot more at stake. I mean that would be....well it would just be ethically wrong to ask for that kind of favored treatment." Starbuck felt his shoulders sag slightly in disappointment, "Yeah, I guess it would." "However," Chameleon leaned forward and a note of optimism returned to his voice, "There is a way of cutting through all of the felgercarb, so to speak, at least in terms of making a beginning. A simple hemo-type and iris-cone count. It's very crude, and would match hundreds, even thousands of people who have common ancestry within five hundred yahrens or so, but at least it would be a start." "But how would you arrange that?" Apollo frowned. "Aren't the facilities on the Orphans ship overloaded for even that?" The old man looked at him with an almost sheepish expression, "Actually, Captain, the facilities for a simple test of the kind I'm talking about may very well be on the Galactica in your Life Center Operations." "Great!" Starbuck grinned and got to his feet, "Let's get going then." For just a faint instant, Apollo found himself hesitating. That last remark from Chameleon about facilities on the Galactica had the aura of a too-pat quality that made him wonder if there was more than met the eye to what the old man was after. Abruptly, he dismissed the concern as a foolish consideration from his mind and got to his feet. "Okay," he said, "I'll have the shuttle readied for us to go. You two finish your drinks and be in the Docking Lounge in ten centons." As soon as he was gone, Starbuck and Chameleon found themselves smiling awkwardly at each other. "So," the warrior broke the ice, "Where should we begin?" "What's say we start with you telling me everything you know about yourself, Starbuck," Chameleon said. As the warrior began, the old man felt a pang of guilt inside him. Guilt that a desperate moment of his life had now forced him to exploit the trauma of his past and the memory of the only things he had ever cherished in the name of survival. But was it really so wrong, he tried to rationalize, as he listened to Starbuck talk about his experience growing up in the Caprican orphanage. If this was so wrong, then why had the Almighty dictated that he see that IFB broadcast on the way over to the Rising Star, where he'd heard Starbuck tell his story about being orphaned in the Umbra disaster? Surely the hand of Providence had been at work in providing this opportunity he could take advantage of to save himself from the ones he knew were waiting for him. Waiting for the opportunity to kill him. No, he thought. He couldn't let his mind be troubled too much by this. Starbuck had provided him with an opportunity, and he needed to take advantage of it for as long as he possibly could. And in the process, he'd try his best not to hurt him too much. Apollo made his way back into the Astral Lounge, where he found Boomer waiting by the entryway, next to Zeibert's station. "Say Boomer," Apollo said, "Some business just came up and Starbuck and I are going back to the Galactica. Just wanted you to know in case you felt like leaving now." "I'm tempted to go," Boomer grunted, "This furlon didn't turn out to be all I expected." "What do you mean?" Apollo raised an eyebrow. "After you and Starbuck left for the Chancery, Jolly and I had a run-in with some Borellian Nomen." The captain's incredulity deepened, "You're kidding." Boomer nodded, "One of them accidentally plugged one of those laser boles they carry. We had to expend the energy by using it against that column back there." he motioned toward the column in the middle of the Lounge, where the blackish scar was still evident. "Did you call Security after that happened?" "I didn't need to. They said it was accidental. And they agreed to leave on the next shuttle." Just as Boomer finished his sentence, Jolly came through the Main Entrance and walked up to the two warriors. "Guess what," the fat warrior said, "Those Nomen still haven't left." "What?" Boomer's face twisted, "They left the Lounge a half-centar ago." "And the Canaris has come and gone," Jolly's tone was grim. "But the three of them are all sitting by themselves on their astrums in the Docking Lounge just staring off into space." "Why would they do that?" Apollo wasn't too familiar with the habits of Nomen. Like most Colonials, he had a lingering suspicion of them that had always made him avoid them at all costs. "I think it means only one thing," Jolly said as the memory of past run-ins with Nomen filled his mind. "They're on a blood trail. And I don't think what happened in the Lounge was an accident." Apollo took a breath, "Jolly, you round up some men from Council Security. Boomer, come with me." After five minutes of preliminary conversation about their backgrounds, Starbuck and Chameleon had finished their second drinks and decided it was time to leave. "We might as well get going," the warrior rose from his chair. "Apollo should have the shuttle all ready by now." "I can hardly wait," Chameleon smiled, and then added as an afterthought. "By the way, Lieutenant, I think we should go back through the Astral Lounge instead of the Main Exit." Starbuck frowned, "What for? The Main Exit's a quicker walk back to the Docking Lounge." "There's just one thing I need to take care of. A personal matter." The warrior shrugged. "Okay, Chameleon. Let's get moving." They went back through the rear exit of the Chancery and down the short corridor that led to the Astral Lounge's rear door. When they entered, Chameleon was relieved to see that the Nomen had long since left the room and an air of normalcy had returned to the place. A micron later, he spotted Blassie sitting alone at their table. Her jeweled hand touching her chin with an air of forlorn, lonely impatience. "Lieutenant, if you could wait just here for a micron," Chameleon said, feeling guilty inside about how he'd been forced to treat the first woman who's company he'd genuinely enjoyed in a long time. "This won't take long." "Need me for any help?" "No, no. Not at all." the last thing Chameleon needed was Starbuck by his side at this point. The only way he could stay in Blassie's good graces was to perpetuate his earlier lie. "Just wait here. I'll be back." Chameleon made his way down the steps that led to the main floor where all the tables were set up. As soon as Blassie saw him, her eyes lit up in delight and a smile crossed her pleasantly attractive face. "Chameleon! I thought I'd been abandoned." He smiled warmly as he took her hand and kissed it. "The thought of abandoning a lovely creature like you would be a terrible sin, Siress. But I'm afraid that my business affairs with the IFB have now reached a point where I have to end our time together much sooner than I wanted to." Her mouth drooped in disappointment. "What now?" Chameleon pointed over to where Starbuck was waiting along the back wall perimeter of the Lounge. "That's Lieutenant Starbuck, the subject of that interview we saw on the way over." "Yes, I remember," Blassie nodded. "You were saying how it was a mistake to be interviewing warriors like him on the IFB news." "And my fears have been borne out," his voice dropped to a confidential level. "No sooner was I on my way back to you then did I run into him. And he was in a most foul mood over the way he felt Zara had treated him in the interview. Naturally, since I as head of the News and Interviews Division arranged the interview in the first place, he was taking all of his anger out on me." "That was very inconsiderate of him," the attractive siress said with a touch of disdain. "Well, perhaps. But I think good politics dictated that I try and make the Lieutenant happy, and so I've spent the last half-centar making amends to him. But I'm afraid settling all of his complaints will take much longer than I anticipated. So I think it best, dear Blassie, that you not ruin your time aboard the Rising Star by waiting for me any longer." "Such a pity," Blassie sighed. "I was so looking forward to your kind offer of repayment later this evening." Chameleon kissed her hand again. "And I remain in your debt, Siress. You shall be repaid by me in due time. I will not hesitate to get in touch with you when my schedule is free." "You know where to reach me?" "Your location and telecom number are ingrained in me." he smiled. "Until next time, Blassie?" "Until next time," she returned the smile and raised her half-filled glass of ambrosia. "Goodbye, Chameleon." "Goodbye." As soon as Chameleon had rejoined Starbuck at the other side of the Lounge, he saw the warrior staring at him quizzically. "What was that all about with the attractive woman there?" Starbuck asked. "Did you stand her up or something?" "In a way, I guess I did," Chameleon resumed walking toward the Main Entrance. He made certain Starbuck didn't put a hand over his shoulder as he'd done in the corridor, because that would surely raise eyebrows from Blassie if she were still watching. "Siress Blassie----" "Wait a centon buddy. Siress Blassie?" a sly edge entered Starbuck's tone. "How did a professional wagerer turned genetic tracer get to hook up with a woman like that?" Chameleon shrugged and smiled humbly. "I guess there's something about me that....has a way with beautiful women. Anyway I was just expressing my apologies to her. But once I explained the circumstances, she was most understanding." "And you just met this Siress today and got that far with her?" Starbuck's amazement increased as they went by Zeibert's station and exited into the Main Corridor. "Yes," Chameleon admitted. "We have to be related then," Starbuck grinned as he clapped his hand around Chameleon's shoulder as the Main Door to the Lounge closed behind them. "That kind of success with the ladies is only acquired by genetic instinct." Elsewhere in the Astral Lounge, as many of the male customers eagerly awaited the start of the dance number by the Skorpian troupe of exotically garbed female dancers, two men seated at a table off to the side were totally oblivious to all of the entertainment activities. "So what's this about Sergeant Ortega referring you to me?" the Chancery dealer named Chella eyed Pallan with suspicion. "Sergeant Ortega said you were the man who could help me with a.....problem I have." "Oh he did, did he?" a large amount of acid and venom entered the dealer's voice. "Well if you think you can get me to give you what that slimy snitrod Ortega has been getting out of me, you can forget it. I'll go so far when it comes to him, but I'm damned if I'm going to give the same generosity to one of his friends." "Ortega is not my friend," Pallan said through clenched teeth, "He's an evil dreg and he unfortunately has me boxed into a situation where he has title to half of what I earn and then some." A humorless smile came over Chella's lips. "You too, huh? Welcome to the club." "Look, what he's got on you isn't my business, anymore than what he's got on me is your business," Pallan tried to stay patient. "But it's really important that you let me come up with a thousand cubits so I can get him off my back for now." "Not a chance," Chella's tone grew blunt. "If Ortega comes to me personally, then maybe I'll have reason to reconsider. But not from you, pal. You've got my sympathy, but there isn't a snowball's chance in Hades that I'm going to start rigging results at my table for two people. I can barely keep the books in good order as it is palming off winnings for Ortega. If someone else at my table goes on a big winning streak, that's going to attract all kinds of attention from my Chief Supervisor that I can do without." Pallan grabbed him by the arm. "Look," an edge of desperation entered his voice, "I'm not saying you've got to do this on a regular basis. Just let me win one big hand at the table, and maybe I can use that to help me raise funds elsewhere. I just need to get the miserable boray off my back." "Take it from one who's in the same boat you are, pal. It's not going to work. Now my advice to you is to just wait the slimy leech out. Because sooner or later, he's going to go too far and realize that he can't keep raising the ante on any of us. It'll soon reach a point where even if he does go ahead and turn us in for what he's got on us, he'll only be cooking his own goose as far as a charge of blackmail and conduct unbecoming a warrior puts him at risk of being thrown in the Prison Barge too." "I can't take that risk," Pallan whispered cryptically. "You've got to help me, Chella." "I can't." the dealer said with the same mixture of sympathy and bluntness. "And if it's any consolation to you, you're not the first person Ortega's sent to me as a way of getting extra money for himself." The bartender's eyebrows went up. "Who else?" "Assistant Maintenance Chief of the Aquacade. Name's Elias, though I don't think that's his real name any more than my real name is Chella, or your name is Pallan." Pallan's lips tightened, "That is my real name." he said. "Okay, maybe so. But you can see why I'm in no position to do favors for you, when I've already turned another of Ortega's victims down. But the fact that he's trying to get all he can out of three of us means that he's going to some day find that his hands are too full. He's either going to have to lay off or run the risk of something really serious." Something very serious, Pallan idly thought to himself. Something I probably should have arranged back on Carillon when I saw him in the Chancery down there. I should have set things up for him to become an Ovion dinner. "Very well," the bartender finally sighed. "If you can't do it, then fine. But if I happen to mention that to Ortega, and he comes to you personally about it, don't blame me. I have to look out for me first." "We all do," Chella nodded. "It's a rotten position to be in. But then again, isn't that the price we paid because of our desperate desire to live?" Pallan found himself wondering what it was that Chella was referring to. Whatever it was that Ortega had on the dealer, and the maintenance worker named Elias, he was sure that it was bad. But nowhere near as bad as what the sergeant had on him. "Perhaps," he finally answered. "And living beats dying any day, doesn't it?" He rose from the table. "Sorry I bothered you." As Pallan left the Astral Lounge, his mind was already certain of one thing. Sergeant Ortega's winning streak was about to come to an end. All that remained was a question of how and when it was going to be pulled off. Chapter Five "The key is to not let them intimidate you," Boomer was saying to Apollo as they approached the Docking Lounge. "According to Jolly, most Nomen who have a blood trail planned are sticklers for making sure they don't get themselves into trouble before they've carried out their objective. That means they're apt to back down in the face of authority." "You take charge then, Boomer," Apollo said as they rounded the corner that led to the main waiting area. When they entered, they saw the three Nomen seated on the bench, none of them taking any notice of the two warriors. "Okay gentlemen," Boomer said with the same level of authority he'd displayed earlier in the Astral Lounge. "Suppose you explain yourselves. A half-centar ago, you said you were leaving. So why are you still here?" Maga's head moved only a fraction of an inch, so he could see the two warriors in his peripheral vision. "By what authority do you question us, Lieutenant?" there was an air of gentility in his monotonic voice for the first time. "Are we not humans? Are we not members of this Fleet with equal rights and privileges, according to the precepts of Colonial law?" "Of course you are," Boomer was unimpressed by Maga's appeal to the sense of latent prejudice that existed among most Colonials toward Nomen. From his standpoint, the only reason why Borellian Nomen were regarded with suspicion and fear by Colonials was because of the Nomen's own deeds and actions down through the millennia, and not because of any instinctive racial prejudice. "But none of us, whether we're Borellian or Colonial have the right to abuse those laws." Apollo decided to step in. "And Colonial law clearly states that it's illegal to carry weaponry aboard a civilian ship unless you're attached to the military or Council Security. The fact that you're Borellian Nomen has nothing to do with it. This officer did his duty, and now it's clear that you've lied to him about what you planned to do next." Abruptly, the beardless Nomen named Taba bolted from his seat and made a motion for his laser boles. In the space of two microns, both Apollo and Boomer had responded by whipping out their laser pistols, while Maga had raised his arm to block Taba from detaching his weapon. There was an implacable silence for nearly a centon as the two warriors kept their pistols trained on the Nomen, while Maga kept his hand locked on Taba's to keep him frozen in mid-motion. Finally, the beardless Nomen broke the silence with clear indignation, "He insulted you." Maga continued to stare straight ahead. "If he insulted me, he would be dead." He then rose from his seat and lifted the young Nomen to his feet, glaring at him with contempt. "It is you who have insulted me, Taba. Twice! You must answer to the Code." The lead Nomen then forcefully ripped off the young Nomen's weapons belt containing each of his laser boles and handed them to Bora. "For disgracing the Code, your name will be stricken from the ranks of Nomen. Forever." Maga then turned back to the two warriors. "You may do with him as you wish. To me, he no longer exists." The two lead Nomen resumed their seats on the bench, while Taba stood frozen. His lack of a beard made it easier for Apollo and Boomer to see the air of humiliation and anger lining the young Noman's face. "What's the situation, Captain?" The two warriors turned around and saw that Jolly had arrived with two black uniformed guards from Council Security. Apollo motioned to the two guards and pointed at Taba, "This man is to be detained on charges of reckless endangerment and attempted assault, pending a full tribunal hearing. I'll personally file the complaint later." The guards nodded and took hold of Taba, guiding him out of the Docking Lounge and leaving the three warriors alone with the two remaining Nomen. "I suppose we should thank you for acknowledging the trouble your friend caused," Boomer decided he at least owed Maga that much. "But I'm afraid you still haven't answered the question I asked. Why didn't you leave the Rising Star when you said you would?" "We did not leave because the Canaris was full. We are waiting for the next shuttle. It is simple as that." Maga's voice had the faintest edge of deference, which was the most that any Noman was capable of summoning. "Then you're not on a blood trail?" Jolly's previous experience with Nomen made him decide to come to the point. "We would not be returning to our ship if we were," the lead Noman said matterof-factly as he resumed his posture of staring straight ahead. "If you Colonials would abandon your racial prejudice, you would find that there is much we could learn about each other. Not the least of which is trust." The almost humble nature of his words seemed to catch the warriors off-guard. Jolly was almost on the verge of trying to suppress an incredulous laugh from inside, since he could never recall seeing a Noman act this way before. "Prejudice is not the hallmark of Colonial society," Apollo finally said. "So long as you're willing to live under the same rules and infrastructure that the rest of us do, even you Nomen are always welcome to enjoy what the Fleet has to offer. Just try to keep your young hotheads under control the next time you come out here." "His like shall never contaminate our ranks again, Captain." The unseen feminine voice that announced all the departures and arrivals then filled the room. "Galactica shuttle Delta Two, now arrived and ready for boarding." "Wonder what's holding Starbuck up?" Apollo idly glanced at the doorway. No sooner were his words out then he saw Starbuck enter the Docking Lounge with his arm around Chameleon. It was clear to Apollo that Starbuck and the old man had really hit it off. They almost seemed like lifelong comrades. "Ever tried fumarellos?" Starbuck was asking. "Oh no," Chameleon shook his head, without casting the slightest glance at the two Nomen as they moved past the bench. "I gave up smoking a long time ago. Totally wretched habit. You really should think of doing the same." "Boy if that's your attitude toward one of the greatest things the Almighty ever permitted man to invent, we can't possibly be related." Starbuck quipped as they entered the docking ring that would take them inside the shuttle. Neither of the Nomen made a sound as the two of them passed. But Boomer noticed how Maga's eyes suddenly deviated from their perpetual straight-on positioning and strayed ever so faintly to the right as both Starbuck and Chameleon disappeared. He wondered if he should have asked a question about that, and then decided it would make him seem too paranoid. "Jolly, you coming with us?" Apollo inquired. The fat warrior was still eyeing the Nomen with suspicion, "No, I think I'll try to get back to my furlon, if that's okay." Apollo nodded, "Boomer?" "I've kind of lost my enthusiasm for partying," the dark-skinned warrior said as he stepped toward the docking ring, "Enjoy your dinner, Jolly." "I guess that's that," Apollo smiled thinly at Maga, "Perhaps what you say about trust will be borne out some day." The captain then followed Boomer through the docking ring, which closed shut thirty microns later. "Galactica shuttle Delta Two now departing." the overhead voice intoned. Jolly found himself lingering in the Docking Lounge, still unable to stop viewing Maga and Bora with an air of suspicion. The memory of his mission nine yahrens before, when he'd been recruited to help thwart a Nomen assassination plot against Borallus's Chief Ambassador to the Colonies was playing as clearly in his mind as an IFB broadcast. In particular, the violent ending of the mission that had forced him to shoot down two of the henchmen from the operation. Finally, the remaining warrior turned and departed, leaving the two Nomen alone. As soon as the sound of his footsteps had faded away, Bora finally broke the silence. "I do not question, Maga," he said, "I only ask for enlightenment." "Speak." Maga tilted his head toward him. "Taba broke our Code and must be punished. But why must it be at the hands of Colonial justice?" "Had I not stopped him, he would have killed two Colonial warriors." the lead Noman grunted, "Kill them and more will take their place. They would even feel compelled to descend on our ship." "If that ever happened, we would all as Nomen fight them to the death." "They are weak," Maga conceded. "But they are many. And we also suffer from the fact that our so-called leader, the infidel Hassan, is a lackey who serves Colonial interests. His philosophy of goodwill towards these inferiors afflicts too many of our own ranks at present. That is why for now, we must have the patience of the skorpius." he tilted his head toward Bora, "I have not forgotten that we are on the blood trail. But patience is what we need to fulfill our objective." Bora nodded, "You speak wisely, as always Maga. But now, we discover that our prey has received protection from the warrior called Starbuck. What if he speaks of the little he knows?" "He can't, without incriminating himself." Maga was emphatic. "For now, he feels safe and so he will remain silent. And that will mean his death." "But only if we can get aboard the Galactica." Bora noted. "We will get aboard the Galactica." "How?" There was silence from Maga, indicating that the lead Noman had not yet arrived at a solution to that problem. He turned away from his comrade and resumed his posture of staring straight ahead in silent contemplation. With Bora resuming the same posture, the only sound that now filled the Docking Lounge was the IFB monitor on the other side of the antechamber. ".....You are watching the IFB's rebroadcast of last evening's triad match between the number four ranked squadron of Greenbean and Ares versus number seven ranked squadron of Vickers and Cree. We will be back with further coverage and a preview of next sectan's match between the number one and number three ranked teams after these public service messages." The image of lead newscaster Zed was then replaced by that of Galactica Bridge Officer Omega, delivering the same pre-recorded pitch for warrior recruitment that the IFB was obligated to play twelve times over the course of each broadcast cycle. The two Nomen took no notice of the first part of the announcement, but as Omega continued, Maga's head suddenly tilted up and fastened on the monitor.. "....between the ages of 16 and 46 yahrens, and not already serving in a highly critical civilian position, you should consider becoming a Colonial Warrior. If you want to become part of the team that's defending the Fleet, request an open channel to Galactica recruitment. We need you ." As Omega's smiling visage winked off the screen and was replaced by a Medical Corps announcement, Bora glanced over at his leader, whose eyes had narrowed in deep contemplation. It was clear to Bora that the lead Noman had just been presented with the germ of an idea and would soon inform him of how it would be implemented. When Apollo entered the shuttle, he felt his spirits rise a bit when he saw that Sheba was co-piloting with Sergeant Mackin. For reasons that he could never bring himself to admit, even to himself, he found that he enjoyed any opportunity to be around her. There was little question in Apollo's mind that all of the underlying tension and hostility that had existed when they'd first met five sectars ago was gone now. Especially after the experience they had shared on that strange planet where amidst the wreckage of a mysterious ship, there had been that encounter with the man in white called Count Iblis. Even now, twelve sectans later, Apollo's memory was still blank in many spots about just what had happened to him, Sheba and Starbuck during both the final encounter with Iblis, and the trip back to the Galactica. Only once, had he ever asked the two of them about what they remembered and their recollections had been equally vague and jumbled. But whatever had happened, they knew it had to have been extraordinary. For when they had returned, they had found themselves suddenly speaking aloud the general coordinates that would ultimately lead the Fleet to Earth in either the near or distant future. If Apollo was unwilling to admit the obvious facts to himself about Sheba, he could at least acknowledge that he regarded her as a very close friend. Equally close as he viewed Starbuck, Boomer and Cassiopeia. And he wasn't about to consider avoiding her for any reason any longer. By contrast, Sheba had emerged from the Iblis experience with no doubts in her mind about how she felt about Apollo. She saw herself a much chastened and more mature person than she had been before. She had come to accept the Galactica as her new home now, and no longer spent idle centars grieving for her lost father, Commander Cain, who had not been heard from since he'd taken the Battlestar Pegasus off to engage two Cylon basestars head-on. She had learned to open herself up to a new circle of friends who'd come to accept her as part of their extended family, just as Adama had promised to her after her father had disappeared. Sheba also knew that she was in love with Apollo. That was one fact that remained clear in her mind in the wake of the whole Iblis experience and the blackouts that had happened in the last encounter and the journey back. With it, was the realization that Apollo potentially felt the same about her, but was too traumatized by the memory of his dead wife Serina to think about acting on those impulses. She had vowed not to push Apollo or forcibly drag anything out of him. At the very least, she felt that she needed to be patient with Apollo and wait for him to sort out things in his mind and heart before she ever dared confronting him about her own feelings toward him. And so long as Apollo was treating her as a good friend and not trying to avoid her, then she was content to let things remain status quo. For now at least. "That was a short furlon." Sheba smiled wryly when she saw Apollo and Boomer enter. "Did Starbuck's system bankrupt you that fast?" "I got lucky," Apollo returned it. "Starbuck found something else to distract him. Something more important than gambling or women." "I never knew Starbuck regarded anything more important than either of those." Sergeant Mackin, an attractive black-haired woman who had dated Starbuck once, noted dryly. "Well, in Starbuck's case there is one thing more important." "Which is?" Sheba flicked the switch that detached the shuttle from the Rising Star's docking ring and brought it into position for main engine firing that would take them on a course back to the Galactica. "Learning something about his past." Apollo glanced back at the rear compartment where Starbuck and Chameleon were still caught up in an intense conversation. "That old man with him. His name's Chameleon and it turns out he's a survivor of the Umbra disaster that left Starbuck orphaned. There's a possibility he could be Starbuck's father." Sheba's eyes lit up in amazement. "That's incredible! Mackin and I both saw that IFB interview he did and we were both talking about how sad that whole thing was." "I know, it is ironic that he'd get a break like that just after it was on. I know from personal experience that Starbuck never likes talking about it. Until now, that is." "I take back what I said," Mackin said with faint regret as she took hold of the controls. Boomer was the only one not to react with any overt enthusiasm. Instead, the dark-skinned warrior found himself staring back at Starbuck and Chameleon, trying to pinpoint the itch inside his brain that was telling him there was something unusual about the whole thing. Apollo noticed his friend's subdued reaction. "Something wrong, Boomer?" "I'm not sure," Boomer put a finger to his chin and kept his gaze on the rear compartment. "What's there to be concerned about?" Sheba seemed bursting with happiness over what she regarded as wonderful news. In her case, the idea of being reunited with a lost parent was something that touched close to home for her. Especially since she still held out hope that she would know that same joy someday when her father returned. "I think it's wonderful that after all these yahrens, Starbuck may have found his father. It's nothing short of a miracle if it's true." "Maybe," Boomer kept tapping his finger against his chin. Apollo decided he needed to drag out whatever Boomer was thinking. "Come on Boomer, out with it. What's on your mind?" Boomer took a breath. "I didn't make the connection until just now. But I have this funny feeling I've seen Chameleon before. In the Astral Lounge when that Noman pulled his laser boles. I could have sworn I saw an old man headed for the exit just a micron before, and that was what caused him to act." "The Noman that did what?" Mackin's expression suddenly became one of utter befuddlement. Next to her, Sheba craned her head around and her smile faded. "Later, Sergeant," Apollo waved his hand and returned his attention to Boomer. "What are you saying Boomer? That those Nomen were on a blood trail after all, and that Chameleon was their intended target?" "I'm not saying anything, Apollo. I think if Chameleon was the man I saw in the Lounge, then it's definitely a possibility." Already, Boomer was starting to feel slightly embarrassed that he'd said anything at all. It made him feel like a man who'd just summoned a rain storm on a festive outdoor parade. Sheba was determined to not let anything ruin the wonderful feeling inside her. "Look, even if what you're saying is true, what does that have to do with whether or not Chameleon is Starbuck's father? At least he's safe from them now." Light was slowly dawning inside Apollo's head. "I'm beginning to see what you mean, Boomer," he said. "If the Nomen were after Chameleon, then he'd need protection." "Which we just gave him by escorting him off the Rising Star right in front of their noses." "Oh come on," Sheba said. "If the Nomen are resorting to something illegal like a blood trail, then why wouldn't Chameleon just ask for our protection and asylum and leave it at that? Why bother with something about Starbuck that could be exposed in an instant if it turns out to be false?" "Maybe because Chameleon's got some troubles of his own?" Boomer speculated. "Could the two of you save your speculating for later?" Sheba felt an edge of impatience creeping inside her. "Think of Starbuck first. There'll be plenty of time to run a full background check on Chameleon once we're aboard the Galactica." "Sounds agreeable to me." Apollo conceded. "Mackin, as soon as we're aboard, stop by Fleet Personnel records and get whatever's in the Main Computer Banks on him. Drop it off in Commander Adama's office when you're through. As soon as we get done with the preliminary stuff in the Life Center, we'll be heading over there." "No problem," the black-haired copilot nodded. In the back of the shuttle, Starbuck found himself thoroughly enraptured by the stories Chameleon was telling. "What's the highest pot you ever had in any game?" "Oh.....I'd have to say, twenty-three thousand cubits." "Twenty-three thousand?" Starbuck's eyes widened for the third time since he'd begun conversing with the old man. "And what happened?" There was a faint twinkle in Chameleon's eye. "I won. My opponent was totally bluffed out of his wits by my level three red and level two green." The warrior's jaw fell open. "You won that big a pot with nothing! Not even a quarter-Pyramid!" "The greatest bluff of my life," Chameleon sighed. "And it paid the most important dividend of my life. That one little hand in a backwoods chancery on Sagitarra was what enabled me to give up gambling at a most critical time. With those winnings, I was able to come home to Caprica with a sufficient reserve account to try and make a break with the whole thing. Start an honest living as an agro worker. And more importantly, make myself respectable for a lovely young lady named Gabriella." "I see. Ah, I take it that was my......I mean," he caught himself in time. "Your wife?" "Yes," there was a wistful quality in his voice, betraying the sadness he still felt inside over losing her. "Quite a remarkable woman, Starbuck. I....well there's much I could tell about her, but I think it had best wait until after these tests." "Oh sure," Starbuck said hastily. "Sure, Chameleon I understand. I mean, I know it's a one-in-three thousand shot, so I shouldn't get ahead of things." he then leaned forward, "Ah, there is one thing though, should it turn out that you are my father." "Yes?" "Well, obviously if I'm your son, that would mean my real name isn't Starbuck." "Yes," Chameleon nodded. "Do me one favor," Starbuck put an arm around him. "Don't tell me what it is. I think no matter what happens I'll just stick to Starbuck. I'm.....kind of fond of the name." "It's a good name," Chameleon said. "Held by a very good warrior. Besides," he shrugged, "If you are my son, I couldn't see myself using your original name anyway. Not with...well not with the way you are now." "Oh," Starbuck nodded faintly in understanding. "Thanks." Ever since the danger of constant Cylon attack had slackened off twelve sectans earlier, Cassiopeia had found herself enjoying the positive things in her work for the first time. With no constant danger of treating injured warriors any longer, she could now turn her attention to areas like medical research and scientific studies that she found fascinating. And with her increased fascination came more than one subtle hint from her mentor Dr. Salik that she ought to consider becoming a full-fledged doctor in her own right. Dr. Cassiopeia, she idly mused as she went over a research file dealing with a potential vaccination against a strain of Sagitarrian flu. It has a nice ring to it. Maybe I should take Salik's offer up. Some day at least. "Cassiopeia?" She looked up from her reading and was surprised to see every single close friend of hers enter the Life Station. Apollo, Boomer, Sheba, and then Starbuck, who still had his arm around Chameleon. "This is a surprise," the med-tech got to her feet. "What brings you all here?" Her boyfriend stepped forward with a wide grin and pointed to Chameleon, "Cass, this is Chameleon. Wait 'till you hear the things we just found out about each other." Five centons later, after Cassiopeia and Chameleon had exchanged pleasantries and Starbuck had summarized the situation, there was a look of amazement and wonder on Cassiopeia's face. "That is good news. Yes, I know the kind of test you were talking about, Chameleon. If you two step this way, I can have it done in just five centons." "Excellent," Chameleon smiled. "This way we can at least see if there's a legitimate basis for going any further." "We won't be long," Cassiopeia said as she led Starbuck and Chameleon into the next room, leaving the others to wait in the main chamber of the Life Station. "He seems anxious to get it done," Sheba noted. "That doesn't do much for your theory that he was only interested in getting protection. Because he has to know that the instant it's all over, he goes back to his own ship, and if the Nomen are after him, he's right back to square one." "True," Boomer conceded. "But I'd feel better if we had more details about him." The main door slid open and Apollo saw his sister enter, holding two sheets of paper. "Apollo, this message just came in from Jolly aboard the Rising Star," Athena handed them to her. "He thought you'd find it useful." "Thanks," Apollo said and skimmed them briefly. "What's brought you all down here anyway?" Athena frowned slightly as she took note of Boomer's and Sheba's presence. "It's wonderful news, Athena," Sheba's bubbly enthusiasm resurfaced. "Starbuck's met a man who might actually be his father!" Athena raised an eyebrow and Apollo instantly saw how his sister seemed to regard it with utter indifference. "That's.....interesting," she finally spoke, with nary a trace of emotion. "Well, if that's true, give him my congratulations. I think I'd better get back to the Bridge." She then turned and was gone as quickly as she'd come in. Both Sheba and Boomer seemed taken aback by how Athena had reacted. "Boy, you'd think we were talking about Baltar, the way she acted," Boomer noted. "I'm not surprised," Apollo said aloud. "It seems like every day, she gets more and more bitter about breaking up with Starbuck." Sheba, whose arrival on the Galactica came after the break-up between Starbuck and Athena, shook her head sadly. "I never realized it had been so serious between the two of them." "Remind me to tell you about it sometime," Apollo sighed and went back to the report he'd been given. "So what does Jolly's report say?" Boomer inquired, anxious to change the subject. "Not much," the captain said as he handed the papers to him. "The two Nomen did leave on the next shuttle. The one that's been detained is still insisting it was an accident that he pulled out his laser boles in the Astral Lounge. If they are on a blood trail, they're not talking or offering any hints for now." "And that means not enough evidence to justify having Council Security monitor those other two." "Show me one Council Security goon who'd have the guts for an assignment like that," Sheba observed dryly. Her remark released some of the tension that had set in and the three of them laughed. "Okay," Apollo chuckled. "Okay, I guess there's nothing else that can be done for now until Mackin delivers that background report on Chameleon to the Commander. When we tell him about this story, we give him all the details." "And in the meantime, let's not needlessly dampen Starbuck's enthusiasm," Sheba said. "Let's go inside and see how that preliminary test is coming." Aboard the freighter Borallus, the home for the entire Borellian population in the Fleet, another meeting was taking place. A meeting of the twenty senior members of the Nomen class. At the head of the table sat Maga, who was unofficially regarded as the titular leader of all Nomen. To his left sat Bora, while the rest consisted of the only ones on the ship who already knew about what they had been seeking aboard the Rising Star and why. "What news have you to report of the blood trail against the jackal Captain Dimitri?" a middle-aged Noman named Mammar asked. "The early news is not promising," Maga said. "The inexcusable violations of the Code by the untrustworthy Taba have placed us in a difficult position for now. One that has enabled Captain Dimitri to receive safe haven aboard the Galactica." "So we are now faced with the shame of an unfulfilled blood trail," this from another Noman named Suddam. "How do you plan to answer for this, Maga?" "The blood trail shall be fulfilled," Maga's tone grew defiant. "A change in tactics is all that is required." "And how do you plan to obtain access to the Galactica?" this from Mammar. "We have an opportunity," Bora said. "It has been decided by Maga that the way to gaining access aboard the Galactica is to do so under the cover of enlistment in the Colonial Warrior Corps." If any of the other Nomen in the room had been capable of laughing, all of them would have done so upon hearing Maga's words. "My dear Maga," Suddam said. "My respect for you is boundless. But surely you can not be serious that you could enlist in the Colonial military without attracting suspicion and attention from those onboard the Galactica." "Undoubtedly we shall attract suspicion and attention," Maga said. "But it will take the slow-witted Colonials too much time to act on their suspicions. All that is required of us is to locate first, the warrior Starbuck, who will lead us to the jackal, and then the fulfillment of our Code. And we shall die in the effort if it must be so, in order to succeed." At this point, another Noman named Fassel, much younger and with only the beginnings of a beard lining his face, got to his feet which was an uncharacteristic posture during a meeting of the Nomen class. "Regrettably, I must question your judgment, Maga," he looked the Nomen leader in the eye. "Either way, whether you are successful or not in tracking down Captain Dimitri aboard the Galactica, you risk greater damage to what all of us have managed to accomplish over the past twelve sectans. During that time, we have all put aside our hatred for the Colonials and ventured out in the name of achieving a greater good. The goal of self-sufficiency and independence from both the Colonials and our infidel masters aboard this ship which we desire above all other things. But if that goal is placed in jeopardy because of our obsessive desire to fulfill one blood trail, I fear that you will bring us all to ruin." "You speak sacrilege, Fassal." Bora interjected and would have thundered in indignation if he were capable of doing so. "What you call for is to shirk the Code, which must be upheld in all circumstances no matter what the costs are." "It is not the individual cost that concerns me, Bora, it is the cost to what our long-term objective is," Fassal held his ground. "Whether you are successful or not, the death of Captain Dimitri would immediately result in an investigation by the Colonial Warriors into the practices of all Nomen aboard this ship. And the infidel Hassan would not hesitate to grant that permission since he yearns for any pretext that would result in our destruction as a class. Such an investigation, would inevitably uncover everything that we have accomplished in twelve sectans. Our supplies of spare parts, fuel cells, weapons, food. All that we have gathered to achieve our goal of self-sufficiency and separation from Colonial and infidel rule." Maga got to his feet and fixed a withering, angry stare at the younger Noman. "You disgrace yourself," his voice dripped with contempt. "Not only do you promote sacrilege by suggesting that there are circumstances when the Code must be declared meaningless, you also shame me by accusing me of treason. For the only way our objective could be discovered would be to learn that from my lips, which you assume I would give them in the event of capture." "I deny the charge," Fassal said. "I do not withdraw it," Maga said. "You talk of your desire to see our objective of self-sufficiency fulfilled, yet you mock and shame the Code that our society is to be governed under once self-sufficiency is achieved. Consider yourself challenged." "I accept your challenge, and I demand the privilege of settlement now." the young Noman's voice grew cold. "Granted." Maga stood up and moved alongside the table while Fassal moved away from his seat, so that the two Nomen were now face-to-face, ten feet apart on a straight line. All of the other Nomen in the room promptly got up from the table and moved to the other side of the room to watch an ancient Noman ritual be performed. Both Maga and Fassal bowed slightly and then closed their eyes in intense concentration. Each was beginning a mental count inside. When the count ended, it would be a matter of who was faster and more accurate with their laser boles. The count reached twenty, and abruptly Maga opened his eyes, detached his boles and flung them at Fassal with a speed and intensity that the young Noman had badly underestimated. Before Fassal had time to detach his own boles, Maga's had slammed directly into his chest and exploded. Not a sound was uttered by any of the others in the room as Fassal's lifeless body collapsed to the floor in a bloody, unrecognizable mess. Maga calmly came up to the corpse, reached down and picked up the boles from Fassal's shredded tunic and reattached them to his belt. "His likes shall no longer contaminate our ranks," Maga spoke with the faint air of triumph. "Bora will accompany me on this task. And when we next meet, we shall return in fulfillment of the Code." The rest of the Nomen solemnly bowed as Maga left the room. Chapter Six There was an air of silent, anxious anticipation inside the Life Station as Cassiopeia sat in front of the monitor attached to the apparatus that had conducted both the hemotype blood test, and the iris-cone eye test that would give them the preliminary results on whether Starbuck and Chameleon could theoretically be related. The two of them were on the other side of the apparatus, where they'd been subjected to the tests. Behind them, Apollo, Sheba and Boomer stood with arms folded, each of them wondering what the news would bring and how it might affect the other matters associated with Chameleon that they'd been discussing. "Okay," Cassiopeia said. "The results of your samples have been computated and I should be getting a read-out any micron now." Inside, Starbuck felt his heart skip a beat. For him, this was potentially the fulfillment of a dream he'd carried since childhood. To finally have some idea of who he was, and where he'd come from. To understand how and why he'd inherited the instincts that had made him the kind of man he was. For Chameleon, his inner thoughts were a mixture of both anticipation, apprehension and regret. Anticipation because he knew there was a very remote chance that this lead he had grasped at in the name of survival could actually produce an unexpected result that would solve a mystery he had long ago given up hope of finding the answer to. Apprehension, because if he didn't get past this first test, he'd be turned loose from the Galactica and be right back where he started, forced to keep one eye over his shoulder in fear over when the Nomen might appear again. And regret, because if his deceptions were exposed it would mean losing the friendship of someone he was already feeling close to after only a couple of centars. Dear Lord, he thought to himself. Whatever happens, let it all work out for the best. Cassiopeia squinted at the monitor on her side of the apparatus and began to make several notations. "Well?" a note of impatience entered Starbuck's voice. "What do you see, Cass?" The blonde med-tech took a breath. " far, so good. The iris-cone type is both characteristic of native Capricans. And it also indicates that you're both of southern Caprican tribal stock. We're not dealing with something utterly impossible like a pure Caprican and a pure Sagitarian or something like that----" "Cass, save us all the technical felgercarb. What else?" Starbuck's impatience mounted. "Well this is where the hemo-type results are important to establish general DNA similarities. And.....okay, I think....." she paused as she double-checked the results in her mind to be sure. Once she was, she broke into a smile. "There's no question but that you're related to each other within ten generations." Starbuck let out an exhilarated whoop, "Yeeee-haaa!" he raised his arms triumphantly and then clasped one around an amazed Chameleon. "Now Starbuck," his girlfriend got to her feet and injected a note of caution. "This just proves common ancestry within the last four hundred yahrens. There are a lot of people who can have that in common with you." "Including me," Apollo couldn't help but quip. "And for that far back, even me," Boomer slyly added Sheba shook her head in faint exasperation and came over to Starbuck. "I'm happy for both of you," she gave him a quick hug and then looked at Cassiopeia. "Is there any way you could take those genetic tracer tests here on the Galactica?" The med-tech hesitated slightly. "Well....theoretically, yes. We do have the same facilities that the Orphans Ship has for those tests, but I'd have to get Dr. Salik's approval before we could start." "That shouldn't be a problem, should it?" Chameleon inquired with an anxious edge. "Not a bit. Once he approves, then it's just a question of whether or not you're up to taking them." "I am," Chameleon's tone grew more emphatic. "The sooner the better, Cassiopeia." "Well Dr. Salik won't be back from the main Fleet Hospital ship for another two centars, so maybe you and Starbuck could just rest up a bit until then." "A cold one in the Officers Club on me then," Starbuck's smile widened as he kept his arm around Chameleon's shoulder. "Hey why don't all of you join us in the celebration?" Before Apollo could answer, an announcement over the Galactica's unicom system filled the room. "Attention. Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Boomer are to report to Commander Adama's quarters immediately." "I guess we're going to have to pass on that drink, Starbuck," Apollo said feeling relieved. "Sheba, I think Boomer and I will be needing you there too." "Of course." she nodded in understanding. "Starbuck, you and Chameleon enjoy yourselves." "I'm sure we will," Starbuck grinned as he and Chameleon headed for the exit. The old man seemed just as relaxed as he returned the warrior's grin. Cassiopeia let out an exhilarated sigh. "This is so wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen Starbuck this happy before." Apollo exchanged a glance with Boomer, and already he could tell that they both felt there was no point dampening Cassiopeia's enthusiasm with their suspicions about Chameleon. "Let's hope he ultimately has reason to stay happy, Cassiopeia," Apollo said as he moved toward the door. "Boomer, Sheba, let's not keep the Commander waiting." When the three warriors arrived in Adama's office, they found the Galactica commander seated at his desk, frowning over a sheaf of papers that he'd been consulting. "Flight Sergeant Mackin delivered this to me," he said. "She said you'd explain what was significant about this Central Computer readout on someone named Chameleon." It took Apollo five centons to recapitulate the details of what had happened aboard the Rising Star, with Boomer adding information about his initial confrontation with the Nomen in the Astral Lounge. "Okay," Adama said when they had finished. "That clears up that matter. Naturally, the thought that he could be Starbuck's father is intriguing, but certainly much too premature to consider at this stage." "Does the file say anything, Commander?" Sheba inquired. "Not much," the commander said. "According to Central Fleet Records, Chameleon was taken aboard the Rising Star during the Exodus from Caprica. He was officially logged in among the survivors by Wing Sergeant Ortega, when Ortega was still attached to Colonial Security." "Ortega," Apollo muttered under his breath, thinking it ironic that the unruly flight sergeant had to be indirectly connected with these events as well. Especially in light of the upcoming triad match and the near brawl that had erupted between him and Starbuck just before meeting Chameleon. "Any background information?" Boomer asked. "None. Just planet of origin. No designation given at the time." "That's interesting," Apollo said. "Chameleon says he's been working on Dr. Pia's staff on the Orphans Ship with their genetic tracer project. Does that check?" "Not according to the file." Adama said as he indicated the papers. "Mackin's search of the G-2 and G-3 employees attached to the Orphans Ship turned up nothing. She then ran it for the entire Fleet. There's no Chameleon attached to any full-time designation anywhere." "Looks like Chameleon has one strike against him already," Apollo grunted. Sheba glared at him. "Did it occur to you Apollo, that maybe Chameleon isn't a full-time employee? That wouldn't show up in the Central File." "There's one way to confirm that," the Commander activated his videocom. "Athena, this is Commander Adama. Put me through on a tie-in to Dr. Pia aboard the Orphans Ship." "Yes sir. I'll notify you when it's ready," his daughter's voice replied from the Bridge. "I don't think Chameleon would have been fool enough to lie about something like this when he knows that we could check that in an instant," Sheba was not inclined to believe the worst about Chameleon. Especially when so much was riding on it for Starbuck. "We'll find out about that soon enough," Adama decided to change the subject. "In the meantime, let's get back to this matter of the Borellian Nomen. Because if some of them are conducting blood trails, that's a very disconcerting development. Ambassador Hassan has assured me that he's done his best to keep them under control." "Do you trust Hassan that much, Commander?" Boomer asked skeptically. Adama smiled thinly. "Hassan is the best among all the Borellians in the Fleet, Boomer. He was always a friend to the Colonial government when he was the Borellian Ambassador to Caprica. And that's why the Nomen have always hated him. If the Nomen get out of control, then he knows that means he's ultimately in danger too." "Have you considered having a Colonial Security detachment posted on their freighter to help Hassan out?" "Out of the question," Adama said. "Not just because to do so would be a serious breach of Colonial jurisprudence, but also the fact that Hassan doesn't want any outsiders stationed there. It would only sway the non-militants in the Borellian population into thinking that what the Nomen say about Hassan being a Colonial lackey is true. Hassan wants to be our friend, but he wants to run things with his people his way, according to Borellian methods. Which is only fair since the Borellians are really the one group of people in this Fleet that have been brought along as reluctant guests." "More fool them for not realizing that the Cylons had just as many designs on Borallus as they did the Colonies," Boomer snorted. "I should probably have a talk with Hassan about it as soon as I'm done with all of you." Adama sighed. "I know there's a lot about the Borellians that makes it hard for the average Colonial to think of getting along with them, but for better or worse, they are part of this Fleet and if our ideas and our values of equality and justice have any meaning, we have to apply them to the Borellians as well." "Point taken, Commander," Sheba acknowledged. The video-com then chimed and Athena's voice came through, "Commander, I have Dr. Pia on direct tie-in." "Thank you, Athena." Adama flicked the switch. "Dr. Pia, this is Commander Adama." "Yes Commander, it's an honor to talk to you again." a mature, feminine voice answered. "We haven't spoken since you signed the proclamation establishing my project." "My apologies for not paying your clinic a visit, Doctor. Your project is of interest to me, and I wish it all the success. However, that's not why I've called you. I'm calling in regard to a member of your staff." "Oh?" there was a faint edge of surprise in Pia's voice. "Who?" "This is about an elderly gentleman named Chameleon. About seventy-five yahrens old, silver hair, somewhat agile." "Chameleon," she mused and then let out an exclamation, "Oh yes, I think I know who you mean. But he's not a member of the staff, Commander." "Who is he then?" "Well I don't know anything personally about the man. He's very charming and the people enjoy him when he comes by. He spends about a centar or two each sectan helping us out when things get a bit overloaded. Nothing strenuous on his part, but he lends a kind of presence that brightens things up a bit when we need it." "I see," Adama nodded, "That's all you know about him?" "There might be some regular staff members who know him better than I do, Commander. But I think if you've got questions about him, he seems completely harmless from our standpoint." "Thank you Dr. Pia, you've been most helpful. I'll repay you in the next sectar by visiting your clinic." "You're most welcome, Commander. I look forward to your visit." Adama switched off the videocom and glanced at the three warriors. "Well?" "So much for your theory that Chameleon lied about his work," Sheba directed herself to Apollo. "It may not be a full-time designation, but he certainly has worked there." "Which accounts for only two centars in an entire sectan," Apollo replied gently. Every instinct inside him wanted to avoid any kind of tone that would lead to hostile words with Sheba. "That's plenty of time for him to be caught up in something that's got the Nomen after him." "Okay," Sheba kept her tone reasonable, for she too didn't want to start an argument with Apollo. "Suppose the Nomen are after him. Why doesn't he just come out and tell us the reason why?" "I don't know," Apollo shrugged. "Maybe he can't. Because if he told us, it would get him into trouble with Colonial jurisprudence." She let out a mildly exasperated sigh. "And if it is a con on Chameleon's part, then why is he so anxious to take the genetic tests right away? I'd think he'd want to delay it as long as possible so he could remain aboard the Galactica. He would have at least taken up Cassiopeia's offer of rest for as long as he needed before beginning." Apollo felt a wave of embarrassment come over him as the logic of her argument sunk in. "You know," he sighed, "I'm beginning to feel like an equinian astrum in the worst way." "That makes two of us," Boomer nodded his head. "Maybe we're just too paranoid. Maybe what that Noman said about Colonial prejudice really is guiding our thinking. We fear the Nomen too much because they're not like us, so that means we assume the worst about them. We assume they're on a blood trail and if we didn't, we have no reason to suspect Chameleon on this." "There is another way you could settle your doubts about Chameleon," Adama gently spoke up. "The Central File check is the most basic examination. General information available to anyone in the population who wants to punch in a name at the nearest data base. But we do have the ability to use Colonial Security to conduct more extensive background investigations of people if circumstances warrant it. If you think Security should conduct a deeper background check of Chameleon and his story about being an Umbra survivor, you can always go to Colonel Tigh and he'll see to it." he then raised a cautious hand. "With discretion of course. In Starbuck's enthused state of mind, he might not take kindly to the idea." "So you don't share my concern, or Boomer's, Father?" Apollo asked. "I wasn't there, Apollo," Adama kept his tone neutral. "But if you do think there's a chance that this Chameleon is using Starbuck, then you must take some kind of action. For Starbuck's sake at least." Boomer slowly nodded. "I suppose a Colonial Security check is the least we could do. Nothing too extensive. No browbeating. Guys like Castor never resort to those kinds of tactics." "Is that really necessary?" Sheba was disappointed that the impact of her earlier point had begun to fade. In her own mind though, she didn't want to think of the disappointment and hurt Starbuck would go through if his hopes had been raised by a lie. It put her in mind too much of an experience she had gone through a mere twelve sectans earlier when she had experienced that same disappointment and hurt because of some lies told to her by a charming gentleman. "The alternative would be to confront Chameleon with your concerns, Apollo," Adama said. "Would you prefer it that way? A simple man-to-man talk?" His son slowly exhaled, "That would be worse, Father, because then I'd be practically calling the man a liar." "Not practically," Sheba retorted mildly. Events were reaching a point where even she found it difficult to maintain her patience with Apollo. Adama shifted his glance to her with an air of gentle reproach. "If the man is telling the truth, Sheba, then he'll understand. And if he's not telling the truth, then I wouldn't worry too much about hurting his feelings." "Don't look at me, Commander," she said. "I know I learned a painful lesson about not letting appearances be the guide to judging a man, but I believe Chameleon thinks there is a chance that Starbuck is his son. If there wasn't any kind of genuine belief inside him about that, then he would have ended the game much sooner and asked for sanctuary." Boomer awkwardly shuffled his feet. "You know, I wish I was on patrol right now so I didn't have to deal with these things. Because right now, I'm almost wondering if it might be possible that we're both right." "Both right?" Adama lifted an eyebrow. "That Chameleon could be Starbuck's father in spite of the fact that the Nomen could be after him?" "Who knows?" Boomer smirked. "Stranger coincidences have happened before." "That would be the ultimate coincidence of all time," Apollo said and then turned to Sheba. Right away, she could tell that his body language was silently communicating the desire for a quick truce. "Sheba, could you see Colonel Tigh about the security check?" She slowly nodded. "All right. But I still think you're going to be proved wrong." "I hope you're right," Apollo said. "I hope you're right." "I have to be honest, it's hard to picture you as an agro worker," Starbuck said as he and Chameleon sat at a table in the Officers Club. Chameleon shrugged and sipped at his tankard of ale. "I suppose what I was looking for was something that would keep me away from the cities and all the temptations of chanceries at the time. And your mo_, I'm sorry Gabriella," he caught himself. "She was an outdoor kind of woman. I was so smitten with her, that I wanted to do something that would cater to her tastes." "She had to have been a remarkable woman," Starbuck said with fascination. "Yes," the old man sighed, as the memories filled his mind. Not wanting to get emotional, he changed the subject. "What about you, Starbuck? Has there ever been anyone you considered getting sealed to?" "Oh," the warrior absently waved his cigar as he hesitated answering. "I suppose you could say I've had three women in my life that made me think about it at one time or another." "Really," Chameleon put his finger on his chin. "Yeah," Starbuck took a breath. This was the first time he could ever recall opening up about this subject to anyone. Not even to close friends like Apollo or Boomer. But his feeling about Chameleon being his father was so intense that he saw no reason not to tell him. "The first girl I knew on Caprica. Her name was Aurora. We went out quite a bit before I went to the Academy, but it kind of fizzled out after awhile. She really wasn't interested in marriage, so she never encouraged the thought too much." "What happened to her?" Starbuck sighed. "I'm afraid she's dead. I hadn't seen much of her in awhile, but the night the Cylons destroyed the Colonies, I made one trip down to Caprica to help in the evacuation. I flew right over where her house was and it took a direct hit." "I'm sorry," Chameleon's tone grew empathetic. "That must have been rough." "Not too much," Starbuck said. "After Aurora there was another girl. Kind of like her in a lot of ways." "And was she killed in the Holocaust too?" "Oh no," Starbuck shook his head. "No, she's still alive. As a matter of fact, she's Apollo's sister. Her name's Athena. Works on the Galactica's bridge crew." "Now that's interesting," Chameleon said. "Was that how you met Apollo?" "No, I knew Apollo first. That led to meeting Athena. I was....well I was more serious with her than I was with Aurora. I almost thought we had....." he then trailed off. Chameleon slowly nodded. "Didn't work out?" "Yeah," the warrior sighed. "She....well she took it a little harder than I did. I'd still like to be friends with her, but....she's not exactly willing right now." "I know the feeling," Chameleon confessed. "In all honesty.....I've been there myself as well." "You must have passed off a lot of interesting things to me," Starbuck grinned. "Well....." Chameleon blushed slightly and sheepishly lowered his head. Before they could go any further there was a commotion from the other side of the Officers Club, as a boisterous, slurred voice suddenly exclaimed for all to hear. "Listen up, everybody! Listen up! I hereby proclaim that I am about to buy a round of drinks for all those present!" As the majority of patrons suddenly let out murmurings of approval and gratitude, Starbuck felt his stomach turn when he saw that the source of the voice was Sergeant Ortega. "One exception though," Ortega rose from his barstool seat and pointed to the back. "No free drink for Lieutenant Starbuck. Not today. Lieutenant Starbuck doesn't get a free drink from me until after the big match next sectan. Because after what he and his buddy Apollo are gonna go through on that there triad court when I got through with them, they're going to be crying their hearts out in so many drinks, that I plan on picking up their tab then!" Already, those who were sitting close to Ortega began backing away from him in mild disgust. Starbuck was staring intently at the drunken warrior with an indifferent expression. But Chameleon could see the muscles throbbing visibly in the warrior's neck, indicating his inner rage. "Starbuck_" Chameleon started as he grabbed his hand. But the warrior pulled away and flashed him a very disarming smile. "Excuse me," he said as he rose from his seat. "I'll only need a centon." "Starbuck, don't do anything foolish_" the old man protested. But the warrior paid no attention as he slowly made his way up to the bar where the inebriated Ortega sat with a taunting sneer. "Well?" Ortega didn't let up, as Starbuck drew to within two feet of him. Throughout the rest of the Officers Club, all other conversation had come to a stop, with every pair of eyes focused on the two warriors who seemed ready to come to some serious blows. "You won't be needing to waste cubits on drinks for me, Ortega," Starbuck kept his voice low but venomous. "Because I can guarantee you this. After the match, you won't be in any condition to go near a bar." "Oh?" the sergeant refused to let up. "Your little boy trap strategy's going to injure me on the court?" "I may come up with a new strategy," Starbuck acidly retorted. "One that'll wipe that smirk off your face forever." "How's about a sneak preview, Bucko?" his voice dripped with sarcasm. "Why you_" Starbuck had begun raising his arm when the door slid open and Apollo and Boomer entered. As soon as they saw the two warriors, they immediately dashed up to them. "What the frack's going on here?" Apollo thundered as he grabbed Starbuck by the shoulders and pulled him away from Ortega. At the same time, Boomer had pulled the blonde sergeant off his stool and had both his arms locked behind his back. "Nothing, Apollo. Just Sergeant Ortega being his usual gregarious self!" Starbuck said acidly as he shook himself loose from Apollo's grasp. "And Lieutenant Starbuck compensating for the fury that will not be present on the triad court!" Ortega fired back in half-slurred words. Boomer, who was Ortega's squadron commander, turned him around so he was glaring at the sergeant jaw-to-jaw. "You get this straight, Sergeant!" Boomer barked. "I will not allow one of my men to disgrace himself like you're doing now. You're going to sober up by taking your deep patrol right now!" He then stared over at Barton, who'd been watching the proceedings from the other side of the Club. "Barton, you keep your eye on him and make sure he does his job!" Ortega's wingmate and triad partner got to his feet and glared at the blonde sergeant with distaste. He came over, grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the club. "Lousy gallmonging snit, you've got to drag me into your troubles now----" the door then closed, terminating the rest of Barton's berating of Ortega. Slowly, the rest of the patrons began resuming their conversations, as Boomer came up to Apollo and Starbuck. "Nice going, Boomer," Starbuck grinned. "That's putting the dreg in his place." "Wipe that smile off your face, Lieutenant!" Apollo's voice was cold and unsympathetic. "I told you on the Rising Star to ignore him, no matter what he said." "Hey, Captain, I didn't throw any punches. I was just letting him know that come the match next sectan, he's not going to be so cocky any longer." "Don't let him know anything more, Starbuck." Apollo jabbed his finger to within an inch of Starbuck's face. "If you'd laid one finger on him, I'd have thrown you in the brig. Consider that your last warning." The blonde lieutenant shrugged his shoulders and slowly exhaled. "Yes sir." "Excuse me," a voice chimed in. The three warriors turned around and saw that Chameleon had joined them. "Excuse me, I don't know what you've decided to do about Starbuck, but I can assure you that the whole thing was entirely provoked by that other warrior." "We know that, Chameleon," Apollo nodded. "That's the guy Starbuck and I are playing triad against next sectan. He's been playing a psychological game ever since the match was scheduled." "Ah," Chameleon nodded in understanding. "I see. Starbuck, the trick to that is ignoring him just like you'd ignore a man who's boasting about having a full perfect pyramid on his first deal of the cards. It's all talk designed to mask the fact that there's nothing underneath." Starbuck slowly smiled. "Are you giving that advice to me as one gambler to another, or do I detect a paternal undertone as well?" Chameleon returned the smile and shrugged with the same meek, humble air. "Perhaps. Long ago, I tried my hand at triad and a person just like that rude warrior was the key to ending whatever potential I had there." "You could have fooled me," Starbuck put his hand on his shoulder. "You have the kind of agility that makes me think you'd have been a great triad player." "I guess I never had the discipline to master a hidden natural talent." "Uh....gentlemen?" Apollo coyly interrupted, amazed at how Chameleon's words had completely gotten Starbuck's mind away from Ortega. That said much about the kind of effect the old man was having on his friend. "I hate to interrupt the chat, but the reason why Boomer and I stopped by here, was to tell you that Dr. Salik is back from the Hospital Ship and has approved your genetic testings. Report to the Life Station immediately." "Hey that's great!" Starbuck grinned. "We're one step closer to getting everything confirmed. Come on Chameleon, let's go." As soon as the two were gone, Apollo and Boomer stared at each other in mutual disbelief. "I'll tell you something," Apollo finally said. "The way he reacts to what Chameleon tells him, I'm really hoping our hunch is wrong. A father-figure could be just what Starbuck needs to cure his worst habits." "I know what you mean," Boomer said as he and Apollo sat down at the bar. When they received their drinks, the black warrior held up his glass thoughtfully. "Did you know that Jolly was an Umbra survivor too and grew up in the same orphanage with Starbuck?" "Yeah," the dark-haired captain nodded as he sipped his drink. "But didn't Jolly end up finding his family?" "Only after six yahrens," Boomer said. "He had a chance to see what it was all like. Since Starbuck never talks about it, I asked Jolly what it was like. He said the orphanage was a nice sheltered place, manned by nice dedicated people who did their best, but that none of them had any concept of how to communicate one-on-one with any child who lived there." "A staff comprised of wonderful teachers and authority figures, but no one who could provide the extra dimension that only a parent can," Apollo agreed. "I see what you mean. And I guess that's why Starbuck's never latched on completely to my fath_the Commander," he quickly corrected himself, "as someone who could fill that role. The bottom line is that the Commander has to be an authority figure and a teacher first, just like all the social workers at the orphanage were." Boomer nodded. "I was luckier. My parents died when I wasn't even five yet, but at least I had an aunt who raised my brother and me as if we were her sons. And Lord knows that wasn't easy with two kids of her own who always resented us." He paused to reflect a bit. "My brother ended up dead in a street brawl. He never realized what a good thing he had in our aunt as a parental figure. If I hadn't recognized how good she was, and looked up to her that way and leaned on every word she told me, I'm convinced I'd have ended up the same as him." Apollo gently patted his friend's shoulder. He knew it couldn't have been easy for Boomer to talk about the family he'd lost in the Holocaust. His aunt and two cousins were still living in the same back streets apartment house Boomer had grown up in, and when the black warrior had returned to Caprica during the evacuation, he'd barely had time to go off and see that the apartment had taken a direct hit. There had been no survivors. "Sheba should be making that background check request to Colonel Tigh, by now," Apollo sighed. "I hope it's all for nothing. I think I want Starbuck to have this as much as he does." "You and me both," Boomer said as he finished his drink. "Red Squadron deep patrol now ready to launch, Colonel." Rigel reported from her station. "Excellent," the Galactica's executive officer nodded. "Tell them they're cleared." Tigh went back to the navigational board on the bridge's upper level and plotted out the trajectory where the deep patrol would search. If all went well, they'd have a full readout on everything that lay ahead for the next sectar's worth of flight time by the Fleet's standards, since the Galactica was forced to go no faster than the slowest ship in the convoy of 220. It seemed like an eternity to Tigh since the Galactica had last gone hyperdrive at her top speed. Not since long before the Holocaust. It sometimes made the executive officer think that the great battlestar had become like an old woman that had been slowed down by age. It wasn't a fair comparison, he knew, but until he felt the Galactica moving again at her top speed some day, it was an impression he'd be unable to shake from his mind. "Colonel Tigh?" He turned around and saw that Sheba had arrived on the upper level. "Yes Sheba?" "Colonel, something's come up that requires a Colonial Security background check." "Well that does fall under my jurisdiction," the executive officer said. "Who's the background check for?" "It's for a man named Chameleon," she said. She then took five centons explaining the basic situation. When she was done, it was clear that Tigh's interest was piqued. "Starbuck's father," he was impressed. "That would be good news if it turned out to be true." "It would," Sheba nodded. "I really wish this security check wasn't necessary, but Apollo and Boomer think there are too many lingering questions about where Chameleon came from that can't be ignored. If you can do this as discreetly as possible though, I think it would make things a lot easier." Tigh nodded. "I'll put Sergeant Castor in charge. He's the best man we have in the whole Security division and knows how to handle things that way." "That's good," she said. "When he's done, make sure the report gets to Apollo. He'll know what to do with it." "I will. Anything else?" "No," Sheba smiled. "But if the genetic tests come back with a positive result before the check is finished, I'll let you know and you can then cancel the whole thing." "That would be an order I'd give with pleasure," Tigh returned it. As soon as Sheba had gone, the executive officer went over to the railing and motioned Omega to join him on the upper level. "Omega," he said as soon as the bridge officer arrived. "Have Sergeant Castor report here as soon as possible." "Yes sir," Omega then handed him a clipboard. "Before I do that, I thought you should know that a shuttle of the new warrior recruits for this sectan will be arriving in twenty centons. You and I have to be there for the usual welcome and introduction speech." "Great," Tigh grimaced. "You know Omega, ever since you started doing that IFB spot, all the recruits keep expecting me to make a welcome speech with the same felgercarb rhetoric with all the we-need-you slogans. It's gotten to the point where I dread it every sectan." The Bridge Officer smiled, "Don't blame me, Colonel, I didn't write the script for that spot. I do admit, it even makes me cringe whenever I see it on the videocom." "Unfortunately Omega, you're the only warrior on the bridge with photogenic presence. That means you keep doing the spots." Tigh said lightheartedly. "Okay, we'll handle the recruits first and then take care of Sergeant Castor and this background check on Mr. Chameleon." No sooner were the two vipers away on their long deep patrol, then did Barton resume his browbeating of Ortega. "I just hope you realize this, Ortega." Barton was saying. "My whole evening's been shot to Hades thanks to you. Flying a deep patrol three days ahead of schedule was not what I planned on doing. But because the fracking rulebook says I'm assigned to you, I've got to share in your punishment. You keep this up, and I just might throw the fracking triad game to Starbuck and Apollo. It'd serve you right!" "Blow it out your astrum," the sergeant mumbled, feeling the effects of a hangover kick in. "I'm not letting up, Ortega," Barton retorted. "If I have to fly alongside you for twelve centars you're going to get an earful from me. If you want me to give my all on that triad court, you'll take it like a fracking man!" Ortega muttered something short and indecipherable. He was in the halfway state between lingering drunkenness and the nasty pain of returning sobriety. The condition most people never felt because they were usually sleeping it off at that stage. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're not a nice guy, Ortega?" Barton decided that this would be the occasion he would let his partner have it. "I wouldn't be surprised if all of your friends in this universe could hold a meeting inside Jolly's viper, with him already occupying it!" "I don't need any fracking friends," Ortega mumbled. "I got all I need in this world. Perfect set-up." "That's another thing about you I've never figured out," Barton went on. "Most of us never had enough accumulated pay to make one trip to the Rising Star's Chancery until now. But you've made probably twenty jaunts over there ever since the Battle of Kobol. Where'd you get the money to do that?" "None of your fracking business, Barton," Ortega spluttered his words out. "Okay, maybe it isn't. But it is my business if I have a wingman, and a triad partner who can't keep his astrum out of trouble." "You don't have to worry about anything I do that isn't on the triad court or out here in my viper, Barton," Ortega reached inside his helmet and rubbed his throbbing temple. "I never let you down there, did I?" "No," Barton conceded. "You haven't. I'll give you credit for that. But mark my words Ortega, if you keep acting the way you do away from the court and away from your viper, then someone is going to snap and kill you someday. Hell, the way Starbuck was looking you in the eye, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it were him." Ortega began to let out a half-drunken giggle. "No, no my dear Barton. Starbuck doesn't have the guts to kill me. None of my so-called 'enemies' have the guts to do it. All except," his chuckling increased. "All except one." "Who's the brave soul?" Barton inquired sarcastically. Ortega's laugh now became an annoying cackle of ironic delight. "Oh....someone who hates me for a reason Starbuck couldn't begin to approach. Good old Charybdis." Barton frowned slightly. The name meant absolutely nothing to him. "Who's Charybdis?" "A man of mystery, Barton." Ortega was clearly enjoying himself. "A man of great mystery. Who made the mistake one day of letting a sharp observer like me discover why he's such a man of mystery." "Translate that into common Colonial Standard if you please. You sound like an Aquarian philosopher." Ortega suddenly blinked twice as sobriety took further hold of him. He felt a cold sweat break out on his body as he realized the danger he was putting himself in. "I mean just what I said, Barton," he chose his words methodically, knowing that he needed to get off the subject as fast as he possibly could. "There's nothing to translate. Nothing you'd ever understand anyway." "Knowing you, he couldn't be a jealous husband or lover mad at you over a woman," Barton decided to stick the pin inside Ortega further than he'd ever dared before. The curly haired sergeant cocked his helmet toward his wingmate's viper with a cold, angry expression. "All right," Ortega seethed. "That's enough. You've extracted your pound of flesh, now that's enough." "Okay," Barton smiled thinly with the satisfaction that he'd finally given Ortega a taste of his own medicine of aggravation and left the dislikable sergeant unable to top him. "To business then, Sergeant. Hit those scan beams to full-forward max and let's see if our little path that the Commander says is going to take us to Earth someday is all-clear like we want it to be." Chapter Seven When Tigh and Omega arrived in the landing bay to meet the recruit shuttle, they saw several members of the Galactica's Fire Control team moving several large tanks of boraton foam across the tarmac. "Hello Jorda," Tigh smiled at the Chief Fireman who was directing the workers. "How's it coming?" The gray-haired fire chief smiled back with an edge of pride. "After sixteen sectans since the Cylon fighter rammed this landing bay, Colonel, the Main Boraton Mist Control Center is finally ready for business, better than ever." "Excellent," Tigh noted. "And I take it that all of the new shielding features Wilker and Shadrach designed are all in place now?" "They finished installing the last components a few centars ago, Colonel. The Control Center is now a fireproof zone. No matter how bad a hit we take in the landing bay, even from a solonite packed fighter, we won't lose main pressure for our boraton hoses throughout the ship." As the Chief Fireman moved off to continue directing the placement of the boraton tanks, Tigh turned to Omega and said in a low voice. "If the Lords are with us, we'll never have to find out how effective the new shielding is." "Agreed," the Bridge Officer nodded as they watched the recruit shuttle arrive and come to a stop thirty feet away from them. The door opened and a diverse cross-section of twenty men and women emerged. Right away, Tigh knew that this was a group with no inherent instinct for military discipline, since they all stood in a disorganized cluster, as opposed to a straight line formation. Too many of them swayed by the silly IFB spot, the executive officer thought idly as he stepped forward and assumed an authoritative posture. "As executive officer, I'd like to welcome all of you new recruits aboard the Galactica," he began. "Most of you have probably never set foot on a battlestar before, and it's normal to find it a bit overwhelming, especially since we're more than three times the size of the second largest ship in the Fleet." he paused as he prepared himself for the tough part of the speech. The part that always made the naive recruits have their first second thoughts about signing up. "I know that Commander Adama appreciates the sense of duty and self-sacrifice that's led all of you to consider a new career as part of the team responsible for defending the Fleet. But make no mistake that the life of a warrior, even in seemingly idle times such as these, is no less than hazardous than it is in a constant crisis situation. And you will all be expected to live according to a disciplined schedule that is not for the faint of heart, or for anyone who thinks that the life of a warrior is much easier now that we no longer face constant Cylon harassment." As Tigh expected, he saw two to three of the recruits awkwardly shuffling their feet. "Bridge Officer Omega will escort you to the recruit quarters and will answer all preliminary questions once you arrive. Omega?" The bridge officer nodded and said with authority to the recruits. "Okay, let's fall out! This way to the main turbo lift." As the recruits moved past him, Tigh felt satisfied that Omega had stopped using the word "please" as he had been apt to do in previous recruit gatherings and had taken on a more tough posture that went against the image they'd seen of him in the IFB spot. More than once he'd told the Bridge Officer that he couldn't act too polite to them, or it would only give them the wrong idea about what they were ultimately in for. The executive officer's thoughts were distracted when the last two recruits from the rear of the group moved past him. Because of the disorganized cluster the group had been in, Tigh hadn't even noticed them until now. But there was no mistaking the fact that they were Borellian Nomen. Borellian Nomen? the executive officer frowned as he saw them follow the group toward the turbo lift. Now that's a strange coincidence. Sheba said this Chameleon person might have been mixed up with some Nomen out to kill him. But then again, he thought. Maybe it wasn't a coincidence. He went over to the intercom switch that connected him to the Bridge. "Athena, this is Tigh. Has Sergeant Castor arrived on the Bridge?" "He's here, sir." "Do me a favor. Have Apollo and Boomer report to the Bridge too." "Yes sir." When Tigh returned to the Bridge ten centons later, he saw that the two pilots were waiting along with the muscular Colonial Security Guard, who was also Boomer's triad partner. "I'm glad you're all here," Tigh said. "Castor, I'll be needing you to handle a deep background check on someone we don't know much about. An elderly gentleman named Chameleon who has done some work on the Orphans Ship in the genetic tracer project. I'm afraid there's not much else to go on, other than the fact that he claims to be from Caprica, and says that he was once a professional wagerer who survived the Umbra disaster thirty yahrens ago while working as an agro worker." Castor rubbed his chin. "Sounds like a tall order, Colonel. Anything else I can go on?" "Yes," the executive officer said. "He was on the Rising Star earlier today. I'd question the crew of the Canaris to see if they remember who he was traveling with when he came aboard and if there's anything known about who he mingles with." "You might want to check out someone named Siress Blassie," Apollo spoke up. "When we were in the shuttle coming back to the Galactica, I think I overheard Chameleon mentioning that name to Starbuck, or him mentioning it to Chameleon. I can't remember which." "Okay," Castor nodded. "That gives me enough to keep me occupied for tonight and tomorrow at least. But I could use a holo picture or something to circulate among those I talk to." "No problem," Apollo said. "Play back the security video com from the Life Station from just two centars ago. You can print out a holo-still from there." The Security Guard nodded and went down to Athena's station where the necessary equipment was. "Was there another reason why you wanted us here, Colonel?" Boomer inquired. "There is," Tigh nodded. "I just got back from welcoming aboard the newest recruits, and for the first time in forty yahrens of service as a warrior, I see two Borellian Nomen among the lot." Apollo and Boomer exchanged uneasy glances. "Legally, I didn't have the right to stop them and ask who they were and what they were doing aboard the Galactica. But in light of what Sheba said to me about how you two are concerned that this Chameleon is pulling a hoax to elude some Nomen, I can't dismiss it as a mere coincidence." "Maybe I ought to go down to the recruit quarters and see if they're the ones we talked to aboard the Rising Star," Boomer offered. "Out of the question," Tigh shook his head. "You haven't got any legal basis for questioning them either, and even if they are the ones you talked to, you still haven't proved that they're linked to Chameleon. The only thing we'd invite would be a nasty protest that could hurt Ambassador Hassan's goodwill strategy, and I don't think that would help our overall diplomatic position as far as the Borellians are concerned." "So what are you suggesting we do, Colonel, if we can't go down and question the Nomen?" Apollo folded his arms. "I think a few discreet questions to Chameleon are in order," Tigh said. "Since Castor needs to handle the background material, he can't do it. But you've already made his acquaintance, so you should be able to do it without arousing too much suspicion." "I guess we could," Boomer shrugged. "But let's not hammer him about it, or Starbuck might blow as big a fuse with us as he did with Ortega." "Ortega?" Tigh lifted an eyebrow. "What happened there?" "Nothing important right now, Colonel," Apollo said hastily, not wanting to complicate matters any further. "Just some psychological games before the triad match next sectan." He turned to Boomer, "Let's see if Starbuck and Chameleon are back in the Life Station now." "Okay, Cass," Starbuck's voice had the enthusiasm of a schoolboy as he and Chameleon entered the Life Station. "We're ready for those tests." The blonde med-tech smiled brightly. "Follow me," she motioned. "The equipment's located in the auxiliary lab." As they entered the room next to the main Operations Center of the Life Station, Chameleon shook his head in amazement. "I honestly had no idea the Galactica had the same facilities to conduct the full-scale tests we do on the Orphans Ship." "Standard operating procedure requires the Galactica to have their own version of every piece of medical equipment you can find in the Fleet," she said as she pointed to two chairs, both of which had some kind of light fixture positioned overhead. "If each of you will sit down there, I can get started." Starbuck and Chameleon both sat down in the chairs that were spaced five feet apart. The warrior's eyes went up to the overhead fixture and he felt a wave of discomfort go through him when he saw a laser tip at the end of the fixture. "Uh, Cassie?" he asked delicately as the med-tech strapped him in place. "This uh, this isn't going to hurt is it?" She threw him a look that combined both playful teasing with sarcasm. "My hero." "Hey look, I ah, I just want to know what you're going to do. That's all." Cassiopeia sat on the edge of his chair and looked him in the eye. "I'm just going to extract a neuro-cell from you and Chameleon." "A brain cell?" his voice crept up with alarm. "From my head?" Cassiopeia couldn't resist. "Well, unless your brain's moved to the spot your enemies think it usually is." "That's real cute, Cass," he smiled sarcastically with a that's-not-funny aura. "Now just tell me if it's dangerous or not." "Only if there's nothing in there to extract." she refused to let up. Starbuck grimaced again and saw Chameleon chuckling, clearly enjoying her quips. "Hey come on, Chameleon. Don't encourage her any more!" "Look Starbuck," Cassiopeia's voice took on a soothing tone. "You won't feel a thing. This is a finite laser extractor and it can withdraw the image of a single neuro-cell without even breaking the epidermis of your head." He sighed. "Still sounds dangerous." "Some day, I should have Salik give you a discourse about how this kind of procedure was done five hundred yahrens ago, Starbuck. In those days, the patient's head needed to be shaved before direct surgical extraction could take place." "Ouch!" Starbuck protectively ran his hand through his thickly styled hair that always looked in need of a little more trimming. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Be brave, Warrior of the Centar." she said as she went into the next room, leaving Starbuck and Chameleon alone. The old man was staring at Starbuck with only the faintest trace of awkwardness. Over the last few centars, he'd found his guilt over the tactics he'd employed to get aboard the Galactica fading away completely. Replaced by a hope and desire that this desperate situation he'd been thrust into would lead to the greatest answered prayer he'd ever asked the Almighty for. The more he talked with Starbuck, the more convinced he was that the warrior represented the best hope he'd ever had of finding his lost son. There was so much in Starbuck that reminded Chameleon of himself, during his younger, undisciplined days before he'd met Gabriella. About the only real difference he saw between himself and Starbuck was that the warrior had a sense of underlying devotion to duty that Chameleon knew he'd never possessed in his life. That was why Starbuck had become a warrior and confined his recklessness to his leisure time. Deep down, Starbuck's concern over doing his part in the war against the Cylons had been far stronger than Chameleon's ever had. Maybe growing up in that orphanage, scarred by the knowledge of what the Cylons had done to disrupt his life put that in him, he mused. Maybe if I'd been younger and had some definite answers about what happened to my son, I'd have found the nerve to enlist myself. Instead of going back to the life of a con-man wagerer, getting myself into trouble all the time. But Chameleon had always known that he could never try to be an agro-worker again. Not when he no longer had a family. Doing farm work would only serve as a painful reminder to him of what he had once had, and had so tragically lost forever in the blink of an eye. He had to reflect on how miraculous it was that he'd even survived the Holocaust in the first place. Like all Capricans, Chameleon had planned on the night of the supposed end-of-the-war as a night for celebration. He had dressed in his finest suit and escorted an elegant lady from the noble class that he'd met a sectan before at a theater opening, down to the Piscean restaurant. Where a massive, festive celebration was planned for the moment the Peace Treaty between humans and Cylons became final. While his reason for charming the woman had been purely self-centered, designed to find a way of ultimately conning her out of a thousand cubits of her money, he had vowed to be on his best behavior that night, and engage in no schemes. This was supposed to be a time when every person in all the Colonies had reason to celebrate, and he had no intention of ruining it for anyone. He could still remember when the Cylon attack began. A giant monitor featuring the BNC's coverage of the festivities that were to take place at the Caprican Presidium was at the back end of the restaurant, and he could see their lead anchor Serina delivering her report when the sounds of loud explosions brought all of the festive conversation in the restaurant to a halt. Chameleon and his escort had promptly gone out to the restaurant's terrace with it's panoramic view of Caprica City and watched in stunned horror as they saw the first wave of Cylon fighters making their strafing runs on the city. It was enough to produce a wave of flashbacks inside Chameleon to what had happened at Umbra thirty yahrens earlier. Seeing the fighters in the sky headed for Umbra to begin their strafing runs. The mad, frantic dash in his hovermobile to get back. Arriving too late at his house and then being thrust into a long coma when the floor of his destroyed house gave way beneath his feet. But this time, he knew, like everyone else in the restaurant knew, that what was happening now represented something far worse than any of them could ever have imagined. Chameleon's memory of the next several centars was hazy and still imprecise to him. He could recall moving with a whole panicked throng, upturning tables and clawing their way out of the building to get to the nearest bomb shelter two blocks away. Becoming separated from his dining companion as the crowd pushed its way through the downtown streets and screamed in panic as several Cylon fighters flew overhead on more than one occasion. The last precise image Chameleon could recall was seeing a laser streak from a Cylon fighter crashing into the ornate glass dome of the restaurant's top, that had made it one of Caprica's architectural gems. Then he'd felt himself being shoved down the steps into the shelter and could remember nothing more for the next eight centars until he heard the voice of Commander Adama playing on someone's portable audio-com in the shelter. Then, the cold reality of what had happened sunk in as he and the other stunned survivors listened to Adama's message that the Colonies were being abandoned, and that all survivors were to get to the nearest aerodrome to take part in a mass evacuation. He'd been among the lucky who'd made it to the aerodrome in time before the crowds became too massive and all kinds of chaos had broken out with people clawing each other, assaulting each other, and in some cases even murdering each other to get to a place at the front of the line. They'd herded him with the other refugees into the Rising Star's Aquacade and it had taken Chameleon many sectans to come to terms with his new surroundings, and to wait out the panic that had set in from the constant Cylon pursuit before he'd finally felt secure enough to settle down and resume his practice of making a living through his time-honored tactics of wagering and conning. Already though, Chameleon was certain of one thing. If Starbuck turned out to be the miracle he'd hoped for, he was certain in his mind that he'd have to change his ways again. For the first time since Umbra, he'd have a sense of responsibility in his life. Cassiopeia had just settled herself in front of the console that controlled the neurotesting equipment when she heard the doors open and saw Apollo and Boomer enter. "Hi." she smiled brightly at the two warriors. Apollo didn't return it. "How're the tests coming?" "I'm just about ready to start," she said as she activated the main power switch. "Cassiopeia," Apollo said awkwardly. "When you're done, could you hold Starbuck here for awhile? Boomer and I want a few centons alone with Chameleon." "What for?" her smile turned into a frown. "What's going on, Apollo?" "Just routine questions, that's all." She flicked the switches that would bring the rest of the system's instruments to full power and looked him in the eye. "Apollo, my interest in whether or not Chameleon is Starbuck's father goes beyond mere medical reasons." "I'm aware of that, Cassiopeia." "Then what is it?" Boomer decided to let Apollo off the hook. "Cassiopeia, there's a chance that Chameleon is pulling a hoax." "A hoax?" her expression grew dumbfounded. "What do you mean?" "That Chameleon has another reason for trying to make Starbuck think he's his father." Boomer said. "It's just a chance, but it's one we've got to check out for his sake." Apollo said. "Sergeant Castor's running a deep background check on the man, but we'd rather ask him any questions face-to-face." Cassiopeia looked through the glass where she could see Starbuck and Chameleon sitting next to each other, both smiling and exchanging glances at each other, indicating that they were in another intimate conversation. "Oh God, I hope you're wrong," she sighed. "Look at them. They seem like such a natural fit together. Just like...." she trailed off and looked back at Apollo. "Well, just like you and the Commander." "I know," Apollo admitted. "But too many strange things are going on, Cassiopeia. If we don't resolve them, Starbuck's going to be hurt a lot worse than he could ever be hurt." The med-tech nodded. "I'll keep him occupied when the tests are done." "Cassiopeia's a lovely woman, Starbuck." Chameleon said as they waited for the machines to spring to life. "She reminds me of your moth----" he stop and let out an embarrassed chuckle. "I'm sorry, there I go again jumping the gun and letting my emotions take over. I mean she reminds me of my wife. Gabriella." "Tell me about her." Starbuck asked, intrigued by his comparison. "Oh," Chameleon mused. "The same eyes. The same hair. The same gentle, but cutting sense-of-humor. Gabriella always knew how to put me in place with put-downs just like what Cassiopeia gave you a micron ago." Starbuck felt a sensation come over him that almost made him feel uncomfortable. "She's a lot like her?" "I'm only judging from a first impression, Starbuck, but I'd say yes." he said. "Why do you ask?" "Well," Starbuck slowly exhaled. "It's just that....well ever since my relationship with Athena went bad, Cassiopeia's been the only one I've felt serious about. The only one I've.....well the only one I think I could ever consider getting....." he hesitated for an instant, because this was something he'd never spoken aloud to anyone before, not even to Apollo. "Well, getting sealed to." "Really," Chameleon lifted an eyebrow. "I mean not now." Starbuck added hastily. "Not with.... all the craziness that's gone on ever since we fled the Colonies. But...well maybe when we find Earth." he then smiled to cover his embarrassment. "You know what I mean?" "Yes," Chameleon grinned. "I know what you mean." Starbuck rested his head against the top of his chair and stared at the finite laser that was slowly springing to life. "Keep your head steady, Starbuck," Cassiopeia's voice came through on an overhead speaker. "I'll be doing the extraction on you, first." "I almost get the feeling that something I said about Cassiopeia being like Gabriella, bothered you, Starbuck," Chameleon said. Starbuck kept his head immobile. "Well.....if it turned out that you were my father, and that Gabriella was my mother, and if Cassiopeia were just like her, it'd......well it'd almost make me think that I was in love with her for the wrong reasons." The old man slowly nodded. "I....see what you mean. Well Starbuck, let me just say this. That's nothing to be ashamed about. There's nothing.....unnatural about it, if that's what you're worried about. In fact, I think there's an old Gemonese song about how the ideal woman to get sealed to, is someone just like the one one's father chose. It's just another....genetic instinct about who the right kind of woman is." "Thanks for putting it that way," Starbuck smiled, glad that Chameleon had broken the tension on that point. It made him wonder for the first time if his reluctance to go ahead with first Aurora, and then Athena had been because they were the antithesis of the kind of woman Cassiopeia was. The antithesis of what he'd really been looking for in a woman all these yahrens. Definitely more food for thought, he realized as he heard the laser spring to life. "These are the recruit quarters," Omega motioned as he led the group of recruits inside the medium-sized bunk room, one of more than sixty such room on the Galactica that accommodated most of her enlisted personnel. "You'll all be staying here throughout your basic training. Find yourselves a bunk and then report your number to Corporal Lomas, who's in charge of security operations for this section of the ship." He watched the recruits disperse throughout the room and then frowned slightly when he saw two Borellian Nomen move past and claim a bunk at the far end of the room. Their towering presence was so intimidating, that it immediately caused two other recruits who'd selected a bunk across from them to move to another empty one on the other side of the room. Nomen? Among the recruits? That's a first. "Uniforms will be issued after standard mental and physical tests are taken, first thing tomorrow morning." he went on. "You'll all be having a busy day then, so your sleep cycle officially begins now. In the meantime, I'll be turning things over to Corporal Lomas, who's in charge of Colonial Security for this section of the Galactica. Any questions you have, direct them to him." He motioned the young uniformed guard over and patted him on the shoulder. "They're all yours, Lomas." As soon as Omega had gone, Lomas began to move about the room, making an idle inspection of each of the recruits. By the time he reached the end of the room and saw the two Nomen for the first time, he stopped in his tracks at the unexpected sight. The Nomen stared at him with their piercing expressions for nearly a half-centon, which caused Lomas to slowly back away with a nonchalant air. He had only gone two steps, when he felt one of their massive hands tap him on the shoulder. Without batting an eyebrow, Lomas turned around and looked them in the eye. "Something I can do for you?" he politely inquired. "There is," Maga said in his low, impersonal tone of voice that was typical of all Borellians. "We have a friend stationed aboard the Galactica. Someone who helped us in the escape from the Colonies. Would his quarters be near here?" Lomas kept his expression polite. "What's his name?" "Starbuck," Bora spoke. "Lieutenant Starbuck, I believe? Or has he received higher rank of late?" "No, it's still Lieutenant Starbuck," Lomas said. "He's quartered with Blue Squadron on Beta Deck. They're all on furlon right now, so he wouldn't be there at this time." "How soon until his furlon ends?" Maga inquired. "I'm afraid that you wouldn't be able to see him until after you've undergone the first stages of basic training and received proper security clearances, gentlemen." the guard said. "Until that phase is complete, all recruits are confined to this section of the Galactica and only leave under supervision for their training exercises." Suddenly mindful of the suspicion and hostility that plagued relations between Colonials and Borellians, he then added. "That procedure applies to all recruits, you understand." "Of course," Maga nodded. "However, if you would like a message delivered to Lieutenant Starbuck, I could arrange that." "No," Maga then shook his head. "We would rather surprise him." The two Nomen then turned back to their bunk, leaving Lomas alone and a trifle puzzled.. You see something new every day, he shook his head in disbelief as he moved back to the work table that served as his duty station. "Well, that's the end of the tests," Cassiopeia smiled as she entered the lab and undid the straps holding Starbuck and Chameleon in their chairs. "Perfect neuro-cell samples, along with DNA sampling and blood cell sampling, and we can start the process comparison check in the computer." "How long will it take?" Starbuck anxiously inquired. "Twelve centars minimum. No more than twenty-four," the med-tech said. "Looks like you two will have something to sleep on as far as the results go." Chameleon rose from his chair and stretched himself out. After sitting for more than a centar feeling a battery of tests administered to him, he was feeling the longness of the day catching up with him." "Oh Starbuck," Cassiopeia said. "I need you to come with me and fill out some of the forms that go with this test. It'll take a few centons, but it has to be done to keep things official. Dr. Salik's a stickler for that kind of thing." "Sure Cass, no problem." Starbuck said and flashed a grin at Chameleon. "See you in a bit." The old man nodded and made his way out of the lab room where he saw that Apollo and Boomer were waiting. "Ah, Chameleon," Apollo chose his words carefully. "We were wondering if you'd join us in the Officers Club. It's closed now, but we can get in and talk without anyone else to disturb us." "Starbuck's not going to be ready for a bit." "Actually Chameleon, we wanted to talk to you alone about a couple of things." Boomer said. "Do you mind?" Chameleon shook his head disarmingly, "No, I can't say I mind. Is there anything troubling you?" "We'll explain later," Apollo said. "If you'll follow us please?" "Lead the way, Captain." When Tigh arrived in Adama's quarters, he found the Galactica commander in a slightly annoyed state of mind. "Glad you came Colonel," the commander held up a report. "Have you seen this latest memorandum from Commander Kronus on the Celestra?" "No, I can't say I have," Tigh said. "Is it about that spare parts inventory business?" "It is," Adama nodded. "For the fifth straight sectan, he says the inventory doesn't check. Once again, a slight discrepancy in the inventory of total spare parts kept aboard the Celestra for viper maintenance. Not enough that would cause concern if it happened just once, but for five sectans in a row, that adds up to something potentially serious. Someone in this Fleet has been pilfering spare parts and may very well be selling them illegally as part of a Black Market." Tigh's brow knotted in concern. "That is potentially serious. If this trend continues it could really hamper our ability to keep our vipers in working order." "Not only that," Adama said. "Suppose one person or one group of people is doing all the stockpiling of what's being taken?" he let his words hang in the air. "We could be looking at a potential terrorist or mutineer within this Fleet. That's the last thing we need at a time when some semblance of normalcy is finally settling in." "Any leads for Colonial Security to work on?" "None," Adama shook his head. "Kronus says he's going to launch an internal investigation of his own to see who might be selling the parts, and he'll get back to me when that's done. If he stalls on it though, I probably will have Colonial Security take over." "Kronus isn't the kind of person apt to stall on things," Tigh smiled crookedly. "Don't I know it," Adama returned it, thinking of the five yahrens he'd spent as Kronus's chief aide aboard the Battlestar Ricon many yahrens ago. "Anyway, what brings you here?" The smile faded from the executive officer's face. "A bit of disconcerting news surrounding that man Chameleon." "Oh?" the commander lifted an eyebrow. "Sergeant Castor telecommed a preliminary report. It seems that the ducat collector aboard the Canaris remembered Chameleon this morning and went into a fit when Castor showed him the holopic of him. Apparently, Chameleon smooth-talked his way into making the trip to the Rising Star without ever giving him a ducat. Charmed him to death with a story about being the News Director for the IFB and how he might be able to arrange an interview with Zara for the man. Naturally, when the collector showed up at the IFB headquarters on the Electronics Ship to see what the status was of his interview prospects, he was in for a major embarrassment. And a bigger one when his ducat cross-check came up one short at the end of the day." "Very interesting," Adama leaned back in his chair. "That shows that Chameleon has a definite con-man's streak inside him, but to be perfectly honest Tigh, that's the kind of stunt I'd almost expect from a man who was Starbuck's father. I do see the similarity." Tigh chuckled, "Yes Commander, I suppose you're right about that. Anyway, Castor's now checking out the woman who was with Chameleon on the trip over. A Siress Blassie." "Blassie," Adama mused. "I think I know her. Or at least of her. One of Siress Bellaby's old friends from Caprican society circles." "Not the same personality, I hope," Tigh smirked. "If she is, then Chameleon may have had a reason for getting off the Rising Star that I could understand," Adama returned it, still thinking of how the woman who had once been Ila's rival for his affections many yahrens ago had come back to haunt him recently during the whole messy business of getting new agro-seed from the Serenity Colony. "Anything else to report?" "One other thing that may have a bearing on Chameleon," Tigh's tone grew serious. "There are two Borellian Nomen aboard this ship as part of the new group of recruits that came aboard a couple of centars ago." Adama frowned in disbelief. "What?" "Two Nomen. It did strike me as odd, given the whole issue of whether Chameleon is connected to a Nomen blood trail, but I didn't have a legitimate basis for questioning them ahead of the normal security clearances all the recruits end up going through. And I wouldn't let Boomer and Apollo go down to see if they're the ones from the Rising Star because the political risk of a protest to Ambassador Hassan would be too great." The Commander nodded, "Yes, you did the right thing there. An unwarranted questioning of Nomen would be just the sort of thing hardliners could use to undercut Hassan. But still, it's hard to fathom two Nomen going so far as to sign up as recruits." "Maybe you should talk to Hassan about it." "I will," Adama leaned forward and hit his telecom to the bridge. "This is Commander Adama. Put me through to Ambassador Hassan aboard the freighter Borallus." Two centons later, the face of the Borellians unofficial leader was on the screen. Ambassador Hassan had been the official emissary of the Borellian government to the Colonies at the time of the Holocaust and had long prided himself as a friend of Colonial interests, even though it had long since earned him the hatred of militants in the Nomen class. As a ruling class Borellian, he possessed the same towering build and physical presence of the Nomen, but unlike the Nomen maintained a clean-shaven appearance and wore Colonial dress, as opposed to the traditional robes and hood. "Greetings, Commander Adama," his voice was the same neutral monotone typical of all Borellians, but possessed a hint of affection and warmth that long-time acquaintances could always sense. "It is always an honor to speak with you." "The feeling is mutual, Mr. Ambassador," Adama's tone was completely cordial. "I have long valued your friendship." "Is there a matter of concern to you, Commander?" "At the moment, I'm not sure," Adama chose his words carefully. "Mr. Ambassador, I'm well aware of the fact that you believe the Nomen should be entitled to as much free rein as possible aboard your ship, in order to maintain their customs and their culture, and I have never questioned your judgment on that matter." "And I have long appreciated that, Commander. Free rein with the Nomen is the key to making them lasting friends of the Colonial people like the rest of us Borellians are." "However, there is a matter of concern that has come up in the last day. Are you familiar with the Noman charged with reckless endangerment and attempted assault aboard the Rising Star this morning?" "Yes, the Nomen Council brought that to my attention earlier this evening. A young insolent named Taba, I believe. They have already voted to strip him of all class privileges and honors so that when he is eventually released, he will be an outcast among his tribe. They are well-aware of the fact that antagonizing Colonial interests does them no credit." "Understood," Adama said. "But Mr. Ambassador, does this newfound respect for Colonial procedure among the Nomen also extend to volunteering for service in the Colonial military?" The formation of lines on the Ambassador's forehead was the Borellian indication of a frown, even as the rest of his face remained unchanged. "No, I would scarcely think that Nomen would be motivated to go that far, Commander. I have preached a doctrine of tolerance and the benefits of cooperative interaction, but even I would not consider the idea of stressing the benefits of serving in the Colonial military." "You are unaware then, that two Nomen are among the newest group of recruits that came aboard the Galactica this evening?" "I was not aware," Hassan said. "That is news to me. But you do realize that it is not my place to keep them under constant surveillance, anymore than it is your place to do so for your own people, Commander." "Granted," Adama conceded. "But there is a possibility, not yet proven I admit, that as many as three Nomen could be engaged in a blood trail. If that is true, then I would be required to ask you to exercise greater control over the Nomen since such a practice can not be tolerated whatsoever in this fleet." "I quite understand, Commander," Hassan said in agreement. "It is a barbaric practice borne of a Code that most Borellians thankfully came to see as outmoded and useless long ago in our planet's history. No Borellian who is ever found to have engaged in such a practice is welcome aboard my ship." "If you could at least ascertain for us who the two recruits are, and discreetly notify us about what you know about them, that would be most appreciated." "I shall work on that tomorrow, Commander. As you are undoubtedly aware, most of us begin our sleep cycles considerably earlier in the evening than Colonials are apt to." "Of course. Thank your for your courtesy, Mr. Ambassador." Hassan bowed his head slightly in respect. "As the savior of all that is undoubtedly left of Borellian civilization, Commander Adama, you are entitled to nothing less. Good night, my friend." "Good night, Mr. Ambassador," Adama shut off the telecom and looked up at Tigh. "It would seem that this matter is now on hold until tomorrow. We'll resume work on it then. If Castor contacts you about his interview with Siress Blassie, do let me know about that." "I will," the executive officer nodded. "Good evening, Commander." "Good evening, Tigh," Adama said as he went back to the strange report from Commander Kronus about missing spare parts. Chapter Eight The Officers Club was empty when Apollo, Boomer and Chameleon arrived. Because Apollo had higher security clearance as a Squadron Commander, he was provided with a special pass-card to all sections of the battlestar. It was a privilege he seldom took advantage of. On this occasion though, he felt that an exception was warranted. As soon as the three had settled down to drinks, Boomer had explained the nature of their concerns as delicately as possible to Chameleon. As Boomer spoke, the old man's expression took on a bemused air. At no time did he ever seem surprised or rattled. "Let me see if I understand you correctly," Chameleon said as soon as Boomer had finished. "You thought I concocted a story about losing a son just so I could get off the Rising Star with a warrior?" "Chameleon," already Boomer felt embarrassed. The old man's demeanor and inherent charm made it difficult to accuse him of any unethical conduct. "I was in the Astral Lounge when the Nomen plucked a pair of laser boles. And it looked like just before he did, a man resembling you left the Lounge at the rear exit. Now were you in the Lounge at the time?" Chameleon skipped a beat for only a micron. "Yes, I was there. And to be candid with you Lieutenant, I will concede that it's possible the Nomen could be after me." The admission caught both Apollo and Boomer off-guard. "Really," Apollo could scarcely believe that Chameleon would volunteer information like that. "Why would they be after you?" "Well you see, Captain, those particular Nomen had a child that they said was their nephew. That is, the young one you said was the one who pulled the boles. I ran the test for them as a favor, totally on my own time and without Dr. Pia's knowledge, and it came back negative. I'm afraid they didn't take kindly to that." "But would that be enough for them to carry out a blood trail against you?" Apollo tried to digest that information. Chameleon took a sip of his drink and shrugged. "Nomen are a strange class of people, Captain. They're so.....volatile with their devotion to that Code of theirs. If I'm not mistaken, I think they've fought duels to the death over matters more trivial than the one I may have been caught up with." "Perhaps," Boomer said. "But if you suspected they were after you, you could have notified Council Security, or even Colonial Security. And if a protest were made to Ambassador Hassan about out-of-control Nomen, he'd be the first to crack down on them." "What would I have to report, Lieutenant?" Chameleon's tone became matter-offact. "They haven't harmed me. I'd only have some paranoiac suspicions that I couldn't prove. Besides, I wouldn't want Dr. Pia to know that I've spent some evenings conducting unauthorized tests. She might never let me anywhere near her lab again, and that would break my heart to not be able to help anymore in the tracer project." Apollo looked him in the eye. "So you don't feel the need for warrior protection." "I admit it would give me some peace of mind about the Nomen, if my suspicions are correct," the old man conceded. "But compared to what the stakes are with Starbuck, I see it only as a secondary matter, Captain. If the tests turn out negative and I have no further business to keep me here on the Galactica, then I simply return to my quarters aboard the Seniors Ship, and my occasional duties aboard the Orphans Ship." Apollo was on the verge of letting out a sigh of embarrassment. Even so, he knew there was one more card he needed to play. "Then it wouldn't bother you, Chameleon, to know that two Nomen just arrived on the Galactica as warrior recruits today?" Chameleon shrugged again. "No. I wouldn't use any grudge a couple of Nomen might have against me as grounds to be suspicious of any Noman. Besides, aren't warrior recruits confined to one section only of this ship?" "True," Apollo conceded. "I just thought you should know." "I appreciate that, Captain, but I don't think that amounts to much." The embarrassment finally kicked inside Apollo. The aura Chameleon had projected was so convincing and so sincere, it was hard for him to not believe the old man. ", Chameleon," his voice grew apologetic. "We were just concerned about Starbuck being used. His being an orphan is the most sensitive subject of his entire life. It's something he doesn't even talk about with us." "I gathered that," Chameleon smiled. "But he has to be a fine young man to have such wonderful friends like the two of you." His words managed to break through the embarrassment both warriors were feeling. Apollo returned the smile and raised his tankard in a toast. "To a positive match." "To a positive match," Chameleon clinked his tankard against Apollo's and then Boomer's. The sound of the new warrior recruits snoring away in their bunks ordinarily would have unnerved any outside observer. For Corporal Lomas, seated at his work station table near the door to the recruit quarters, it was a sound he'd long ago gotten used to. If anything, he regarded it as part of the natural rhythm of things that enabled him to stay on top of all the paperwork he needed to do once the new recruits came aboard. Even so, Lomas despised his current assignment. When he'd signed on as a Colonial Security Guard prior to the Holocaust, it had been with the mindset that he'd get to see more of the universe than anyone possibly could. During the days of the cease fire leading up to the peace that never was, expectation of deep space exploration was at a high. That would mean Colonial Security Guards would be needed more than ever to serve on landing parties to new, previously unexplored planets. Not so in this post-Holocaust journey across the stars to a distant planet called Earth. Very seldom did the Galactica stop to study unknown planets, and when they did, regular warrior-pilots handled the responsibilities of exploring in the interests of efficiency. In the changed environment, Colonial Security Guards had been reduced to the function of a police force that only acted whenever matters of military security were involved. And even there, they often found themselves limited since the civilian police force represented by Council Security insisted on handling all security matters away from the Galactica. Maybe those black-shirted goons have it better, Lomas idly thought as he wrote down the names of the recruits that had been given to him and prepared them for the official security clearance forms that would be processed the next day. At least they lead more exciting lives. He noticed a shadow come across his desk. When Lomas looked up, he saw the two Nomen recruits standing in front of him. From his seated position, Lomas had the impression of ten feet giants hovering over him. "Yes?" he inquired gently, not betraying any inner feelings of unease. "We need a room to pray in," Maga said in the familiar neutral monotone. Lomas frowned, "I beg your pardon?" "Our Code requires that we pray in private," Bora said. "Away from those who do not share our beliefs. It is intended as much a courtesy to them, as it is to us." Lomas set his pen down. "Look, I'm sorry but that's out of the question for tonight. Warrior recruits are confined to this area only. No exceptions." "Are you denying us our religious freedom?" a hint of coldness entered Maga's voice. The security guard flushed slightly. "No, but I think you should have consulted the manual for warrior training procedure before you came aboard. No privileges regarding cultural practices are granted to warriors until routine security checks and clearances are made. When that process is done, you can put in a request and I'm sure we'll be glad to accommodate you on that matter." "That will not suffice," Bora said. "To miss one day of private prayer in accordance with our Code, is regarded in Borellian culture as an unpardonable sin. If we are to live up to the code of honor we intend to swear to as new Colonial Warriors, then how can we simultaneously betray a Code that we honor no less?" Oh great, Lomas suddenly found himself yearning for a night of quiet paperwork for the first time. If I keep this up, it's only going to mean trouble. "Look," he said. "I can't let you out of this area, but if I let you have the supply compartment next door for however long you need, would that do?" "Any room will do, so long as it is private," Maga said. "Follow me then," Lomas got up from his desk and went over to the door on the other side of the room that led to the adjacent compartment where surplus uniforms and boots were kept. He inserted his access card that opened it, and stepped inside. "No offense gentlemen," Lomas said as he started to clear away some of the uniforms in order to make room for them to squeeze in. "But I really don't know if you're going to make good warriors." Abruptly, Maga brought his fist down squarely on Lomas's back. The security guard was unconscious even before his body began it's descent to the floor. The Nomen leader stood over his body with contempt as he grabbed a uniform off the hangar. "We are warriors. Far greater warriors than any of you could ever hope to be." He handed a uniform to Bora and then took out another one for himself. With total stealth, so as not to disturb any of the sleeping recruits, they began to remove their hoods and robes. "Well?" Boomer inquired as he and Apollo walked down the corridor after leaving Chameleon in the Officers Club. "Is that the end of it then?" "I guess," Apollo sighed. "I should probably spend what little time is left in this day with Boxey. If he's back from all the indulgences the Rejuvenation Center has to offer." "He's undoubtedly having a more fun time in the Rejuvenation Center than the last time I saw him there," Boomer said in joking reference to the terrifying experience he and Boxey and Athena had gone through after the Cylon suicide attacks sixteen sectans ago. "When you see him, tell him I still want to get around to that compartment bulwarks match we never started." "I think he's lost his zeal for bulwarks," Apollo said. "He's graduated to three-dimensional triad now." "Better game anyway," Boomer admitted. "Apollo, Boomer," they looked up and saw Tigh emerge from the next compartment. "I'm glad I caught you. Sergeant Castor just telecommed in some more details on the security check on this Chameleon." "What'd he say?" Apollo asked with interest. "What security check are you talking about?" The three men turned around and were startled to see an angry Starbuck walking toward them from the opposite direction. "Uh....Starbuck. Didn't know you were....." Apollo started haltingly. "I was on my way to find my father," he said defiantly and with throbbing muscles in his neck. "Unless in your paranoia you've decided to toss him in the brig!" "Now wait a centon, Starbuck, all we did was conduct a normal security check. That's all." Apollo held up a hand. "By sending out Sergeant Castor to dig up dirt?" Starbuck spluttered. "If you wanted to run a check, that's what the Fleet Computer's for! It's only when you've got paranoia do you send out Colonial Security to run the kind of checks that are usually reserved for potential murderers or saboteurs!" "Starbuck, there were good reasons for carrying out a security check," Boomer protested. "All kinds of crazy things were happening on the Rising Star that didn't add up. For sagan's sake, we already talked to Chameleon and he understood completely why we asked him about them. You can talk to him yourself in the Officers Club and he'll confirm that!" "My father is clearly a greater man of tact and dignity," Starbuck refused to let up. "If he were my age, he'd have probably given you both a sock in the jaw for questioning his integrity!" "Oh come on!" Apollo protested. Starbuck's reaction to the whole thing was starting to get on his nerves. "When we met Chameleon on the Rising Star-----" "Yeah, I remember," Starbuck coldly interrupted. "You were anxious to throw ice water on the idea that he was my father!" "No I wasn't!" Apollo fired back. "I just wanted to run things by the book!" "You want to know what the trouble with you is?" Starbuck was now going jawto-jaw with him. "You don't have any faith in anyone, or anything except yourself! The whole universe revolves around Apollo's instincts, and Apollo's judgments! I'll bet you see yourself as some Mr. Perfect-Know-It-All who never thinks he's been wrong a day in his life!" Apollo had now had enough. "And you want to know something Starbuck?" He refused to back away from the jaw-to-jaw position. "I hope that test comes back negative, because after this little two-yahren old child stunt of yours, I think it's probably clear that Chameleon's too good a man to be your father!" "Oh is that a fact!" Starbuck roared. "Well, we'll see about that. And I can't wait for you to beg for forgiveness and kiss my astrum when those tests prove you wrong, and it'll give me pleasure to not let you have it." "That's ENOUGH!" Tigh roared. "Enough! Both of you!" Starbuck was still seething as he glared at the executive officer. "My apologies, Colonel that you had to witness the end of a friendship." he then jabbed a finger in Apollo's stomach. "I'll be with my father, if you want to count the Mess Hall silverware. Otherwise," his voice raised to it's highest level of cold contempt. "You stay clear of me. And that goes for you too, Boomer. My wonderful ex- friends." He then turned and stormed off down the corridor that led back to the Officers Club. Apollo was still shaking in rage. "Unbelievable," he whispered. "I know Chameleon's a charming man, but to cast that kind of spell over Starbuck....." "Apollo," Boomer said quietly. "You said it yourself. This concerns the one thing in Starbuck's life that's bothered him more than anything else. He wouldn't act that way toward you, or to me, if he didn't want so much to settle that one thing in his life. You should have taken his words more on the chin." "How can you take words like that on the chin?" the bitterness was obvious in Apollo's voice. "After all we've been through for all these yahrens, he's willing to throw it away just on a whim about someone we barely know much about." "Because what's at stake means that much to him, Apollo," Boomer patted him on the shoulder. "That's why." "I guess," Apollo slowly exhaled and forced himself to look back at Tigh. "I apologize, Colonel, I_" "Never mind," Tigh said. "Getting back to what Castor had to report....." "Oh yes," Apollo straightened himself out. "What did he find?" "More mysteries. Siress Blassie confirmed what he already learned from the Canaris ducat collector that Chameleon has a penchant for telling some tall tales about himself. Then, by a lucky coincidence he found some staff members from the Orphans Ship who confirmed that the only thing Chameleon does for the genetic tracer project is provide some cheerful words and a smile a couple centars every sectan." "One question." Apollo held up a hand. "Those workers on the tracer project. Did they say whether or not Chameleon's capable of running that equipment himself?" Tigh consulted his notes. "Yes, they did. They say Chameleon wouldn't know how to operate a single piece of equipment there. His computer skills are non-existent by their reckoning." Apollo and Boomer exchanged troubled glances. "Then that means his story about why the Nomen could be after him is total felgercarb," Boomer said. "Colonel, I think we'd better throw diplomatic caution to the wind and find out just who those Nomen recruits are. Because if they are the ones from the Rising Star, then I think we're looking at a blood trail for sure." "We can drop by the Recruit Quarters and check it out ourselves," Tigh said. "Let's get going." "Chameleon!" Starbuck said brightly as he entered the Club and found the old man still sitting at the table, finishing off the last part of his drink. "Glad I found you." "I figured you'd arrive." Chameleon set his tankard down. "Anything on the testing front?" "Nah, nothing like that," Starbuck came up to him and awkwardly lowered his head. "Look....ah, Chameleon, there are some things I'd like to talk to you about. In some place a little more.....private." Chameleon looked about the empty surroundings of the Club. "Won't this do?" "No, not here," Starbuck said. "This place is too.....well, the setting's not right for the kind of things I'd like to say to you. I'd rather go someplace a little more personal to me. Like.....well like in my viper down in Alpha Launch Bay. It's deserted at this time of night." "Okay," Chameleon rose. "I'd love to see one of those things up close. You know if it weren't for my eyesight, I might have qualified for flight status in my youth." "Tell me all about it," Starbuck clapped his hand around his shoulder as they left the Officers Club. "We need uniforms that will best conceal our appearance, Maga," Bora said as he tossed away the warrior's tunic Maga had first handed him. "We must take advantage of the night working conditions so that our presence is not noticed by too many warriors." "Agreed." Maga nodded and found an orange coverall and matching helmet from the launch crew division that he realized would be far better for the task. "Once we have honored the Code, we commandeer a shuttle and return to the Borallus. Since we never gave our true names to the imbecile guard, they will never be able to conclusively prove our involvement. We benefit from the Colonial prejudice that all Nomen look alike to them." He handed the helmet to Bora who placed it over his head. It managed to fit, barely, but did the trick of concealing it's oversized quality, so long as he remained in the shadows. "We must hurry," Maga said as he slipped into the orange coverall. "Time is of the essence." "Never even tried a viper simulator?" Starbuck asked as he and Chameleon walked toward the turbo lift. "I always thought those pleasure palace Chanceries had one or two of those who really wanted to be daring." "I guess I never had the nerve," Chameleon said. They turned the corner and stopped as they came within an inch of colliding with a male and female warrior who were both locked in a passionate kiss and embrace. "Oh. Sorry Giles, did we interrupt something?" Starbuck sheepishly inquired. The two of them let go of each other in embarrassment and stood at rigid attention. To Starbuck's amazement, he saw that the woman wasn't Brie, who he always thought of as the only woman Giles was interested in, but Mackin. "Starbuck," the one-time member of his squadron was blushing red. "What are you doing up this late?" "Just showing a friend of mine my viper down in the launch bay, Giles. Oh and Mackin," he eyed the female shuttle pilot wryly who was also blushing a deep red. "Be careful of this guy. He has the worst hand and foot coordination of any would-be triad player." Mackin swallowed uneasily and said nothing. "Come on Chameleon," Starbuck put his arm around the old man's shoulder again and they resumed walking. "I've got a real beaut to show you down there. I'll even let you try out the cockpit." It took ten centons for Apollo, Boomer and Tigh to negotiate the various deck levels and corridors to reach the entrance to the Recruit Quarters. When the door opened and they entered, they were stunned to see that Lomas wasn't at his work station. "He's not there," Tigh said, trying to recover from the sinking rush of horror that was coming over him. "If he's not on duty, then those two Nomen----." "Oh Lord," Apollo felt a sick feeling enter his stomach. "They're making their move now." The executive officer dashed over to an intercom. "Executive officer to bridge! Priority alert!" "What's the emergency, Colonel?" the puzzlement in Athena's voice was obvious. "Send out all available security guards to fan the areas around Recruit Quarters. They are to look for two Borellian Nomen who are likely on a blood trail. Also, locate Lieutenant Starbuck and a civilian named Chameleon and have both of them placed in immediate protective custody. On the double!" As soon as he mentioned the name of her one-time boyfriend, Athena's voice took on a concerned edge. "Is Starbuck in danger?" "He may well be. Just carry out that order, now Athena!" Tigh turned back to Apollo and Boomer. "Let's see if they're still in the Officers Club." "Agreed," Apollo nodded. The three of them began sprinting for the nearest turbo-lift. "I'm telling you Mackin, it was a mistake," Giles was saying as he and Mackin finally summoned the nerve to start walking. "I let myself get carried away over my spat with Brie. I should have known better." The shuttle pilot stared at him with a hurt look. She'd enjoyed her evening with Giles, and found him to be the most interesting man she'd ever spent a date with. Far more interesting than her one occasion with Starbuck. "Giles, please." "No, Mackin. I'm sorry," the viper pilot held up a hand. "I think Starbuck's running into us was one of those little signals from the Almighty you just can't ignore." "Excuse me." a deep male voice spoke. Giles and Mackin looked up, and in the dimly lit corridor saw two tall crewmen wearing the orange coveralls of launch crew personnel. "Something we can do for you, Crewman?" Giles inquired, wondering how many more people he'd run into unexpectedly. "We were looking for Lieutenant Starbuck. Have either of you seen him?" "Try Alpha Launch Bay," Mackin motioned behind her. "He and a civilian were headed that way a few centons ago." "Thank you," the lead crewman nodded as he and the other moved past quickly. The two warriors didn't have time to catch a glimpse of either of their faces. "I guess old Bucko's losing his touch with the ladies if he's only mixing with men on his furlon," Giles observed dryly as they moved on. "You won't find a better flying machine ever designed by an intelligent species in the universe," Starbuck said as he sat on top of his viper and pointed out the various controls to an awed Chameleon, who was sitting inside the cockpit. "Over here on the control stick is the main engine turbos, followed by the laser generator fire button. You press that red dot and a million voltons of firepower emerges that's blasted many a Cylon fighter into spacedust down through the yahrens." "Incredible," Chameleon said. "What about this third button marked 'IM'? What does that stand for?" "You know something," Starbuck chuckled. "They never did tell us what those initials stand for. But what it does is control our reverse thrusters. The feature that enables us to be a lot more unpredictable than the average Cylon fighter is." "But flying one of these things must produce a lot more satisfaction than just the ability to shoot at Cylons," Chameleon said. "I couldn't begin to imagine what it feels like to just streak through the stars in total control of your own fate. It must be exhilarating." "It is," Starbuck admitted as he drew up his shoulders. "There's nothing quite like it in the whole universe. Which is why_" he sucked in his breath. "Which is why I'll miss it." Chameleon looked up at him and frowned. "What do you mean?" "Chameleon," Starbuck leaned closer to him. "Let's be honest. We know those test results are going to be positive. We already confirmed a common ancestry pool and that profile can't match many other inhabitants from Umbra. We think alike. We share the same interests. The same tastes in just about everything except smoking. None of that can be a coincidence. I know in my heart the results are positive." "Well, yes, there's a good chance of that, but what does that have to do with----" "Chameleon," Starbuck gently cut in. "I want to make up for all the lost yahrens." An uneasy look came over the old man's face. "Starbuck, if anyone should be saying that, it's me." "Uh, uh," he smiled. "You spent your whole life looking for me." Chameleon licked his lips which were fast becoming dry. "My boy," he took his hand. "You really don't know the first thing about me." "Maybe," Starbuck shrugged and then gathered all his strength. "That's why tomorrow I'm resigning from the Service." "Resigning?" Chameleon's jaw opened in disbelief. "Starbuck, what are you saying?" "Something I've wanted to say my entire conscious life, since I realized what Fate had dealt me, growing up in that miserable Caprican orphanage," Starbuck said with all the genuine feeling he could summon. "That someday, I'd get a chance to meet at least one of my parents, if not both of them, and just spend all the time I could getting to know them, and to know myself at long last. All about where I come from, about my ancestors. All the answers to things I could only dream about night-after-night before I cried myself to sleep in that orphanage. To finally reach out to someone who was part of my own flesh-and-blood and embrace them." "That's all well and good, Starbuck," Chameleon had the distinct sense inside him that events had spiraled far out of control, and that he was now reaping a path of destruction that he had not wanted to sow. "But that doesn't mean you have to give up being the thing you're best at!" "Chameleon," Starbuck looked him in the eye. "All the furlons in the world wouldn't give me enough time to spend with you, even if we never see another Cylon attack again. That time is the one thing I want more than anything else, and if resigning my commission will give it to me, I'm going to do it." "You're needed here, Starbuck," a faint edge of pleading entered the old man's voice. "The Fleet needs you to be a warrior." "Ah, they've got a lot of hotshot pilots who can handle the load," Starbuck waved his hand. "I've thought of myself as too indispensable for a long time, Chameleon. It's time I realize that I'm not, especially when there are more important things in life to grab hold of." "What can be more important than defending the Fleet?" "Your work," Starbuck said simply. "Reuniting babies and children with their parents. Making sure that what happened to us doesn't have to happen to others. That's the kind of work that really means something. You deal in life, not death." "You deal in the preservation of life, Starbuck," Chameleon gently countered. "The preservation of a civilization and a species so a new generation of parents and babies need not ever go through the horror of an Umbra or a Holocaust again. Think about that." "I have," Starbuck's voice became a forlorn whisper. "And as God as my witness Chameleon, this is what I want. The ability to do something positive in my life for a change. Especially with the one thing I've always wanted in my life. A family." "That's not being kind to the ones who have loved you as family all these yahrens, Starbuck," Chameleon said. "People like Apollo and Boomer and Sheba and," he took a breath, "Cassiopeia." He let out a mild snort. "Well lately, Chameleon, I've discovered that maybe I don't know them as well as I think I know them. Apollo and Boomer that is. I'm seeing a lot of traits in them that.....well that make me realize that I've misjudged them over the yahrens." he looked him in the eye. "Can you believe they had the nerve to have Colonial Security run a full-blown check on you?" Chameleon felt his inner anguish deepen. "Is that what put you in this frame of mind about resigning?" "No," he shook his head. "No, not completely. Maybe I did fly off the handle with them a bit. Maybe they did act from good intentions but----" he took a breath. "But when it comes to choosing between what they've offered me all these yahrens, and what I have a chance for with you, Chameleon, it's just no comparison as to what I really want. I'd have come to that conclusion anyway, even if they hadn't run a check." "And Cassiopeia?" Chameleon asked pointedly. "What about her, Starbuck? Could you ever find room for her in this little world you want with just you and me?" "Well," Starbuck absently mused. "I still feel the same about her. I....think I could fit her into my life still." "How?" Chameleon refused to let up. "Her duties are here. You can't ask her to give that up in an instant so she can conform to your world." "That's a bridge I can cross later, Chameleon," Starbuck regained the firm edge in his voice. "You might not be able to cross it," Chameleon took his hand. "Look....son," the pleading edge in his voice increased. "You make me feel very proud. You really do. But also....well," he choked up slightly and Starbuck wondered if there were tears forming in his eyes. "Well.....insignificant." Starbuck frowned. "Insignificant?" "Look....." Chameleon seemed to struggle getting his words out, but inside he knew that he'd been left with no other choice. He finally needed to make a clean breast about everything to Starbuck. About the real reasons why he'd sought him out. I'm sorry Gabriella, his heart cried out. I'm so sorry I used your precious memory and legacy of what you gave me for such a selfish reason. "Look," Chameleon started over. "The truth of the matter is-----" Before he could go any further, they were both distracted by the noisy sound of the turbo lift descending. Ordinarily it wouldn't have attracted any attention but in the deserted setting, the noise was practically deafening. Starbuck glanced over and frowned when he saw the orange coveralls and helmets of launch crew personnel. "What are launch crew personnel doing down here when everyone's on furlon?" Chameleon instantly saw a mane of long brown hair and thick beards on the men that he knew right away could only mean one thing. "It doesn't look like the launch crew to me," an edge of panic entered his voice as he abruptly slouched himself low in the cockpit and out of their line of sight. Starbuck dropped to the tarmac and came up to them. His frown deepened when he saw them step out of the shadows and he could see the thickly bearded faces of Borellians. "What's going on?" he kept his voice polite, but also made sure his arm was parallel to his laser pistol. "Neither of you are from Jenny's crew." "Where is he?" Maga inquired with heavy contempt. "Where's who?" his frown deepened. "The jackal," Bora chimed in. "Captain Dimitri." "There's no....Captain Dimitri here," his bewilderment increased. "Just me." "You lie, Lieutenant." Maga almost spat. Starbuck felt his patience evaporating. "Look, I'm only going to ask you nicely one more time. Just what the frack is going on here?" "A blood hunt, Lieutenant!" Maga raised his voice and whipped out his boles. As soon as he heard the high-pitched whine, Starbuck pulled out his laser pistol and backed away behind one of the support columns. He took a micron to glance back and see where the Nomen had retreated to, and saw the blue orbs of the boles whoosh within inches of his head. It slammed against the column and exploded in a shower of sparks. Starbuck fired back at the Nomen and just had time to see his shot miss as they backed away behind another column. But when the warrior heard the high-pitched whine again, he realized that the Nomen had heavily armed themselves with more than just one boles. He decided to make a move into the open and hope that would give him one clear shot at them. But as soon as he moved away from the safety of the column, he saw the boles streak over his head and crash against the beam four inches above. The concussion knocked Starbuck off balance and made him drop his laser pistol. He heard it clatter away in a direction he couldn't begin to pinpoint. "Frack, felgercarb and shit!" he muttered angrily to himself. He got back to his feet and saw the Nomen slowly approach him. He knew that any hope of exit from the launch bay was cut off for now. Instinctively, he made for the launch tube that his viper was lined up on. As he dashed down the darkened tunnel that ultimately exited from the battlestar itself, he head the whine of yet another boles unfurled. Starbuck glanced back over his shoulder and saw the blue streak again. This time, he had to jump to the side of the tube to avoid getting hit. From inside the viper, Chameleon slowly brought himself back up to a sitting position as he saw Maga and Bora step in front of the viper and slowly make their way down the launch tube. To his relief, they never bothered to turn around and look back where he would have been a clear, defenseless target. But his relief was overshadowed by his terror at how Starbuck was hopelessly trapped inside the darkened launch tube with no apparent way out. Overhead, he heard the urgent voice of Athena fill the launch bay over the unicom. "Attention. Attention all Security personnel. Converge immediately on Alpha Launch Bay. I repeat. Converge immediately on Alpha Launch Bay." That told Chameleon that help would arrive soon, but as he saw the Nomen slowly walk with ominous steps down the launch tube, he also knew that they might not arrive in time. I've got to do something, he thought with mounting panic. Anything. He found his eyes glancing down at the control panel Starbuck had pointed out just centons ago and realized that the answer lay there. "Laser, laser," he whispered as he searched for the power button and then found it. As he activated the main power button for the viper, he looked up and saw Starbuck making his way back out. He had clearly hidden in one of the side vents inside the launch tube, waited for the Nomen to move past, and was now bidding a quick retreat. "Son, hit the deck!" Chameleon shouted as the power-up sequence completed itself. He just had time to see Starbuck jump out of the launch tube opening and collapse to the tarmac as the Nomen turned around and pulled out their boles. But before they could release them, Chameleon's finger came down on the red button and the streaks of laser fire erupted down the launch tube, each of them grazing the Nomen and knocking them to the ground where they lay motionless. Because laser fire from a viper was never intended for this setting, a backlash of intense smoke erupted and flooded the launch bay. Chameleon coughed several times as he waved the smoke out of his face and got out of the cockpit. He dropped to the tarmac and saw Starbuck lying there, writhing slightly after his tumble out. "Starbuck?" Chameleon came up to him, and helped him to a sitting position. "Starbuck, are you all right?" Starbuck coughed and looked up at him in both bewilderment and admiration. "Only my father would be crazy enough to fire a laser in a launch tube!" "It'll be okay, son." Chameleon helped him to his feet. "It'll be okay. It's all over, thank the Lords." They heard the sound of the turbo lift descending again and microns later saw Apollo and Boomer dash up to them, with two Colonial Security Guards trailing them. "They're in the launch tube," Chameleon pointed. Boomer and the guards dashed down the still smoldering tunnel while Apollo remained with Starbuck and Chameleon. "What happened?" Starbuck was still in a dazed state. "Some Nomen dressed as launch crew came down here after me." "Apollo!" Boomer called back from inside the tube. "Get some med-techs down here. Don't ask me how, but they're both alive." "Pity," Starbuck shook his head in disappointment and turned back to Apollo. "They're on a blood trail for some Captain Dimitri," he shook his head in anger and bewilderment. "I don't know any Dimitri on the Galactica, do you?" Apollo didn't say anything. His eyes had focused squarely on Chameleon, who was awkwardly biting his lip and blushing in embarrassment. Starbuck looked at him and saw the his embarrassment deepen, and at the same time the warrior felt his heart begin to sink. "Um," Chameleon forced his words out. "I'm Captain Dimitri.......Sort of." "Sort of," Apollo said, feeling the sense of disappointment mount inside him that he knew couldn't begin to approach what Starbuck was feeling now. "Chameleon," Apollo came up to him and put his arm confidentially around him. "Suppose we have another talk." Chapter Nine The next morning, a chastened Starbuck stood in front of Adama as he and Apollo gave the Commander, Boomer and Sheba a summary of what Chameleon had told them in the Launch Bay. "Apparently, the whole thing started three sectans ago, when Chameleon, in one of his many part-time occupations throughout the Fleet, discovered that a technician on the Celestra named Wadleigh was selling spare parts on the Black Market to the Nomen." Starbuck was saying. "They were just hoarding the stuff, evidently with the intention of building a weapon or something that would enable them to stage a revolt against Ambassador Hassan, seize control of the Borallus, leave the Fleet and settle somewhere on their own. Preferably on a planet where they could establish a perfect society according to their Code system." "And when Wadleigh mentioned that the Nomen were in the market for large quantities of livestock that are essential to their diet, that's when Chameleon decided to get a piece of the action by approaching Maga as Captain Dimitri." Apollo added. "The commanding officer of the Livestock Ship," Adama noted. "Exactly," Starbuck nodded. "Maga paid Chameleon enough money that would have theoretically bought them enough livestock to start an unlimited supply once they arrived on the new planet. But when Chameleon conned them and disappeared into the night with the money, the Nomen Council vowed a blood hunt against the man they thought was Captain Dimitri." "That twisted Code of theirs," Boomer said with dry contempt. "And all this time, they pretended to go along with Hassan's cooperation strategy just so they could find a way of overthrowing him in the long-term." Starbuck then looked at Apollo and Boomer with deep embarrassment and shame. "And, while Chameleon insists that he is a legitimate Umbra survivor, he admits that his primary reason for approaching me was to use me just to get off the Rising Star. He said then when he saw my interview with Zara on the IFB, he realized that information, in conjunction with his part-time work on the Orphans Ship, presented an opportunity that was too much to pass up when his survival was as stake. It was just a.....freakish coincidence that the preliminary test for common ancestry was positive." he let out a sigh, "I was just another victim of his impeccable charm." "Starbuck," Apollo said with deep sympathy. "We're sorry. We all are. And I_" he bit his lip. "I want to apologize for some things I said earlier....." "Hey," Starbuck flashed one of his characteristic smirks as he came between the two warriors and clapped his hands on their shoulders. "I'm the one who owes both of you an apology. I know all my life, I've always wished I could find a family to call my own, and I guess I've never fully appreciated the fact that I've got one right here among all of you." Apollo tried to keep the tide of emotion inside him in check. "I wish he had been your father," he said. "We all do," Sheba stepped forward. "I was hoping it so much for you Starbuck, because well...." she lowered her head slightly. "Well, because I know what it feels like to want to find someone close to you again." Starbuck nodded in understanding and took on a philosophical expression. "I know one thing for certain," he said. "I'm not going to let the fact that I'm an orphan trouble my conscience any longer. Besides, " he smirked, "I'm kind of old to break in a new father anyway." "There remains the question of what to do with Chameleon," Adama said aloud. Starbuck took a breath. "Commander, I know I've probably got reason to hate him more than any man in the universe, but....well I can sort of understand his predicament. I hope you won't be harsh on him." The Commander smiled thinly, "I may have a solution on how to handle Chameleon." For several centars, Chameleon had sat in a holding area of the Galactica's brig where he'd been placed in protective custody by Colonial Security. The room had no bars or locked doors to keep him confined, but as far as Chameleon was concerned that made little difference. His sense of guilt over what he had put Starbuck through had left him with an exceptionally bad taste in his mouth. I guess I deserved it, he thought sadly. "Chameleon!" He looked up and saw Cassiopeia making her way past the two security guards with a look of total joy on her face and in her sprightly walk. "Chameleon, listen to me," she entered the holding area as she squeezed his arm and knelt by him. "The test results are positive! They're positive!" Chameleon was totally thunderstruck. It took him a half centon before he dared repeat the word. "Positive?" "Yes," she nodded vigorously. "Positive. Right down to the last detail!" "Positive," Chameleon repeated as he stared at the floor in numb shock. After all that had happened, this was the last piece of news he'd expected to hear. "It's.....but I hadn't really....I mean...." "In spite of all that happened, with the Nomen and all that?" Cassiopeia smiled. "Look at it as a miracle, Chameleon. The Almighty created a situation where you could finally be led to your son at last. We've got to go to the Commander's office and tell Starbuck. And tell everyone for that matter!" "No," Chameleon impulsively grabbed the med-tech's arm and looked her in the eye. "No.'ve, well you've made a mistake. It has to be negative." "What?" she tried to keep smiling in spite of her disbelief over what she'd just heard. "No Chameleon, there's no mistake! The results are positive. You are Starbuck's father!" "Cassiopeia," a pleading edge entered Chameleon's voice. "For Starbuck's sake, those results have to be negative." "For Starbuck's sake?" her smile had turned into a frown. "Chameleon, what are you talking about?" The old man sat down on the bench. "Cassiopeia, if you'd come to me with those results after you took the test, I wouldn't be saying this. But not now. Not after the talk I had with Starbuck. If those results aren't negative, then Starbuck will give up everything he loves. His career, his friends, even you." "Chameleon_" Cassiopeia protested. "You can't mean that----" "You didn't see him, Cassiopeia," he went on forcefully. "This whole business about being an orphan's consumed him all his life. It's made him lose sight of what he's good at, and even worse, it's made him lose sight of how much his friends care about him. Eventually, he'd even give up you if he thought you were an obstacle to spending time with a lost father. And what would he be doing it for? To try and recapture something with an old fool who except for two yahrens in Umbra, never did an honest thing in his life? Cassie, I've grieved for yahrens about what I lost at Umbra, but only now am I finally realizing that I can never have any of that back. It's too late for me to make up for wasted yahrens, especially when they'd come at too high a cost to....." he paused and forced out his next words, "At too high a cost to someone I love so dear." "Chameleon," Cassiopeia looked him in the eye with a neutral expression. "What you're asking is to perpetuate another lie again. Maybe Starbuck said something in a rash moment, but he can learn to adjust in a way that could find room for all of us." "Cassiopeia, I don't want to take that risk," Chameleon said. "Not when I've seen firsthand the love and friendship people like Apollo and Boomer and Sheba, and Commander Adama have for him, and also the relationship you and he have. If I did anything to disrupt what he has here aboard the Galactica, that's something I couldn't live with on my conscience." Cassiopeia let out a sad sigh, "You're his father, Chameleon." "I know," he nodded, "And I am grateful that the one question in my heart that's always troubled me over the yahrens has finally been answered. Just knowing at least that the son I lost at Umbra is alive and well, and above all has had a good life is more than I could ask for." "But what about Starbuck's peace of mind?" she retorted gently. "He's wanted to know who and what he is all these yahrens. Doesn't he have the same right to have those questions answered?" "Someday, yes," Chameleon conceded. "But not now. Not when he's.....well when he's clearly not mature enough to handle the responsibility of what having a real father means." he smiled weakly, "I don't mean that as a criticism, Cassie. It's just that....well I guess my paternal instinct knows all about lack of maturity." She sighed again. "Chameleon, if Starbuck ever finds out someday that I've withheld this information, he may end up hating me and you." "I don't think so," Chameleon shook his head. "If Starbuck doesn't know that I'm his father, then I could at least try and be his friend. I can be a very good friend. Someone he wouldn't mind having some nice, casual contact with from time-to-time. At the very least, we could begin to build some kind of meaningful foundation between us. Something that could....well that could better prepare him for the truth when that time is right." "Will that time ever be right, Chameleon?" Cassiopeia smiled thinly. "Will you at least tell him yourself.....someday, and not make me do it after you're dead?" "Someday," he tried to smile reassuringly. "Someday. Maybe..." he skipped a beat as he looked her over and saw the shadow of his own wife looking back at him. "Maybe on the day he gets sealed." She let out a light laugh. "Starbuck? Sealed?" she shook her head. "You're playing with a fixed deck of cards, Chameleon. That'll never happen. Not the way he is." "Oh, I'm not so sure," a sly edge entered the old man's voice. "I do know something of my son's taste in women. The results may surprise even you, Cassiopeia." She looked at him with an incredulous air. "You mean....." she was unable to go any further. "Yes," Chameleon nodded. "You've shared something precious with me, now let me do likewise. What Starbuck has with you isn't like what he's had with anyone else. Remember that always. And patient and wait until he's able to admit that directly to you." "Just like he has to be patient for you," Cassiopeia sighed. "You two really are alike." She impulsively hugged him and as Chameleon held her, he found himself hoping that Starbuck never let a woman as precious as Cassiopeia ever get away from him. A centar later, Cassiopeia had escorted Chameleon to Adama's quarters where Apollo, Boomer, Sheba and an awkward Starbuck remained. As Chameleon stood in front of the Commander, Starbuck found himself looking at the floor, unable to focus on the man he'd placed so much hopes in. "Thank you for coming, Chameleon." Adama's voice was courteous but had the firm edge of a judge about to pass sentence. "You will be interested to know that all matters relating to this incident have been dealt with. Thanks to your statement, Commander Kronus has placed Wadleigh under arrest for theft and sale of spare parts. Even more important, Ambassador Hassan has initiated a total crackdown on the Nomen Council. Their conspiracy to overthrow him is shattered, the three Nomen who were after you will be charged with attempted murder, and the spare parts the Nomen were hoarding have been returned. Hassan's now going to run things on the Borallus in a way that won't infringe on the Nomen's basic rights, but will at least insure that they could never launch another conspiracy as odious as this right under his nose, let alone conduct another blood trail." he paused. "There still remains the matter of you, however." Chameleon took a breath, as he kept his hands behind his back. "I suppose that could be a problem." "On the one hand, your statement, as well as the security check conducted by Sergeant Castor, implicates your guilt on potential charges of illegal profiteering, failure to report a conspiracy, and even fraud." The old man lowered his head and bit his lip. Cassiopeia felt her body trembling and then glanced at Starbuck. She could see a pained expression on the warrior's face. "But on the other hand," Adama went on. "Thanks to you, we've succeeded in solving the two biggest internal problems the Fleet has been facing. I think those factors mitigate on the whole against having any formal charges filed against you." Chameleon seemed to relax as sighs of relief went up from the other people in the room. Even from Starbuck. "But as to what you do from here on," Adama cautioned gravely. "Yes," Chameleon shuffled his feet. "Well, I suppose I could go back to what I was doing." "If you mean your part-time work on the Orphans Ship, that's no problem. Dr. Pia says you're always welcome there," Adama said firmly. "As to what you do in the rest of your spare time however?" "Well, I suppose I could always go back to that as----" Chameleon stopped when he saw the slight glare on Adama's face. "Ah no, I guess I couldn't do any of that." he added hastily. A thin smile came over the Commander's face. "Tell me Chameleon," he then stopped and looked him in the eye. "Is that your real name, by the way?" "Well.....ah, to tell the truth Commander.....ah," he then decided that playing the con game had gone far enough, even for comic effect. "Well yes. Yes it is. In fact, I think it's probably high time that I give some real background material on where I came from for the benefit of your Fleet Computer Records. All you need to know about Chameleon, son of Matthias and Adele, born in Caprica City, 7286." "That's good," Adama leaned forward and smiled. "And it may interest you to know Chameleon, that when Sergeant Castor was making his rounds about you, he was bombarded with some urgent questions about what had happened to you from a certain Siress Blassie aboard the Seniors Ship." Chameleon blushed slightly in embarrassment. He already had an inkling of what Adama was about to say, and knowing Blassie as he did, he wasn't sure the results would be something he'd enjoy. "Now I've taken the liberty of explaining things to the Siress," Adama went on. "And once the circumstances became clear to her, she was most willing to personally take charge of your rehabilitation." Boomer, Apollo and Sheba all found themselves suppressing smiles and chuckles as they saw an uneasy look come over Chameleon's face. Even Starbuck couldn't help but smile because he could empathize with how Chameleon felt at the moment. All of his freedom and easy way of living gone and replaced by servitude to a woman who would be playing constant nurse-maid to him. Not a prospect that any man who felt like Chameleon, or himself for that matter, would find enjoyable. "Um....Commander," Chameleon fumbled slightly. "If I may. Ah----" "It is so ordered Chameleon." Adama's tone was of gentle finality. Chameleon felt his shoulders sag a bit. The last thing he'd ever wanted to face was the prospect of someone constantly watching him and attending to him. He'd always thrived on his freedom of movement. His ability to appear and disappear in places at virtual will. Now that part of his life was irrevocably over. He might as well have been sentenced to the Prison Barge for all that it mattered. But then again, he mused, it need not be too bad. He had enjoyed Blassie's company. She was a charming, attractive woman. Perhaps there could be some positive benefits from the whole thing after all. At the very least, he'd give it a chance. "Chameleon," Starbuck rose from his seat next to Cassiopeia and came up to him. The old man looked him in the eye and for the first time tried to see if there was some hint of himself in the eyes or anywhere else. In all the time he'd spent with Starbuck, he'd never tried to look for signs but now that he knew the truth, he found that he couldn't help himself. "Hey Chameleon," Starbuck smiled and extended his hand. "I realize you were in a tight spot and you did what you had to do in order to survive." he warmly shook his hand. "No hard feelings, as far as I'm concerned." As Chameleon felt the grasp of his handshake, he finally saw the shadow of his younger self in Starbuck's face. It took him a micron to recover himself inside and reciprocate the handshake. "Thank you," he whispered. "That does mean a lot to me, Starbuck. A lot more than you could ever realize." he glanced faintly over his shoulder at Cassiopeia, who gave him a faint nod of recognition that no one else in the room but Chameleon noticed. "Well, in a ways I feel kind of attached to you after all we talked about and all we went through," Starbuck said. "And hey, the computer did say we are distant relatives at the very least. I may not have learned everything I wanted to know, but you are the first person I know who does have at least some connection with me." "That's true," Chameleon smiled. "We could always.....well, see each other from time-to-time, now and then, when you're not busy and I've got time to kill on my furlon." "I'd enjoy that," Chameleon said. "I really would." "Why not at the triad match next sectan?" Cassiopeia spoke up. "Starbuck and Apollo are taking on Ortega and Barton in the biggest match in a long time. The whole Fleet's been talking about it." "Yeah," Starbuck smiled brightly. "I can use my connections to get you ducats for the best possible seats." "Yes, I would like to see that." Chameleon's tone brightened. "I've heard all kinds of stories about how you're a master on the triad court." "Out of curiosity Starbuck, what do you mean by 'your connections' when it comes to five hundred cubit ducats?" Apollo couldn't resist. "Oh....well ah," Starbuck began sheepishly as he shot a glace at Adama who was still a fixture of total bemusement. Boomer got to his feet, "What he means is that Chameleon can have my ducat. Zed's been on my back to provide player analysis during the broadcast. I might as well do it. You can pick it up in my quarters." "Thank you, Boomer," Chameleon smiled. "I appreciate that. It'll be an honor to attend." "In the meantime, Commander, would it be okay if I shuttle Chameleon back to the Seniors Ship?" "You're still on furlon, Starbuck." Adama smiled. "Go right ahead." "Thank you sir," Starbuck felt relieved. As he kept his gaze focused on the Commander, he didn't notice Chameleon glance quickly at Cassiopeia, and silently mouth the words "Thank you" to her. "Starbuck," Chameleon quickly turned back to him just as the warrior shifted his gaze away from Adama. "And all of you. Thank you, and again I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused." "It's okay," Starbuck then leaned closer to him and said in a low, sly tone. "Now about that betting system. Are you sure there's no way of beating it?" "Positive," Chameleon said as he warmly wrapped his arm around him and then added in an equally sly, mischievous tone.. "Unless of course you decide to cheat." Adama closed his eyes and groaned slightly as he leaned back in his chair. Apollo, Sheba and Boomer all found themselves chuckling at the sight of how when it came to the subjects that were always Starbuck's vices, he and Chameleon seemed practically inseparable. Cassiopeia felt her jaw open slightly in shock at how Chameleon already seemed determined to revert to form. But then, her reaction gave way to one of amusement and the med-tech found herself thinking a thought she wished she could express aloud. Like father, like son. "Now I had a system that was really foolproof for pyramid," Chameleon said as he and Starbuck headed for the door. "But there was this three-handed dealer on Pineus that figured out how to beat it." As the door opened, Starbuck's eyes widened in fascination and he turned back to Apollo with a wicked grin. "You hear that Apollo? That system on Pineus wasn't so bad after all! I'll make you try it out next time we go to the Chancery!" "Oh boy." Apollo rolled his eyes slightly as the doors closed. "There goes my next sectar's pay!" It would take nearly five centons for every one else in the room to stop laughing before any of them could finally leave. The Galactica's lone agro-ship, responsible for growing all the crops necessary to feed the people of the Fleet, was regarded by many as the ideal haven for getting away from the crowds and hectic activity one saw on most of the ships in the Fleet. That was especially true of the lush Botanical Gardens that dotted the length of the ship and were sheltered underneath clear glass domes that offered a breathtaking panorama of the stars above. Inside each garden was a specimen of almost every plant, crop and tree that was salvaged from the Colonies prior to the Exodus. Carefully tended under the general supervision of Operations Chief Carmichael, each garden had blossomed into jungle-like proportions. It was all too easy for a visitor to the Gardens to get lost and not find his way out for centars. Pallan calmly strolled along the walkways lining the path of the Gardens, occasionally glancing at some of the posted signs denoting the various plant specimens. The wide cross-section of plant life from all the twelve planets couldn't help but make him admire how Carmichael and his team of agro-workers had put all of this together on such short notice and been able to maintain it all this time. But then again, he thought ruefully, he always knew he had to bear some measure of responsibility for the fact that this task had been undertaken in the first place. He turned off from the main walkway that ran the length of the room and detoured to the right, where the path went deeper inside some of the fuller, Skorpian pine trees that towered so high, they came within fifteen feet of brushing the top of the glass dome. Pallan knew that of all the spots on the agro ship, this was the one that was by far the most isolated and secluded. All a person had to do was step off the walkway and into the cluster of trees and within ten feet, he would immediately think he was lost in a forest back on Skorpia. The bartender stepped over the walkway railing and went ten feet into the artificial forest. As he leaned against the base of a tree, he felt something poke against his back. The end of a laser pistol. Pallan didn't bat an eyebrow as he felt the metal snout of the lethal weapon against him. He had half expected it. And he already knew that in the long-run of things, he had no cause for concern. "Come out, Sergeant Ortega," he said calmly. The blonde, curly-haired warrior stepped out from behind the tree, pointing his pistol at Pallan with a menacing look. His eyes were red and bloodshot, the effects of his long deep patrol with Barton still lingering, as well as the aggravation he'd been forced to endure from his wingmate's taunts. "Okay Pallan," Ortega kept his pistol pointed at the bartender's chest. "Anything positive to report?" "In a way," Pallan stared at the warrior's weapon with distaste. "Are you paranoid about something, Ortega?" "You are one person I would never trust for a centon." Pallan laughed. "Come on Ortega. You said it yourself yesterday. No one can commit a capital offense in this Fleet and hide forever." "With you, I'm not so sure," Ortega glared at him. "You're the only person I know who'd even think of trying it some day." "As opposed to Chella and Elias?" he gently retorted. "What did you manage to pin on them?" The sergeant laughed. "Total felgercarb in comparison to you." "You still made a mistake letting me find out about them, Ortega," Pallan folded his arms. "All these sectars, you've made me afraid of you and you've used that fear to extort plenty out of me. But now that I know you're pulling this same stunt with two other men, I don't have to be quite so fearful." "And what's that supposed to mean?" "It means that as of next sectan, you get nothing more from me," Pallan said. "I'm willing to let you have 20,000 as a final payment, and then that's it." Ortega started to laugh ruthlessly. "And what puts you in the position to say that?" "The fact that it's now too dangerous for you to ever say a word," Pallan's tone was pointed. "Exposing me, means you'd have to answer a lot of questions yourself that in the end, may not net you as long a sentence as I'd get, but it would still put you in the Prison Barge for a long time to come." The warrior flushed. "For what?" "Try extortion, bribery, not to mention dereliction of duty." Pallan said. "If it were me alone, maybe you could avoid that. But not when you've also got your fingers in Chella and Elias. If you expose me Ortega, then I'm going to at least give myself the satisfaction of taking you down with me by leading any investigation straight to them as well. In the end, your little stash of cubits won't mean a thing for you anymore." he flashed a malevolent smirk at the warrior. "You overreached yourself Ortega. And because of that, you're about to lose one of your sources." He raised his pistol so it was aligned with Pallan's face. "Maybe I am." "I kind of expected you'd try a stunt like that," Pallan smirked. "That's why I insisted we meet here. Because in case you've forgotten, gaining access to the Gardens meant signing in at Carmichael's station. When I arrived, I made certain that no one else has signed in since you did thirty centons ago. If you kill me, then you become the primary suspect once they look at the register and see my name below yours." It took a centon for the words to sink in, and then Ortega finally lowered his pistol. "You see," Pallan smiled. "You can't kill me, and you can't expose me without exposing yourself to prison. That's all there is to it. You can either take 20,000 from me as a final payment, or nothing more." Ortega put his pistol back in his holster. "When do I get it?" "There's a catch to that." His head darted back up. "What catch?" "You get it on one condition," Pallan said. "You're going to throw the triad game to Apollo and Starbuck." The blonde warrior's face twisted and darkened in rage. "I'm what?" "You heard me," the bartender's voice grew more firm. "The only way you're going to get 20,000 from me is if you throw the match to Apollo and Starbuck. Specifically, you let yourself get thrown out of the game in the last round." "You're crazy," Ortega trembled. "This game's been on my mind for a sectar now. I've been waiting for a chance to finally put that gallmonging snit Starbuck in place." "So I gathered from all those IFB reports. But I think I know you well enough to realize that given a choice between money and stroking your ego on the triad court, you'll pick the former any day of the sectan." his smirk intensified. "Just once, I want to see you do something I tell you to do, Ortega. I'll gladly pay 20,000 cubits to you if it means I have the satisfaction of knowing I forced you to do things my way." Ortega bit his lip in an effort to hold back his anger and rage. "And if I don't throw the match?" "Then my policy of never paying you another cubit goes into effect right now." He paused. "What's it going to be Ortega? One last payday or nothing?" The sergeant looked at him for more than a centon without moving, all the time breathing heavily and swallowing repeatedly to keep his emotions in check. Finally, he extended his hand reluctantly. "I guess it has to be that way," he tried to sound philosophical. "I suppose I can look back and say it was a great run while it lasted." "Indeed," Pallan took the offered hand. The handshake lasted no more than a half-micron before they both withdrew their hands in mutual disgust. "So when do I get the big payoff, if I do as you say?" "In the locker area," Pallan said. "I get off duty at 2200. That's why your ejection must be timed to a late phase of the game. I'll go down to the training room and give you the payoff as soon as you're out of the turbowash. Nobody else will be there then, so it's the ideal time." Ortega nodded. "Very well then," his voice then took on a cautious, menacing air. "But if you double-cross me Pallan, I'll find other ways of making you suffer." Pallan said nothing as the blonde sergeant moved away through the trees and back onto the walkway that led out of the Gardens. Once Ortega was gone, the bartender named Pallan found himself smiling in satisfaction for the first time in many sectars. The critical phase of his plan had been a smashing success and there was now no doubt of what the real outcome of the meeting was going to be. Sergeant Ortega had just signed his death warrant. Battlestar Galactica: Murder On The Rising Star From The Adama Journals Today brings another hopeful report from our deep patrol scouts, who have discovered another planet along these coordinates given to us by the super race of the mysterious Ship Of Lights who spared us from the evil plans of the even more mysterious Count Iblis. More and more often, the planets we come across bear signs of what has to be the lost Thirteenth Tribe. Signs of camp settlements made by scouting parties during the long journey from Kobol to Earth when no doubt, the space ark needed to make periodic stops for supplies. Leaving behind remnants that more than seven thousand yahrens later, the descendants of their brother tribes could find and use as a sign of hope that we are on the right path. We are getting closer. But still, nothing definite as to whether the day of discovery could be in the lifetimes of our present generation, or much further in a distant future no one alive today will ever see. We must be prepared though to handle any possibility that might face us on that day when Earth is discovered. I have commissioned Colonel Tigh and other senior personnel to draw up contingency plans that will be implemented according to what kind of civilization exists on Earth when we find it. The only common thread in each of these contingency plans is the need for great discretion upon our arrival. A time of careful watching and analysis in which our people can learn and sample everything about her culture. Too sudden an appearance from their brothers and sisters in space could send the people of Earth into a traumatic culture shock that they might not ever fully recover from. Our contingency plans must take into account the sad prospect that after all these yahrens, the very origins of the Thirteenth Tribe, and the memory of the brother nations they chose to separate from, could very well be forgotten to the people of Earth by now. Separated from us after seven thousand yahrens, Earth has had time to build a unique civilization all its own and to chart a path totally unlike that which the Twelve Colonies did. And what were the results of that path? I can still recall the cryptic words of Count Iblis that Earth "has known great rises and great failures." Words that could apply even to our own civilization. At the very least, that would indicate that Earth is anything but a Utopia where mankind has not succeeded in eliminating the flaws in his nature that forever keep him one step below the angels. What it doesn't answer is whether Earth is now a civilization far in advance of us at this point in their development......or a society of primitive animals, fallen from a greater time. That will only be known on the day that Earth is found. And I pray to the Lords that I will be part of that generation fortunate to know the answer and see if my decision to begin this long journey will have been truly worth the effort. Our internal situation is thankfully more stable than it has been at any time since the journey began. The danger of the Cylons has after thirteen sectans of no sign of them, become more and more like that of a nightmare that fades from memory upon waking up. And the recent affair surrounding the elderly gentleman Chameleon, while providing much personal disappointment to Starbuck, has produced two important dividends in breaking the conspiracy attempt by the Nomen against Ambassador Hassan, and the return of all the spare parts for viper maintenance stolen from the Celestra. Commander Kronus, my one time superior aboard the Ricon so many yahrens ago, assures me that he will be running an even tighter operation than ever before on the maintenance ship to see to it that nothing like this ever happens again. With Kronus, I know I can always count on a vigorous effort when it comes to enforcing regulations and military discipline in any operation where he is in command. He might have a penchant for carrying it too far at times, but in the wake of these thefts, a vigorous course of discipline is exactly what's needed. And so, with no internal crises confronting us at this centon, and with the Council of Twelve remaining quiet for now, I find myself in the enviable position of being able to relax this evening. A time to watch the much heralded triad match that takes place this evening on the Rising Star. So many people are anxious to get ducats for it though, that I've decided it wouldn't be right for me to take up a seat in the spectator's gallery, especially since my only instinct would be to openly cheer my son on to victory. Instead, I intend to watch the match with Tigh in the quiet calm of the Empyreal Lounge, which is apt to be deserted anyway. Chapter One "Good afternoon. Through your videocoms, you are looking at the triad court and spectators gallery here on the Rising Star. They are empty now, but in only four centars they will be packed to capacity with the sounds of cheering spectators watching the most anticipated triad match of the last sectar between the number one ranked team of Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Starbuck, against the number three ranked team of Sergeants Barton and Ortega. For the winner, one step closer to the Championship Finals match. For the loser, almost certain elimination and the hope that the next round of tournament play will bring greater rewards. With such high stakes involved, we can expect to see nothing less than the art of triad in it's purest form. The form that makes it more than just a game, but a contest bordering on warfare." The IFB camera then panned back from its view of the empty triad court to a shot of the broadcasting stand, where lead anchor Zed turned to the man seated on his right. "Joining me here is a man who is deeply interested in the outcome of tonight's match and who will be with me tonight providing expert player analysis for the viewers, bringing a dimension and understanding that none of the people present here tonight will be able to receive." Boomer tried not to roll his eyes in disgust. He could remember listening to Zed's commentary of triad matches as far back as his childhood days on Caprica when Zed had been lead sports anchor for the BNC. Even then, there had been an air of pomposity in Zed's broadcasts that had rubbed him the wrong way and it had persisted all throughout Zed's career first on the BNC and then when he moved to Gemon to become a news anchor for the GBS. Sports had become a trifle to a man who saw himself worthy of covering only far more significant events in the News Division. But he'd been blocked out of news on Caprica because of his bad relationship with the technical operations chief Heller who sought only "hard journalists" to become lead news anchors and commentators such as the renowned Daly, and later Daly's successor Serina. And one thing Zed could never be accused of being was a hard journalist. He simply had an overbearing voice that overindulged in rhetorical flourishes and frequently got away from simply calling the action in a straightforward manner. Now, as the most prominent videocom anchor to survive the Holocaust, along with Zara of Cancera's CCS, he'd been given responsibility for calling all of the triad matches, much to his distaste that he was now back to doing the kind of events that he'd always regarded as beneath his dignity. "I refer of course to Lieutenant Boomer of the number two ranked team of Boomer and Castor, who will be facing the winner of tonight's game in next sectan's Championship Match. And Lieutenant, would you not agree that tonight we can expect to see a no holds barred, knockdown fight to the death between these two great teams?" "Well Zed," Boomer said pleasantly, knowing that sitting next to the anchor's blatherings at least entitled him to an extra two hundred cubits for services rendered. "I expect nothing less than good, solid competition from two teams that have earned their way into this position. I can say honestly that there aren't two better teams in the entire triad league that I've faced than the ones who'll be playing tonight. They should give us a match worth remembering." "Now there have been stories, Lieutenant, as I'm sure you're well aware, that Sergeant Ortega's reputation off the court is not very high amongst his fellow warriors. Is there any sense that Sergeant Ortega's intensity on the triad court is tied in to that combative behavior he displays off the court?" Boomer felt like he'd just been served a plate of moldy protein chunks for dinner. This was the last sort of thing he expected to talk about and he risked causing more trouble in the ranks of his squadron if he found himself forced to comment on the personal life of one of his pilots, especially one he disliked as intensely as Ortega. But where Zed was concerned, he should have expected it. Zed's desire to be taken seriously as a "journalist" had always led him to indulge in digressions about the personal lives of athletes and how their skills were affected by their off-court activities. More than once in his life, Boomer could remember listening to his audio-com in the family living room of his aunt's apartment and shouting, "Just stick to the fracking game!" whenever Zed went off on one of his tangents. The warrior flashed one of the fake smiles that Zara and Zed were renowned for on their news broadcasts. "Well Zed," he said in the same pleasant tone. "I really think that the bottom line for any triad player, whether he's a viper pilot like Captain Apollo, Lieutenant Starbuck or myself, or a security guard like Sergeant Castor, is that we see triad as a wonderful outlet for our competitive energy and nothing more. All of the triad players I know are professionals in their jobs off the court, and as the commander of Red Squadron group which includes Sergeants Barton and Ortega, I can say categorically that they've never been anything less than professional under my command. So I don't think what happens off the court ever enters into matters at all, and vice versa. I mean, you take me for instance. Apollo and Starbuck are probably the closest friends I've ever had in eight yahrens service in the Warrior Corps. Off the court, they're my brothers. On the court, I want to beat them with the same intensity I'd reserve for the Cylons. Whatever difficulties you've heard about as far as off the court matters go, I think it'll play no part in tonight's game." Lords of Kobol, are they going to give it to me for all that double-talking felgercarb I just said, Boomer thought as he finished. Starbuck'll see it as payback for all that needling I gave him after his interview with Zara. "Well, Lieutenant Boomer I think we'll see if your assessment is borne out when the centon arrives. A reminder to all of you, our pre-match coverage will begin one-half centar before the first ball is dropped at 2000. Until then, this is Zed sending it back to you Zara, in our IFB studio." Pallan had one eye on the IFB monitor inside the Empyreal Lounge as he cleared away the empty glasses on some recently vacated tables. Ordinarily, the sound on the monitors was always kept turned off so as not to disturb the quiet atmosphere the Empyreal Lounge was noted for. Tonight would be a rare exception however. With interest in the outcome of the triad match at an all-time high, the Rising Star's Assistant Chief Steward, who had jurisdiction over the Empyreal Lounge, had already decided that the volume would be turned up to one-half for the first time, as a courtesy to patrons who wanted to watch the action within the Lounge's relaxed setting. By contrast, customers in the nearby Astral Lounge, where Chief Steward Zeibert handled all matters, would be watching the match on a giant six foot high monitor where the commentary would be blotted out for the most part by both raucous music and cheering crowds. Pallan felt relieved that Assistant Chief Steward Lange had already decided to keep the sound up on the Empyreal Lounge's monitors. If he'd been forced to ask Lange himself, it'd have seemed too suspicious. But if his plan had any chance of succeeding, he needed to keep one ear on the commentary and know exactly what was happening with the game. With that contingency element taken care of, there now remained just one more thing and everything that needed to be done prior to the match would be in place. "Lange," he came over to his boss, "I need five centons for a personal matter. Can you cover me until I get back?" "No problem, Pallan," he said. He regarded the assistant chief bartender as a loyal, dependable employee who was entitled to more slack than the average employee usually received. "Thanks," Pallan nodded and walked down the steps that led to the exit on the lower level. Once he was out in the Main Corridor, he picked up his walking pace, casting glances in every direction to see if anyone else was headed toward the same area. To his relief, there was no one in sight. He finally reached the public telecom located just off the Docking Lounge, calmly picked it up and punched in the code for the place he wanted to reach. "Chancery," a voice at the other end answered. Pallan put his hand over his mouth and spoke in a tone totally different from his normal speaking voice. "I need to speak to Chella. It's very urgent." "Just a centon, I'll get him." there was a brief shuffle as the Chancery's Operations Chief went off to summon the dealer from Table Number Three over. As Pallan waited, he felt the sweat break out on his forehead, as he kept glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone might approach and overhear what he was about to say. If someone did, then he'd be forced to abort a major element of his plan that very well could force him to abort the entire operation altogether. Fracking moron, just had to be off-duty for three days until now, he thought with disgust as he kept waiting. Finally, he heard the low voice of the heavyset dealer he had spoken to a sectan ago. "This is Chella." "Hello Chella, it's Ortega," he whispered into the telecom in a dead accurate imitation of the sergeant's voice that he'd practiced almost non-stop in his spare time for the last two days. "I haven't got much time before the match. There's an important matter concerning our arrangement we need to talk about." There was a brief silence on the other end. "What do you want?" "Meet me in the training room at 2210 and you'll find out." "2210?" he could picture the dealer frowning in disbelief. "The match won't be over by then." "Don't worry about the match, you just be there at that time or else Security's going to get some information you'd rather they not see." he tried to inject the right level of low, threatening menace without losing the precision of the imitation. "Don't worry," the dealer kept his voice calm for the benefit of those standing near him in the Chancery. "I'm off duty before then. I'll be there." "You'd better," Pallan closed and then quickly hung the telecom up. The bartender let out a sigh of relief as he calmly walked back to the Empyreal Lounge. Everything was now set. He had the time, the place and the means to carry it out. And now, he'd just been handed a perfect fall guy who'd insure that no suspicion ever touched him. All that remained, was the final implementation. The triad ball fell into play and the four players from the two teams broke out of the face-off circle and moved into respective offense and defense positions. The lead player on the gold team got to the ball first and prepared to fight his way forward and get into position for a pass to his partner, who would then send the sphere into the scoring circle. But before he could move, the defender from the blue team had suddenly boxed him into one of the three triangular corners of the court, never once threatening to knock the ball away, but keeping his opponent moving backward, unable to get any meaningful shot off. Finally, in desperation the trapped gold player was forced to make a weak shot off the sidewall in the hope that his partner could get at the rebound. "You see Boxey?" Starbuck grinned as he maneuvered his control stick of the three-dimensional triad computer game. "That's how the trap strategy works. Don't make the obvious move for the ball. Always play it carefully and you put yourself in perfect position to keep him from scoring." The little boy shook his head in amazed awe at how Starbuck had guided his players with such flawless precision. "Is that what makes your team the best?" "Well it has a lot to do with it. Of course if your father here weren't such a great partner who always knows where those weak rebounds are going to come from, the whole point of the trap strategy would be worthless." "Nice of you to remember me, Starbuck," Apollo slapped his friend on the shoulder good-naturedly. "Hey, hey careful, you'll make me lose control of the stick and the game, buddy." Starbuck mockingly chided. "Come on Starbuck, when it comes to a match on this computer against Boxey, I'm on his side!" Apollo returned it. "You save your best stuff for the real thing. Besides, we haven't got time to finish this I'm afraid. Our shuttle for the Rising Star leaves in twenty centons." The brash warrior sighed with regret as he set his stick down. "Guess that's it for tonight, Boxey. Tomorrow though, I promise you another session where I'll recreate exactly how we won tonight on this machine." "Great!" Boxey's eyes lit up. "And then a best of three match?" "That depends on whether or not all your assignments are done, right Captain?" Starbuck threw Apollo a sly glance. "Right," Apollo smiled with the air of gentle paternalism as he knelt down by his son. "Your Aunt Athena's going to watch the match with you in your quarters on the IFB tonight, and then she'll be putting you to bed. You remember to do everything she says." "Can I watch your postmatch interview?" Boxey asked with the edge of anxious pleading that was typical of any six-yahren old child who wanted to get an extra centar of time to stay up, and then hope for an extra centar of sleep the next morning when it was time for Primary Classes. "If the match doesn't go into sudden death, there should be time for that." he said as he put his hands on his son's shoulders. "But if it does, you don't give Aunt Athena trouble if she says no. Okay?" "Okay." he nodded and then threw his arms around his father, "Beat those guys good, Dad!" Apollo felt only contentment as he embraced his son to him. "We're not going to let you down, son." By the time Apollo and Starbuck had left the Rejuvenation Center and begun their walk to the landing bay, the brash warrior was smiling at his friend with envy. "That's beautiful, you and him," Starbuck said. "Apollo, you're a lucky man." "I know," Apollo said simply not wanting to elaborate any further on how important his relationship with his son was to him. Especially not after the disappointment Starbuck had gone through during the whole Chameleon business when it seemed like for one brief centon, Starbuck had been on the verge of finding a similar relationship for himself. As though Starbuck had read his mind, he said. "Um.....Apollo, I know that whole business about Chameleon is ancient history now, but I think I ought to say this. Watching you and Boxey all the time, it.....well I think the reason why I flew off the handle with you like I did was because I thought I was losing a chance at the same thing. It was....rank jealousy at its worst. I want you to know how bad I feel about that." Apollo clapped his hand on Starbuck's shoulder. "Like you said, it's ancient history buddy. Don't ever mention it again. Besides, the only friends who never have spats from time-to-time are the distant ones who treat each other like company instead of family." As they reached the Life Station, they saw Cassiopeia and Sheba waiting for them. "About time you two showed up," Sheba smirked. "We were beginning to think the pressure had gotten to the two of you and you were going to default the match." "Against Ortega?" Starbuck snorted in disgust. "Running from him would be the only crime greater than treason!" "That's it," Cassiopeia smiled. "Show some of that competitive fire. Do you know how many people have wagers on you tonight?" "I wish the rules didn't prohibit me from betting on myself," Starbuck said as they resumed walking. After a centon, both he and Apollo suddenly stopped and eyed Cassiopeia with puzzled frowns. "Cass, is it my imagination or is there something different about you?" Starbuck asked. "Like what?" she coyly smiled as she ran a hand through her hair. Apollo snapped his fingers. "You cut it!" "That's right," Sheba said. "This afternoon, she went over to the Pathmain where they've got this beautifier who used to run a shop on Taura. She's been talking my ear off all about it ever since she got back to the Galactica." "So what do you think, Starbuck?" his girlfriend continued to run her hand through her blonde hair, which had always been long and flowed two inches past her shoulders. Now it was styled in a thick, short cut that didn't even reach the top of her shoulders. "Well......" Starbuck looked her over, not quite sure what to say. "It's.....different. That's for sure." "I know," Cassiopeia nodded as they resumed walking. "I decided it was time to stop wearing my hair like a socialator. It just....well it just didn't seem right anymore." she looked at Starbuck. "Does it bother you?" "Oh no, no," Starbuck said hastily. Deep down, he was disappointed that she'd cut it since he'd always found himself attracted to women with long hair, ever since he was a child. But after all that he'd been through with Cassiopeia, he wasn't about to make an issue of it. "Cass, so long as you never do what that Sagitarian sect does and shave it all off, anyway you do it is fine with me. It's just....well I just need to get used to it." "Of course," she smiled and nodded. "She hasn't done it full justice yet," Sheba put in. "The next time she wears one of her formal gowns, that should show it off to its full effect, right? Or so the beautifier said." "It should," the med-tech admitted. "Well if shorter hair's becoming vogue all of a sudden, does that mean you'll be paying a trip to the beautifier soon, Sheba?" Apollo grinned. "Not a chance!" Sheba retorted with emphasis as she protectively touched her brown hair that flowed well past her shoulders. "Not since the time my mother cut her hair for a play she was doing so she could look twenty yahrens older for her part. She got so self-conscious about the whole thing that she wore a wig for the next three sectars until it grew back. I'm not about to risk the same reaction." Apollo kept smiling and found himself suppressing the urge to voice his approval. He still wasn't willing to admit to himself the feelings locked inside him about Sheba, but he'd long ago reached the conclusion that her long hair made her a very attractive woman. He didn't want to draw a picture of her any other way. "When it comes to haircuts though," Cassiopeia playfully touched Starbuck's thick hair that completely covered his ears, "You look as though you're overdue by at least a sectar." "Aw, c'mon Cass. You want me to go back to one of those buzz cuts they used to make all male cadets wear at the Academy?" "Hmmmm, that would be interesting." "You'll never get a chance to find out," Starbuck vowed as they entered the turbo lift that would take them down to the landing bay. When they arrived, the air of jovial camaraderie among them came to an abrupt halt when they saw Barton and Ortega waiting for the same shuttle. An awkward silence set in as the two rival teams eyed each other with attitudes ranging from cool indifference to outright hostility. Finally, Apollo decided to break the tension as he came up to Barton and extended his hand. "Good luck. No matter what happens, let's make it a match for the ages." "I can agree with that," Barton smiled thinly as he accepted the offered handshake. "Good luck to you too, Captain. Let the Lords dictate the outcome." The two of them noticed that Starbuck and Ortega weren't even making a pretense of pre-match civility. They both were glaring at each other with angry expressions indicating their mutual contempt. Before anything else could be said, Apollo quickly stepped back alongside his partner and gently tugged his arm. "Look," Barton said, trying to keep the civil air intact. "What's say we ride in different compartments of the shuttle? That way, we can both discuss game strategy in peace." "Fine by me, Barton," Apollo nodded. "You two take the front. We'll ride in the back." "See you on the court," Barton said as he and the implacably silent Ortega boarded the shuttle first. Five centons later, as the shuttle began its journey from the Galactica to the Rising Star, Cassiopeia finally decided not to hold her tongue any longer on a matter that had been bothering her for a long while. "Starbuck," she said, "I know that Ortega is probably the least likable warrior in the entire Fleet, but why do you always look as though you're ready to fight him whenever you see him?" "Because he keeps asking for it!" Starbuck snapped. "Tonight he's finally going to get put in his place." "Starbuck," Sheba chided. "Take it easy." "She's right," Apollo was concerned to see Starbuck's temper rising once again. "For sagan's sake Starbuck, don't let him get to you." The brash warrior waved a hand. "'s impossible to not let a guy like him get to you. He's been a pain in the astrum ever since the Academy." "You knew him at the Academy?" Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow. "How could you have known him there when he isn't an officer?" "I knew him in cadet orientation," Starbuck said. "He got thrown out after three sectans and then enlisted in the Corps." "Were you part of the reason why he got thrown out?" Sheba was amazed by the information. "Only a small part," Starbuck said with a wary eye on the compartment door that led to where Ortega and Barton were sitting. "On the first night, Ortega went out of his way to start at least three fistfights. Then two sectans later we discovered that he'd been stealing cubits from the lockers of several cadets to try and cover his gambling debts in every Caprica City Chancery in sight. That made fifteen of us sign a petition for the Commandant demanding he get kicked out of our group and fast. Fortunately, he obliged our request. Unfortunately, the expulsion didn't prohibit Ortega from joining the Corps as a regular enlistee." "And Ortega gets on your nerves because he still carries a grudge from that?" Apollo was slightly incredulous. Starbuck shrugged, "I dunno. As far as I know, I'm the only one who signed that petition who's still alive or on active duty." "Don't encourage him by reacting," Apollo's tone grew emphatic. "Play him as hard as you can on the triad court and then afterwards, ignore him. That is an order, Lieutenant." "Right, right," Starbuck waved a hand. "After tonight, no more trouble from him. That's a guarantee." "Commander Adama and Colonel Tigh!" Assistant Chief Steward Lange grinned broadly as the commander and executive officer entered the Empyreal Lounge. "An honor that you should come here tonight." Adama shook hands with Lange and looked up at the Lounge's second level where it was clear that all the tables were filled. "It appears though, that the Colonel and I didn't anticipate the size of the crowd you'd be having tonight." "Not to worry about that, Commander," Lange said as he led the two up the steps to the second level. "When you informed me of your desire to watch the match from here, I made certain that our only private lounge would be reserved for you." They walked past several tables, where each customer stopped to watch in silent respect as their commander moved past, and then came to an opening that led into a wellstocked private lounge. The darkly paneled room featured a plush, leather couch positioned in front of an elegant glass table and a medium-sized videocom on the back wall. "Although this private lounge doesn't feature our normal vista, it is most ideal for those who require more private conversation," Lange motioned them in. "It should serve your purpose quite well, Commander." "Thank you, Lange," Adama smiled as he took a seat on the left side of the couch. "I'll have one attendant personally assigned to you until his shift ends at 2200," Lange then turned around, "Pallan, could you please come here?" As Tigh sat down on the opposite side of the couch, he and Adama looked back and saw the assistant chief bartender enter. "Good evening sirs," he stood at attention. "It's an honor to be serving you this evening. I'll be happy to bring you anything you need. Just press the button on the right side of the couch and that'll turn on the red light over the doorway and bring me in here in a micron." "Thank you, Pallan, " Adama continued to smile. "You don't need to stand at attention." The bartender smiled and relaxed somewhat. "Would you care for a drink to start?" "Yes, if you have any white Caprican ambrosia from within the last ten yahrens, that would be most appreciated." "Of course. Colonel?" "Ahh......" Tigh took a centon to think about that. "I think I'll have some Gemonese ale. And if it's possible, I'd love a tray of some of those Skorpian sweetnuts I noticed out there." "We've doubled our supply just for tonight. I'll have everything here in two centons." Pallan bowed again and departed with Lange trailing him.. "Well Adama," Tigh said as he settled back in the couch. "This should be an enjoyable evening." "Indeed," the commander nodded. "After that whole mess of the last sectan involving the Nomen and the spare parts theft it's about time I finally let rank have its privileges for just one evening." Tigh nodded. "And the beauty of it is that we don't seem to have any new domestic crises looming on the horizon. The food shortages are down, industrial production is starting to rise at a steady pace. Overall morale starting to rise." "Yes," Adama admitted. "All made possible by the fact that the amount of time since we last saw the Cylons has now reached thirteen sectans." "The one positive legacy of Count Iblis's time here." The commander shook his head, "I prefer not to think of it that way. If anyone's ultimately responsible for why the Cylons have been made to stay away, I prefer to think the beings of that Ship of Lights were responsible." "Maybe so," Tigh conceded. "Tell me Adama, what do you think those beings really were?" Adama smiled. "Probably the closest thing to God Himself that mankind is capable of seeing in his present state." The executive officer said nothing as Pallan returned with the drinks. Tigh had been a religious skeptic for much of his life before the Holocaust, and had only started moving away from those long-held beliefs over the last few sectars. But Adama knew that Tigh was still a long ways from embracing the principles of the Book of the Word with the same fervor and conviction that he had known all his adult life. And so, the commander tried his best to gently prod his friend in what he felt was the right direction without coming across as overbearing. "Looks like the pre-match coverage is starting," Tigh changed the subject as he sipped his drink and pointed to the videocom. "I don't know how much Apollo has told you about Barton and Ortega, but they're the only triad team next to Boomer and Castor capable of giving them some serious competition." Adama kept his lips curled up in a faint smile as he settled back to watch the proceedings begin. As soon as the Galactica shuttle had docked with the Rising Star, Apollo and Starbuck decided to wait several centons for Barton and Ortega to get off first before they left as well. When they emerged through the Docking Ring into the Docking Lounge with Sheba and Cassiopeia, they saw a familiar face waiting on one of the benches. "Chameleon!" Starbuck grinned as he came over with an extended hand. "Nice to see you again." "It's good to see you too, Starbuck," the elderly man returned it as he shook hands with the man that only he and Cassiopeia now knew was his son. "There's so much talk going on about this match, I can hardly wait to see the outcome." "I hope you made a good wager on us Chameleon, because that would be the biggest sure thing in the history of wagering." Chameleon sighed, "Quite true, I'm sure. But alas, wagering is one thing I can no longer engage in, by the edict of my, ahem, rehabilitator." "Ah yes," Apollo had a sly expression on his face. "And how does Siress Blassie rank as far as rehabilitators go, Chameleon?" He let out a chuckle. "Well Apollo.....I suppose I am fortunate that unlike the poor souls on the Prison Barge, my guard does provide some pleasant distractions from time to time." "Of course," Starbuck grinned. "Where is the good siress this evening?" "Among Blassie's more redeeming features is her sense of understanding. Since I had but one ducat courtesy of Lieutenant Boomer, she recognized that is was impossible to accompany me." he then nodded his head toward Cassiopeia and Sheba who were smiling mischievously. "And when both Cassiopeia and Sheba mentioned that they were willing to act as my chaperones for the occasion, that removed all doubt from her mind." "Really," Starbuck eyed the two women with another sly look. "Siress Blassie's not worried that you um......" he coyly trailed off. "Starbuck," Cassiopeia chided while Sheba suppressed a giggle. Chameleon smiled. "Siress Blassie is also aware of what happens when one gets to be as advanced in yahrens as I am." "Come on partner," Apollo motioned to Starbuck, "Let's get down and get ready." "Make sure your triad uniform's securely fastened," Sheba teased as they moved off. The training room for triad players was a spacious facility filled with various pieces of exercise equipment, in addition to lockers and turbowashes for the players. Because tensions often ran high among the opposing players before a triad match, the changing and turbowash areas for each team were kept on different sides of the complex. As a result, when Apollo and Starbuck arrived, Ortega and Barton were completely out of sight on the other side of the room, hidden by a dividing wall and doorway. "I might try something different tonight," Starbuck said as he removed his uniform tunic and pulled out his triad uniform from his designated locker. "Those guys are the only ones who might know how to figure out the trap strategy." "Give it a try at the start, at least," Apollo said as he changed. "Except for that one time when Boomer acted like a madman on the court, no one's ever effectively gotten around it." Starbuck nodded, not wanting to comment on that incident when Boomer's team had won, largely because of the outside role played by Count Iblis. "Who've we got as stand-bys for tonight?" "Vickers for us, Greenbean for them," Apollo said as he snapped the shoulder pads into place. Under the rules of triad, each team was required to have one player from a lower-ranked triad team act as a stand-by in the event one was ejected from the match or suffered serious injury. It was a rule that in all the sixteen sectans of organized triad play, had never once been invoked, and usually provoked more ill-feeling and grumbling from those who were forced to dress in their triad uniforms and wait for an opportunity that never came. "But there's so much riding on this match for them, that I don't think even Ortega would be dumb enough to risk that." His partner's face darkened. "With him, I'm never sure. I'd watch your back, if I were you Apollo. Barton, I trust. Him, I don't." "Just remember this," Apollo put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Don't give in to any cheap stunts he might pull. And don't let him having some grudge over what happened at the Academy keep getting to you either." "I just wish someone would tell that to him," an edge of bitterness entered Starbuck's voice. "You can't help that," Apollo gently admonished. "What you can do is keep making yourself a better person than he'll ever be." he smiled. "And that's going to be the key to our winning tonight." Starbuck finally allowed himself a smile as he fraternally clapped his friend's shoulder and they walked out of the training room, side-by-side, headed for the triad court and the beginning of the contest. Chapter Two At 2000, the match that thousands of people had eagerly awaited for a sectan finally started. Apollo had felt somewhat tense when he saw Starbuck and Ortega exchange cold glances when their eyes first met, but it seemed to pass and for the first part of the game, the match proceeded at a tight, competitive pace. The Gold Team of Apollo and Starbuck took an early 2-0 lead, but the Blue Team tightened things up with a score toward the end of the first period. In the IFB booth, Boomer found himself wishing he could have kept his seat and watched the match without having to hear Zed's pompous commentary ruining the event for him. ".......what a match this is turning out to be! The intensity, the passion, the majesty of triad playing in it's purest form has probably never been seen by any of these spectators before! And for this reporter it brings back such fond memories of twenty yahrens ago, at Caprica City's Maximus Arena when the legendary team of Cassius and Conn defended their championship title against the spirited challenge of Frizell and Halefeld!" Lords of Kobol have mercy on those forced to watch their videocoms, Boomer thought. "Lieutenant Boomer, at this point as we near the end of the first half of the match, who do you feel has the momentum at this stage?" "Well Zed," Boomer said, "Barton and Ortega have done a brilliant job of hanging in after they fell behind early. They've kept the score low, they've stayed confident and that's what's kept them in a good position to win. Most teams when they go against Apollo and Starbuck usually panic when they fall behind by one or two points early, and as a result they start pressing too much to even things up again and before you know it they end up getting routed. But Barton and Ortega have the savvy to treat an early one or two point deficit like an even game, and that could help them in the second half." "Apollo has the ball, being guarded against by Barton. He tries to put himself into position for a carom shot to Starbuck, who is right now literally being smothered by Ortega. And the shot is, tipped and missed by Starbuck. Barton recovers, and now Apollo blocks him off! That was an effective display of blocking by Ortega." The sound of the cheering increased as the buzzer sounded indicating the end of the first half of play. "You okay, Starbuck?" Apollo came over to his partner and managed to ask over the roar of the crowd. The brash warrior was clutching at his side with a look of anger. "That fracking snitrod threw a rib block on me on that last play! Doesn't that officiator have eyes?" "I didn't see a rib block, Starbuck," Apollo said. "Just keep playing tough and if he really does pull that stunt again, he won't get away with it." "I'm not so sure," Starbuck retorted acidly as they moved over to the players exit to drink water and gather their strength during the three centon rest period between halves. "You have to give them credit," Apollo said as he took a long swallow from his plastic container and looked over at Barton and Ortega who were getting refreshment further down the corridor that led back to the Training Room. "They're giving us a run for the money tonight. The way they play, I don't think Boomer and Castor are entitled to be ranked number two." "Boomer and Castor know how to play an honest game." Apollo decided not to press the point any longer, especially if it was only going to make Starbuck more angry than he was. They finished their rest period in silence and then waited for the first buzzer signaling a return to the court. "The second half is now underway," Zed lowered his voice so that it sounded full of tension. "Two to one, in favor of Apollo and Starbuck. The ball drops into play and it's grabbed by Barton. He gets the pass off to Ortega, who is instantly smothered by Starbuck. It's that trap strategy again that he's noted for! And, oh what a beautiful carom shot to Barton who's all alone and it's in for the score! The game is tied! Ortega knew the trap strategy was coming and got his shot off to his teammate before Starbuck had a chance to put it into full effect." "Very smart playing there, Zed," Boomer was impressed. "Clearly Barton and Ortega talked this over during the interlude and finally seized on the only way I think the trap strategy can be negated. And that is with a dead accurate carom shot that only a skilled player has a chance of receiving." For the first part of the second half, the early score remained the only one, and as the last round began, the game remained deadlocked. By this point, almost everyone in the spectator's galleries were on the edge of their seats, not wanting to miss the instant when one of the two teams would finally break the tie game. All of them sensing that they were getting their money's worth from the action below. Away from the spectator's gallery, in the quiet surroundings of the Empyreal Lounge, Adama noticed with amusement how the same air of tension and excitement was visible on the executive officer's face and in his hunched posture, as his eyes remained locked on the videocom monitor. The second half was now entering it's final third, and the noise level from the spectators had reached deafening proportions, as they watched a ferocious defensive contest unfold below them. Finally, it was Starbuck who managed to briefly elude Ortega's guarding and take a three bounce shot from Apollo that neatly slammed off two walls before it ended in Starbuck's hands, and he put it into the scoring circle. The crowd erupted in a wild roar that would have taxed the squeamish. So loud and deafening that it completely obscured the wild grunt of pain Starbuck let out as he staggered away from the scoring circle, mere microns after putting the shot in, as he felt the blow of Ortega's elbow impact viciously against his ribs.. "Starbuck's shot puts the Gold up three to two!" Zed exclaimed. "The tie is at last broken, and ladies and gentlemen above this frenzied roar, I don't know if you caught on your monitors what appeared to happen just after the shot went in. But it would appear to this commentator that Ortega clearly rib blocked Starbuck after the score and the officiator either missed it above the noise of the crowd reaction, or just didn't see it! Boomer, how would you have called that?" For the first time all evening, Boomer felt impressed by Zed's power of observation since he had noticed the illegal block as well, and knew right away that the dislikable Ortega had decided to extract a personal revenge. "Well Zed," he said, knowing that if he came down too hard on Ortega it could cause complications for keeping him in line during squadron duty, "I wouldn't like to second guess an officiator, but Sergeant Ortega is one triad player who likes to play to the limit of the rules. Sometimes that can be an asset in making you an aggressive triad player, but in this case I think he let some frustration set in over the fact that they've lost the tie game now and he decided to let some of that frustration out, knowing that he probably could get away with it." As the players gathered in the circle to wait for the ball to drop into play again, Cassiopeia, Sheba and Chameleon all had their eyes locked on Starbuck. They too had seen the rib block and could also see a furious look on the lieutenant's face as he glared at Ortega with contempt. "I guess it was too good to last," Cassiopeia said with an edge of concern. "It looks like they're at it again." "Is it always like that when they play each other?" Chameleon asked, as he recalled the near-brawl that had erupted between the two of them in the Officers Club. "Every time Starbuck plays against Ortega his body ends up looking like a black and blue Orion Hasher the next morning," the blonde med-tech looked on as the ball dropped and play resumed. "Oh?" Chameleon casually put a hand to his chin in amusement while Sheba glanced over with a dry, half-smirk. Cassiopeia rolled her eyes slightly and didn't bother looking back at either of them. "As a med-tech, I usually end up having to patch him up, just like all others who get hurt on the court." "Of course," Sheba said with a dry tone to match her expression. "Sheba!" she finally looked over and chuckled as she realized the joke the two of them were having at her expense. "Sorry," Sheba grinned, "But from the way things are going, I guess Starbuck can take care of himself." "Maybe," the concerned expression returned to Cassiopeia's face as she returned her gaze to the triad court, "But if those two keep at it, they're going to end up killing each other." Chameleon found himself uneasily nodding, "You may be right." "Some more Gemonese ale, Colonel, and more Caprican white ambrosia, Commander," Pallan said as he sat two more drinks on the table in front of Adama and Tigh. The executive officer was so wrapped up in the action unfolding on the videocom that he didn't even acknowledge the bartender. Adama glanced at his friend in amusement and then picked up his glass, "Thank you, Pallan." he smiled, "Your service this evening has been outstanding." "It's been an honor sir," Pallan said. "Commander, I'm due to go off duty in five centons, so if there's anything else you and the colonel need...." "No, that'll be all." Adama waved his hand. "You might as well relax and enjoy the rest of the match, Pallan. It seems to be getting very interested." The bartender smiled and bowed deferentially, "Thank you, sir." he said and left the private room. "What did I tell you, Adama?" Tigh's voice had the eagerness of a child about to devour a plate full of mushies. "This game's everything they said it would be!" "Indeed," Adama noted dryly as he sipped his drink, feeling slight distaste over the rib-blocking that hadn't been called, "This Ortega, does he always play this way?" "He's a very aggressive type," the executive officer was shaking his fist in excitement as he watched the action resume, "Hates to lose." "Hmmm," Adama pursed his lips slightly, "An attitude like that is supposed to be an asset in a viper. Yet if memory serves me right, Ortega's bounced around from one squadron to another over the last few sectars." "Not because of anything that happens in battle or on patrol," Tigh kept watching the videocom, "From what I hear, it has more to do with how he behaves off-duty." "Ah," the commander nodded as he understood. He then glanced back at Tigh, who seemed on the verge of rising from his seat and pacing up and down in front of the video-com as he had done just before the first half had ended. Adama wondered if Tigh wasn't taking the game a little too seriously. While he had always enjoyed watching triad matches on occasion, especially when it was his son who was playing, Adama never could understand the passion some people had for watching and following the game. To Adama, triad was to be watched with clinical detachment, and seen as an interesting test of how trained warriors could show off their physical and judgmental skills. The actual competition between teams was purely secondary in the final analysis to him. It certainly wasn't worth expending the kind of emotional energy similar to going through a catharsis treatment, as far as Adama was concerned. Yet he knew all too well that he was probably the only person in the Fleet watching at this very micron who felt that way. "Do you wish you'd watched things from the gallery?" he inquired with a half-smile. "What?" Tigh abruptly turned toward him and then blushed slightly. "Oh. No, not at all Adama. This was the perfect set-up. No crowds in our faces. Comfortable seats." "Good ambrosia," he held up his glass and lightly rolled the contents back and forth. "Good conversation and company too, Adama," Tigh said, feeling slightly guilty that he hadn't shown enough appreciation to his friend for arranging the set-up, earlier in the evening. "Thank you." Adama smiled and the two friends clinked their glasses together. "The commander says he doesn't need anything else," Pallan said as he set his empty tray down. "Okay," Lange said, "As of now, you're off-duty Pallan. Thanks for stepping in." "Always a pleasure," the assistant chief bartender smiled and took an empty seat closest to one of the Empyreal Lounge's video-com monitors, where Zed's commentary was playing at the half-volume level. "What's happening?" Pallan idly inquired of a middle-aged male customer in a gray tunic. "Apollo and Starbuck just got the lead back. I'm telling you, that Ortega is really living dangerously." "Is he?" Pallan idly glanced at his chronometer. It read 2156. If Ortega was going to deliver on what he'd promised to do, there wasn't much time left. The window of opportunity had just begun. "Look at that!" another patron suddenly bolted up, "Ortega's in the open! It's gonna be tied up again!" Their eyes went back to the monitor and saw Starbuck scrambling alongside Ortega just as the curly-haired sergeant deposited the ball in the scoring circle. Two male customers in the Lounge that had wagers on Ortega and Barton let out happy whoops that the game was tied again. And then, the happy sounds stuck in their throats just one micron later when they saw what happened next. "What the frack!" one of the customers shouted. "He socked him right between the eyes after the score! What is that guy thinking?" "He just gave them a free shot!" another customer who'd been excited by the score now sounded glum as well, "Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory." "Quiet!" another patron said brusquely as everyone leaned forward to hear what Zed was saying. "....what a disgraceful display by Ortega," the commentator didn't bother hiding his disdain and disgust. "At the most critical centon of the match, he ties the game up and then that illegal blow to Starbuck all but negates it. Let's now listen to the officiator's ruling." A micron later the voice of the officiator, who watched the proceedings from an enclosed area above the center section of the gallery filled the air. "Ortega. Unnecessary blocking after the score. Starbuck, free shot." "As we wait for the free shot, which almost certainly will give the lead back to Apollo and Starbuck, I should note Boomer that that time, Ortega clearly didn't try to hide the infraction, as he seemed to do last time." "Very unusual, Zed," even Boomer was baffled that Ortega could have done something that foolish. "I've never seen anything like that before. That is not the mark of a smart triad player. But I guarantee you that one more penalty like that is going to put him out of the game." Pallan put a hand up to his chin to hid the smirk that had come over his face. All the tension inside him was gone now. Things were definitely proceeding according to plan. As Apollo lined up alongside Barton to wait for Starbuck's free throw at the scoring circle, he gave the sergeant a cold stare, "Your friend's really asking for it, you know that?" "What friend?" Barton didn't conceal the disgust in his voice. "I fly with him because we're assigned together, and I play with him because he likes to win. At least until now, I thought he liked to win." They watched as Starbuck made the easy, unobstructed toss into the scoring circle that gave the lead back to the Gold team. Starbuck grinned and pumped his fists into the air, wishing he could have made an obscene gesture at Ortega. The two teams gathered in the circle again as the ball dropped into play. The four players found themselves in a mad scramble in one of the arena's three corners before Apollo finally got to the ball. He allowed Barton to cover him for a centon while he waited for Starbuck to get into position. With the game now in its late stages and their team up by only one, Apollo and Starbuck's game plan called for a quick score to take advantage of the desperation that would undoubtedly start to set in with their opponents. It was a psychological reading of the opposition that had always helped them put a close game out of reach at the very end. Apollo saw Starbuck all alone and he almost frowned when he saw Ortega hanging so far away from him, which was anything but normal defensive strategy. He fired the ball over and Starbuck had time to make another quick, easy score. As Starbuck jumped up to slam the ball into the circle, Apollo then saw Ortega charging at his teammate and he realized right away what the curly-haired sergeant had in mind. Sure enough, an instant after the ball went in for the score, Ortega crashed into Starbuck's mid-section like an out-of-control beast. Since Starbuck's back was to Ortega at the time, the lieutenant had no warning whatsoever and he staggered visibly in pain, almost collapsing to the floor. Right away, Apollo knew that for a man of Starbuck's temperament this would be the final straw. He alertly dashed over to his friend, helped him to his feet and tried to shout a warning in his ear above the roar and boos of the crowd. But Starbuck seemed totally oblivious to Apollo as a look of pure hate came over his face. He shook himself loose from Apollo and charged after Ortega, delivering a body blow to him from behind that knocked the curly-haired sergeant off his legs and sent him crashing to the floor. In the gallery, Cassiopeia, Sheba and Chameleon all felt their jaws open in horror as they saw that Starbuck wasn't through. He dropped his knee down on Ortega's chest and grabbed him by the throat with one hand while using the other to punch him across the face. Apollo scrambled over to pull Starbuck away, while Barton grabbed Ortega's shoulders to try and pull him out from under Starbuck's knee. Starbuck managed to punch Ortega once again in the face while the sergeant struck a blow on the side of Starbuck's head before Apollo finally managed to pull him away. "Get your head out of your astrum, Starbuck!" Apollo shouted as he got him to his feet and kept his arms locked around his seething friend. At the other end, Barton had helped Ortega to his feet and gave him a look that all but indicated a desire to punch him as well. Finally, the sound of the officiator's buzzer rang through the gallery. "Ortega. Rib blocking after the score. Out of the game." the officiator's voice was firm and totally dispassionate. "Serves you right, you lousy Sagitarian snake!" Starbuck spat as Ortega somewhat passively moved toward the exit, while a chorus of boos went up from the gallery, from both those who were disgusted by the sergeant's dirty playing and those who'd bet on the Blue Team and now realized that their money was as good as gone now. The officiator's buzzer then sounded again, indicating that he had another ruling to make. Starbuck looked up at the enclosed booth where the gray-tuniced officiator sat and wondered why he would need to say anything else at this point. "Starbuck. Fighting. Out of the game." "What?!" Starbuck whipped off his helmet and seemed ready to throw it at the officiator's booth, when he felt Apollo grab his wrist. "Don't act so shocked!" he jabbed a finger toward his face, "You know what the rules say about that kind of felgercarb. I warned you, Starbuck. I warned you, and you let him get to you anyway! Now you take a turbowash and cool off!" Starbuck barely acknowledged him as he started moving toward the exit. He was still seething with more venom than Apollo could remember at any time in all the yahrens he'd known Starbuck. The last thing Apollo heard as Starbuck moved away, was one low, angry sentence. "I'll kill him. I'll kill that lousy snitrod!" As Starbuck disappeared from view, Cassiopeia promptly got up from her seat, "I've got to talk him now. I've seen that look before on his face, and it only means more trouble if I don't get there fast." "Cassie, do you want me to go and help?" the concerned look on Chameleon's face had intensified. "No," she shook her head, "I think I'd better handle this myself Chameleon, but..." she knelt down and squeezed his hand, "But I'm glad you're concerned. Really glad." Chameleon slowly nodded in silent understanding. "Take care of him, Cassie." As she left the gallery, Chameleon leaned back in his chair and marveled again at how Cassiopeia reminded him so much of Gabriella. Only this time, Cassiopeia had demonstrated that side of her that could rein Starbuck in from his worst behavior, just like Gabriella had done with him when she'd given him the happiest yahrens of his life. Son, he thought to himself, if there's one part of me I hope you've inherited above all others, I hope it's the part that knows how to listen to the advice of the woman who's right for you. "Chameleon?" Sheba tapped his shoulder. "Oh! Yes?" he looked over, slightly startled. "Are you okay? You seemed like a million light yahrens away just now." "Oh.....just thinking about Starbuck. I....well I don't want him to make matters worse." "You still feel attached to him, don't you?" she smiled faintly. In more ways then you'll probably ever know, he thought. "I suppose so." "He could probably use some fatherly advice for next time," she leaned back and watched as the two designated substitutes entered the triad court. Sergeant Vickers to replace Starbuck, and Lieutenant Greenbean to replace Ortega. As soon as they entered, half of the disgusted spectators got up and made their way for the exits. Watching a game with substitutes didn't amount to getting one's money's worth in most people's eyes. "Well, I may try to slip in a word or two to him before the night is out," Chameleon said as the buzzer sounded to indicate a resumption of play. "As fascinating as this game is, it's not worth paying a steep price over." When Chella got off-duty from his work in the Chancery at 2130, he had gone next door to the Astral Lounge to watch the match on the giant video-com screen that had been set up. Trying to figure out the reason behind Ortega's enigmatic telecom message earlier in the day that told him to be in the training room at a time when the match clearly wouldn't be over. When he and the rest of the unruly crowd saw the first illegal rib block, he finally realized that Ortega was setting himself up to get thrown out of the game. And that meant that whatever it was Ortega wanted to talk to him about, it could only be about something very serious to him, if he was willing to throw away his reputation as a triad player to do it. For a brief instant, he wondered if he ought to not show up. He didn't know at this point if he could handle more blackmail demands from the curly-haired sergeant who'd had him in his hip pocket ever since their paths had first crossed long ago on that terrible night when the Colonies were evacuated. Maybe the time had finally come to tell Ortega to take his demands and stuff them up his astrum. Even if it meant exposure of his own sin, he wasn't sure it would mean as harsh a punishment for him as he'd always feared it might. Maybe he could find a sympathetic opposer who would understand the situation he'd been in as Caprica crumbled around him in a sea of Cylon fire, and why he had acted as he had in the name of survival. Even if it meant the Prison Barge for him, a part of Chella wondered if that would ultimately be a small price to pay in the name of emotional catharsis. When he saw the double ejection of Ortega and Starbuck, he remained the only person in the Astral Lounge who wasn't shouting profane epithets or throwing snack objects at the video screen. Instead, he calmly glanced at his chronometer and saw that his appointment was now ten centons away. He decided that he would show up on-time. And no matter what Ortega asked of him, Chella already knew what the answer was going to be. "This commentator has covered triad matches for the better part of thirty yahrens now, ladies and gentlemen, and I can say quite candidly that I have never seen a more disgraceful scene than what just transpired. What had been up to a few centons ago the most exciting match any of us had seen in yahrens has now degenerated into a total farce. What Sergeant Ortega and Lieutenant Starbuck have done this evening does not represent what the game of triad is supposed to be about, and I sincerely hope that some action among the organizers of this league is taken to see to it that nothing remotely resembling this disgraceful scene ever takes place again." "Ah, shut up Zed!" one of the patrons in the Empyreal Lounge got up and headed for the staircase that led down to the first level exit. For almost a centon, Pallan sat in his seat totally frozen with his hand under his chin. His master plan that had been proceeding so smoothly had now been disrupted by a factor that he had foolishly failed to consider beforehand. That Starbuck would react to Ortega's illegal blocks and get thrown out of the game as well. That meant that when he went down to the training room to do what needed to be done, Starbuck was either going to be in the next training room or leaving the area. Either way, Starbuck was going to be in a position to place Pallan at the scene of the crime and make him a prime suspect. Damn, he pounded his fist against the side of his chair. It had all been meticulously conceived down to the last detail. Ortega would be alone in the training room waiting for him. He would kill Ortega. And then, Chella would arrive at 2210 for the appointment he thought was with Ortega, only to become Pallan's second victim of the night. Killed and then left in a position so that when the bodies were discovered it would look as if Ortega and Chella had killed each other in a struggle. Now, that plan was out the window completely thanks to Starbuck's presence. But he also knew that he could not call off the killing of Ortega. Events had moved too far ahead now. And with Chella due to arrive at 2210, he could not run the risk of what would happen to him if Chella got to talk to Ortega. He needed to formulate a new plan, and fast. He had to start moving for the training room now and have it in place by the time he arrived. "Hey Pallan, going to stick around for the finish?" Lange asked as he saw the assistant chief bartender reach the exit. "No," Pallan shook his head, "Doesn't look like much of a game anyway now that they're both out. See you tomorrow, Lange." "Good night, Pallan." "I want a word with you!" Starbuck shouted as he entered the corridor that led to the training rooms. Ortega, who was halfway down the corridor stopped and turned around with a contemptuous look. The last thing he was in the mood for was conversation with Starbuck, especially since the warrior's presence undoubtedly would cause complications when Pallan arrived. "You want something?" he inquired coldly. "You're fracking right I do!" Starbuck marched up to him so that the two were only inches apart. "Just let me have one centon alone with you and let's settle ten yahrens worth of felgercarb right here and now!" Ortega suddenly raised both of his arms with clenched fists, "Well if that's the way you want it, you lousy piece of daggit waste, I'm more than happy to oblige!" The two of them had begun to swing at each other when Cassiopeia entered the corridor and dashed up to them. "Stop it!" the med-tech shouted with more authority than she'd ever summoned at any time in her life, "Both of you!" "Stay out of this!" Starbuck glared angrily at her. "Why? So you two can bash each other's heads in?" she held her ground. "I said stay out of this!!" the level of his shout rose. "Starbuck, if either of you lay a hand on each other, I'll personally put you both on report!" "You don't carry any authority over warriors!" Ortega jumped in. Cassiopeia spun around and gave the curly-haired sergeant an equally cold stare, "You ought to read the manual again, Sergeant. Med-techs have the authority to file reports with the superior officer of any warrior with regard to their conduct. I can have you both grounded for at least a sectan." "You wouldn't do that," Starbuck was still breathing heavily, keeping his hate-filled gaze on Ortega. "Try me!" Cassiopeia retorted. Ortega suddenly started to laugh malevolently, "Looks like you got your woman to bail you out just when you needed her, Starbuck. We'll finish this another time when you haven't got her around to lead you by the hand." He then turned and disappeared into the training room for the blue team. For a centon, Starbuck stood there, trembling with rage. "You only delayed the inevitable," he finally forced his words out. "Starbuck, will you act your age?" for the first time, she felt totally disgusted with her boyfriend, "Just stay away from him!" "You're asking a lot," he took another heavy breath. "Yeah, and that's not all I'm asking," her voice grew colder, "The Canaris leaves in ten centons for the Galactica. I'm going to wait for you in the Docking Lounge and I expect you to be on time to catch it. Because if you're not there, then don't try and see me later, or even for the next sectan for that matter." "Come on Cass!" he protested as she started to walk away, "That's hardly enough time to turbowash and dress!" "Or fight!" she shot back as she rounded the corner and disappeared. Starbuck let out another exasperated breath and finally moved down the corridor toward the door that led to the gold team's training room. As soon as he heard the sound of the door close, Pallan finally stuck his head around the corridor and looked. There was no one else there. To his relief, Cassiopeia had made her exit by going in the opposite direction from where he'd been lying in wait. In the three centons that it had taken for him to walk from the Empyreal Lounge to the lower levels of the Rising Star, he had formed a new plan that would factor in Starbuck's presence. But it all hinged on just one lucky break that he would need if it had any chance of succeeding. He hurriedly sprinted down the empty corridor and entered the door to the gold team's training room. When he was inside, he could hear Starbuck cursing aloud and he felt an edge of panic enter his body. If Starbuck saw him, then it would all be over. But when he heard the sound of loud jets of water turning on, the panic faded as he realized that the warrior was already inside the adjacent turbowash facility. That meant he still had a chance. Now, he needed to see if he would get the lucky break that he desperately needed. He stealthily made his way over to the lockers where he could see Starbuck's uniform already laid out on the bench and his discarded triad uniform lying in a pile on the floor. Starbuck's locker was wide open. And hanging inside on the hook was his weapons pack and laser pistol. Pallan broke into a relieved grin. The lucky break he needed to make this hastily improvised plan work had happened. Starbuck had left his pistol out in the open and had just insured that he, instead of Chella, would become the perfect fall-guy. The bartender gingerly lifted the pistol off the hook and deftly clicked it to the kill setting. Holding it by his side, he made his exit from the training room by walking on the tips of his boots. For a centon, he stood in front of the door to the Blue Team's training room with the pistol in a raised position. Ready to step inside the instant he heard any approaching footsteps. But he knew that his best chance to achieve the element of surprise was to kill Ortega the instant the door opened so he could then return the pistol and get out of the area more quickly. He would give himself that chance so long as the corridor remained deserted. Finally, he heard the whoosh of the door as it began to slide open. Instantly, Pallan raised the pistol and cocked his finger on the trigger. When the door opened, a fully-dressed Ortega found himself staring right into the barrel. The sergeant stared at Pallan for an instant and then smirked faintly, "I always knew it would come to this." Ortega started to whip out his pistol, but Pallan already knew that the sergeant never would have enough time to get off a shot. The bartender didn't bat an eyelash as he calmly pulled the trigger. Instantly, Ortega crumpled to the floor, his body protruding halfway out the door, his hand still grasping his pistol. "Sorry Sergeant," Pallan said with a taunting smirk, "I decided you were entitled to something other than a last payment." He then dashed down and entered the Gold Team's training room where he could still hear the sounds of the turbo wash jets at full speed. That meant that Starbuck was obliging him in every way right down to the last detail. He hurried over to Starbuck's locker, carefully wiped the laser pistol and set it back in the weapons pack on the inside locker hook. As soon as it was in place, he heard the turbo wash shut off and the sound of footsteps hitting the wet floor inside. He knew that he had less than ten microns to get out of the room before Starbuck would enter and see him. When Starbuck entered the room, he had no way of knowing that the door to the corridor had closed shut a fraction of an instant before. In the Docking Lounge, Cassiopeia sat on the bench, idly glancing at her chronometer and at the monitor that showed the closing microns of the match. Already, a crowd of disgruntled spectators who had left at the time of the double ejection had gathered, anxious to catch the Canaris as well when it left in five centons. ".....And there goes the final buzzer, and this game that for so long this evening represented everything it promised to be and then degenerated into an absolute farce, is finally over. The Gold Team wins by a final score of six to four. Lieutenant Boomer, since this is the first time a triad game has finished with designated substitutes on both teams, could you please explain for the audience how the league scoring is affected?" "Well Zed, ordinarily this would mean four points in the standings for the winning team, in this case Apollo and Starbuck. However, because one of the two was ejected for a rules infraction, as opposed to leaving for an injury, two of the winning points are deducted, and the balance is awarded to the team which the designated substitute plays for. If anyone's the real winner tonight, it's Sergeant Vickers of the number seven ranked team, since as Lieutenant Starbuck's substitute, he gets to pick up two free winning points for his own team, which has played poorly in the last few games. In addition, one point is awarded to Lieutenant Greenbean's team because he came on for Sergeant Ortega." "And because the substitutes and their teams are the only beneficiaries of an ejection, that's one reason why up until tonight, the players in this league have always been so careful not to let anything like what happened tonight take place. Again, we just can't understate how unfortunate it is to the spectators, to the viewers watching, and to the organizers of the league itself how absolutely disgraceful the performances of both Starbuck and Ortega were this evening." Cassiopeia rolled her eyes slightly and glanced at her chronometer again. He only had four centons, and if he didn't make it she was determined to leave without him. "Attention. Attention," the feminine voice that made all announcements about arrivals and departures filled the Docking Lounge. "The shuttle Canaris reports they will be delayed ten centons in their arrival. We apologize for the delay." For only a brief instant, Cassiopeia felt disappointed to realize that Starbuck was going to make it no matter what. She almost felt it would have served his ego right to go through the sting of seeing her leave him behind after what he had pulled on the triad court. Gambling and carousing were vices she could be tolerant of to an extent. The way he'd behaved tonight represented a side of Starbuck that she'd never been exposed to before and had no intention of tolerating ever, if they were going to continue in a meaningful relationship. He still has a lot to learn, she sighed as she got up from the bench and began to idly pace. Chella felt his heart pumping slightly as he left the Astral Lounge and took the lift down to the lower decks that led to the training rooms. Inside, he felt he had summoned the nerve to tell Ortega to go to Hades if the sergeant planned on making more demands. What he wasn't sure about, was how Ortega would react and what the curly-haired sergeant might do, especially since he was bound to be in a bad frame of mind already for making a fool of himself on the triad court. He stepped out of the lift and had walked five steps down the corridor when he saw a slightly disheveled Starbuck dashing wildly from around the corner, heading in the direction of the lift. The warrior clearly didn't see the rotund dealer at first as he collided with him. "Hey watch it, Starbuck!" a surprised Chella exclaimed. Starbuck said nothing as he pushed him aside and made a mad sprint for the empty turbo lift. Totally befuddled, Chella watched him make it inside just as the doors closed shut. That's two crazy triad players, the dealer shook his head as he resumed walking. When he rounded the corner, he frowned again when he saw the door to the Blue Team training room half-opening and half-closing as though there were some kind of obstruction in the doorway. But as far as he could tell at first glance, there was nothing to be seen. Chella came to a stop in front of the door and looked down. His jaw then fell open in stunned disbelief as he saw the lifeless eyes of Ortega staring up at him, his had still forlornly clasping his laser pistol. "Holy Frack." Pallan stepped off the turbo lift that had taken him back to the Main Deck of the Rising Star, and nonchalantly wandered over to the Astral Lounge entrance, where Zeibert stood at his station. "Your pass sir?" the white-haired, mustachioed Chief Steward inquired in that smooth, polite tone of voice. Pallan flashed his special badge. As a Rising Star employee, he was entitled to free access to all leisure areas of the ship. "Ah, my apologies Pallan," Zeibert blushed slightly, since he knew the bartender from his regular visits to the Empyreal Lounge. "It's been such a busy evening, I didn't recognize you at first." "Lot of business?" he casually inquired. "Much," the Chief Steward sighed, "But when that ejection took place, it put them all in a very unpleasant mood. The sanitation detail crews will need an extra centar cleaning up the mess they made." "Fortunately, the Empyreal Lounge patrons are better behaved," Pallan chuckled lightly. "Indeed," Zeibert nodded. "I may tell Lange some day that we ought to switch oversight responsibilities for a few sectans as an experiment." "I won't tell him you said that," Pallan laughed as he entered the Lounge. "Talk to you later." Pallan went over to the bar area, ordered his favorite brand of Piscean ale, and as soon as it arrived he half-raised his glass in a mocking toast to the memory of Ortega. Rest in peace, Sergeant Ortega, he said to himself and smirked. May everything you know be scattered out into space along with your ashes. Then, he raised it high and gave a silent toast to himself for his ingenuity and drank. Chapter Three "Not a very auspicious ending," Adama dryly noted as he and Tigh rose from their seats in the Empyreal Lounge private suite. "You're right," much of Tigh's earlier enthusiasm was gone as he went over and shut the monitor off. "Watching a game as good as that was, end with a double ejection and substitutes is like discovering the sweetcake you've been eating has gone stale." Adama decided not to comment on his friend's distasteful analogy. "We might as well see if there's time to catch the next shuttle." They stepped outside back into the main lounge, just in time to see Lange and two black uniformed guards from Council Security come up to them. "Commander, something very serious has just happened. You'd better accompany us," one of the guards said gravely. "What's happened?" Adama frowned. "Sergeant Ortega has been found dead, sir." "Dead?" both Adama's and Tigh's eyes widened in shock. "Yes sir," the lead guard nodded, "And from the looks of it, he appears to have been murdered." "Murdered," Tigh could barely force the word out. Throughout the long history of the thousand yahren war between human and Cylon, no concept had come to be regarded as more distasteful and repulsive in Colonial society than the taking of another human life. So ingrained was the concept that it had even led to the controversial decision by the Council of the Twelve to formally suspend all forms of capital punishment in each of the twelve worlds one hundred yahrens before (initially, the idea was to permanently outlaw it, but when the idea ran into stiff opposition, it was then agreed that the Council could vote in special circumstances to restore it some time in the future and that no decision would ever be made to permanently outlaw it). "Where is he?" Adama inquired, trying to assume a stoic expression. "Down by the training room, sir." The commander and executive officer then left the lounge at a brisk walking pace. Cassiopeia was still pacing in front of the Docking Lounge bench when she saw Starbuck enter the area, his head wet and his uniform showing signs of being hastily thrown on. "You're on time," she came up to him, "The Canaris isn't. They just announced it would be delayed a few centons." Starbuck impatiently checked his chronometer, "I hope it won't be long. The sooner I get out of here, the better." he then glanced back over his shoulder. She frowned slightly, "Are you worrying about something?" "I guess so," he sighed, "The sooner I get off this ship, the less chance I have of running into Ortega again. At least for tonight. And the way I feel right now---" he clenched his fist angrily and trailed off. She grabbed his fist and gently pried it open, "Don't," she said firmly, "You know you're better than he is, and the thing that usually keeps you that way is that you never play to his level. If you don't keep remembering that, then it's just going to get worse." Starbuck absently turned around and looked back again, "The only way it'll ever get better is when he just disappears forever." When Adama and Tigh arrived in the corridor outside the training rooms, they saw the four players, Apollo, Barton, Greenbean and Vickers still in their triad uniforms standing in front of the body in stunned shock. Sheba had also arrived and was standing off to one side, equally stunned. On the other side of the group, Chella had his arms folded as he tried not to let any emotion line his face. Adama turned to the guards, "Seal off the corridor and don't let anyone else in until I've left the area." The guards nodded and disappeared around the corner. Adama and Tigh moved up to the group of four, each of them staring down at the lifeless corpse on the floor. "I came down here when the game was over to meet Apollo," Sheba said. "And I got here_" she trailed off and shook her head. "Let's have a look," Tigh knelt beside the corpse and made a preliminary examination. He gently raised the folds of Ortega's uniform jacket at the collar and stared underneath. The blackened scar across his tunic was all he needed to see. The executive officer then carefully pried the laser pistol out of the dead sergeant's hand, which was still warm. "One laser blast to the heart," he said simply. "He must have been dead before he started to fall," Adama noted. Tigh carefully inspected the laser, "Ortega's laser hasn't been fired. He must have been taken by surprise when the door opened. The killer was probably waiting outside for him and fired right away." "I'd agree with that analysis," Adama then looked over the group of seven people gathered in the corridor, "Who discovered the body?" "I did," Chella stepped forward, his arms still folded. "What's your name?" "Chella," he said, his tone completely neutral. "What were you doing here?" Adama inquired. "I work in the Chancery," he said. "When I got off shift and saw what happened on the monitors with the ejections and saw all the people leaving, I thought I might get a chance to see the last few centons of the game from a vacant seat in the galleries." He had carefully rehearsed that lie in his mind for the last five centons, and hoped it sounded as convincing as he'd led himself to believe. "Did you see anyone else down here?" "Yes sir," Chella nodded, "Starbuck." "Starbuck?" Apollo suddenly interjected as he and Sheba went ashen. "Yes," the dealer went on. "When I got off the lift, he came from this corridor and practically knocked me over. Didn't say a word to me and just got on the turbo lift. I couldn't figure out why he was in such a hurry_" he then purposefully trailed off. Adama didn't change his expression as he glanced over at Tigh, "Colonel, find Starbuck and run a routine check on his laser." "Father," a stunned Apollo came over to him, "You can't possibly believe that Starbuck did this?" Adama knew all too well what his son was feeling. He could even feel the same emotions running inside himself as well. But his position as Commander dictated running things exactly by-the-book with no hint of any personal feelings or considerations visible at any time. "Apollo," he said in the same neutral tone of voice, "What I think isn't important. Everyone who watched that game saw what was going on between Starbuck and Ortega, and Starbuck was seen running away from here. Under those circumstances, the sooner Starbuck's laser is checked, the sooner he can be cleared." His son swallowed uneasily and nodded, "You're right. But let me look for him. I'll run the check." Adama nodded and turned to Tigh, "Colonel, Captain Apollo will find Starbuck." "Count me in, sir," Sheba spoke up. "Permission granted." Apollo moved off down the corridor, while Sheba stepped through the group of onlookers to follow him. She ended up bumping into Chella as she reached the end of the group. "Sorry," the dealer said apologetically. "It's okay," she said and then looked into his face for the first time. She had been so stunned seeing Ortega's body that she hadn't given the dealer much notice before. For an instant, she frowned slightly before moving on to catch up with Apollo, who was waiting in front of the turbo lift doors. "Thank the Lords, I told Chameleon to wait for us in the Empyreal Lounge after the game," she said, "To think that something like this could happen." she shuddered. "I know," Apollo grimly nodded. "Boy, will I feel better when we get this check over and get Starbuck's name crossed off the list of suspects." "That goes for me too," she said and glanced back down the corridor where she could see Chella standing with his back to her. "Something else bothering you?" he inquired. "No," Sheba shook her head, "That man who found the body. He's got a face that looks familiar to me but I can't place it." "That happens with a lot of people," he impatiently glanced at the closed doors, "Come on, you fracking piece of felgercarb, open up!" A centon later, the doors opened and the two warriors stepped inside and rode it up to the Main Deck. They first went over to the Empyreal Lounge entrance, where Sheba stepped inside for a word with Lange. As Apollo waited outside in the corridor, he started to tap his foot over and over. Finally, Sheba emerged and shook her head, "Not here," she said, "And I noticed that Chameleon is still waiting for us. I'm not about to tell him a word about this until we get this business with Starbuck done with." "Agreed," Apollo nodded, "Where do we go next?" Before Sheba answered, the overhead feminine voice filled the corridor, "Attention. Shuttle Canaris now ready for general boarding in the Docking Lounge." "Let's try there," Apollo said as they moved on. "You're being awfully quiet," Cassiopeia noted as the crowds that had gathered in the Docking Lounge began to move toward the ring, waiting for the light to go from red to green. "Sorry," Starbuck sighed, "I guess my mind is still back in the game. Getting thrown out cost our team at least two points." "Your team is still number one, and way ahead of everyone else, so why worry about it?" she decided to change her approach and cheer him up instead. "Maybe I can take your mind off all that when we get back to the Galactica." her voice grew coy and suggestive as she kissed him on the cheek. The lights turned green and the crowd started to move through the docking ring. Starbuck and Cassiopeia joined the throng as well when they suddenly heard Apollo's voice calling out from the other side of the room, "Starbuck!" Starbuck and Cassiopeia turned around and saw Apollo push his way through the crowd toward him. Sheba was right behind him. Starbuck stepped out of the line and smiled wryly when he saw his friend still wearing his triad uniform. "Don't tell me," he said, "We won. Or at least you and Vickers did and earned all the points." Apollo decided to come straight to the point, "Ortega's been killed," he said gravely. The blonde warrior's face twisted slightly, "What?" "How did it happen?" Cassiopeia's eyes widened in shock. "A laser," Sheba said, equally grave. "Starbuck, someone saw you running from the scene," Apollo was determined not to mince words with his friend. "Well yeah, I was running to get up here and catch the shuttle_" he trailed off as it finally sunk in, "Oh come on, you don't actually think I had anything to do with it!" he indignantly raised his voice. "Of course not, Starbuck, but the Commander's ordered that your laser be checked as a precaution or else it's going to look like he's playing favorites. This is strictly by-the-book!" Apollo emphasized. "It'd be the same for me or Apollo or anyone else," Sheba added. "Starbuck, let Apollo check it and we can keep a lot of felgercarb speculation from breaking out." "Oh, come on!" Starbuck still seemed indignant. "Starbuck, they're right," Cassiopeia nudged him, finding it hard to come to terms with what was happening. "Give it to him and get it over with." Starbuck rolled his eyes and gazed skywards as he detached his laser and handed it to Apollo, "I don't believe this!" Apollo looked at the setting and the indicator and almost felt his heart stop when he saw what he saw. He stared at it for a micron, unable to move. "Apollo?" Sheba frowned. "Neither do I ," Apollo could barely bring himself to look at his friend, "It's been fired." The weight of Apollo's words kept the others from saying anything else. Chameleon absently toyed with his third drink since arriving in the Empyreal Lounge to wait for Apollo and Sheba. He didn't want to end up drinking one too many, because he knew right away that would mean some gentle discipline from Blassie the micron he was back aboard the Seniors Ship to submit to her "rehabilitation." At the very least, he had to feel fortunate that Blassie never went beyond gentle methods of discipline. It was all too clear that one reason why the siress had been so anxious to take responsibility for him was because she was smitten with him and would grab at any opportunity to be in his company. That meant that he could always count on Blassie to not do anything that would get him angry or demand that Commander Adama assign a new "rehabilitator" to his case. In the past sectan, he'd gotten to know more about her and now understood why she had pursued him with such determination. Blassie had married young and lost her husband after only five yahrens of marriage, and she in her grief had never entered another relationship since. But the tragedy of the Holocaust had been a sobering experience for her that made her regret not having remarried and enjoyed life more during the last twenty five yahrens before the Colonies were destroyed. It was because of that new outlook on life that she had decided to test the waters and latch on to the first man she felt attracted to, which turned out to be Chameleon. He finally finished off his third drink and let out a sigh of resignation. As much as he half-resented Blassie's constant hovering presence, and the fact that she tended to treat him more like a mother would treat a wayward son, he also had to admit that the other half of himself enjoyed it. From his standpoint, he could never love her, but he could enjoy her company and also appreciate the fact that she was giving him a reasonable amount of stability that would keep him from ever getting into another scary predicament like he'd just been through with the Nomen. "Another refill?" the bartender inquired. "No," Chameleon sighed as he pushed his empty glass aside, "That's all for tonight." He decided that he'd waited long enough for Sheba and Apollo and that it was time he leave and catch the next shuttle for the Seniors Ship. He'd just gotten out of his chair when he saw a tight-lipped Cassiopeia enter. "Ah, Cassie!" he smiled as he came up to her, "Glad you stopped by. If you see Apollo and Sheba, tell them I'm sorry but I needed to get back before Blassie sends the watch daggits out to retrieve me." "Chameleon," she spoke in a low tone of voice, "I need to talk to you about something." "Yes?" he frowned. Before the blonde med-tech could say anything, a heavyset bar patron who was watching the IFB's post-match coverage suddenly bolted out of his seat, "Holy frack, he's dead!" "What?" several heads from all over darted toward him. "Ortega! Somebody killed him!" Chameleon turned toward the monitor in disbelief and saw that the sound had been turned up to normal volume. Inside, Cassiopeia wished she could crawl under a rock, since she had wanted to break the news to Chameleon herself. "....the alarming report appears to be confirmed now. Sergeant Ortega, who was ejected from the match in the latter stages along with Lieutenant Starbuck during that brawl you saw, was apparently shot to death by an unknown assassin while leaving the training room facility...." Chameleon glanced over at Cassiopeia, "Cassie you're not trying to tell me that, that Starbuck....." he trailed off, too shocked to consider the prospect. "Right now, he just became the number one suspect," Cassiopeia felt like she was in a living nightmare, "His laser pistol was fired. They're taking him back to the Galactica to run tests to see if his laser is the murder weapon." "And do they really think it is?" "It's all they've got to go on," she said, "I wanted you to know before the IFB said anything. I_" she shook her head, unable to go on. Inside, Chameleon felt a sick feeling spread throughout his entire body. Not just a sick feeling about Starbuck, but also a sick feeling that he might have been partly responsible. Would he have to face the prospect that if he'd only told Starbuck the truth about being his father, he might not have been so reckless as to think about doing such a heinous thing? He then shook his head and chided himself for thinking the worst. Starbuck was his son. He wasn't capable of murder. It was horrible to not believe in him right away. That was what he had to do right now, if he felt any regard for him. "Cassie," he finally managed to speak, "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Not right now," she shook her head and let out a heavy sigh, "God, I hope that test straightens this out once and for all and that'll be the end of it." "Let's hope so too," he gave her a quick hug, "We know him better than anyone else does, don't we?" She looked up and smiled weakly, "I guess so." "You go back to the Galactica and give him all the support you can," he said, "If you need me for anything, you know where to reach me on the Seniors Ship." "I'll be in touch," Cassiopeia nodded and left. One centar later, Apollo, Sheba, Boomer, Adama and a testy Starbuck were all in Dr. Wilker's lab aboard the Galactica. The chief scientist had placed Starbuck's laser on a lab table for careful analysis. "You do admit you fired it during the last twenty four centars?" Adama inquired in the same dispassionate tone of voice he'd kept since hearing about Ortega's murder. "Yes, I fired it!" Starbuck was too angry to care about potential insubordination, "I was on the laser range this morning. So were Jolly, Bojay and Greenbean and no one's accusing them of killing Ortega!" "Jolly and Bojay weren't on the Rising Star, and Greenbean was on the triad court taking Ortega's place, Starbuck," Adama said matter-of-factly, "The sooner you appreciate the facts that we're dealing with at this particular centon, the sooner you'll realize that no one's accusing you of anything yet. We're running these tests to make sure you can be cleared before it comes to that." Wilker carefully extracted the charger section of Starbuck's laser, where all the energy was stored, and then emptied the contents into a sample slide. He then turned back to Starbuck and asked, "Did you recharge your laser to full power after you left the range?" "Of course I did!" Starbuck waved his arm in exasperation, "That's standard procedure." Wilker moved over to a table across the lab carrying the container just as the main door opened and tall, dark-skinned man in his early fifties entered the room, wearing the formal robes of the judicial class. "Commander," he smiled and extended his hand, which Adama took. "Glad you came," the commander said and then looked over at Starbuck, "I'm sure you all know Sire Solon, our chief opposer?" "Only socially," Starbuck said coldly, "And no offense, Sire, but I'd like to keep it that way." "So would I, Lieutenant," Solon kept his tone sympathetic. "But my position may dictate otherwise, especially since this is the first instance of a capital offense since the Exodus began and must be treated with the utmost importance." he turned back to Adama, "I was told that Dr. Wilker was conducting a laseronics ergon test on the suspected termination weapon?" "It's not the termination weapon!" Starbuck bristled, "It's my weapon!" "Starbuck_" Boomer jumped in to try and get his friend to shut his mouth, but the Chief Opposer held up a hand. "No, no," Solon said, "He's quite right. It was not a tactful way of stating it. My apologies, Lieutenant." At the other end of the lab, Wilker had loaded the container into a computer bank and then called over to the next room. "Fairfax, is the Ortega sample ready?" "The Life Station took awhile extracting it from his body but I've got it now," the voice of Wilker's assistant Fairfax, nephew and namesake of the late Commander Fairfax of the Battlestar Columbia, replied as he entered the room carrying another container slide. He handed it to the Chief Scientist who inserted it into the slot next to where he'd placed the first slide. "I'm ready," Wilker called to the others, who promptly gathered round him, "One slot has a laseronic ergon scan taken from Ortega's body. It shows the amount of laser energy absorbed when he was shot." He flicked a switch and a series of numbers came up on the computer terminal. 683.947182. "Now this slide contains the amount of remaining ergons in Starbuck's laser. Recalibrating from the other direction, if the amount of ergons missing from Starbuck's laser matches the amount in Ortega's body----" "I think we get the picture, Doc, so knock off with the technical felgercarb and run the test!" the last thing Starbuck wanted to listen to was another one of Wilker's longwinded technical lectures, which he always felt the Chief Scientist was overly fond of boring people to death about. Wilker ignored the remark and calmly pressed the button. It took only ten microns for the new number to come up. A number that matched the one on the other monitor precisely, right to the last digit. Starbuck's eyes widened in shock. Apollo, Boomer and Sheba each looked as though someone had swung a club and brought it down right on their heads. Adama had his finger on his lip, not wanting to show any reaction at all. "That's impossible," Starbuck whispered. Wilker was slightly taken aback, not having expected a precise match. "Um, I ah, wish the test weren't as precise as it is, so there could be some doubt, but um..." he awkwardly cleared his throat. "But I'm afraid there's no other possible conclusion. Your weapon terminated Ortega." Apollo, Sheba and Boomer were all looking at Starbuck, waiting to hear an explanation. This wasn't something any of them had planned on seeing. And now, they needed to hear an answer, especially in light of all that they had seen happen earlier in the evening. "Someone set me up!" Starbuck looked at the results, thinking a sick joke was being played on him. "That has to be it!" "Lieutenant Starbuck," Solon turned to him and lowered his voice to a formal tone, "It is my duty as chief opposer to charge you with the murder of Wing Sergeant Ortega of the Colonial Fleet." "No!" Starbuck blurted, "In the turbowash! That has to be it! Someone lifted my laser while I was in the turbowash, used it to kill Ortega and returned it before I got out! I remember, my locker was wide open, anyone could have taken it and I wouldn't have noticed!" "That's the only logical explanation," Boomer jumped in. Adama sadly shook his head, "There's no report of anyone else down in the corridor or the training room at that time except for Starbuck. The chief opposer can only proceed with the evidence presently available. Unless you find a witness who saw someone else down there, there is presently no room for reasonable doubt on the matter of filing charges." "Commander," Apollo protested, "You know Starbuck as well as you know me. You can't believe he could kill anyone in cold blood." "Commander," Solon cut in, trying to smooth things over, "I watched the game too, and taking into account what happened, along with the fact that Ortega's weapon was drawn, I'd be willing to accept a plea of self-defense and move to suspend all potential prison time." "Forget it!" Starbuck's nostrils flared as he stepped forward, "I didn't kill Ortega! Not in self-defense or any other way!" "Lieutenant," Solon's voice grew grave, "Don't answer so quickly. If you plead self-defense, the harshest penalty you can receive would be a dishonorable discharge from the Colonial Service. But I can give you my word that you would receive a suspended sentence as far as prison time goes. But if you are convicted of a premeditated murder charge, then I can also give you my word that you'll spend the rest of your life in the Prison Barge." "I'm not going to plead self-defense for something I didn't do!" Starbuck emphasized harshly. "As you wish," Sire Solon sighed, "I must now ask you to enter a plea, which I assume is not guilty." "That's right!" Starbuck snarled. For the first time, Adama's stoic expression cracked slightly as he drew up his shoulders and took a breath, "Security." From the back of the room, two guards from Colonial Security, the military police, stepped forward. "You will escort Lieutenant Starbuck to the Galactica brig to await Tribunal." "The brig?" Starbuck's face twisted. "It's the law, Starbuck. I'm sorry." Adama said with equal parts empathy and firmness. "Commander," Apollo stepped forward, "I want to defend him." "That goes for me too," Boomer added. "This is most unusual, Captain," Solon gave them a quizzical look, "You can't possibly have enough experience as a protector to handle this matter, especially when the evidence against Starbuck is particularly overwhelming." "He's right," Adama was equally perplexed, "Like all of us did at the Academy, you studied the judiciary codes, but you graduated as a warrior, not a protector." "I believe him," Apollo retorted firmly. "You may find that's not enough to defend a man's life," Solon stressed. Starbuck looked at the middle-aged opposer with a defiant expression, "It's good enough for me." An uneasy silence filled the air, as Adama bit his lip slightly, while Sheba was staring at Apollo with a dubious expression. "Very well," the commander said, "Request granted. But I must remind you, Captain Apollo, that the codes governing Tribunal for capital offenses are entirely different from the norm, as part of the concessions that were made for having the death penalty suspended from Colonial jurisprudence. Tribunal must take place no later than forty-eight centars from now with all available evidence presented. Failure to produce exculpatory evidence by the time Tribunal is convened can only be interpreted as an admission of guilt. You'd better get started now." Adama and Solon turned and departed, followed a micron later by an uneasy Sheba. Apollo and Boomer both came over to Starbuck and patted him on the shoulder. "We'll do all we can," Boomer said, "We've been in tighter spots before." For the first time, Starbuck decided to allow some of his caustic humor to emerge, "We have?" "Sure we have," Apollo said reassuringly, "And we're going to get out of this one too. That's a promise." It took nearly a centon for Starbuck to relax slightly and nod his head in agreement. When he did, the three friends clasped their hands together in a show of solidarity and strength. As soon as Apollo and Boomer were out in the corridor, the magnitude of what lay ahead for them seemed to set in, "So where do we start?" "I thought you'd have an idea," Apollo said, "Ortega was in your squadron." "I made it a point to know as little as I possibly could about him," Boomer emphasized and then rubbed his chin, "Still, I suppose the best person to start with would be Barton." "We'd better find him." "Apollo!" The two of them turned around and saw that Sheba had been waiting outside in the corridor. "Yes?" "Can I talk to you alone?" her arms were folded. "Uh, Sheba, Boomer and I really need to_" but the dark-skinned warrior grabbed his arm and shook his head. "I'll find Barton and meet you in the Officers Club." he turned and disappeared. As soon as he was gone, Apollo looked back at Sheba, "Yes?" "Why in Kobol did you suddenly volunteer to become Starbuck's protector?" Sheba was still baffled. "There are plenty of professionals in this Fleet with yahrens of experience. People who know the codes right down to the last detail. You should have tried to get him one of them." "Sheba, I really don't have time to talk about this," Apollo felt slightly exasperated. Occasions like this were the only time he didn't enjoy being around Sheba, when the shadow of their early confrontations seemed to hang over them. "We've only got forty eight centars before the Tribunal begins. It'd probably take me all that time just to find one with enough experience, and then it would be too late for him to get familiar with the case. Boomer and I did Starbuck a favor by volunteering for this." She seemed indifferent to his words, "You'd better be right," she finally said, "But it seems like whenever there's an impossible crisis to deal with, you just always have to put yourself in the middle of it and solve it yourself. Sooner or later, that kind of attitude is really going to backfire on you." She then turned and walked away from him, leaving Apollo more than a bit confused. Ten centons later, Apollo entered the largely empty Officers Club where Boomer was already waiting at a table with Barton, who looked as though he were anxious to get some sleep. "Can we finally get started?" Barton stifled a yawn as Apollo seated himself. "This is really important, Barton," Apollo said, "Starbuck's been charged with murdering Ortega. The only chance we have of clearing him is to find out if anyone else had a reason for killing Ortega too." "Anyone who ever had the misfortune to come into contact with him, Captain," Barton said as he rubbed his eyes. "Look Barton," Boomer leaned forward, "You were his partner on and off the triad court. You had to have known some of his friends or at least the people he mingled with." "He didn't have any friends, Boomer, as you well know. He was a loner. I got the feeling that the only people who knew him well were the workers on the Rising Star since he seemed to spend more spare time there than anyone else I know. Most of us warriors need to save a sectan's pay to get a gold pass for maybe a day or two aboard there. But it seemed like he always had enough money to be there any time he wanted." "So he probably spent a lot of time in the Chancery." "I imagine," Barton shrugged, "Me, I avoid the Chancery like a Piscean Plague, just like I always avoided him when we weren't flying together or playing triad." "Okay, so you don't know anyone specific who had a reason for wanting to kill Ortega." "No," he shook his head. "Did Ortega ever say anything about people who might want to kill him?" Apollo felt an edge of desperation entering his voice. "Ortega and I always had a silent understanding that whenever we weren't working together, we'd keep our mouths shut and stay out of each other's way, Captain. We never indulged in idle conversation." Boomer felt deflated, "I guess that's it, then," he sighed. "Can I go now?" Barton tried to hid the impatience in his voice. "I guess so." Apollo waved his hand and looked down at the floor. The warrior was halfway out of his chair when he suddenly snapped his fingers and resumed his seat, "Captain, I'm sorry, I just remembered something." "Yes?" Apollo tried not to let his hopes rise too far as he and Boomer leaned forward. "It was last sectan, when you assigned me to run that deep patrol with Ortega after the near-brawl he had with Starbuck here in the club, Boomer." Barton leaned back in his chair as the memory returned to him, "I was really mad at him for how he'd wrecked my evening by forcing me to share his punishment and I must have spent the first centar of the patrol letting him have it. I remember, I said something about how if he didn't learn to control himself, someone would snap some day and kill him. I even said that the way Starbuck looked, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him." "And?" Boomer prodded. "He was still kind of half-drunk, and he started to chuckle and said that Starbuck didn't have the guts to kill him, and that none of his so-called enemies had them either except for one man." "Did he mention a name?" "Yeah, he did. It was a funny sounding name. He said it was good old, um...." he snapped his fingers, trying to remember, "Charybdis. That was it." "Cha-ryb-dis," Apollo repeated. "Did he say who he was?" "Sorry," Barton shrugged, "After that, he suddenly shut up like a Canceran clam. I think he started to realize that he was shooting off more than he usually did because he was still recovering from a hangover. I remember asking who this Charybdis was, but all he said was that he was a man of mystery, who once made the mistake of letting him find out why he was a man of mystery. After that, I got nothing else out of him." Apollo nodded. It wasn't enough, but at least it was a promising start. "And that's all." "That's all," Barton nodded. "Okay," Apollo said, "Barton, I want you to be ready to repeat that at Starbuck's Tribunal in forty eight centars. At the very least, I might have an alternate scenario constructed that will buy us some time." "I'll be there," the warrior let out another tired yawn as he rose and departed. "Char-yb-dis," Apollo repeated the name, "Well, there's a name we ought to check out right away. Are you up for a trip to Fleet Personnel Records?" "You'd better believe it," Boomer said as he rose from his chair. Corporal Komma, the Colonial Security guard in charge of the Galactica's Main Computer Control Center glanced at his chronometer for the tenth time in the last several centons, as though he were trying to will it to get closer and closer to the top of the centar. His duty shift had lasted two centars longer than he would have liked, and the sooner he got off-duty and got some sleep, the better he'd feel. When he heard the door open, he rose from his chair, hoping that his relief had decided to show up a few centons early. When he saw that it was Apollo and Boomer, a crestfallen expression came over him for a brief instant. That meant he'd have to perform some actual work before he finally got back to the warmth of his bunk. "Hello Captain, Lieutenant," he tried not to let any of it show, "What brings you both here at this time of night?" "Something important," Apollo said, "We need to access Fleet Personnel Records from the Main Computer." "Sure," Komma felt relieved that it was nothing strenuous that would require him to do a search. "Just log in and take a place at Station One," he motioned to the security screener that did a voice and handprint check on all those who wanted to use the system. As soon as Apollo and Boomer had gone through the normal preliminaries, a green light went on the machine indicating it was okay for them to proceed. As Apollo took a seat at the station, Boomer shook his head in awed admiration at the row of computer terminals lining the facility. "I'll tell you, these things get more elaborate all the time, yet somehow at the same time they're simpler to use than anything we ever had at the Academy." Apollo half-chuckled, "The way you talk about electronic equipment, I sometimes get the feeling that if you weren't a warrior, you would have entered Wilker's line of work." "You may be right," the dark-skinned warrior admitted. Apollo switched on the terminal and then heard a pleasant female voice ask, "Yes?" "Request complete file on Char-yb-dis. K-A-R-I-B-D-I-S. Current status and location within the Fleet." The faint noise of the computer mechanism sounded, followed an instant later by a reply from the programmed voice. "There is no profile on anyone named Karibdis. K-A-R-I-B-D-I-S." Apollo lifted an eyebrow and frowned slightly. "Apollo, try it with a c instead of a k," Boomer suggested. But before Apollo could repeat the request, the computer voice was speaking again. "Or anyone who's name is phonetically spelled like Charybdis." Apollo's frown deepened and he turned to Boomer, "You think Barton lied?" "I can not answer that question without further input," the computer suddenly spoke again. "I would need to know what Barton----" "I wasn't talking to you!" Apollo turned back to the terminal and said with exasperation. "Sorry." "That's all right," and then shook his head when he realized the absurdity of it all, "I mean that's all. Disconnect." "Disconnecting." the lights on the terminal went dark, as Boomer suppressed the desire to laugh. "Female computer voices," Komma sighed as he looked on, "I sometimes think they were designed by a programmer who never had a meaningful social life. They'll drive you crazy after awhile." "Strictly a keyboard and printout man, eh Komma?" Boomer grinned. "You'd better believe it," the security guard resumed his station. "Will that be all for you two?" "Yeah, I guess so," Apollo rose from the terminal and he and Boomer left the complex. Once they were alone in the corridor, he repeated the earlier question, "So do you think Barton lied?" "Barton had no reason to lie," Boomer shook his head, "He must have just gotten the name wrong." "No. He sounded pretty sure of the name. Maybe it's not with a k, but I'm sure that's the one he meant." Boomer snapped his fingers, "Didn't Barton say that Ortega referred to this Charybdis as a man of mystery?" Apollo nodded, "That's right, I should have realized that might mean that Charybdis could be the real name of someone who's using another name." "I think I'm beginning to sense the outline of a motive here," Boomer noted. "Let's assume the name is correct. That might mean that whoever this Charybdis really is, Ortega knew something about him and had to be quietly eliminated." "Makes sense. But that's not enough to present a good alternate scenario that will buy us time during the Tribunal. We need a lot more than that." "So what's our next move?" "We get some sleep and start anew at 0600 tomorrow," Apollo said, "And when we do, our next move's going to have to be on the Rising Star." Boomer groaned, "Apollo, it could probably take days just to interview every worker there who might have known Ortega. We don't have that much time." "I think we can narrow down the list of places to check. And I know someone who can help us do that. Chameleon." "Chameleon?" he lifted an eyebrow. "How can he help?" "Who else knows all the trade secrets about what goes on inside the Rising Star Chancery?" Apollo asked rhetorically, "If he did a lot of wagering himself there, he's bound to have noticed Ortega at one time or another, and what places he was apt to frequent. It's worth a check." "You may be right." "Let's hope it pays off," Apollo patted his friend on the shoulder, "Get some sleep and have a hearty breakfast tomorrow morning, Boomer. We're both going to need it for what we have to do in just one day." When Apollo returned to his quarters, he was mildly surprised to find a weary looking Athena sitting in the outer area that separated Apollo's room from Boxey's. She still had the videocom on, it's sound muted. "Athena, what----" His sister rose from her chair, "I've been waiting all night for you," she said and pointed at the monitor, "It's already all over the IFB. Starbuck's been charged with killing Ortega." Apollo glanced at the monitor and shook his head in mild disgust, "Sire Solon sure didn't waste any time going public." "Apollo is it really true?" her voice was filled with disbelief. "You mean did he really do it?" he gave her a cold stare, "Athena, I know you and Starbuck have been on the outs for a while now, but has your opinion of him stooped that low?" "Of course not!" she snapped and then winced slightly, "Damn you," she lowered her voice, "Do you want me to wake up Boxey?" "Sorry," Apollo sighed and sat down on the large couch. "It's just been one long, fracking evening," he glanced up with a look of concern, "Did Boxey find out about Ortega being killed?" "No," she said more calmly, "He went to bed right after the double ejection. Said it wasn't worth staying up just to watch the game end with substitutes." "That means I've got to tell him about the whole thing when he gets up tomorrow," Apollo sighed, "And that I'm defending Starbuck, and will make sure he's cleared." "Solon said you and Boomer were handling that," Athena shook her head in disbelief, "Apollo, aren't you out of your element?" "When it comes to finding out the truth, no one is ever out of his element." "That's a nice sounding platitude, but absolutely worthless for when you and Boomer stumble over every procedure in the book during Tribunal," Athena retorted, "You ought to be getting him an experienced protector to handle that." Apollo didn't feel like going through a repetition of his conversation with Sheba. "Look Athena, all I need to do is gather enough information to present a reasonable alternate scenario that will insure a long enough hearing for the truth to come out. And so far, I think there's a good chance we can do that. Trust me." His sister decided not to press the matter any longer, "You'd better be right," she folded her arms, "Because a lot's riding on this, Apollo. And you'd..." she suddenly cleared her throat as though she were trying to choke something back, "You'd better be right." Then, without saying anything else, she left his quarters. As soon as she was gone, Apollo found himself wondering if Athena was trying hard not to let any emotion slip out that would reveal how she still felt deep down about Starbuck. Whatever the case, that was something he couldn't concern himself with until after it was all over. Assuming it ended with a positive outcome. Chapter Four After being escorted to his holding cell in the Galactica brig, Starbuck spent a restless night, totally unable to sleep. His mind wasn't willing to cope with the possibility of dreaming about life as it always had been for him, and then waking up to discover that he was still going through what he regarded as the biggest nightmare of his life. Something that he regarded as worse than anything he'd gone through in a combat situation, and even worse than the two occasions when he'd been taken prisoner by the Cylons. Those were situations his warrior's mind had always been trained to accept the possibility of. Not this scenario. Being arrested and facing imprisonment for something he knew he did not commit was enough to make him wonder for the first time if the reason why he'd become a warrior was nothing more than a giant fraud. Like all others who'd been motivated to join the Service, he'd believed that he was fighting for a system that was decent, right and fair. Now, that system he had risked his life for so many times had conspired against him in the worst way possible. And if events continued to conspire against him, he faced the prospect of spending the rest of his life in a cell more lonely and isolated than this one. With no purpose left at all in life except to waste away for decades until his body finally gave out. And no doubt, long before that his mind would have ceased to function anyway. It was enough to make him spend the better part of a centar during the night railing inside against all the so-called humanitarians who had lobbied for the suspension of the Death Penalty a hundred yahrens earlier. "Cruel and unusual punishment" they'd called it. As far as Starbuck was concerned, what he now faced was something far more cruel. At the very least, if an innocent man was executed, he could right away be transported to the life beyond and receive the reassurance of Absolution from his Maker. Not so the man forced to wallow in the never-ending injustice of it all in a prison cell, with no hope or faith that somehow the injustice would someday be corrected. If the System couldn't safeguard against making a mistake the first time, how could he ever have any faith that System would recognize the injustice and free him? The words of reassurance Apollo and Boomer had tried to give him earlier now rang hollow in his ears. Not because of any lack of faith that they could rise to the challenge of being Protectors, but because of his own lack of faith in the System that he'd given his entire adult life to, and which he felt had let him down at the most critical time of his life. He didn't know how many centars he'd spent sitting on the bench of his cell just staring off into space, letting bitterness and anger control every one of his thoughts, before he heard a familiar voice. "Starbuck?" It took him a centon before he forced himself to raise his head and saw Cassiopeia standing outside his cell. "Why are you here?" he felt ashamed that she would have to see him in this position. "Because you need me," she looked him straight in the eye, "And I want to do all I can to help you when you need me most." She then turned back to where Sergeant Castor was standing guard ten feet away, "Sergeant, could I please go in and talk to him alone?" The muscular security guard, regarded as the best in the Colonial Security detail, nodded in understanding as he came up and pushed the buttons that unlocked the door to Starbuck's cell. It slid open and Cassiopeia stepped inside. "Did you get any sleep?" she didn't want to lose her composure in front of him, and found a silly question the only way to keep herself from doing so. "No," his tone was quieter, as he looked back at the floor. "I didn't want to." She took a breath, "Look, you ought to know that Apollo and Boomer are doing all they can. I tried to get in touch with them after I woke up, but I found out they were already out working on the case." "It's not going to do any good," Starbuck's tone suddenly grew forlorn as he kept staring at the floor. "Starbuck, you can't say that!" Cassiopeia protested. "You need to have faith in them, just like you had to have faith in them when they came back for you at Atilla!" "Flying through a Cylon task force is one thing that can be handled," he still didn't look up, "Getting this thing fixed, when it's been stacked so much against me...." he then shook his head and trailed off. Cassiopeia found herself unable to say anything else. Worried that her composure was going to crack, she impulsively went over to the video-com monitor located on the far wall of the cell and switched it on. An instant later, the sight of IFB's lead co-anchor Zara filled the screen. For once, she wasn't flashing one of her customary fake smiles that had threatened to drive Starbuck out of his mind during the interview he'd been subjected to ten days earlier. "Good morning," her tone was somber, but already Cassiopeia could sense the artificial, theatrical quality to it. "Today there is only one subject of discussion throughout the entire Fleet. Namely, the stunning murder of Wing Sergeant Ortega in the wake of last night's triad match, and the arrest of his bitter triad rival Lieutenant Starbuck, whose laser pistol we are now told has been conclusively identified as the murder weapon." Starbuck looked up at the screen in disgust as he slowly got to his feet. "Joining me now in our IFB Studio is Sire Solon, Chief Opposer of the Fleet, who last night formally charged Lieutenant Starbuck with pre-meditated murder, and who will personally represent the Colonial Nation during Tribunal, which is scheduled to convene forty centars from now. Sire Solon, thank you for joining us." The camera cut to a shot of the Chief Opposer sitting in a chair next to the IFB anchor. "Thank you Zara. I can not say that it is a pleasure for me to be here talking to you over a matter as grave as this, and especially when it concerns a warrior as beloved throughout the Fleet as Lieutenant Starbuck is." "Oh, why don't you take your tears of sympathy and shove them!" Starbuck let some anger out as he came up in front of the screen, wanting to punch his hand through it. "Starbuck!" Cassiopeia grabbed his arm and felt a tinge of anger go through her, "Be quiet and listen to what he says! It might be important!" "Sire Solon, we've been told that Lieutenant Starbuck rejected the opportunity to seek experienced counsel and instead accepted the offers of Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Boomer to act as his Chief Protectors. Can you explain what might have compelled him to take this extremely unorthodox step?" "How many writers did you need to come up with a question like that, Zara?" Starbuck shot back at her image, and again felt Cassiopeia's hold on his arm tighten as a signal to be quiet. "Well Zara, given Lieutenant Starbuck's adamant refusal to consider any plea of self-defense, I can only assume that he was quick to accept the offers of Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Boomer because he knew right away he could count on them agreeing completely with his strategy. An experienced Protector would have argued for Starbuck to plead self-defense, but ah," the Chief Opposer shrugged his shoulders slightly, "This is the first case for both Apollo and Boomer and they are placing a great deal of faith in their friend's word. It is an admirable trait and speaks well of them as friends, but ah," again Solon shrugged his shoulders, "But very foolish in light of the overwhelming evidence against the defendant." "Then would it be fair to say, Sire Solon, that you do not believe Lieutenant Starbuck has a chance for acquittal?" "He has a slim one," Solon conceded, "At the very least, if his Protectors can provide enough mitigating evidence to point to a plausible alternate scenario during the first phase of Tribunal, he at least guarantees an extended process where all of the evidence must be carefully considered. Absent that, he has another avenue of hope." Zara leaned forward with interest, "And could you tell us what that is?" "Commander Adama," Solon said without hesitation. "As you know, he will be one of the three overseers of the Tribunal. Most of us are aware that Starbuck is like a son to him. And some might question his impartiality." "Is that what you're doing, Sire?" Zara interrupted, which seemed to catch the Chief Opposer off-guard. For an instant, Starbuck marveled at how she'd found the gumption to cut in with a tough question. "Oh no, not at all," Solon said with just a trace of hastiness, "Quite frankly, since I have brought the subject up in this interview, I think even with Adama on the Tribunal, the case will have to be decided on the evidence alone." he paused and his tone grew grave, "And I'm sure that even Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Boomer would both agree that under those conditions, Lieutenant Starbuck will be found guilty." "That's it!" Starbuck suddenly shouted as he reached out and slammed his fist against the knob that shut the video-com off. "That snitrod's got me convicted before I even get a chance to be heard!" "Starbuck!" Cassiopeia trailed him as he stormed off back toward the bench on the other side of his cell, "That's just typical Opposer rhetoric and you know it. What did you expect him to say?" Starbuck ignored the question and spun round, "Why the frack isn't Apollo or Boomer being interviewed? Why aren't they defending me before the Fleet?" "Because they're doing something more important than wasting time in front of Zara and her stupid questions and that's gathering evidence for the Tribunal, where it counts more!" she raised her voice. "No!" Starbuck interrupted and pointed at the blank video-com, "They're not there because they don't have a defense." he then moved away from her again and his posture slackened visibly, "They're not going to have one for the Tribunal. Oh sure, they'll try their best, but they won't find felgercarb. I know it." He warily moved back to the bench and sat down. Cassiopeia saw right away how the anger in Starbuck had vanished and been replaced by something that seemed to border on fear. "Cass," he struggled to look up at her, "They're going to convict me." She swallowed uneasily and sat down beside him. "Starbuck," she whispered as she squeezed his arm, "It's still not too late to change your plea to self-defense." Starbuck looked at her and felt like he'd been kicked in the head, hearing that suggestion come from her, "Cass, I didn't do it," he felt too hurt to protest loudly. "I know, I know," the blonde med-tech said hastily, "But if you're convicted you're going to spend the rest of your life on the Prison Barge. If you can avoid that, you_" she broke off. He looked away from her, "You're're not sure I didn't do it." he shook his head, "God Almighty Cass, I hated that guy but I learned a long time ago you don't wish something like that even for those like him." "Starbuck," she knew right away that she needed to restore his confidence, "I love you. If you say you didn't do it, I believe you," her voice cracked slightly. Starbuck let out a mirthless chuckle, "You, Apollo, Boomer, even the Commander. You all want to believe me, but you all have your.....doubts." He then got up from the bench and began pacing in front of the door, "Since all of my friends have doubts, it doesn't make things look better when I face a Tribunal that isn't composed of my friends." Cassiopeia bit her lip as she rose from the bench and came up to him. This time, she didn't hesitate to put her arms around him. "Starbuck," she said with an almost pleading tone, "Will you change your plea even if you didn't do it?" she then decided it was time to play her strongest card, "At the very least, you'd get your life back. You'd..." she then paused and corrected herself, "We'd still have a future. There'd be nothing to stop you from making your case afterwards that your plea was just a legal technicality to avoid maximum punishment for something you didn't do." She put her hands on his head, "Can you at least consider that?" For the first time she could remember, Starbuck seemed totally lost, "I don't know," he sighed, "I just don't know." She then kissed him tenderly on the lips. It continued for nearly a centon as Starbuck relaxed slightly and reciprocated. "No matter what happens," Cassiopeia said when they finally, reluctantly let go of each other, "I love you." Starbuck allowed himself a brief smile, "I love you too," he said. And he meant it. There was little doubt in his mind that what he'd said to Chameleon in private a sectan ago about Cassiopeia was the most sincere thing he'd ever said about any woman he'd been involved with. He knew that he had said similar things in the past about Aurora, and then Athena, but he'd come to feel with hindsight that when he'd said those words to them, it was less from the heart, and more from the standpoint of looking for a crutch to justify continuing those relationships when the natural course of events would have meant seeing them both fizzle out sooner than they did. All of which only ended up making things worse further down the road when the end finally came. "Look," he sighed, "I ah, I just need some time alone to think. Okay?" "Okay," she nodded as she kissed him on the cheek again and made her way over to the door. A micron later, it slid open and she stepped out. Starbuck went back to the bench and sat down with his fingertips folded together, trying to let himself think calmly about the only other option that he felt was open to him. Pleading self-defense and avoiding the Prison Barge with a dishonorable discharge from the Service. On the surface, it almost seemed tempting, given his total lack of faith in the System to make things right and let the truth come out. He would have, as Cassiopeia had put it, a future back. But a future to do what? Spend the rest of his life saying it was only a technicality and he didn't really mean it when he pled guilty? That would be his first instinct after the Tribunal passed down it's sentence. And how would Sire Solon treat that? Already, he had a vision of Solon filing a new charge of perjury to Tribunal, in effect forcing a retrial of the murder issue. And then, he could envision Solon moving in for the full sentence of life imprisonment once again. And even if, by a miracle, he was able to keep quiet after pleading self-defense, how could he ever really hope to have a normal life again? His career at the thing he loved best would be over. Everywhere he walked, he'd be looked at and instantly branded as a killer. Would there ever be a centon's peace for him in a life like that? And what would happen to Cassie if she tried to brave things out with him? It didn't look good to Starbuck either way. If he took what he regarded as the coward's way out and pleaded self-defense to something he knew he was innocent of, then he was only putting off the inevitable or condemning the people he loved to eternal harassment and outcast status just because they wanted to stand by him. He didn't see honor in either solution. But at the same time, he had no intention of going to the Prison Barge either. A third option was now entering his mind. One that however painful it might seem at first, very likely represented the only way out for him. As he sat and continued to brood over his plight, he found himself coming up with fewer reasons to think of not doing it. He absently went back over to the video-com, wondering forlornly if he might see something that could give him some ray of hope that would get his mind off the difficult third option. When he flicked it on, he saw that the interview with Sire Solon was over, and Zara was delivering her commentary. "With the Tribunal only forty centars away, it would appear to this reporter that barring a miracle, the brilliant career of Lieutenant Starbuck will tragically pass into history." Starbuck felt all his inner rage boiling up against Zara, who had put him through one hell a sectan earlier in her interview, and was now only adding to the greater one he was going now. He slammed his open palm against the monitor, which suddenly caused the picture to disappear in a burst of static. As soon as Zara's image disappeared, he realized that he suddenly had the opportunity to put the third option into effect. Probably the only opportunity he would ever get. Now, he had to make the quickest decision of his life. One that he found more difficult than any situation he'd been in during seven yahrens of service as a combat warrior. He decided that he would do it. Starbuck absently straightened himself, and then slowly exhaled so he could summon the calmest possible demeanor. He went over to the cell door and called over to where Castor was standing guard with Corporal Ares. "Hey Castor," he said calmly, "There's something wrong with my video-com. I need it fixed." "I'll call for a vid-tech as soon as I can, Starbuck," the muscular sergeant said. "Castor, I need it fixed now," an edge of urgency entered Starbuck's voice, "They're talking about my case on the IFB. I have to know what they're saying." Castor turned to his fellow guard, "Ares, do you know how those things work?" "A bit," Ares nodded, "Want me to take a look?" "Go ahead," Castor leaned forward and unlocked the door. It slid open and the young corporal stepped in. "Can't figure out why it fracked out on me," Starbuck motioned toward the screen, "It just-" Before he finished his sentence, Starbuck abruptly grabbed Ares in a hammerlock position around the neck. The guard gasped for breath as Starbuck quickly stripped away his laser pistol and then pointed it at Castor. "Drop it Castor!" Starbuck snarled, "Drop it or he's dead." "Starbuck don't do this," Castor had pulled out his own laser pistol and had it trained on the warrior, "I'm one of those who believes you for sagan's sake. This isn't going to help you at all." "I don't give felgercarb what you think, Castor. Drop it!" Starbuck raised his voice. Castor's eyes burned with anger on the warrior, not wanting to give in. But as he heard the sound of Ares choking violently under Starbuck's tight hold around the guard's neck, Castor reluctantly decided that he couldn't live with the death of one of his men on his conscience. He slowly dropped his laser pistol and it clattered to the floor. "Get inside!" Starbuck waved the pistol at Castor. "Inside now and give me the Security access key." "You're not going to get anywhere even with that, Starbuck," Castor said with contempt as he stepped inside and handed the key that would give Starbuck free access to all areas of the battlestar. "We'll see about that," Starbuck snarled as he grabbed it and then shoved Ares toward the bench. As soon as Castor went over to attend to his fellow guard, the warrior bolted out the cell door and quickly locked it, leaving the two guards trapped inside. Then, they heard the sound of Starbuck's feet as the warrior rapidly dashed out of the Brig area. Apollo had awoke early and discovered to his shame that he still couldn't think of what he could say to Boxey to explain what had happened with Starbuck, and what he was doing to try and help. For nearly five centons, he tried scribbling a note to leave for his son, but soon discovered that he couldn't think of the best way to explain it on paper either. Realizing that he had too little time to work with, he reluctantly decided that he would have to put off explaining the situation to his son until much later in the day. He knew it wouldn't be easy for Boxey to go off to his classes and here all kinds of secondhand stories about what had happened, but at the very least, by the time Apollo returned, he would have found some information that would help clear Starbuck and allow him to speak with greater optimism and confidence to his son. Now, a centar later, he was speaking to someone he desperately hoped could provide him with the first bit of information that could lead to Starbuck's exoneration. "I'm glad you came over, Chameleon," Apollo was saying as he and the old man sat in the Warriors Mess Hall over a largely unappetizing breakfast that neither had bothered to touch. "As soon as Blassie told me about your telecom, I caught the first shuttle over from the Seniors Ship," Chameleon's eyes were slightly red, mostly from lack of sleep, but also because he had allowed himself a centon alone in his turbowash to cry over his son's plight. Wondering if he had made a horrible mistake in asking Cassiopeia to keep the test results a secret. "She said I might be able to help Starbuck's defense." "That's true," Apollo nodded, "Chameleon, in all the time you've been in the Rising Star's Chancery, did you ever happen to notice Ortega?" Chameleon leaned back in his chair and frowned slightly, "Apollo, I'm not sure what you're getting at." "This is important, Chameleon," an edge of pleading entered Apollo's voice, "Ortega was a habitual visitor to the Chancery. Now that's not typical for most warriors. You had to have seen him there sometime." Chameleon shrugged, "Well, I always did notice one warrior who seemed permanently welded to Table Number Three, but----" he trailed off and suddenly snapped his fingers, "Of course, that was Ortega! I don't know why I didn't make the connection when I saw him in the Officers Club last sectan and he and Starbuck nearly had that brawl. But I never took much notice of him, because usually when I saw him in the Chancery he had his back to me. Always seemed very devoted to that table." "Table Three," Apollo said, "You're sure of that location." "I ought to Captain," Chameleon said pointedly, "That's the same table you and Starbuck were playing at when I first approached you." Apollo slowly nodded, "I see. And that was the only location you ever saw him at?" "Whenever I'd leave the Chancery after a centar or two, that warrior was always either still at Table Three or gone altogether. It was as if he had no enthusiasm for any game other than Pyramid." Apollo got to his feet and patted Chameleon on the shoulder, "Chameleon, thanks. This is a big help for Boomer and me because it lets us narrow down who to approach on the Rising Star." "Is there anything more I can do to help?" Chameleon wished he could have provided more than he had, because he was convinced that it wasn't enough to exonerate Starbuck just yet. "No, but believe me Chameleon, it's a big start. I've got to get in touch with Boomer and he and I are going to pay a little visit to the Rising Star." Before Apollo could move away from the table, he saw a grim-faced Colonel Tigh approach. Already, Apollo felt the sick sensation that the executive officer was about to deliver some bad news. "Apollo," Tigh said quietly. "We have a very grave situation on our hands. You'd better come with me." "What's happened?" Apollo braced himself. "Not here," Tigh said as he glanced over at Chameleon. "Out in the corridor, where it's more private." "Okay," the black-haired captain nodded and turned back to Chameleon, "Thanks again, Chameleon. We'll be in touch if we need you again." "Of course," already Chameleon had the sinking feeling that what Tigh was going to tell Apollo was not good news about Starbuck. Inside, he decided that he was going to find that information out no matter what. And if circumstances dictated it, he was now prepared inside to abandon the lie and tell the truth. As soon as Apollo and Tigh were out in the corridor, the executive officer wasted no time. "Starbuck's escaped from the Brig." "He what?" Apollo's face flushed in shock. This wasn't something he'd counted on at all. "He overpowered his guard, pulled a laser pistol on Castor and escaped. And to put it bluntly Apollo, Adama is furious. We've already put out a full Security Alert and had the Galactica sealed off as quietly as we can, but with a security key to all sections, he can elude us pretty damn well." "Frack," Apollo whispered, "Has this been broadcast?" "Not yet, but if Starbuck doesn't turn himself in in the next twenty centons, it's going to be made public and I can guarantee you that that's going to all but finish his chances before the Tribunal." "Attention Colonel Tigh," an overhead voice sounded over the Galactica's unicom system. "Please contact Commander Adama on Beta Channel immediately." "Maybe something's happened," Apollo said as he and the executive officer went over to a security telecom. Tigh picked it up, punched in the security code for Beta Channel and spoke into the mouthpiece, "This is Tigh." "Colonel, we've tracked Starbuck down to Alpha Launch Bay on the security monitors," Adama's voice was stern and revealed more than a hint of displeasure. "He's evidently planning on making a run for it. Did you locate Apollo?" "I did. I'll let you talk to him." As soon as Apollo had the telecom, he spoke frantically, "Father, what's happening?" "Apollo, you have just three centons to get down to Alpha Bay and stop Starbuck from launching. Because the micron he leaves, I'm going to have no choice but to launch a pursuit force of vipers after him, with orders to shoot to disable and even kill if it becomes necessary." Apollo didn't bother to say anything as he dropped the telecom and sprinted down the corridor towards the nearest turbo lift. When the turbo lift came to a stop at the bottom of Alpha Launch Bay, Apollo immediately noticed one viper with the canopy up. And the unmistakable form of Starbuck locking his helmet into place. "Starbuck!" he shouted as he stepped off the lift and began to dash toward the viper. Almost immediately, the blond-haired lieutenant whipped around and pointed his laser pistol at him. "Starbuck, it's me! For sagan's sake don't...." "Don't come any closer!" Starbuck snarled, wondering why Fate now had to deal him this difficult hand as well. "Come on!" Apollo retorted as he drew closer to the side of the viper. "Is that anyway to talk to your Protector?" "I mean it buddy," his voice dropped to a whisper, but was still full of angry rage. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you try to stop me." It was clear to Apollo that Starbuck meant it. He decided that for now, he'd have to play along on that point. "I'm not going to stop you," he said calmly, with all the reassurance he could summon. "I just want to talk." It took Starbuck nearly ten microns before he slowly lowered his laser. Apollo came up and mounted the side that led to the cockpit. "That's close enough!" Starbuck abruptly raised the pistol as he saw Apollo draw to within three feet. "Now talk!" "Starbuck, why are you doing this?" Apollo kept his voice calm and gentle. "Because I've got no other choice," he retorted. "You think this is going to help? Where are you going to go?" "I don't know!" Starbuck threw his head back against the cushion of his seat. "I'll worry about that after I get away from the Fleet. There has to be a planet somewhere I can find. Someplace I can just disappear to forever. I don't care if it's empty and abandoned, if it's livable I'll go there. Just anyplace but the Prison Barge!" "You don't have to go the Prison Barge," Apollo kept trying to sound reassuring, "I know you didn't do it." "That's not much consolation to me," Starbuck said bitterly, "You and Boomer aren't on that Tribunal." For the first time, Apollo let some anger creep in, "You don't have much faith in us, do you?" "In you and Boomer, yes. In the Tribunal and Colonial jurisprudence, no. I don't have any faith in a system I've risked my life for, for the last seven yahrens, and then chose to treat me like this!" the angry snarl returned to his voice, "Now get off. I'm launching." "Starbuck, if you launch, Adama's going to send Blue and Red Squadrons after you, if that's what it takes to get you back!" "I'll deal with that when the time comes." Starbuck looked away from him and began going over the pre-flight checklist. "And then what are you going to do?" the anger increased in the captain's voice, "Fire on Sheba, or Boomer, or Jolly or me?" "If I have to, yes!" Starbuck shouted. "Now get the frack off!" Apollo decided that playing the part of a friend was no longer possible. Now it was time to try a new tact. "I don't think you have the guts to do that," Apollo snarled with as much ferocity as Starbuck had, "Just like you don't have the guts to stand on your own two feet like a man and face that Tribunal!" "I didn't kill Ortega!" Starbuck suddenly flailed in exasperation. But right away, Apollo could tell that the sudden change in tone from anger to defensive exasperation meant that he'd struck a nerve. "Then trust me, damn it!" Apollo bore in, "Give Boomer and me the chance to prove that! Because if you go down that launch tube, you're going to have a lot more on your conscience to bother you for the rest of your life than the bum rap the system's giving you. If you make it to some little planet to stay safe and comfortable on for the rest of your life, then you can spend your nights wondering about the shame every person who thought of you as a friend has to bear for the rest of their lives!" he then paused, "Not to mention what someone like Cassiopeia would have to go through." Starbuck suddenly glared at him, his nostrils flaring and his temples throbbing intensely. In an instant, Apollo knew that playing that card had made an impact on him as well. "Get off," Starbuck's voice cracked, "I don't want to take you down that launch tube." "That's exactly what you're going to have to do, Starbuck," Apollo said defiantly. "And if I have to meet the Almighty and explain to Him, and to my mother and Zac and Serina why I let that happen to me, the only answer I'll give is that I had more faith in Starbuck than he ever deserved from me or anyone else." This time, he could see Starbuck's expression crack just a bit. He could see Starbuck's finger poised above the button that would lock the canopy into place. His finger seemed to hover above it for a near eternity. Finally, Starbuck lowered his hand and suddenly threw his helmet off, where it clattered across the tarmac. He buried his head in his arms and seemed on the verge of breaking down. "I can't," he whispered, "I couldn't live with something like that. I_" "It's okay," Apollo patted his shoulder, "It's okay Starbuck." Starbuck forced himself to look at Apollo. A fragmented memory of a time when he had said aloud that he would gladly give his life for Apollo had flashed into his mind when his finger had been above the button. And with that, memories of so many other experiences they had shared together. The weight of them was enough to make him realize that leaving would have condemned himself to an insanity greater than that of the Prison Barge. The perpetual insanity of eternal guilt and shame. "I'm sorry," he whispered, trying not to let himself break down. "I'm sorry, Apollo. I trust you. I trust you both." "Good," his tone grew reassuring, "Boomer and I are going to clear you if it's the last thing we do." As Apollo slowly helped Starbuck out of his viper, neither of them noticed the figure hidden behind one of the pillars across the Launch Bay suddenly dart towards the compartment door that led to the Decontamination Center. By the time Starbuck's feet hit the tarmac and he and Apollo started the walk toward the turbo lift, the compartment door at the other end had sealed shut. On the other side of that door, Chameleon felt like dropping to his knees in thankful prayer to the Almighty. As soon as he'd seen Apollo leave him in the Mess Hall, he had decided to follow the captain and find out where he was going. Using the skills that had enabled him for yahrens to make him come and go anywhere he pleased, he realized that Apollo was headed for the Launch Bay. And so, he had taken an alternate route down that would enable him to stay hidden from view once he arrived, while hearing everything that went on. He needed desperately to know what was happening, and if the man he now knew was his son was in danger of doing something very foolish. He had listened in horror as he heard Starbuck on the verge of leaving, perhaps even on the verge of killing Apollo if it would give him a chance at getting away. And at that point, Chameleon had vowed that if he heard the canopy lock into place, he would dash out into the open to get Starbuck's attention. And tell him the truth at long last. If Apollo couldn't convince Starbuck why he had to stay and fight, then perhaps at long last the voice of a father was what was needed more than ever. But to his relief, his faith in how much friends like Apollo meant to Starbuck had been vindicated. Apollo had been able to get through to him. And there was no doubt in Chameleon's mind that the love and support of the people he knew meant more to Starbuck than anything he could ever give him, was going to make the difference in letting him beat the terrible hand that had been dealt him. When Adama entered his office, the first thing everyone noticed how angry he seemed. To Apollo, who stood off to one side with Boomer alongside, it reminded him of the look he'd seen as a child when Adama had decided to discipline him or Zac with the leather strap. Adama sat down behind his desk and then glared at both Starbuck and Sire Solon, who were seated in chairs alongside each other, directly across from Adama. "I regard the function of Tribunal to be a solemn one," he began coldly, "Especially when it becomes my responsibility to act as Chief Overseer during such an occasion. And if there is one thing that I am not going to stand for, it is to see that process demeaned before it even begins." He then focused his attention on Starbuck, "Lieutenant Starbuck, your decision to choose escape as an option does you no credit whatsoever. It is an affront to the entire process of Tribunal, and an affront to the principles of Colonial Justice that we have all taken sworn oaths to uphold." "Commander, I wish the record to note that Lieutenant Starbuck turned himself in voluntarily after recognizing his error," Apollo jumped in. "I do not need to hear excuses for the accused from you at this time, Captain Apollo," Adama raised his voice, not letting a hint of familiarity pass between them. "Lieutenant Starbuck, until Tribunal convenes, you are to be held in a state of maximum isolation in the Brig. You are only permitted visits from either of your two designated protectors during that time with all other privileges accorded prisoners revoked until further notice. Do you understand this completely?" "Yes, Commander," Starbuck's tone was uncharacteristically meek and totally compliant. "And on the Book of the Word, I swear my full apology for my indefensible action." Adama nodded and then turned his attention to Sire Solon. Apollo and Boomer were both surprised to see that the anger hadn't faded from the Commander's face, "I have this to say to you, Sire Solon. I like to think of myself as a patient man, and a fair man, who regards the oaths I have taken as a warrior and as a member of the Council of Twelve to uphold the principles of the Colonial nation as the most sacred I have ever taken. But if there is one thing that puts my patience to the test, it is an opposer who goes on the IFB and openly questions my ability to uphold those oaths, as you did this morning. Especially since I had taken no actions toward Lieutenant Starbuck that would have given you just cause to raise such a question." The Chief Opposer stiffened somewhat, totally caught off-guard by the harshness of Adama's tone. "Commander_" he opened his mouth in protest, but the Adama quickly cut him off. "Nor do I also have patience for an opposer who decides to shape the court of public opinion on the nature of the evidence when the process is still ongoing, and will not become fully clear until Tribunal convenes. I believe that if I chose to have your conduct investigated further, Sire Solon, charges of reckless opposer conduct and your removal as the Colonial nation's representative in this case might very well be in order." In spite of Solon's dark complexion, he almost turned red from embarrassment, "Commander, I assure you, I meant no disrespect of you_" "Perhaps not," Adama refused to relinquish the upper hand, "But since I have chosen to take punitive actions against Lieutenant Starbuck for his conduct, I think in the interests of maintaining the impartiality of the Tribunal process, I must also officially warn you Sire Solon to give out no more interviews to the IFB until this process is concluded. Also-" he paused for effect, "If you choose to introduce Lieutenant Starbuck's actions of this morning as part of the evidence against him, I will immediately have it disallowed. So I suggest that from this centon forward, you regard this and all other unfortunate incidents of this day as closed and not relevant to the matters that lie before us when Tribunal convenes." Solon bowed his head slightly, trying to shake off the sting of Adama's words, "Of course, Commander. You have my assurance of that." "That's all then," Adama leaned back in his chair and rang the intercom for the two security guards waiting to escort Starbuck back to the brig. After they had led him away, Solon then rose from his chair and departed, leaving Adama alone with Apollo and Boomer. "You two should be fortunate that Sire Solon got himself into trouble with that interview this morning, or else I would have had no legitimate basis to block Starbuck's foolish stunt from being introduced as evidence against him." Adama said. "Frankly Commander, if it hadn't been for that interview, I don't think Starbuck would have done it." Boomer said. "Perhaps," Adama conceded, "Perhaps not. Since I am committed to impartiality in this matter, I'm not about to pass judgment on what's really going on inside his head until Tribunal begins." he paused, "Do you anticipate having an alternate scenario to present?" "We're looking into that, Father," Apollo said, "We might need more time to come up with what we need though." "Out of the question," Adama said flatly, "The law is explicit on Tribunal for capital crimes that proceedings begin no more than 48 centars after charges are filed. And as of now, you have only 36 left." "I'm just not sure that's going to be easy. Boomer and I are on our way to the Rising Star to pursue the only lead we've got so far, but it might not lead us to the source of what we're looking for." "What are you looking for?" Adama leaned forward with curiosity. "Someone called Charybdis." Adama suddenly froze. "Did you say Charybdis?" "Yes," Apollo suddenly frowned, "You know that name?" "I certainly do," the commander's voice became a mixture of surprise and grave seriousness, "And the two of you should be familiar with it as well. It was at the top of a circular that was distributed to all warriors during the cross-checking of survivors following the Holocaust." Boomer suddenly snapped his fingers, "Wait a centon, I think I remember that. Wasn't that the list with all the names of the men who were in Baltar's inner circle?" "Exactly," Adama nodded, "Charybdis was Baltar's personal pilot and electronics expert." Light suddenly dawned on Apollo, "The one who helped Baltar get off the Atlantia before the Cylon attack on the Fleet began!" "Yes. But Charybdis did more than just that. He was also conclusively identified as the one who sabotaged the entire Colonial Defense Network. He was the reason why Colonial Ground Forces weren't able to get a single fighter off when the baseships rained their destruction on all the Colonies." "And why nothing ever showed up on the scanners until they were flying overhead." Apollo was shocked by the sudden turn of events. "I'm confused though as to what the connection is between Charybdis and Ortega's murder," Adama rubbed his chin. "Barton is prepared to testify before the Tribunal that the only person that Ortega ever said had the guts to kill him was someone he called good old Charybdis," Boomer said. "Not only that," Apollo interjected, "He also said that Ortega called Charybdis a man of mystery who once made the mistake of letting Ortega find out why he was a man of mystery." Adama found himself nodding fervently, "If that's true, then it looks as though you have a strong alternate scenario as far as motive goes. We never learned just what happened to Charybdis after the attacks ended. When there was no sign of him among the survivors in the Fleet, the assumption was that he and the rest of Baltar's inner circle got left behind to the mercies of the Cylon occupation forces." "So it's entirely possible that Charybdis is living in the Fleet under a new identity, and Ortega, because he knew who he really was, had to be silenced." "It's possible," the commander admitted but then added a note of caution, "But just because you can present an alternate scenario with regards to who had reason to kill Ortega still puts you a long ways from getting Starbuck off the hook. You have to prove that someone else had the means and opportunity to steal Starbuck's laser pistol and use it during that short interval of time." "He's right, Apollo," Boomer conceded. "Okay," Apollo held up a hand as he tried to sort things out, "Okay, let's operate under the assumption that Charybdis is the one who killed Ortega-" "If he is alive and in this Fleet, I know I'd love to get my hands on him," Adama cut in with an edge of bitterness, "His treachery ranked second only to Baltar's that night. Sabotaging the Colonial Defense Network guaranteed a death toll of at least five to ten billion." Apollo nodded and resumed, "If Charybdis is our killer, then it's safe to assume that he has to be someone from the Rising Star. That's the only place Ortega could develop any acquaintances, and only a Rising Star employee could have gotten easy access to the training room areas without attracting attention. If we ran a check of Rising Star employees against a complete description of Charybdis_" "That's out of the question," Adama interrupted again, "The circular had no picture of Charybdis and there never was much of a description to go on. He was the one member of Baltar's group who was always in the background. That made him the perfect candidate to carry out that assignment of sabotaging the system." "But there has to be someone who knows what he looks like," Boomer frowned, "Who identified him as the man who sabotaged the system? Didn't someone see him then?" "Someone heard him," Adama said, "You'll find it in the full investigative report I commissioned after the Holocaust. One of the survivors was the security guard on duty at the main complex for the Defense Network in Caprica City, which as you recall was the central agency that controlled the systems for all of the twelve planets." Apollo and Boomer both nodded. "It seems so hard to fathom how this scenario developed, but I suppose you have to remember the euphoria everyone was going through at the time over the peace treaty that we all thought was at hand, and caused us to let our guard down. That night, with everyone on Caprica getting ready to celebrate, there was only one guard on duty at the complex. He told us later that during the afternoon, there was one visitor to the Complex, who got in using a special Council ID pass. That visitor specifically identified himself over the unicom as Charybdis, personal pilot of Count Baltar, the Council's delegate from Piscera." "I think I can guess the rest," Apollo decided to finish, "When the guard let him in, he was knocked out, and Charybdis went to work." "Exactly," Adama nodded. "So we have to look for the guard then, and see if he can identify him. Even if he never saw his face, he'd at least recognize a voice, or have some idea of his build, height, or something that could help us narrow things down." "Would you have his name in the file?" Boomer felt his hopes starting to rise. "I should have it," Adama got up and went over to a large wall cabinet on the other side of his office. When he opened it, large quantities of both paper and computer disc files could be seen inside. "We put it together on such short notice, and in the haste of everything, I don't think it was ever transferred to a computer file." he then pulled out several folders, "Here it is. The final report on the cause of the sabotage. This was also used when the Council tried and convicted Baltar in absentia." He handed the folders to Apollo, who quickly opened them and began flipping through the pages. After studying them for more than a centon, his expression grew crestfallen and he almost dropped the file to the floor. "What is it?" Boomer asked with concern. "The guard can't help us now," Apollo sighed, "I recognize his name. Shields. He transferred to viper duty after the Battle of Kobol and got fried by the Ravashol pulsar at Arcta." A somber silence came over the room, as they realized what it meant. "That puts us in deep felgercarb," Boomer said. "If no one can identify Charybdis from among the Rising Star employees, then our alternate scenario's no good." "So it would seem," Adama sat down again, "But I think the two of you have forgotten that there is another source you can consult." "Who?" Boomer frowned. Apollo was staring at his father, and saw him slowly nodding his head with a mirthless half-smile. "Father," he said, "You don't mean who I think you mean?" "I do," Adama's tone was matter-of-fact, "And at this stage, do you really have any other choice?" Chapter Five For thirteen sectans, Baltar had only known the emptiness of his nondescript cell aboard the Prison Barge. Unable to do anything except eat the three meals slipped through the cell door each day, sleep, pace about or lie down on the uncomfortable bed. Where too often, he simply brooded and wondered whether or not he was going through the last day of his sanity. He still could not come to terms with how he had arrived at this ignoble end. Thirteen sectans ago, he was at the height of his power. In command of a Cylon basestar, personally entrusted by the Imperious Leader to seek out the last remnants of the race he had betrayed and destroy them. Granted, he had been through some brutal setbacks of late. The loss of two basestars at the hands of Commander Cain at the Battle of Gomorrah had still lingered heavily, but Baltar still had the means to pursue the Galactica and her rag-tag Fleet with his own ship. At some point, a new opportunity would arise. And then, the lights had come. Mysterious white lights traveling faster than the eye could comprehend that had compelled him to leave the safety of his baseship and seek out the Galactica under a sign of truce. He had literally expected his fellow humans to honor the rules of truce and treat him with respect while he presented the case for a temporary alliance. But instead, he had been greeted with cold contempt as the Council of Twelve carried out a sentence they had agreed on long ago when he had been tried in absentia. The rules of truce would not be honored, and Baltar, now that he was in the hands of Colonial authority would be sent to the Prison Barge for the rest of his life in total isolation. He had tried to protest. But someone, no something had stopped him and caused him to drop to his knees in weak horror. Some being calling himself Count Iblis. And then, days later, that same bizarre figure had appeared in his cell. Speaking in the familiar tongue of the Cylon Imperious Leader. Further deepening the air of mystery about him. And then, one last parting word of what had sounded like reassurance. He had actually felt Iblis's hand touching his shoulder which he knew was impossible, since the enigmatic Count had been outside his locked cell. Telling him not to give up hope. That his imprisonment had only been a temporary necessity. But since that day, there had been nothing. Nothing but endless isolation. He had been granted none of the privileges normally accorded to prisoners. Never allowed out of his cell even for meals or to just stretch his legs in the corridor. And very little conversation with anyone, since the guards who patrolled outside his cell never could stand the sight of him. He'd long ago given up any hope that he would wake up one morning and see the fighters from his baseship launching an assault on the Fleet in a bid to rescue him. One benefit of his imprisonment was to spend his lonely centars realizing how dangerously unreliable Lucifer had been to him as a second-in-command. The streak of ambition that had guided him nearly all his life rested within the IL Cylon as surely as it did within himself. No doubt, Lucifer had command of his baseship now and reveled in it so much that the idea of risking the loss of that command by rescuing Baltar would only seem anathema to the IL. Once that reality had set in he'd wondered how long it would be before he'd go mad for the rest of his life. Instead, he found that the easiest way to fight off insanity was to keep his hate directed at the ones he felt most responsible for his plight. And from Baltar's standpoint, no one was more responsible for his predicament than Adama. When Adama had rejected his offer in the tomb of the Ninth Lord of Kobol to set a trap that would turn the tables on the Cylons, Baltar knew that his status as an outcast from his race had been cemented for eternity. With no chance to ever achieve what he'd really wanted, which was revenge against the Cylons for double-crossing him and destroying his own colony of Piscera and everything that had meaning to him. After thirteen sectans of isolation, he'd found that his instincts had been proved right. His hate, coupled with a determination to stay alive long enough to one day act on that hate, had kept him sane. But whether he could make that last forever, in a universe where there was no hope of ever being able to act on that hate, remained an unanswered question that terrified him each day. "You got visitors, Baltar." Baltar looked up from his bench at the door where Sergeant Reese of Council Security stood outside. There was an aura about Reese that always managed to keep Baltar convinced that his treason against humanity had been the correct decision. To him, the whole of human society was fast becoming a society of Reeses' in the yahrens leading before the Holocaust. Unimaginative. Dim-witted for the most part. Incapable of summoning the strength to win the war against the Cylons. With humanity on a fast track in that direction, little wonder that he had concluded that humanity as a whole was doomed unless someone took the initiative of approaching the Cylons to preserve one enclave. Reese was one person he could always feel superior around. "Visitors?" he inquired sarcastically, "I'm relieved. The company will exceed anything I've had from your kind." The guard felt his muscles tense, but found that he didn't have an effective retort to use. Instead, he opened the cell door and motioned his hand. "Go right in." A micron later, Baltar lifted an eyebrow when he saw Apollo enter, followed by Boomer. Baltar didn't know the dark-skinned warrior, but he was already well-acquainted with Adama's son from that fateful encounter in the Ninth Lord of Kobol's tomb. For one brief micron, Baltar had sensed that Apollo might have been receptive to Baltar's proposal for striking back against the Cylons. But the cold, stern rejection by his father had seemingly intimidated Apollo, keeping him from challenging Adama on that point. And that was something that made Baltar hate Apollo with as much vigor as he hated Adama. Apollo could have been his instrument to salvation, and Apollo had failed to do what he should have done. "Well, well, Captain Apollo," Baltar increased the sarcasm in his voice, "How nice to see you again. It's been a long time since Kobol, no?" Apollo flinched for only a brief instant as the unpleasant memory of seeing Serina shot down by one of Baltar's centurions outside the tomb of the Ninth Lord flashed through his mind. "Baltar, we've come because we need some information." Right away, Baltar sensed the faintest trace of desperation in the warrior's voice. In an instant, he knew he had reason to feel good inside and that he could maintain the upper hand throughout the entire conversation. "Information?" Baltar inquired dubiously, "Why Captain, what information could I possibly provide that would be of use to you?" "This concerns an old friend of yours," Apollo folded his arms. "A man named Charybdis." The sarcasm and taunting suddenly disappeared from Baltar's face as he heard a name from his past that he had long ago tried to blot out from his memory. The memory of a man who had piloted his shuttle off the Atlantia microns before the Cylon attack began and waited with him in the safe zone while the destruction of the Fleet and the Colonies took place. And then, they had flown to Piscera and been the first to realize that the Cylons had double-crossed them both. They had landed in Piscera's gutted capital where Baltar had insisted they wait for the occupation force to arrive, since Baltar was determined to raise havoc with the Imperious Leader over the planet's destruction. But Charybdis had found a pretext to leave the shuttle, and once he left, Baltar had never seen him again. At the very micron when Baltar had needed his best lieutenant the most, he had been abandoned again. "Charybdis?" he took on a quizzical aura. "Baltar, cut the felgercarb. You know who we're talking about." Apollo raised his voice. Again, Baltar sensed the desperate edge in Apollo's voice, and wasted no time in reassuming the upper hand. "Perhaps," he said, "The name is familiar. But what is it to you?" Right away, Apollo went into a five centon summary of Ortega's murder, Starbuck's arrest and the belief that Charybdis was responsible. As Apollo talked, Boomer found himself wishing he had the strength to cut him off. Judging from the expression on Baltar's face, Boomer had the distinct impression that Apollo was making a tactical error in laying everything out. But Boomer also knew that if he spoke up and undercut Apollo in front of Baltar, it might cause even more problems. Frack, Boomer thought. I guess this is the kind of scenario where our lack of protector training really starts to show. "Let me get this straight, Captain," Baltar now seemed amused, "You're saying that you believe Charybdis is alive, murdered this Ortega and framed Starbuck?" "That's exactly what I'm saying," Apollo said bluntly. The human traitor didn't bother to conceal his smirk. If Starbuck was in trouble, that was perfectly fine with him. Starbuck was yet another object of Baltar's hate, since the blonde warrior had been a key component to his failed dream at Kobol of uniting with Adama to take revenge on the Cylons. And how ironic that a man so close to Baltar would have been responsible for that. "I'm beginning to understand, Captain," Baltar kept smirking, "You're trying to locate Charybdis. You don't know what he looks like. And that means you need my help. You need me to describe him so you can ultimately identify him." "That's it." For the first time since his imprisonment, Baltar began to laugh in that smug tone that he had always reserved for Lucifer. "You actually need me. How ironic. How pathetic it must seem to you. Your friend's life hangs in the balance and I alone am his potential savior." Boomer's disgust had reached the point where he wanted to turn around and walk out. But Apollo was the one calling the shots, and he was certain that the captain was determined to try this avenue for as long as he possibly could. "Baltar," Apollo tried to conceal any hint of the desperation he was feeling inside, "Are you willing to tell us what he looks like? Are you also willing to identify him once he's found?" The human traitor turned away from the warriors and walked to the other side of his cell. His back was still turned to them when he said, "I'm willing to do it, Captain." For the first time, Apollo felt a sense of relief feel his heart. But an instant later, it stopped when Baltar turned back to face them and grinned malevolently at them. Right away, Apollo knew exactly what the traitor was going to say. "For the right price," Baltar finished his sentence. Apollo's shoulders sagged. "I suppose I don't have to guess what that is, do I?" "Bright lad," Baltar grinned, "You'll go far." "I don't have the authority to promise you a pardon or a release from the Prison Barge," anger now replaced the desperation, "If you cooperate with us and Charybdis is convicted, then I'm sure the Commander will see to it that some of the restrictions you live under be lifted." "I'm not interested in the right to eat my meals with all the other borays who inhabit this dung heap, Captain," Baltar gently retorted, "There is only one price I am interested in, and that is the rectitude of the injustice done to me when I was apprehended in violation of the rules of truce. Convicted and sentenced without any opportunity to state my defense for the record. Shall I go on?" "Yeah, you can go on," Apollo felt the contempt rising in his tone, "But you can do it to an empty room. Reese!" he called out, "Open up and let us out of here!" As the guard's footsteps approached, Baltar remained unaffected by Apollo's defiance, "I've a feeling you'll be back, Captain," the traitor said, "Because if you've come to me, that can only tell me how desperate you are to save your pathetic friend. Inevitably, you will do anything you can to save him, even if that means paying the price of setting me free." Reese arrived outside the cell and pushed the button that opened the door. Apollo and Boomer wasted no time leaving. Once the door had closed again, Baltar went up and looked out down the corridor where he could see the two warriors walking away. "Until next time, gentlemen!" he called out cheerily as he began to laugh again. Five centons later, Apollo and Boomer were flying their shuttle away from the Prison Barge. "I almost felt like I was going to throw up, back there," Apollo was still shaking as he guided the controls. "Lords of Kobol, why was I dumb enough to think we could play that card? Baltar's never going to help us." he then idly glanced at his chronometer, "Twenty four centars before Tribunal convenes." Boomer decided it was time to stop deferring to Apollo. "So what are we going to do?" the dark-skinned warrior said angrily, "Pack up and forget it, and let them start preparing Starbuck's cell?" Apollo glanced sharply at him, "Of course not, damn it! We move on! But our options are now down to almost nothing." "No they're not," Boomer retorted, "We've still got what Chameleon told you. Table number three in the Rising Star's Chancery. Let's swing over there now and see if that leads to something." "Where did you think I was flying this piece of felgercarb, you dumb----" Apollo shouted and then stopped to take a breath. "I'm sorry Boomer," Apollo sighed, "I'm sorry. It's just that my nerves are all shot to Hades." "Forget it," Boomer waved his hand, "I know how you feel. I guess we're both at the breaking point now. So far, every lead that ought to have helped Starbuck out has blown up in our faces." "Maybe Sheba and Athena were right," Apollo said aloud, "Maybe the first thing we should have done was line up an experienced protector and then done the snooping around." "Too late for that now," the dark-skinned warrior grunted, "Starbuck's stuck with the both of us and we have to deliver." Silence took over the shuttle for the next few centons as they assumed a heading toward the Rising Star. When Apollo broke it, there was an edge of trepidation in his voice. "Boomer," he said, "Level with me about something. For the tiniest fraction of a micron, have you ever thought it was possible that...." he trailed off, unable to say what he was thinking. "That Starbuck's really guilty after all, and it's just a coincidence that Ortega was in trouble with Charybdis?" Boomer decided to finish for him. He leaned back in his seat, "I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because I was afraid I might start considering that possibility. Everything I know about Starbuck tells me I can never consider it for even a billionth of a micron. And yet, does my own peace of mind dictate that I have to prepare myself for the possibility that it is true when all is said and done?" "That's exactly what I was thinking," Apollo admitted, "And I had to come to the conclusion that I couldn't let myself believe it or prepare for it, even if the cost would be my sanity." he sighed again, "It's now reached the point where my own fate is all but tied to Starbuck's." "You and me both," Boomer said emphatically, "You and me both." He then tried to change the subject, "Starbuck never had any luck on the Rising Star gambling. Maybe this time the ship will be luckier for him another way." "Yeah," Apollo sighed as the luxury ship came into view, "At this micron, Starbuck's fate may very well rest with a dealer at a pyramid table." Ten centons later, Apollo and Boomer were inside the Chancery just off the Astral Lounge. Even though it had only been a sectan since Apollo had last been here, on the day when he and Starbuck had met Chameleon, it seemed like a lifetime ago. "Table three's that way," Apollo pointed. "I hope this isn't another dead end," Boomer sighed as they started walking toward it. Apollo abruptly stopped in his tracks and grabbed his friend's arm. "I don't think it is," the black-haired captain whispered, "Take a look at the dealer there." Boomer frowned as he saw a curly-haired, heavyset man dealing out pyramid cards to several customers. "You know who that is?" "I sure do," Apollo felt as if a light had suddenly been turned on in a darkened room, "That's Chella.." Boomer glanced back at Apollo, "The one who found Ortega's body!" "Exactly," Apollo nodded, "I think things are finally starting to fall into place." a satisfied smile then came over his face, "And I think we've got our alternate scenario for Tribunal." Boomer felt slightly uneasy, "Aren't you jumping the gun just a bit there? Maybe we should go over there and probe him with a few questions first." "And tip him off?" Apollo gently shot back and shook his head, "Uh-uh. Tomorrow, we call him as a witness and then we spring our surprise on him. In the meantime, let's get prepared with some background data we'll be needing." "Like what?" "You go talk to the head of operations for the Chancery and see to it that all records pertaining to Table Three winnings be impounded as evidence. We'll need them to substantiate that Ortega's earnings came specifically from there. I'll be heading back to the Galactica and another trip to Komma and his computers to do a check on Chella. I have a feeling that I won't be finding very much personal background data. If both of those points check out, then we're all set for tomorrow." Boomer stared at the dealer and slowly took a breath. "Okay," he said, "I'll get on that. And let's hope we've bought Starbuck the time he needs." That evening, Apollo and Boomer were in the empty chamber where the Council of Twelve normally met, using the conference table to go over all the material for the Tribunal. "We've got it," Apollo said with satisfaction, "An alternate scenario that meets all the required steps to guarantee a lengthy continuance. Chella has opportunity, means, and from the looks of these Chancery records, has been paying off Ortega rather handsomely." "I'm not sure we should press ahead though and try to peg Chella as Charybdis." Boomer cautioned, "I mean, the Charybdis angle doesn't have to be true if Chella's guilty." Apollo vigorously shook his head, "I don't buy that. Barton's statement about Charybdis being the only one with the guts to kill Ortega is critical for motive establishment. If we find another guy with means and opportunity, then it can only lead ultimately to Charybdis, or else Barton's testimony becomes worthless. The only we can impress the Tribunal overseers is to keep our scenario narrowly focused on Charybdis." "All right then," Boomer leaned back in his chair and sighed, "So tomorrow morning, Solon starts things off by entering all the physical evidence into the record that points to Starbuck's guilt. Then the overseers ask us if we intend to present an alternate scenario. You make the opening statement and then the witnesses start from our side. How many do we call before we get to Chella and spring our surprises on him?" "Only two," Apollo said, "Barton and another old acquaintance of Ortega's who helps further cement the connection with Charybdis." "I don't feel as secure as I think you do, Apollo," Boomer confessed, "Chella opens up a lot of interesting possibilities but I can't help but think that he's not the end result of all this." "What else can he end up with?" the captain retorted, "Doesn't it strike you as odd that with all his connections to Ortega he just happened to be down in that area?" "Of course it does," Boomer said, "Still....." "We've got more than enough to present an alternate scenario that points to Chella," Apollo went on with determination. "And the longer we drag out the process, the greater the odds that Starbuck will end up getting acquitted. We have to go full blast with this, or Starbuck's finished." "I hope you're right," Boomer said quietly as he leaned back in his chair, "By all the Lords I hope you're right." When Apollo returned to his quarters a centar later, he felt exhausted. The most difficult day of his life now lay ahead and the one thing he wanted more than anything else was rest. "Dad?" He looked up and was surprised to see Boxey standing in front of the door that led to his own room, with his beloved Muffit alongside him. "Boxey," Apollo came up to his son and gave him a quick hug, "How come you're up so late?" "I wanted you to tell me that Starbuck's going to be okay," there was a sullen, depressed tone in the little boy's voice, "They keep saying he's guilty and that he's going to go the Prison Barge." "Hey don't believe everything you hear, Boxey," Apollo said gently as he inwardly cursed at himself for having put off that talk he'd meant to have with his son. "Boomer and I have been busting our tails off looking for the things that are going to prove he's innocent. And you know something?" he looked him in the eye, "It's all going to work out." "Will it?" Boxey seemed unconvinced. "Hey," he kept looking him in the eye, "You got to learn to keep trusting me, son. Don't I always keep my promise when I tell you I'm going to come back from a difficult mission?" "Yeah." "Then just think of this as another difficult mission that I'm going to come back from and Starbuck's going to come back from. It's just that we're fighting something different than the Cylons this time." "What are you fighting?" Apollo sighed. How do you explain to a child that the system of justice designed to protect the rights of each individual had in this instance, let Starbuck down? "Well Boxey, let me put it like this. Some people have made a big mistake, and Boomer and I have to point out to them why they've made a mistake and why it's not possible for Starbuck to be guilty." "What if they don't realize they've made a mistake?" His father took a breath, "They won't Boxey. That's because the truth is stronger than any mistake someone makes. Even a mistake as big as the one they've made against Starbuck." he smiled, "Now you go to bed and don't worry a thing about it." Boxey returned the smile and kissed him on the cheek, "Good night Dad," he said as he went back into his room with Muffit trailing. When the door closed, Apollo realized again that the peace of mind of so many people was resting on the outcome of what happened tomorrow. It had now moved beyond even the impact on Starbuck's life. The next morning, the special chamber aboard the Galactica where formal Tribunal sessions took place was crowded with spectators who had come to see the fate of Lieutenant Starbuck decided. In one cluster, Athena, Cassiopeia, Sheba and a stoic Chameleon sat together. Behind them sat Jolly, Greenbean, Giles and Bojay. Two tables lay in front of the spectators gallery. Sire Solon sat at the table to the spectators right. At the table to the left sat Apollo, Boomer and Starbuck. Ahead of them, sitting up on a raised platform overlooking the gallery were the three Overseers. Adama sat on the far left, in the position of Chief Overseer. Next to him sat the military's representative, Commander Kronus, one-time commander of the Battlestar Ricon and the Colonial Fourth Fleet, while on the far right sat the civilian representative, the genial-faced Sire Anton. Had Starbuck been a civilian then the Tribunal would have been comprised solely of three civilian overseers. In this instance, trial of a member of the Colonial Service meant two military and one civilian overseer, with the Fleet Commander acting as Chief Overseer. The ringing of a ceremonial bell indicated that the Tribunal was ready to begin. All conversation in the galleries came to an end and every pair of eyes now locked on Adama. "This Tribunal of the Colonial Nation against Lieutenant Starbuck will now come to order," Adama said in his most solemn tone, "At this time, will the Chief Opposer for the state please submit the bill of indictment against the accused to this Tribunal?" Solon rose from his seat and began to read from a parchment. Always, the tradition of Tribunal dictated that bills of indictment be transcribed to the ancient form of written communication for their formal reading. "It is charged that on the 211th day of the yahren 7352, the accused, Lieutenant Starbuck of the Colonial Service did with total premeditation cause the termination of Wing Sergeant Ortega through a single laser shot. Said charge made on the indisputable fact that the accused's weapon was discovered through indisputable scientific testing to be the weapon of termination. That the accused was also seen by an eyewitness fleeing the scene of the murder only mere centons after he and the victim had engaged in a fight during the course of a triad match, and nearly came to blows again just afterwards. That the accused was known to have had long-standing hatred of the victim and on more than one occasion was heard by others to have made statements implying the threat of physical violence against the victim. And that the accused alone had the means, opportunity and motive to perform said termination of the victim, Wing Sergeant Ortega." Solon then resumed his seat. Starbuck felt the urge to whisper a sarcastic remark in Apollo's ear, but had already been warned in advance not to do so. "Thank you, Sire Solon," Adama said, "The members of this tribunal, Commander Kronus, Sire Anton and myself, have all had the opportunity to review the evidence presented by the state at the time of Lieutenant Starbuck's indictment forty-eight centars ago. As this is a capital offense, subject to the codes established by the Colonial Council of Twelve in relation to the suspension of the death penalty in 7204, the protectors for the accused are now asked if they intend to present any evidence to this Tribunal that would suggest an alternate scenario to that presented by the state in the bill of indictment." Apollo rose from his seat and stood at his most erect bearing, "We are prepared to do so." A low murmur went up from the spectators, for the most part a murmur of relief. It meant that for them, their worst fear would not be borne out. A quick conviction and sentence for Starbuck. "Very well," Adama motioned, "Please state your alternate scenario for the record. And I would remind the chief protector that in order for this Tribunal to give consideration to any alternate scenario, it must take into account and provide explanations for all of the relevant evidence introduced by the State, and must also be prepared to provide further evidence that lends credence to the alternate scenario." For an instant, Apollo realized that his father had found a quiet, subtle way of reminding him what the exact wording of the codes were on this point. He faintly nodded his head and moved out in front of his table. "Sire Solon," he nodded to the Chief Opposer and then turned to the table in front of him, "Esteemed members of the Tribunal." Apollo took a breath. This was it. "The circumstances that led to Sergeant Ortega's termination have their origins during the tragedy that led to our flight across the stars. They begin during a critical time prior to the Holocaust when Sergeant Ortega, through a set of fortuitous circumstances, found himself privy to the identity of a man whose treachery was greater than any other's that night, with the singular exception of the infamous Baltar. "For the past yahren, Sergeant Ortega, alone among our entire population, knew that this traitor to the Colonial Nation was in our midst, living in the Fleet under a new identity. But instead of using his knowledge to perform his duties as a warrior in the Colonial Service, and have this traitor placed under arrest, he instead used it for the sake of personal profit. Through a long-standing campaign of blackmail that insured that Ortega would enjoy a lifestyle far more comfortable than that of the average warrior. "When Sergeant Ortega was murdered, it was not at the hand of Lieutenant Starbuck, one of the finest warriors of record. While the defense concedes that there was genuine long-standing hatred between the accused and the victim, at no time did Lieutenant Starbuck ever contemplate the horrible crime of which he is now accused." he then turned to face Starbuck, "For more than seven yahrens, Lieutenant Starbuck has been among the finest warriors ever to serve the Colonial nation. Putting his life on the line countless times to defend the principles that have made our fight against the Cylon Empire a just cause." he turned back to the Tribunal, "And Lieutenant Starbuck, like any other warrior who has risked his life, is well aware that among the most powerful of our codes is that no crime is greater than that of a human taking the life of another." He paused briefly and stepped closer to the rise where the overseers stared down at him, "Murder. Termination. The only kind of person capable of committing the greatest mockery to our codes is someone who has demonstrated in the past that he has no regard for those codes to begin with. Lieutenant Starbuck does not fit that profile. But the real killer of Sergeant Ortega does." "Captain Apollo," the cold voice of Commander Kronus suddenly interrupted, "I have been sitting here patiently waiting for you to give us a name according to the alternate scenario and instead you've been dragging things out in a very irregular, almost theatrical manner. Now I don't know how many times you've taken part in a Capital Tribunal proceeding, but having sat on more than I care to remember over the yahrens, one thing I was always relieved by was the punctuality and succinctness of an alternate scenario when it's presented for the first time!" Apollo flushed slightly. He had been following the standard format of what a protector said at the outset of Tribunal, and hadn't realized that things were different in a capital case such as this. "My apologies, Commander," Apollo said, slightly shaken. Adama almost winced, knowing that his son had just let his inexperience be compounded by letting the stern words of an overseer intimidate him. "The real killer of Sergeant Ortega, is a man called Charybdis." There was a slight stirring from the spectators since most of them were familiar with the name. "The man who was singlehandedly responsible for the deaths of billions of people when he sabotaged the Colonial Defense Network prior to the Cylon Holocaust is alive in this Fleet, and terminated Ortega because Ortega knew who he was, and was blackmailing him." Apollo took a breath, hoping that his confidence was now back, "We intend to demonstrate to this Tribunal that Charybdis had access to the Training Room areas because he is in fact in this Fleet as an employee on the Rising Star. And that while Lieutenant Starbuck was in the turbowash, Charybdis took his laser pistol, terminated Sergeant Ortega and then returned it to Lieutenant Starbuck's locker." Apollo returned to his table and resumed his seat. Both Boomer and Starbuck could see that he was sweating nervously, as though he feared that his inexperience had shown up badly. It was enough to make Starbuck absently gaze down at the floor and bite his lip. "Thank you Captain Apollo," Adama said evenly, "Are you prepared to introduce evidence to this Tribunal to validate your alternate scenario?" Apollo rose again, this time holding several parchments, "We are sir. As a preliminary, we wish to place before the Tribunal, the report of the Council of Twelve concerning the sabotage of the Colonial Defense Network at the time of the Holocaust, and the identification of Charybdis as the saboteur." "Any protest from the state?" Adama inquired of Solon, as the parchments were handed to the Tribunal Officer and placed on the rise. "No protest," Solon said, "The state will stipulate for the record, the accuracy of the Council's report." "Proceed, Captain." Apollo nodded, "At this time, we wish to call witnesses who will establish that the victim was indeed acquainted with Charybdis." "Do either of my fellow overseers protest at this point, or do they find sufficient grounds to continue exploration of the alternate scenario?" Adama turned to both Kronus and Anton. "No protest," Kronus said. "No protest," Anton shook his head. "Sire Solon?" "No protest." "Call your first witness, Captain Apollo." "We call Flight Sergeant Barton." At the far end, a Colonial Security Guard and Barton entered from his waiting position. Under the rules of Tribunal, all witnesses were not permitted to be in the chamber during the proceedings until they were called. As soon as Barton reached the witness platform located directly in between Sire Anton's position on the far right and Sire Solon's table, the Tribunal Officer held up a copy of the Book of the Word. "Do you solemnly pledge upon the Book of the Word and the Lords of Kobol that what you are about to report to this Tribunal shall be true and accurate to the fullest?" "I do swear," Barton said and sat down in the chair behind the platform, hoping this wouldn't take up too much of his day. "Would you please state for the record your name and current designation?" Adama inquired. "Flight Sergeant Barton, presently assigned to viper duty in Red Squadron." "Proceed with the witness," Adama motioned to Apollo. "Thank you," Apollo moved in front of the table. "Sergeant Barton, were you acquainted with the victim?" "I was." "How did you know him?" "Sergeant Ortega was my wingmate in Red Squadron for the past four sectars. He was also my partner in the triad league." Apollo then guided him through another set of rudimentary questions establishing how well Barton and Ortega knew each other, with the sergeant injecting a clarification about how he held no affection whatsoever for his late partner. "Sergeant Barton," Apollo finally focused in, "Did Sergeant Ortega ever think that the accused, Lieutenant Starbuck, might kill him?" "I protest!" Solon got to his feet, "The Chief Protector is trying to make the witness assume state of mind for someone else." "Upheld," Adama said gently and leaned forward, "Restate your question, Captain Apollo. The witness can make no assumptions about everything that went through Sergeant Ortega's mind." "Uh.....yes," Apollo nodded, his train of thought momentarily disrupted. "Ah...Sergeant Barton, did Ortega ever say to you personally at any time that he feared an attempt on his life from Lieutenant Starbuck?" "No sir, he didn't," Barton said. "Did he ever express the thought that anyone might kill him?" "Yes sir, he did." "Please tell the Tribunal who he said might kill him." "I protest!" Solon was on his feet again, "This is secondhand information, and totally useless in terms of establishing the truth." "Disallowed," Adama's tone was firmer, "Sergeant Barton is providing an eyewitness account of what he heard. Perfectly admissible under the codes. You may answer the question, Sergeant." Barton then repeated the story he had told Apollo and Boomer about Ortega saying that only 'good old Charybdis' had the guts to kill him. "At the time did the name Charybdis mean anything to you?" "No sir," Barton shook his head with regret, "The flyer listing all the names from Baltar's operation totally escaped my memory. I wish it hadn't, because had I remembered the name I certainly would have reported what Ortega said to my superior, Lieutenant Boomer." "Did Ortega say anything else about Charybdis?" "He did. When I asked who Charybdis was, he just laughed and said he was a man of mystery who once made the mistake of letting him find out why he was a man of mystery." "A man of mystery," Apollo said with great interest as he walked away from the witness platform and looked first Sire Solon in the eye, and then turned back and faced the Tribunal members again, "A man of mystery. That's a very interesting comment." "Captain Apollo, you are once again engaging in theatrics. Let your evidence speak for itself and kindly move on!" Commander Kronus interjected sternly. "My dear Commander Kronus," Sire Anton cut in coolly, "I think it would do the dignity of these proceedings much better if you refrain from badgering the Chief Protector. I think we all recognize that as this is his first case, his is not apt to grasp every nicety or mannerism with which a professional protector conducts himself. You only suggest a prejudiced attitude otherwise." "My fellow overseer is out of line," the one-time battlestar commander retorted. "I am only insisting on regular order and proper decorum to these proceedings and I resent the implication that I am being biased toward the Protector." The sound of the ceremonial bell rang in three rapid bursts. "My fellow overseers will refrain from any further distractions to these proceedings," Adama said coldly, "This exchange is irrelevant and a waste of time. But it is the opinion of the Chief Overseer that Captain Apollo should be permitted to present his evidence in any way that maintains the spirit, if not the precise letter of the codes governing these proceedings. You may now continue, Captain Apollo." "Thank you Commander," Apollo bowed slightly, grateful that his father had found a way of coming down in his favor without making it look like that he was playing favorites. "I have no further questions at this time." "Sire Solon, do you wish to question the witness?" "I do," the Chief Opposer rose and made his way up to where Barton was seated, while Apollo resumed his seat at the defense table between Starbuck and Boomer. The blonde warrior was trying to keep his expression totally neutral, but the manner in which he was constantly fidgeting his thumbs revealed what he was feeling inside. "Sergeant Barton," Solon began, "You have testified that when Sergeant Ortega mentioned this Charybdis person, it was prompted by a comment you made to him while you were both on deep patrol." "Yes." "Would you repeat again your exact words that you said?" Barton shifted slightly in his chair, "I believe I said something to the effect that if Ortega kept acting the way he did away from his viper and away from the triad court, someone might snap and kill him someday." "That wasn't all you mentioned, was it Sergeant?" Solon zeroed in. "Did you mention any names?" At the defense table, Boomer winced slightly as he realized what Barton was about to say. So did Apollo. Barton took a breath, "I said that the way Starbuck was looking him in the eye, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it were him." "Really," Sire Solon said with mock amazement, "Now why would you think that Starbuck, a whole sectan before the triad match took place, would have reason to snap someday and kill Sergeant Ortega?" "Now wait a centon!" Apollo suddenly got to his feet, and then realizing his blunder tried to calm himself down, "Uh, I mean, I protest. The, ah...." In the spectator's gallery, Athena visibly cringed while Sheba was biting her lower lip and slowly shaking her head. You just had to take on this responsibility all by yourself, didn't you, Apollo? "...the ah, Chief Opposer is bringing in matters completely irrelevant to these, ah...." "Disallowed," Adama said sharply, wanting to move on as quickly as possible before Apollo embarrassed himself any further. "You may answer the question, Sergeant." As Apollo resumed his seat, Starbuck glared at him for an instant and whispered angrily, "Try to think before you get on your feet, will you?" "Sorry," Apollo whispered back. "Well, the only reason I mentioned Starbuck was because of what had happened earlier, before Ortega and I got put on deep patrol." Barton resumed. "And what happened?" Solon asked with sharp emphasis. "Ortega and Starbuck almost had a brawl in the Officers Club," Barton felt uneasy, "Ortega was giving Starbuck a lot of trash talk about the upcoming match and Starbuck got up from his table and said a few words. They might have come to blows if Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Boomer hadn't arrived to break it up. Chameleon closed his eyes and lowered his head slightly. He had been there, and he now remembered exactly what Starbuck had said when he'd gotten up from the table they'd been sharing. "What did Lieutenant Starbuck say?" Again, Barton took a breath, "He said that after the match, Ortega wouldn't be in any condition to go near a bar. And that he had a new strategy that would wipe the smirk off his face forever." "I see," the opposer nodded with satisfaction as he moved back to his table, "I have no further questions." "Not what I would call a flying start," Cassiopeia whispered to Chameleon as she tried not to grind her teeth from inner anxiety. What she feared more than anything else was the thought that if Starbuck were convicted, she might end up blaming herself for not trying to talk him into a self-defense plea with more fervor. Not because she believed the charge, but because she couldn't imagine her own psyche dealing with the thought of him locked away in the Prison Barge forever. "No," Chameleon admitted as he whispered back, "Hopefully Apollo's got a lot more than that." "Your next witness?" Adama looked over at the Defense Table. Apollo got to his feet, "We call Chief Danzig." The Tribunal Officer opened the door again at the far side and a man in his midforties with graying hair entered the room and took his place behind the witness platform after repeating the oath to tell the truth. "Please state your name and designation for the record." The man leaned forward, "Danzig. Presently attached as Class G-1 employee aboard the passenger ship Antares as Chief of Operations." "Chief Danzig," Apollo moved in front of the table, "What was your designation prior to the Antares?" "Twenty-three yahrens attached to the Colonial Service, honorably retired five sectars ago with the rank of Chief Master Sergeant." "What area of the Service were you attached to?" "Colonial Security. I spent five yahrens aboard the Battlestar Acropolis, and the next eighteen attached to District Headquarters on Caprica." "Did you know the victim, Sergeant Ortega?" "I did," Danzig said stoically, "For more than a yahren, he was my partner in the Colonial Security unit assigned to the Caprica City Aerodrome." "This was the yahren leading up to the Holocaust?" "It was." "Were you and Sergeant Ortega in fact, on duty together on the afternoon and evening prior to the Holocaust?" "We were." "What was your impression of Sergeant Ortega?" "I didn't like him one bit," Danzig was blunt, "He was difficult to work with and was constantly getting himself into trouble." "Were you aware of his gambling habits?" "I protest!" Solon got to his feet, "This is completely irrelevant." "Relevancy will be established soon," Apollo said, "It is our contention that Sergeant Ortega's gambling skills at this point in time have a bearing in proving our contention that Charybdis was his true killer." "I'll let you proceed for now, Captain Apollo," Adama said with an air of caution, "But if it becomes clear to a majority of the Overseers that you are not demonstrating relevance, we will not hesitate to have the testimony stricken from the record." "Thank you," Apollo nodded, "Were you aware of his gambling habits in the yahren you worked with him on Caprica?" "I was," Danzig nodded, "In the time I knew him, Ortega ran up a debt well into five figures of cubits. He had to pay off his creditors by pulling double shifts in order to earn extra pay vouchers." "So he was, to put it mildly, an unsuccessful gambler with no apparent proficiency at any of the games." "That is a mild way of putting it, but it is true." "And on the night of the Holocaust, was Sergeant Ortega planning to pull a double shift again?" "Yes, on the night when every single warrior in the service was anxious to be home celebrating the so-called 'Peace Conference,'" he injected a note of sarcasm on the last two words, "Ortega was pulling double duty again." "Meaning that he had yet to correct his problem by that point." "That's correct." Apollo began to pace back and forth in front of the witness platform, "Could you briefly explain what your duties were at the Caprica City Aerodrome with Sergeant Ortega?" "Our job was to man the checkpoint for entry to the military section of the Aerodrome. Any hovermobile or person who wanted access had to be cleared officially by us first before they could proceed. No exceptions permitted." "In all that time that you and Sergeant Ortega spent on that last shift before the Holocaust took place, how heavy was the traffic that day?" "Non-existent," Danzig was again blunt, "No one wanted to fly out that night. They all wanted to stay on Caprica for the celebrations that were supposed to take place." "So in all that time, no one came by trying to get access to the military side of the Aerodrome?" "No sir," Danzig shook his head, "One person did come by in a hovermobile at about 1700 that afternoon." "One person," Apollo stopped and looked at him, "Who was that?" "I'm afraid I don't know, sir. I had gone inside to the guardhouse for a cup of java. I only heard the hovermobile pull up to the Checkpoint. I can tell you it was going very fast and for a micron I almost thought it was going to crash into the force barrier and cause a big mess." "But it didn't." "No." "And Sergeant Ortega handled that one person who gained access to the military zone?" "He did. When I came out and I asked him about it, he just kind of laughed and said that the man had shown him everything he needed to see, and then Ortega shut up and never said another word about it." Apollo wished he could have asked Danzig to explain his suspicions about what had happened, because when he had first contacted the ex-Colonial Security Guard and heard his story Danzig had said that he was convinced Ortega had taken bribe money to let the person go through the checkpoint without going through normal clearance procedures. But Apollo had read enough of the codes to know that kind of speculation would never be permitted. He moved back to the Defense Table and picked up his copy of the Council report, "I call the Tribunal's attention to section two, page two of the Council report on the sabotage of the Colonial Defense Network that was earlier admitted to the record and stipulated to by the State. If I may be permitted to read the relevant section?" "Any protest?" Adama inquired of Solon. "No protest." the dark-skinned opposer said. Apollo cleared his throat and began to read, "'At 1219 that day, the Caprica City Aerodrome Operations Center gave permission to a shuttle bearing Count Baltar of Piscera to land on the military side of the Aerodrome. The Operations Center contacted the shuttle and asked how long they planned to stay or if they needed to bring their shuttle to a nearby hangar. Count Baltar stated that his personal pilot was conducting a personal errand in Caprica City and would return within several centars to take him on to the Peace Conference aboard the Battlestar Atlantia. At 1704, two centars after the incident in which Security Officer Shields stated he was knocked out while on duty at the Colonial Defense Network Complex, Count Baltar's shuttle finally left the Aerodrome. No one at the Operations Center can recall though if his pilot was ever permitted back in or if Colonial Security had contacted the Operations Center to ask for clearance for his returning pilot, Charybdis.'" Apollo put the papers down at the table and moved back in front of the witness platform, "That would be exactly four centons after this one person driving the fast hovermobile was allowed to pass by Sergeant Ortega, would it not?" "It would." Danzig nodded. "When had your shift began?" "At 1400." "And no one had come by at all during that time except for that one man at 1700?" "No one." "Now Chief Danzig," Apollo began to pace, "Is it logical to assume that Sergeant Ortega would have seen the face of whoever it was that went through at that point?" "He had to have seen it, and he had to have seen what his name was." "Thank you," Apollo smiled, "I have no further questions." "Sire Solon?" Solon only half-rose from his seat, "No questions." "You are dismissed Chief Danzig. Thank you for your participation." Adama said politely. As the gray-haired man left, Starbuck leaned over to Boomer and inquired, "What good did that guy do?" "Plenty," Boomer whispered back, "He established that Ortega had to have known who Charybdis was from the start, and he also established that Ortega was a lousy gambler." "Okay, I get the first point, but what does the second point prove?" "You're about to find out, Starbuck. And this is where we're going for broke." Chapter Six All morning, ever since he had been notified that he was going to be called before the Tribunal, Chella had felt a persistent sensation of being sick to his stomach. Going into more details about Ortega's death was the last thing he wanted to do. He'd already felt he'd caught the luckiest break of his life when he saw Starbuck running from the scene and then stumbled upon the curly-haired sergeant's body microns later. The thought that his relief and sense of safety at long last would be pulled out from under him was something he found too cruel to consider. Now, he'd spent the last twenty centons in the outer chamber with Barton and Danzig, unable to speak to either one under the codes, forced to wait in silence until the door was opened and he was called in to the chamber. He sat and watched as Barton was called in first, and then Danzig. Now, he was all alone in the outer chamber and could feel his inner tension forcing its way out. A nervous tapping of his right foot. The perspiration breaking out on his forehead. When the door swung open, he felt his heart nearly go into his throat. The moment had come, and he hoped it would pass quickly and he could leave the Tribunal with his sense of security restored. He got up, straightened his tunic and walked into the chamber at a steady, even pace, stopping in front of the Tribunal Officer to take the appropriate oath before taking his seat on the witness platform. In the spectators gallery, Cassiopeia found herself holding her breath, hoping that this witness would lead to more promising results. She could feel Chameleon taking her hand and squeezing it. She noticed right away how his hand was shaking, indicating how much inner anguish he was going through. Next to them, Sheba was frowning slightly as she watched the witness take the oath and then his seat. That undefinable chord of recognition that she'd felt when she'd seen Chella the night of the murder was coming back to her again. But still, she couldn't figure out why the Chancery employee looked so familiar to her. "Please state your name and designation for the record," Adama said. "Chella," he looked straight ahead, "G-4 employee attached to the Rising Star, working in the Main Chancery." "Proceed, Captain Apollo." Apollo rose and came up to him, determined not to start off aggressively. "Now Chella," he said, "I don't want to waste time rehashing most of what you said in your deposition the night of the murder and which has been entered previously by Sire Solon. However, I was wondering if you could at least restate for the record, why you happened to be down in that area at that particular time?" Chella tried not to tense. This was by far the one weak link of his entire story, and he knew he had to make the lie more convincing than ever. "As I said before, I got off-duty at 2130 and went down to the Astral Lounge to watch the match. When the ejection took place and I saw that a lot of people were leaving, I figured that this was my chance to watch some of the game from one of the choice seats. That's one of the benefits of being a Rising Star employee." "I see," Apollo said, "In other words, you just wanted to enjoy watching a triad match from a seat that ordinarily you could never have paid full price for." "Yeah, that's it." "And even though there really wasn't much of a game left to watch after the double ejection, you figured it was worth getting there anyway?" "Just figured it was something worth doing." "Okay," Apollo nodded and then looked down at some documents on the table, "So you left the Astral Lounge and were going to the triad court when you ran into Lieutenant Starbuck in the corridor outside the training rooms." "That's correct." Apollo still avoided looking at him as he absently picked up several sheets of paper, "Is that the most direct way to get from the Astral Lounge to the Spectators Gallery?" The heavy-set dealer frowned slightly, "I'm sorry?" Apollo now looked at him, "The route you took from the Astral Lounge to the Spectators Gallery. Is the most direct way there by way of the training room areas?" For the first time, Chella seemed slightly rattled, "Uh....well no, but----" "As a matter of fact, the quickest way from the Astral Lounge is to use the main corridor and the main turbo lift down to level three, isn't it?" Apollo picked up the tempo of his questions. "I suppose so." "You suppose?" an edge of incredulity entered his voice, "As a Rising Star employee, you're trained to know the layout of that ship inside out, aren't you?" "Yes, but....well you see with all those crowds leaving the game, I would have probably run into too many of them and not gotten to the Gallery in time before the game was over." "I see," Apollo nodded, "So you were down by the training rooms at that particular time because you wanted to avoid the crowds and find an easy way to get to a choice seat for the rest of the game." "That's it," he nodded fervently. Apollo almost chuckled lightly and then looked down at the parchments he was holding, "Tell me Chella, had you ever met Sergeant Ortega before?" "I protest!" Solon rose, "Irrelevant." "Disallowed," Adama said, feeling his interest piqued, "Proceed." "Thank you," Apollo nodded and looked back to Chella, "Had you ever met Sergeant Ortega before?" "I knew who he was." Chella said, with a touch of defensiveness. "That's not what I asked, Chella," Apollo took a step towards him, "Practically everyone in the Fleet who follows triad knew who Ortega was. But were you acquainted with him personally?" Chella folded his arms and looked Apollo in the eye, "No." "That's interesting," Apollo said as he came to the Overseers Bench, "According to your Fleet Personnel File, which at this time I would like to enter into the record, when you were logged in among the survivors of the Fleet, it was by Sergeant Ortega, who was attached to Colonial Security at the time." The pyramid dealer flushed slightly, "How am I supposed to remember someone from one chance meeting during one of the worst days of my life, and anyone else's life?" "All right, we'll concede that for argument's sake, Chella," Apollo said and moved back to the table. "But are you then saying to this Tribunal that there are no other occasions when you've ever met Sergeant Ortega?" "I didn't say that, I just said I wasn't acquainted with him." Chella pointed out. "Oh then that means you have met him before?" "I'm sure I've seen him around the Rising Star on occasion." "Like maybe at your Pyramid table?" Apollo drew closer and decided to zero in. "I wouldn't know." an edge of defiance crept into his voice. Already, most of the spectators had begun to realize where Apollo was going and were now leaning forward in their seats, hanging on every word he and the witness was saying. "I don't remember him playing at my table. He might have, but I wouldn't remember if he did." "Well now that's interesting," Apollo said dubiously, "For a Pyramid dealer who has to keep track of all the cards on the table, you have one very poor memory." "I protest!" Solon bolted from his chair, "The Chief Protector is harassing the witness." "Captain Apollo," Adama leaned forward, "Rephrase your last statement in the form of a direct question to the witness, and do not make any speeches." "Of course," Apollo nodded, "Are you then saying Chella, that in spite of the fact that as a Pyramid dealer who has to always know what cards are on the table and who he's dealing them too, you have no recollection of Ortega ever playing at your table?" "Yeah that's what I'm saying," his nostrils flared slightly, "I'm only paid to remember the cards. I go through more than a hundred customers a day so how can I remember every one after a while?" "Okay, we'll concede that," Apollo said, "But there are always bound to be customers that stick out more than others, aren't there?" "Calls for a conclusion!" Solon chimed in. "Disallowed, considering that the witness should be an expert on the subject." Adama said. "Proceed." "I ah_" Chella fumbled slightly, "Well yes, some can be more memorable than others." "Especially if they're a big winner, right?" Apollo drew closer. "I mean, we might as well admit it, Pyramid is not an easy game to master, and the vast majority of your customers are losers, aren't they?" "Yeah," he shifted in his chair. "And if someone went on a winning streak at Pyramid, that would be one customer worth remembering, wouldn't it?" "I suppose." "You suppose," Apollo then handed a parchment sheet to Chella, "Chella, I want you to take a look at this. It's the records for your Pyramid table in terms of net earnings and losses for the last six sectars. If there are no objections may I enter this into the record?" "Any protests?" Adama looked down at Kronus and Anton who both shook their heads. "Now that's an interesting list, isn't it Chella?" Apollo noted with a touch of sarcasm, "Compared to all other tables in the Chancery, yours has a surprisingly lower net take. In fact, there is a clear pattern of heavy losses incurred on a number of occasions." "We've had some smart customers," Chella felt the sweat breaking out on his forehead again. "Oh really?" Apollo increased the sarcasm, "Since by your own admission, a winning customer is the kind you never forget, why don't we find out who they are? And let me remind you Chella, that any name you give us can be checked out in an instant." Chella bit his lip and lowered his head slightly. "The witness will answer the question," Adama said as the silence lasted nearly a centon. "And I will remind the witness that the penalty for lying to this Tribunal is quite severe." Chella kept his head down. He had to admit the obvious to himself. There was no way he could keep his dirty little secret of the past, secret anymore. Events had now forced him to be open about it. "Okay," he raised his head and seemed to relax, as though he knew that some needed catharsis was about to be performed. "Okay, I won't deny it any longer. I did know Ortega. He was a frequent winner at my table. And on the night he was killed, I was down by the training rooms because I was on my way to meet him." An excited murmur went up among the spectators. For the first time, Starbuck began to feel some hope since his ordeal had begun. Apollo felt as though his efforts were finally paying off. Now he was determined to keep pressing, "You were on your way to meet him?" "Yes," Chella felt like the burden was off his shoulders now. "Earlier that afternoon, I received a telecom from Ortega. He told me to meet him down in the training room at exactly 2210." "At exactly 2210?" Apollo found that intriguing, "Now Chella, you had to know that there was no way that Ortega was going to be finished with the match at that time, didn't you?" "Yes, I knew that, which was why I found the whole thing odd." Chella said, "But when I saw him get thrown out of the game, I figured he was probably planning on having that happen all along." "I protest!" Solon rose, "That is pure speculation." "Upheld," Adama said, "The last portion of the answer will be stricken." "Okay Chella," Apollo drew to within three feet of the dealer, "Why would you be meeting with Ortega to begin with?" Chella took a breath, "Ortega was blackmailing me." he said simply, "He'd been blackmailing me ever since we met during the Exodus, and my letting him win at Pyramid was my way of paying him off." Another gasp went up from the galleries, prompting Adama to ring the ceremonial bell twice. "The galleries will be silent, now!" he said firmly. As soon as the silence returned, Apollo looked him in the eye, "What was he blackmailing you about?" Chella glanced down at the floor, "Because he saw me do something that under Colonial law would mean a penalty of ten yahrens imprisonment at least," he looked up, "My name isn't Chella. It's really Riftis. I was the chief administrative officer for the Solius Corporation of Caprica. We were a major conglomerate, with oversight over more than one hundred different private businesses throughout the planet." From the gallery, a sudden dawning of recognition came over Sheba's face. "The night the Cylons attacked, I was on my way to a party at the main Solius Complex for the Peace Ceremony. I took refuge in a downtown Caprica City shelter and that was where I heard Commander Adama's announcement about the evacuation of the Colonies and how everyone had to get to the nearest available ships. "I knew that the Solius Corporation maintained a private shuttle of their own at the Caprica City Aerodrome, and I figured that was my only chance to get off Caprica before the Cylon occupation forces arrived. But by the time I made it to the Aerodrome, the Solius shuttle had long since left Caprica, and there were mobs upon mobs of people fighting for spots on all the remaining ships that were there. That's when...." he rubbed his eyes slightly, "That's when I did a very terrible thing to save my life. I managed to force my way into the line where the Rising Star was waiting to take off. By this point, a lot of people were beginning to realize that there weren't enough ships at the Aerodrome to handle the load, and this was causing some panic to set in. The Rising Star was by this point the last ship left, and once it left all of us who didn't get aboard would be fending for ourselves before the Cylons arrived again. "An announcement went out on the loudspeaker that women and children only would be among the final groups taken aboard, and a large number of Colonial Security guards were sent out to clear the crowds and make room for women and children. Their orders were to shoot to kill anyone who defied the order. "I knew at that point, I had just one chance left. I forced my way through a throng of women and managed to hide myself behind one of the pillars inside the Rising Star's hangar. By this point they managed to seal the main hangar doors and only several processions of women and children were getting through now." He took a breath and found himself unable to look at anyone in the room, so he kept his eyes on the floor. "I saw one woman. Middle-aged, slightly overweight. She was kind of hanging back from the group that was making its way toward the Rising Star. But what made me realize I had an opportunity was that she was wearing a kind of large cloak with a hood. "I had over eight thousand cubits in my pocket and I motioned to her from behind the pillar waving this large bag of currency at her. She stopped and came behind the pillar, and once she was there I knocked her out, removed her cloak and put it on as fast as I could, making sure it was draped over my head and kept my face hidden in the shadows. I knew this disguise wouldn't hold up for long, but if it lasted long enough for me to get aboard the Rising Star, that would suffice. "I'd only gone a few steps, when I heard this voice telling me to halt. I turned around and saw that it was Sergeant Ortega, pointing his pistol at me. He told me to get out of the hangar in ten microns or he'd shoot to kill. I was so scared, I was almost on the verge of getting down on my knees and begging him to just let me aboard. He said he had his orders, and that I had to take off the cloak and start moving right away. "Finally, I shoved the bag of cubits at him and said, 'There's more than eight thousand here. Won't that be enough to just let me get aboard?' And then I told him that I could even get him more later on, which was a lie, but at that point I was so desperate I'd say anything that would give me a hope of getting aboard. He then nodded faintly at me and said, 'All right, Mr._' and I told him my name and who I was. He then said I could go. I put the hood back on and just dashed up the entryway into the Rising Star as fast as I could. Once I was aboard, I made my way to the nearest storage compartment and got rid of the cloak fast, and just wandered about for the next couple of centars until the Rising Star took off. By that time, another guard ran into me and I just said I'd gotten lost, so he took me back to the main refugee center in the Aquacade, which was where all the earlier survivors, male and female had been sent to. "Ortega was logging the names of survivors when I saw him again. I gave a false name, Chella, and he just kind of chuckled and I knew right away that I had a new problem on my hands. Although I hadn't hit that woman hard enough to kill her, I had for all intents and purposes killed her once the Rising Star left. And I had to face the fact that under Colonial law, I could be found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, or even premeditated termination. One word from Ortega would be all it would take before I could be facing charges for what I did. And to keep him quiet, I had to find a way to supply him with more cubits. That's how I came to take a job on the Rising Star as a Pyramid dealer. I figured that a few lucky hands for Ortega would be enough. But I found out the hard way, that once Ortega realized he had me, he wasn't going to stop. He started increasing the amounts he wanted, and it was getting to a point where it was too much for me to handle. So_" he took a breath again, "So when I got Ortega's telecom that afternoon, I figured he was going to increase the amounts again. I went down there that night, determined to tell him that it was all over. I couldn't take the fear of getting exposed any longer, and I figured that maybe if it all came out, I'd get a fair shake given the circumstances of how it happened. Besides, I knew that Ortega couldn't exactly take much of a risk exposing me since he'd have a lot to answer himself for potential charges of blackmail. So that's why I was down there that night. But then I ran into Starbuck leaving the scene and found Ortega dead." Chella finally forced himself to look up at Apollo, who was staring at him with the satisfied expression of a hunter who felt he had his animal trapped. "I figured I'd caught a lucky break with Ortega dead, and that there was no reason for my secret to come out, so I lied. And I also had to fear the possibility of being accused of the murder myself if I told the reason why I was down there at that time. So I acted from self-preservation, and I'm sorry I withheld that evidence. And," he took another breath, "In a way I'm kind of glad I've had to open up about this. The memory of that woman on Caprica has haunted me all these sectars, and it's going to keep haunting me for as long as I live. But at least I don't have to worry about getting caught any longer." As soon as he finished, another anxious silence came over the chamber, as everyone waited to see where Apollo was going to go next. The captain smiled thinly and faintly shook his head. As soon as he did, Sheba felt a sense of horror come over her, as she got up from her seat and made her way down to the front of the gallery. "Sheba, where_" Cassiopeia whispered, but she was gone before she could finish. "Chella," Apollo said, "You've already confessed to perjury once. And now you expect this Tribunal to believe that with your fear of Ortega exposing you on a potential termination charge, and the fact that you were going to meet him that night and stop paying him blackmail money, we should still believe you when you say you didn't kill Ortega?" "Well that's the truth!" Chella's nostrils flared. "Why would I kill Ortega and risk a bigger charge?" "Because that little sob story you just told us is as true as the one you started out with at the beginning of your testimony!" Apollo raised his voice, "You killed Ortega because he knew who you really were, and for a reason far worse than the one you've just described!" "Huh?" the dealer's face twisted in disbelief. "I protest!" Solon was on his feet. "The Chief Protector goes too far!" Apollo ignored him, "You got down there, you took Starbuck's pistol, killed Ortega and then ----" "No!" Chella bolted up and shouted, "I didn't!" Adama began ringing the bell several times, but found that the situation had degenerated too far for it to have any immediate effect. "There will be order!" he finally raised his voice, "There will be immediate order in this chamber!" Finally, the silence returned. Adama let it linger for thirty microns, before he finally spoke again. "Captain Apollo," he warned, "If you are going to proceed any further with this witness, you will act in a restrained manner befitting the dignity of these proceedings. The protest by the Chief Opposer is upheld." "Very well," Apollo nodded and turned around and started walking back toward the defense table. He noticed that another Tribunal Officer had entered the room and come up to the table, where he handed a slip of paper to Boomer. "Okay Chella, or Riftis, or whatever," Apollo said coldly, "Do you have any evidence that can prove you were once the chief administrative officer of the Solius Corporation?" "No," Chella said calmly. "I found out later that the Solius Corporation shuttle never made it to the rendezvous point with the Galactica. I guess she didn't have an experienced pilot who could handle the task of rendezvousing that far out in space. And I do know for a fact that no one I worked with at Solius is presently among the survivors in the Fleet. I had to check that detail after I established my new identity, because I had to know if there was anyone else in the Fleet who would recognize me." "So in point of fact Chella," Apollo moved toward him again, "This story you just told us about what you did on the night of the Holocaust, and who you were, can only be accepted on your word alone." "That might be, but it's the truth." "The truth," Apollo almost chuckled and then turned around so he was facing the defense table again. "What_" The captain suddenly stopped when he noticed that Boomer had a panicked look on his face, and was frantically making numerous silent gestures at him. "Uh, excuse me for just a centon," Apollo said as he came over to the table and leaned toward Boomer. "Apollo," Boomer whispered frantically, "Drop it. He's telling the truth. He's not Charybdis. Drop it, or you're going to sink all of Starbuck's chances." "Huh?" Apollo's face twisted, "What do you mean?" "He means drop it!" Starbuck angrily hissed. "Drop it! Now!" "Captain Apollo----" Adama warned. Apollo got to his feet, "Um...with the Tribunal's permission, I request a recess of five centons for some important consultations with my fellow protector and the accused." "I'm not inclined to see it granted, Captain Apollo," Commander Kronus spoke up with anger, "You have so far shown very little regard for the niceties of our procedures that I'm not all that certain that you've earned the right to any special favors." "The overseers will put the matter to a vote," Adama said coldly, "Commander Kronus, how say you?" "I vote no." "Sire Anton?" "Frankly, I think we could all do with some temporary relief from these proceedings," the genial faced councilman said, "I vote yes." "My sentiments precisely," Adama said rapidly, "This Tribunal stands in recess for five centons." he rang the bell and they rose from their seats. Instantly, all kinds of intense conversation erupted throughout the chamber among the spectators. At the defense table, Apollo was still in a state of bewilderment, "Boomer, what are you talking about? How do you know that_" "I got this, just a centon ago," he shoved the note at him, "It's from Sheba. As soon as he mentioned his name and who he used to work for, she finally recognized him." Apollo looked at the note. It was written in a frantic scrawl. RECOGNIZE RIFTIS AS SOLIUS ADMINISTRATOR. DON'T TRY TO PROVE HIM CHARYBDIS!! The captain felt sick to his stomach. All of his meticulous planning and deduction had just collapsed like a house of cards. If Chella wasn't Charybdis, then the case for alternate scenario was seriously weakened. "Where is she?" he whispered, still trying not to believe it. "Outside I guess," Boomer said, "Apollo_" He didn't wait for him to finish as he headed for the door. "Great!" Starbuck threw up his arms in disgust, "Now I'm finding out the hard way how good a protector he really is." "Easy, Starbuck, easy," Boomer patted him on the shoulder. "Just because Chella isn't Charybdis doesn't mean he's not guilty." "Apollo played the Charybdis factor too fracking much," Starbuck didn't look at him, "I might as well size up my cell." "Take it easy buddy," Boomer said, "If I have to, I'll take charge of this and get ourselves focused again." As soon as Apollo entered the outer chamber, he saw Sheba standing there with her arms folded, her expression taut. "Are you absolutely sure about this?" Apollo waved the note at her. "Yes I am," she said coldly, "I knew I'd met him someplace before, but I needed the name Riftis and the Solius Corporation to make the connection." "Sheba, couldn't you be mistaken about_" "Oh for sagan's sake, Apollo why in the name of Hades can't you admit you goofed?" Sheba retorted sharply. "I remember him well, because I met him seven yahrens ago at the opening night party of the last play my mother ever acted in. Solius was the big corporate underwriter for the production and he acted as their official representative." Apollo felt his shoulders sag, "Damn," he whispered. "It shouldn't be the end of it," Sheba didn't let up, "Maybe he's not Charybdis, but you've one good alternate scenario that points to him as the killer. Now stop wallowing over the fact that you're not perfect and just get back to saving Starbuck!" He didn't look at her as he turned around and went back into the chamber. Alone, Sheba shook her head in amazement. Why does he have to think he's always got everything figured out just right? "Well?" Boomer sourly inquired as Apollo sat down at the table, "Do we proceed with Chella or not?" Apollo let out a sigh, "We proceed. I guess we can still pin this on him anyway." "I warned you about this," Boomer felt he finally had to speak his mind, "I told you it wasn't necessary to pin Chella and Charybdis but you just had to wrap it up tight and neat. Now all we can do is hope that that doesn't affect their final judgment if we end up going with an alternate scenario that doesn't match the one we planned on." The captain turned to look at Starbuck. He saw that his friend wasn't looking at him, instead keeping his arms folded and staring ahead. That told Apollo right away how much Starbuck was fast losing confidence in him. Finally, the overseers entered again and took their seats. Adama rang the bell and the chamber became quiet. "The Tribunal is now in session again," he said, "Captain Apollo, do you have more questions of the witness?" "Yes," Apollo rose and came up to Chella, who was staring at him with anger. "Now Chella, let's stipulate for the record that what you say about your unfortunate past is true." "I'm glad you're admitting that," the dealer said caustically. "The witness will refrain from arguing with the Chief Protector and will only respond when questions are put to him." Adama said coldly. "Sorry, Commander," Chella said, still feeling shaken. "But Chella," Apollo drew closer, "That means that by your admission, you had a bigger reason for wanting Ortega dead than Lieutenant Starbuck did." Chella frowned, "What do you mean?" "Oh well come now, Chella. Lieutenant Starbuck wasn't being blackmailed by Sergeant Ortega. They just hated each other on the triad court. But you, on the other hand, devoted your entire life to keeping him quiet. Ortega was a constant presence in your life. And you've mentioned how when Ortega was dead, you felt relief that your dirty secret didn't have to come out." "So what?" Chella said haughtily, "I wasn't the only one Ortega was blackmailing." Another gasp went up from the crowd, and even Apollo was clearly caught off guard. "Wait a centon," Apollo said, trying to catch his bearings, "You're saying then to this Tribunal, that you know of other people Sergeant Ortega was blackmailing?" "Yes," Chella's haughty air increased, "Pallan and Elias. They were in the exact same fix I was in. Ortega knew some dirty secrets about us, so he relied on us as his conduit for all the cubits he could get his dirty hands on. And he even tried to extort more from me by sending those two to me and asking if I could let them go on winning streaks at the Pyramid table so they'd have more money to pay off Ortega." "I see," Apollo said, "And just who are Pallan and Elias?" "Elias is maintenance chief of the Rising Star's Aquacade. Pallan is a bartender in the Empyreal Lounge. And they both told me personally that Ortega was blackmailing them too." "Were they both working in the Rising Star that night?" Apollo asked, not knowing what were the best questions he could improvise quickly. "I wouldn't know." Apollo took a breath and said nothing for a half centon. He then approached the Overseers bench. "If it please the Tribunal," he said, "I request another recess, so that both Elias and Pallan be summoned to testify before this Tribunal." "Is there a protest?" Adama inquired. "I protest," Solon rose, "Captain Apollo specifically presented one alternate scenario pointing to Ortega's killer as a man called Charybdis. He's now going off in all kinds of different tangents and that indicates that his alternate scenario for letting his friend the accused off the hook is non-existent." "The matter must now be voted upon by the Overseers," Adama said, "Sire Anton?" "Our first concern must be with the truth," Anton said, "My vote is to disallow the protest." "Commander Kronus?" "I vote to uphold," the onetime Ricon commander said coldly, "I agree with the Chief Opposer that Captain Apollo demonstrates a lack of preparedness with regard to his alternate scenario that indicates that the truth more than likely rests with the Chief Opposer's scenario." Adama felt a sense of unease at having to decide a difficult vote. But he knew that from Kronus, he couldn't have expected anything else. In the four yahrens that Captain Adama had spent as Commander Kronus's chief aide, the one thing he'd come away with was how Kronus was the greatest stickler for regulations in the history of the Colonial Service. "Very well," he said, "The Chief Overseer must cast the deciding vote. And my vote is to disallow," another loud murmur went up, "We now stand in recess for exactly one centar. We will reconvene not a micron before or later." The bell rang and the three Overseers rose and disappeared. "Okay," Starbuck sourly rose and looked at them, "What now?" "I think it's finally fallen into place," Apollo said, "Boomer, you come with me. We've got a trip to the Rising Star to make." "Oh great," Starbuck groaned, "You've got another brilliant idea." "Starbuck," Apollo put his hand on his shoulder, "I haven't conducted this case the way you thought I could, and that's my fault for thinking we didn't need an experienced protector to handle this. But this time, you can trust me. You're going to walk out of here at the end of this day free and clear." Starbuck wanted to say something nasty to him but when he looked into Apollo's green eyes, he could see the sincerity and confidence emitting from someone he'd already entrusted his life to so many times before in the past. "Okay buddy," he said calmly and then smiled, "Do it." Chapter Seven For two days, Pallan had felt nothing but a sense of bliss. He had at long last succeeded in disposing of the only problem in his life and he'd been able to do it without anyone suspecting a thing. With very little time to prepare, he'd found a perfect fall guy and events had broken his way so that the evidence pointing to his fall guy's guilt was beyond any possible dispute. He'd purposefully avoided watching all IFB coverage relating to the case. Better to not act conspicuous and pay unwarranted attention to it. Besides, there were no conceivable flaws in how he'd carried out. There was no possible way he could be found out in the short time before Starbuck's conviction and imprisonment would happen and end the matter forever. "Pallan?" Pallan looked up from the drinks he was mixing and saw the face of Boomer looking at him. Behind the dark-skinned warrior, Apollo stood next to a nervous, fidgety-looking man with a receding hairline. "Yes," the bartender nodded, "Can I help you?" "You've been summoned to testify before Lieutenant Starbuck's tribunal," Boomer said firmly, "If you'll please accompany us?" Pallan looked at them with amazement, "Me? Whatever for?" "You'll find out soon enough," Boomer said, "Please come with us." Without batting an eyelash, Pallan put his drinks down and came out from behind the bar table. Inside, he felt his heart pounding rapidly wondering what could have possibly happened that would lead to this. Five centons later, Pallan found himself seated in the rear compartment of a shuttle, next to the man who'd been identified as Elias. "Seems that Chella got too panicked and spilled all about how Ortega was blackmailing us," the balding maintenance worker said with an edge of nervous tension, "Now those two are going to see if they can pin Ortega's murder on either of us." "We shouldn't be surprised that Chella talked," Pallan had his arms folded and was keeping his tone absolutely calm. He'd already reasoned that if Elias was going to act so nervous, then a display of total calm on his part would keep suspicion deflected from him. "We both made the mistake of going to him for help, so he knew all about our plights. They would have found out sooner or later." He then looked him in the eye, "But the important thing, Elias, is that neither of us get trapped into getting accused of something we didn't do." he paused, "I am assuming though that you didn't kill Ortega." "I didn't!" Elias's nostrils flared. "I wanted to, but I didn't." "Neither did I," Pallan said emphatically, "And I'll bet even money that they have nothing conclusive to link Chella to this, so that means that if we all agree to stick together on this, Apollo won't be able to prove a thing. He has to be getting very desperate at this point." "You may be right," Elias tried to catch his breath. "Okay, we just tell the truth about where we were, and leave it at that." In the front of the shuttle, Boomer looked uneasily at Apollo, "Okay, so now we've got Elias and Pallan. What are you going to do when you put them on the stand?" "I won't have to put them on the stand," Apollo said, "One of them killed Ortega, and I know how to get the killer to expose himself." "Apollo, after what you just went through with Chella, I don't think it's a good idea to resort to any new stunts." "But this time I know how to do it," Apollo said firmly. "Okay then," Boomer tried not to look exasperated, "Which of those two killed Ortega?" "Charybdis." "Oh come on, Apollo!" Boomer snorted in disgust, "Don't try that angle anymore. You've got three guys with motive, and frankly I don't think either of these two are as strong as Chella is in the opportunity and means department." "Chella's off the hook," Apollo said, "The killer had to be Charybdis. Barton said that Charybdis was the only one with the guts to kill Ortega, so that means Ortega wasn't afraid of anything from Chella. And Chella's secret wasn't anywhere close to what Charybdis was responsible for." "But you have to show that one of those two guys had means and opportunity!" Boomer retorted, "We know Chella was down there, but you can't prove anything about where those two were." "I have a feeling that Chella was supposed to be the real fall guy that night. I'll bet anything that Charybdis pretended to be Ortega when he made that telecom to Chella so he could have him in the area at the time. But Starbuck's getting ejected forced a change in plans and that's why Starbuck became the fall guy." he paused, "The key is to expose Charybdis and once that's done, find a way to make him admit that he killed Ortega." "Oh great," Boomer rolled his eyes, "And how are you going to pull that off?" Apollo looked back and saw the animated conversation taking place between Pallan and Elias. "Take the controls and listen in to what I say," he rose from his seat, "You'll find out." Apollo went to the back of the shuttle and stood in front of Elias and Pallan. "Ah, gentlemen," he said apologetically, "I owe you both an apology. We just got word from the Galactica that Ortega's killer has been identified. Sire Solon is going to be dismissing all charges against Starbuck." "Who's the killer?" Elias asked anxiously. "A man called Charybdis," Apollo said and looked at both of them, to see the hint of a reaction from either. He saw none. "Charybdis?" Pallan frowned, "I've never heard that name before." "A traitor responsible for the deaths of billions in the Holocaust," Apollo said, "Apparently Ortega knew he was alive and was blackmailing him too. But Charybdis had a lot more to lose than either of you or Chella if he was caught." "Then you've found him," Pallan noted. "No, but we're close to finding him. His old commander, Baltar himself, knows what he looks like and can help lead us straight to him. As soon as we dock on the Galactica, I'm taking this shuttle to the Prison Barge to bring him back so he can give us the information we need. He's already agreed to it, since Adama will likely reduce part of his sentence." "I see," Elias said, feeling more relieved, "Then we're free to go back to the Rising Star?" "Yes, you two can take the next shuttle after we reach the Galactica." Apollo said, "Again, my apologies for the inconvenience. In light of what Chella has testified about, I can't promise that Sire Solon won't launch an investigation into the circumstances of how you came to be aboard the Rising Star, but I'm sure that he'll let you off with only light sentences if it comes to that." "Captain," Pallan said, "Thank you." "And I'm glad your friend Starbuck is innocent," Elias added. "Yeah," Apollo nodded, "So am I." As soon as the captain had returned to the front of the shuttle and resumed his seat alongside Boomer, the dark-skinned warrior was still looking at him dubiously. "Okay, I'm still confused." "I'm making myself a target," Apollo said. "As soon as we land, you head straight for the Tribunal. And pass the word to the launch crew not to move on either of them. They're to leave them alone." "Apollo, what are you getting at?" Boomer was still baffled, "We ought to be putting them both on the stand and see if either will crack." "I don't think that's going to work," Apollo shook his head, "I've spent enough time in front of that Tribunal to realize I don't have the savvy to force the truth out on this matter like a good protector would. That means it requires something totally unorthodox. Something I wouldn't be able to get away with in the normal proceeding." "And what's all this felgercarb about making yourself a target?" "Charybdis is going to think he's trapped at this point, and needs to kill Baltar to keep him from identifying him. The only way he's going to get the opportunity is by sneaking back on this shuttle and waiting for me to get him aboard." "And if that's true, then he'll have to kill you too!" Boomer finally added things up, "Apollo, you're crazy!" "It's a risk I have to take or Starbuck's finished," Apollo said, "He'll make his attempt on the way back to the Galactica. It'll be imperative that you have Alpha Channel keyed open so the entire Tribunal can hear what's being said on this shuttle. I can probably get him to confess once he shows himself." "Before he then kills you," Boomer could still scarcely believe it. "Look," Apollo said gravely, "I don't care what you have to do, but just make sure the Tribunal is listening to that channel." "And how am I going to get that past any of them when that means throwing out all the codes on normal procedure?" Boomer retorted, "Solon and Kronus will jump on my throat so fast that I don't think even Adama will agree. He cut you so much slack already that I don't think he'll go that far." "It's a chance I have to take," Apollo repeated. "And how are you going to take on both Charybdis and Baltar?" "I won't have to," the captain chuckled, "Baltar's going to be on my side." As soon as the shuttle landed on the Galactica, Boomer had left and gone over to the several launch crew personnel gathered nearby. Once he had explained everything, they nodded and moved away from the shuttle. Aboard, Apollo kept his eye fastened on the indicator that measured the craft's total weight. When Boomer stepped out, the reading had dropped from 2755 to 2585. Then, there was a pause of several microns as the reading dropped to 2425, and an instant later to 2250. That meant both Elias and Pallan had stepped off. Apollo calmly adjusted his headset, "Alpha shuttle requesting clearance for launch to Prison Barge. Tribunal business." "Alpha shuttle, you are cleared to launch," he heard Rigel's voice answer. The captain didn't activate the controls though. His eyes remained focused on the weight indicator. It still read 2250. Come on, he thought. I can't be proved wrong now. For a split second, he felt the sense of panic over what he might have to do if his hunch had proved wrong. But it was only there for a split instant as he suddenly saw the number on the indicator change. It now read 2425. Apollo almost smiled as he activated the switch that closed the shuttle door. Then, taking a careful breath, he powered the vehicle up and it was soon away from the Galactica. When Boomer entered the Tribunal Chamber, he found the spectators all buzzing with excitement over what would happen next. It was a different story at the defense table, where Starbuck was visibly nervous and on edge. When he saw only Boomer enter the room, he was anything but relieved. "Where's Apollo?" he asked with faint bewilderment. "I'll fill you in when I can," Boomer said as he sat down and pulled out a copy of the Tribunal Codebook and began to frantically thumb through the pages. "Huh?" Starbuck's face twisted. "Shut up, Starbuck," Boomer waved his hand impatiently as he kept thumbing through the codebook, "Right now, I have to find the one thing in the book that will keep things going for now." "You've got to be kidding," the blonde warrior wondered how it could get any worse than it already seemed to him. The door at the other end opened and the three overseers emerged. Everyone in the Chamber got to their feet. Everyone except Boomer, who was still immersed in the codebook. When Adama took his seat and reached for the ceremonial bell, he noticed right away that Boomer was the only one in the room who had not taken note of their entrance. With an impatient air, he rang the bell loudly, which prompted Boomer to bolt up from his chair to attention as if he'd been fired out of a launch tube. He seemed so embarrassed that he might have turned red if he could. "The Tribunal is now in session again," Adama said and then realized for the first time that Apollo was not present. "Lieutenant Boomer, where is the Chief Protector?" "Detained, sir," Boomer cleared his throat, "I will be handling all matters until he returns." "Very well," Adama eyed him suspiciously, as did all of the spectators like Cassiopeia, Chameleon, Sheba and Athena, who couldn't understand why Apollo would be detained at such a critical juncture. "You may call your next witness, Lieutenant." "Ah..." Boomer reached down for the codebook and kept flipping through the pages, " this time Commander, the defense wishes to delay the next portion of our alternate scenario presentation and defer matters to the Chief Opposer to handle any, ah.....supplementary matters he has.....ah," he stopped as he felt the pages stick and he frantically pulled to get them unstuck, "To ah....present at this time, so that we might be able to factor um......" In the gallery, Cassiopeia felt herself sink two inches lower into her chair. What's gone wrong now? she felt like crying out. "....any new information that has a bearing in our presentation." he finished. "Lieutenant Boomer," Adama leaned forward with a cold expression, "It was the understanding of this Tribunal when we granted a recess that two specific witnesses would be called by the Defense. Needless to say, what you are suggesting is highly irregular and suggests that the request we granted you was made in bad faith." "No sir, not at all!" Boomer vigorously shook his head as he felt a surge of relief pass through him when he found the page he was looking for, "I call to the attention of the Overseers, section four, paragraph eight of the capital procedure code which states that the defense during their presentation of alternate scenario, does have the right to defer to the prosecution for the presentation of supplementary evidence that the defense might be required to explain as well. I so move to defer to Sire Solon for now." Adama blinked as he remembered the procedure. One so obscure because it was so seldom invoked. "Very well," he sighed, "Seeing as how your request is made within the parameters of the code, I see no reason to disallow it. Sire Solon, do you have any supplementary evidence to present at this time?" The Chief Opposer got to his feet, still frowning over the turn of events, "I do, Commander. I had not....anticipated presentation at this time though." "If you have it, then you must present it as the deference has been granted to you by the defense." Adama pointed out, "Proceed immediately, Sire Solon." Solon straightened his robes, "In that case, at this time we call as a supplementary witness, Med-Tech Cassiopeia." Cassiopeia flushed slightly as she heard her name called. Starbuck darted to Boomer and seemed on the verge of exploding, "This is Apollo's idea of helping me? Ducking out and making Solon humiliate Cassie?" he hissed. "I didn't know he was going to call her," Boomer said through clenched teeth, "But I had to invoke the procedure, Starbuck or else Apollo wouldn't get a chance to do what he's doing now," he adjusted his headset, which he'd kept on ever since leaving the shuttle. It was still tuned to Alpha Channel. Right now, there was only silence. "And what is he doing now?" Starbuck acidly retorted. "Saving your life," Boomer looked straight ahead. At the moment he had so many doubts in his own mind about what Apollo was doing that he wasn't certain that he could look Starbuck in the eye while offering words of reassurance. In the rear compartment of the shuttle, Pallan calmly made his way over to the storage compartment that housed the spare lasers and without making a sound, removed one from the top of the chamber. He set the laser to kill and moved back to the far end of the rear compartment. His greatest fear had come to pass. Something had happened that had caused the name Charybdis to be linked to Ortega. How that had happened, he couldn't begin to fathom. But whatever had caused it, events had now forced him to take another drastic step. One that would mean the end of two lives in addition to Ortega. Already, his mind was trying to plot out how he would emerge from this incident. He already had the unpleasant fact that Elias would testify that he never saw him return to the Rising Star. By far, that would be so difficult to explain, that even Pallan's ordinarily inventive mind couldn't think of a way around that at the moment. But that was a problem he couldn't worry about yet. Not when he had another, more immediate problem facing him. One that had to be eliminated promptly or else all other matters would become irrelevant. It had taken all his self-control to keep from breaking out in a sweat when Apollo had first mentioned the name of a man he had symbolically killed long ago when he had stolen the identification cards of a dead Piscean bartender named Pallan and thrown away his own cards down the sewer of a devastated street in Piscera's capital city. Now that he was alone, the sweat was finally poring out of his forehead, and he felt a genuine fear for his own safety for the first time. A fear of his past finally catching up with him at long last. And with that, he was reminded of how he'd felt when he'd quietly abandoned Baltar after returning to Piscera, and cursed himself repeatedly for having deluded himself into thinking that cooperating with the Cylons would have led to wonderful opportunities of wealth and power. It's not going to come to this, he thought defiantly as he drew the pistol to his side and waited in the shadows of the rear compartment. It is not going to come to this. He felt the shuttle come to a halt as it docked with the Prison Barge. It wouldn't be long now and he'd finally do what had to be done. As Apollo maneuvered the shuttle towards the Prison Barge's landing bay, he glanced at his chronometer and realized that speed was of the essence since he had no way of knowing if Boomer could keep the Tribunal stalled forever. The sooner he could get things in place the better. "Prison Barge this is Galactica shuttle, Captain Apollo," he radioed. "Urgent Tribunal business requires the immediate presence of prisoner Baltar. Please have him waiting in the landing bay upon my arrival." Apollo heard no response and realized immediately that it was the awkward silence of the communications officer, not sure if he'd heard the captain right. A centon went by before Apollo finally heard a voice reply. "Uh....Captain, this is Superintendent Jenks. You did say Baltar, did you?" "Yes, Superintendent, I did," Apollo said patiently. "Make certain that he's shackled of course." "How much guard escort do you require?" "None," Apollo said firmly. "Just have your men put Baltar aboard the shuttle and leave. Colonial Security will take charge at the other end." There was another awkward silence that lasted a half centon. "Captain, um....I know I'm not in any position to question you on these matters but...." "Then don't," Apollo cut in curtly, "Just see to it, Superintendent." Five centons later, the shuttle was inside the Prison Barge landing bay. Apollo's wait lasted only an additional two centons before he heard footsteps come up the ramp and into the craft. "Got him here as requested, Apollo," he heard Reese's voice, "Are you sure you don't need an escort?" "I'm sure, Reese," Apollo didn't turn around. "Just have him take the co-pilot seat and you can go." Reese let out an incredulous sigh as he motioned Baltar toward the seat, "I sure hope you know what you're doing." Apollo resisted the temptation to think of a stinging comeback as he went over the pre-flight checklist again. "Well, Captain?" He finally forced himself to look at Baltar. The traitor had a thoroughly bemused expression on his face, as though he knew he was going to enjoy whatever happened. "I'll explain as soon as we're away," Apollo said as he took note of the weight indicator. When Baltar and Reese had come aboard the reading had gone up from 2425 to 2815. Now that the Council Security guard was gone, the indicator had gone back to 2635. That was enough to tell him again that his hunch was right. "Galactica shuttle preparing to depart," he radioed. "Affirmative Galactica shuttle, you are cleared to depart." As Apollo fired up the craft and it streaked away from the Prison Barge, he hoped and prayed that Boomer had a plan in place to get the Tribunal to listen to Alpha Channel. "Please state your name and designation." Cassiopeia was finding it a struggle to maintain an even composure. "Cassiopeia. G-2, assigned as med-tech based aboard the Galactica." "Proceed, Sire Solon." "Thank you," the Chief Opposer moved toward her, "Cassiopeia, you are acquainted with the accused, Lieutenant Starbuck?" "Yes." "Would it be a fair assumption that you are quite close to the accused?" She shifted in her chair slightly, "Yes." "On the night of Sergeant Ortega's murder, did you have any opportunity to talk to Lieutenant Starbuck beforehand?" "I did." "In fact, you even encountered both Starbuck and Ortega in the corridor leading to the training rooms after the ejection had taken place, did you not?" Cassiopeia took a breath, feeling the struggle to maintain her composure intensifying, "Yes." At the defense table, Starbuck felt the tide of anguish rising inside him. He wished that he could bolt up and punch Solon right in the mouth for what he was putting her through. Feeling helpless, he glanced over at Boomer, who seemed oblivious to what was going on, as he continued to hold the earpiece of his headset tightly. "Boomer," Starbuck nudged him slightly and hissed, "Pay attention for sagan's sake!" "Sorry," Boomer glanced over and realized he needed to listen in until he heard some meaningful conversation aboard the shuttle begin. So far, there was nothing. "A couple of fine friends you've turned out to be." the edge of bitterness was evident in his whisper, "Maybe I should have taken my chances by leaving." "Shut up and wait," Boomer shot back under his breath. "It won't be long now." "Could you tell me what Lieutenant Starbuck said to Ortega during the brawl?" Solon pressed on. Cassiopeia lowered her head slightly, "I.....don't remember." "You don't remember?" the Chief Opposer lifted an eyebrow, "Even though you have a relationship with Starbuck, you can't remember what he said?" Boomer suddenly bolted to his feet, "Now just a centon!" and then nearly flushed as he realized he'd repeated an earlier one of Apollo's mistakes, "Ah...I mean the Opposer ah....has no proof that ah.....such a relationship exists." Adama grimaced slightly and took an extra micron before responding, "Not....properly protested, but upheld nevertheless. Restate your question, Sire Solon." "Very well," Solon shrugged and moved back to Cassiopeia, "Cassiopeia, do you have a relationship with the accused?" The blonde med-tech bit her lip slightly as she looked over at Starbuck. Over his shoulder she could also see Athena sitting in the audience with a slightly pained expression which only made Cassiopeia feel more embarrassed. "We're......friends," she decided not to say more than she felt she had to. "How close?" "Very close." she said carefully. "Then in that case, can you tell this Tribunal what your very close friend said during the encounter with Ortega in the corridor and after he left?" Solon bore in. Cassiopeia looked down at the floor and remained silent. Adama leaned forward and spoke in the gentlest tone he could permit himself, "The witness will answer the question." She felt like breaking down and crying at that point. What she had to say wasn't going to help Starbuck at all, and if it turned out that her words would be the key to ruining his chances, she wasn't sure if she could ever live with that burden. "Cassiopeia," Solon decided not to be overbearing, "You have been instructed by the Chief Overseer to answer the question." Cassiopeia kept her gaze on the floor as she let out a reluctant sigh, knowing that silence didn't help Starbuck's cause either. "He um.....said after Ortega left, that I was only delaying the inevitable." A low murmur went up among the crowd, prompting another ringing of the bell from Adama. From his seat, Chameleon had his hand on his chin, wondering why his son and the woman who loved his son had to be put through this kind of anguish. Maybe I shouldn't have been silent, he couldn't help but think. I should have told the truth and given my son some comfort during this sick ordeal. At this point though, Chameleon already knew that it was too late for him to act now and be forthright. In Starbuck's present state of mind, he couldn't even be sure that he'd believe him anyway. He'd had his opportunity and he'd let it pass, and now it would have to wait again for a very long period of time, if in fact the miracle happened and Starbuck was acquitted. "And when Starbuck finally met you in the Docking Lounge, did he seem anxious to get off the Rising Star?" "I didn't give him much time!" she protested. "He had just ten centons to turbowash, dress and get to the Lounge. Anyone would have been anxious." "Cassiopeia," Adama leaned forward, "You can not make assumptions about the state of mind of the accused. Simply answer the question yes or no." She closed her eyes and when she finally answered, it was barely a whisper, "Yes." "Thank you." Solon seemed satisfied, "No further questions." "Cross-examination?" Adama inquired of Boomer. But when he looked over at the table he saw that Boomer seemed oblivious to what was going on, as he still had his headset pressed to his ear. "Lieutenant Boomer!" Adama raised his voice, which prompted the warrior to bolt up, "I will say again, do you wish to cross-examine the witness?" "Ah...yes, Commander. Just one or two questions." He slowly made his way up, taking his steps methodically as though he was trying to stall matters. "Now, um....." he cleared his throat, "Ah.....Cassiopeia you never at any time.....ah no, wait a centon." he cleared his throat again. "Lieutenant Boomer," Commander Kronus leaned forward, "I'm getting the distinct impression that you're stalling for time, and that impresses me not one iota. Ask your questions or move on." "My apologies, sir," Boomer bowed meekly and readjusted his headset again, hearing only the sound of Apollo asking for clearance to leave the Prison Barge, and telling Baltar that he'd explain everything later. The time had not yet arrived for him to make his move. "Now Cassiopeia, did you have any opinion at the time of what Starbuck meant by 'the inevitable.'?" "I protest," Solon was on his feet, "Totally speculative and immaterial." "Disallowed," Adama glared slightly at the Chief Opposer. "The witness is entitled to describe what she thought as well as what she witnessed." Cassiopeia tried to regain her composure, "I certainly didn't think it meant he was thinking of killing Ortega!" she said forcefully. "And that's because the accused had never given you, a very close friend, any reason to think that he could be capable of committing the greatest offense in our laws, one that would run the risk of imprisonment in the Prison Barge for the rest of his life?" "He hadn't," she nodded. "Did he ever explain why there was bad blood between him and Ortega down through the yahrens?" "Yes, he did. On the shuttle ride over to the match that evening in fact." "Perhaps you could tell us what Starbuck said then," Boomer said, feeling relieved that he'd found a way for her to talk without interruption so he could keep listening to what was happening on Alpha Channel. "Well, Captain Apollo," there was a smug aura in Baltar's tone as the shuttle moved away from the Prison Barge on its journey back to the Galactica. "I knew it was a matter of time before you'd reconsider and realize that you need my help bad enough to have me freed." "There's no pardon awaiting you, Baltar," Apollo didn't look at him. "I can't speak for what my father will do, but at the moment there's none." "In that case, Captain you have taken me out of my cell all for nothing. If it is cooperation you want about what Charybdis looks like, I will not give it without my permanent release from the Prison Barge." "Baltar, right now you should feel grateful that I'm giving you a chance to live." "Live?" the traitor raised an eyebrow, "If I recall correctly, the suspension of the death penalty made that possible long ago, Captain." Apollo finally looked at him, "I'm talking about saving you from Charybdis." He frowned slightly. "There are only two people who could positively identify Charybdis," Apollo went on, "Ortega and you. He's killed Ortega and that means he'll do it to you if given the chance." Baltar slowly began to laugh, "You are a wonder, Captain. Instead of offering me freedom to identify Charybdis, you offer me my life. How touching of you." "It's your only chance," he looked him in the eye. "You mean Lieutenant Starbuck's only chance," Baltar countered gently. "That may be true but I'm betting that your instinct for survival is greater than wanting to see Starbuck convicted of a crime he didn't commit." Apollo raised his tone a notch. The traitor let out another taunting laugh, "You must think me a fool, Captain. If I refuse to cooperate with you, then I merely go back to a very secure isolation cell on the Prison Barge, where my life can hardly be in any danger. So therefore, I have no reason to fear for my life." "What if I told you that Charybdis is aboard this shuttle, right now?" Apollo decided to zero in. He could tell right away that his comment had caught Baltar offguard. The traitor actually glanced back toward the rear of the shuttle for a brief instant before looking back at Apollo. He slowly tried to regain the initiative by letting out another one of his irritating chuckles, though Apollo could tell that it didn't sound as secure as it had before. "I don't believe you," Baltar said. "It's the truth." "Even if I did believe you, I would note that the affection Charybdis felt for me was like that of a son for a father," Baltar pressed on. "I gave him more opportunities than I did anyone else in my inner circle, and he was grateful for them all. If he is aboard this shuttle, then it can only be because he plans to kill you and destroy whatever evidence you have that implicates him in the murder of this Ortega." "Yeah, he'll kill me first," Apollo nodded, "And then he'll kill you with my laser and make it look like you jumped me and we both killed each other in the struggle." Baltar sighed with the air of a teacher lecturing a child, "And how would he explain that I did such a thing while wearing shackles?" he raised his manacled wrists to emphasize his point. "He'll just remove them after you're dead." Apollo decided to take on an intimidating tone of his own. "Face facts, Baltar, he's here to kill us both." "You're wrong, Apollo," he said, "We'll be aboard the Galactica in barely five centons and he hasn't shown himself yet." Apollo noted how Baltar had stopped addressing him by title, which told him a lot. "Then why are you sweating?" he almost taunted him, thinking that Baltar could use a taste of his own medicine. The traitor turned away from him, unable to come up with a stinging comeback. It was clear that Baltar's psyche had been rattled and he no longer had the ability to show off his customary arrogance. Amidst the silence, the two men could suddenly hear the sounds of footsteps from behind them, drawing closer. Baltar could feel the hair on his scalp standing on edge as he slowly turned around and saw standing ten feet away, an all-too-familiar figure. "Charybdis!" he whispered in disbelief. Apollo turned around as well and saw that it was the Rising Star bartender, Pallan, holding a laser pistol pointed toward him. His inner hunch had been vindicated. A casual observer might have thought that if it had come down to Pallan or Elias, the more hysterical reaction of Elias to being questioned would have been an indication of guilt. But Apollo had sensed that Pallan was acting too calm and collected during the journey from the Rising Star. And he had long ago become convinced that the real killer had to be cold, calm and professional in every sense to get away with what he'd been able to get away with up to now. "Count Baltar," Pallan's voice was firm, showing only the faintest trace of deference for his one-time leader, "It is good to see you again." Baltar seemed to relax as he looked at Apollo and flashed another taunting smile at him, as though he felt his instincts about Charybdis had been vindicated. The only thought going through Apollo's mind was if Boomer had succeeded in getting Alpha Channel turned on in the Tribunal chamber for all to hear. It took Cassiopeia five centons to recap the story of how Starbuck and Ortega had been rivals since their time together at the Academy. When she finished, Boomer knew that he'd run out of ways to keep her on the stand any longer, so he nodded and resumed his seat at the table. "The witness is excused," Adama said and then looked back at Solon, "Does the prosecution have any more supplementary witnesses?" "We have none, Commander," Solon rose. "Our case is essentially closed." "Very well," Adama turned back to Boomer, "Lieutenant Boomer, at this time you will resume the case for the defense. Call your next witness." "Um....." Boomer, fumbled slightly as he tried to keep one ear on the unfolding conversation between Apollo and Baltar, "Commander, at this time the defense requests that the Tribunal listen in to Alpha Channel, um at this time....." "I protest!" Solon bolted to his feet. "Lieutenant Boomer," Adama glared at him, "If you are not willing to proceed with the defense according to the prerequisites of our codes, then you leave us no choice but to declare all proceedings at an end, and to begin consideration of our verdict." As soon as Adama finished, Boomer suddenly heard in his right ear, the clear voice of Baltar uttering the name, "Charybdis." He felt his body tense up as he moved in front of the table, "Commander, please!" events had reached a stage where he no longer cared about following diplomatic niceties, "You must hear me out. The key to proving Lieutenant Starbuck's innocence is on Alpha Channel! The Tribunal must listen to what's happening." "Lieutenant Boomer," Commander Kronus leaned forward, his customary scowl magnified to the fullest, "Both you and Captain Apollo, throughout these proceedings have offered a textbook example of how a good protector should never conduct himself, especially in something as serious as a capital case. But if you have means of proving Lieutenant Starbuck's innocence, then you owe it to a system that has served our people well for millennia to present it according to the proper standards!" "What matters more?" Boomer's tone grew angry, "Following the codes to the letter or a man's life? A man who's put himself on the line to save the lives of our entire population so many times. We owe a lot more to a man like that than to a code system that is in serious need of revision!" "That's enough!" Adama barked and rang the bell. "The Opposer and the Protector will now approach the bench for private consultation with the Overseers." Boomer felt his heart pounding as he could hear more of the conversation on the shuttle taking place, all of it establishing that Charybdis had exposed himself. He knew that he was running out of time. When he reached the bench and looked up at the glaring countenances of Adama, Kronus and Anton, he felt on the verge of collapsing. "Lieutenant Boomer," Adama said under his breath, "My patience is at this point, totally exhausted. Now where has Captain Apollo gone off to?" "Captain Apollo is on Alpha Channel sir, and what he's doing right now will end these proceedings in an instant if you'll just listen!" "I still protest, Commander," Solon said firmly, "There is absolutely no precedent for this. It is an affront to Colonial jurisprudence in every sense." "And it'll be a bigger affront to Colonial jurisprudence if the truth isn't allowed to come out!" Boomer retorted. "Okay, this isn't exactly according to the rulebook, I admit that. But by the Lords of Kobol, what's going to be more damaging to Colonial jurisprudence if the one thing that can keep an innocent man from paying for a crime he didn't commit is squelched?" Adama glanced over at his fellow Overseers, "Sire Anton, how do you vote?" The council member sighed with resignation, "Reluctantly, and I emphasize the word reluctantly, I vote to disallow." "Commander Kronus?" "Uphold." the former battlestar commander was unyielding. Adama took a breath. The decision was now his. A decision that presented only terrible options from his standpoint. Uphold the protest and he'd be forever haunted by the thought that he'd denied Starbuck the one means of clearing himself. Disallow it, and he ran the risk of being accused of playing favorites. The very ammunition that Council opponents like Sires Geller, Domra and Antipas would use to undercut his authority in an instant. What Adama needed was a middle ground solution, and fast. The Commander leaned forward, his expression unsympathetic, his words angry, "Lieutenant Boomer," he said, "I am going to give your Alpha Channel demonstration exactly one centon, and not a micron longer. If I don't hear anything bearing on this case in the next centon, the protest is upheld and this farce will come to an end. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes sir, thank you sir," Boomer felt only temporary relief, because he had no way of knowing what might transpire in the next centon. Adama reached down and carefully pressed the button on the communications panel in front of him marked Alpha Channel. An instant later, the sounds of voices filled the Tribunal chamber. "You're looking well, Charybdis," the chamber could hear Baltar's unmistakable voice. "Thank you, Count Baltar," another voice replied calmly. As soon as he heard the voice, Adama's eyeballs bulged in disbelief as he recognized the voice of the bartender who had attended to Tigh and himself in the Empyreal Lounge on the night of the triad match. And who had left to go off duty just before the ejections had taken place....... It suddenly came together now. "Charybdis," Baltar spoke again, "Remove my shackles. Together, we can commandeer this shuttle and make good our escape from the Fleet." "In a centon, sir," Charybdis said calmly, "First, activate the automatic pilot. It's that green button between the throttles." "I can do that a lot easier if you remove the shackles first, Charybdis." "That can wait until Captain Apollo is disposed of." A sudden gasp went up from all the spectators. Sheba's hand flew up to her mouth and she almost bit down on her clenched fingers. On the Overseers Bench, Adama's jaw had fallen open in horror at the startling turn of events. "Just like you disposed of Ortega?" Apollo's voice suddenly filled the room. There was a wry laugh, "Killing you won't be anywhere near as difficult as killing Ortega was, Captain. But I must say, I do compliment you on a brilliant job of figuring the whole thing out. And that's what's made you a very dangerous opponent for me." Now it was Solon's turn to feel a shockwave hit him. And even Commander Kronus found himself so amazed that his customary scowl was gone. In the gallery, Chameleon almost wanted to let out an excited burst that his belief in his son's innocence had been vindicated. And then, he managed to catch himself as he realized that the man who'd made it possible was now in grave danger and there couldn't possibly be any cheering at this point. At the defense table, Starbuck didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was too much for his psyche to keep up with. On the one hand, there was relief that he was going to walk away a free man. And yet at the same time, there was also the realization that Apollo had conceivably put his life on the line, and was prepared to sacrifice himself as well to bring that about. The blonde warrior had few religious impulses, but now his hands had come together in the most vigorous silent prayer he had ever performed in his life. "Can you at least satisfy my curiosity about a few things, Charybdis?" Apollo's voice sounded incredibly nonchalant, "Just how did you decide to set up Starbuck?" Another laugh filled the chamber, "If Starbuck hadn't been such a bad sport and gotten himself ejected, he never would have had a thing to worry about. It was all set up for Chella to take the fall. I telecommed him pretending to be Ortega, and when Chella arrived, he'd be disposed of and the bodies set up to make it look as if he and Ortega had killed each other." "Ingenious," Apollo said, "And you certainly thought quick on your feet to change those plans when you had to. You went down to the training room, stole Starbuck's pistol, killed Ortega and returned it before he got out of the turbowash." "Made it out of there with a half micron to spare," there was an edge of satisfaction in Charybdis's voice, "But I see little reason to humor you any longer, Captain Apollo. Drop your laser pistol to the floor, now." There was a pause and then the sound of an object clattering to the floor. "Baltar, activate the automatic pilot so I can see to it that Captain Apollo's illustrious career comes to an end." "Charybdis," Baltar was fast losing his patience. "I'm giving you an order to remove my shackles first, before I do anything else!" "After you activate the automatic pilot, sir," Charybdis said gently. A death-like silence filled the chamber as nothing else was said on the Channel for nearly a full centon. Every person in the gallery had hunched forward in their seats, waiting and wondering about what might happen next. Athena was visibly trembling at the thought that she might have to go through the horror of listening to the last words of her brother before he died, just as she'd done with Zac not so long ago. Cassiopeia had reached out instinctively to Chameleon's hand, wanting something to hold onto for support. And with Sheba, she could feel the dim recollections of a terrible time thirteen sectans ago when she thought she had lost Apollo forever, filling her mind. Suddenly, there was the sound of a thud, and a gasp. Followed by the sounds of a scuffle. For more than a centon, the sounds persisted, punctuated by the sounds of grunting and blows being hurled at each other. By now, every spectator in the gallery had risen to his or her feet, unable to be still any longer. And then, the single sound of a laser shot. Followed by silence. "My God," Sheba whispered faintly under her breath. Then, the silence was broken by the pattering of feet, followed by the fumbling sound of a headset being put on. "Boomer?" Apollo's voice filled the room, "Did the Tribunal hear all that?" The instant they heard his voice, the spectators all let out either cheers or enormous sighs of relief. "That answer your question?" Boomer grinned. "I guess it does," the relief entered the captain's voice. "I'll be docking in a few centons. Make sure there's a med-tech standing by to attend to Pallan. Or rather Charybdis. He took one shot to the shoulder during the scuffle and then I had to knock him out." "Boomer," Starbuck nudged his friend, "Let me talk to him." "Sure buddy," Boomer nodded and handed the headset to the blonde warrior who was so overcome with emotion that he had trouble putting it on. "Apollo?" he spoke as soon as it was finally in place. "Yeah, Starbuck. Glad to hear you sounding in better spirits now." "You don't know the half of it," Starbuck forced himself to keep from breaking down, "Apollo, thanks. I owe you my life." "Don't thank me," Apollo chuckled, "You can thank Baltar. He knocked Charybdis off guard with a blow between the eyes and that gave me a chance to jump him. He saved us both." Another amazed murmur went through the galleries. "You got to be kidding," Starbuck felt the amazement supplant his own emotional feelings. "Nope, he really did it," Apollo chuckled again, "But judging from the look on his face right now, I don't think he's very thrilled about it." This time, some tension relieving laughter went up. "Signing off for now," Apollo said, "I'll buy you a round later at the Club." "I'll look forward to it," Starbuck grinned and took the headset off. As he and Boomer resumed their seats at the defense table, every spectator was now engaged in eager conversation with one another, prompting a ringing of the bell from Adama. "The Tribunal will be in order again," Adama said with stoic dignity and looked over at Solon, "Sire Solon, do you wish to make a motion at this time?" "Yes, Commander," Sire Solon said without skipping a beat, "The Colonial nation moves to dismiss all charges against Lieutenant Starbuck, and to declare these proceedings at an end." "So ordered. This Tribunal is now dissolved." The sound of a groan from the back of the shuttle made Apollo promptly activate the autopilot again, and leave his seat. Holding both laser pistols, he pointed them both at the writhing Pallan, who had come to and was struggling to a sitting position. "Okay, take it easy," Apollo said coldly, "A med-tech will attend to you as soon as we're aboard the Galactica. In the meantime, you don't make a single move." Pallan managed to focus his eyes on the warrior and then abruptly spat at him. "Not going to do you much good at this point," Apollo said with dry contempt as he stepped aside to avoid the spittle. "We'll be aboard in a centon." As Apollo went back and resumed his seat at the controls, he could hear the bartender speak with low venomous words, but not directed at him. "You fool Baltar!" he managed to shout. "You fool! I won't forget!" And then, there was nothing else as the bartender passed out again. All the while, Baltar avoided turning around. His face unchanged from the sour, disgruntled expression Apollo had noticed as soon as he had subdued the killer. "So tell me, Baltar," Apollo said, "Why didn't you trust him?" The traitor ignored him. He wasn't in the mood to give Apollo the satisfaction of an answer. Especially not the true answer. During that long centon when Charybdis had been telling him to activate the autopilot, his mind had flashed back to the conversation he and Charybdis had shared just after his pilot had safely gotten their shuttle away from the Battlestar Atlantia before the Cylon fighters had unleashed their attack. He had forced Charybdis to wait for his arrival, because Baltar had not told Charybdis the coordinates for the safe zone, where they would wait out the attack. When Charybdis had asked him why he hadn't given him the coordinates beforehand, Baltar had chuckled and said, "I love you as I would my own son. I see in you, much that is like myself. And it is precisely because of that, that I would not have trusted you with those coordinates for even a micron." "I thought as much," Charybdis had replied, "Perhaps one day, Count Baltar, I will be more worthy of your trust." You hadn't, Charybdis, Baltar thought as his mind came back to the present. Not after you abandoned me when we returned to Piscera. You still think too much like I would. You would have killed me just like I would have killed you if I'd been in the same position. "Well, if you don't want to talk, that's your prerogative," Apollo sighed, "For what it's worth, I'll see to it that Adama has your sentence reduced." A reduced sentence, Baltar thought with disgust. How nice. That means I get to move about the Prison Barge with the rest of those worthless borays doing all their menial chores. And maybe that means I get a chance at a hearing for parole in eight yahrens at the earliest, which they would no doubt turn down anyway. He felt a sense of humiliation that he'd been forced to do Apollo's bidding for essentially nothing meaningful. And that only made him hate the captain and his infernal friend Starbuck with as much hatred as he felt for Adama. Somehow, he would find a way someday to exact his revenge on the both of them as well. As Commander Kronus stepped off the turbolift into the Galactica's landing bay, he could see the excited throng gathered around Apollo's shuttle. Two med-techs had taken the unconscious Charybdis off in a stretcher, with Sergeant Castor acting as the Security escort. Starbuck meanwhile, had promptly embraced Apollo in gratitude as soon as the captain had stepped off. The onetime Commander of the Battlestar Ricon shook his head faintly as he moved away from the throng to where his own shuttle waited, which would fly him back to his regular duties as commander of the maintenance ship the Celestra. He still found it amazing that things had turned out as they had. Every instinct had told him that the evidence had pointed to Starbuck's guilt and his two protectors had shown no inclination that they could prove his innocence the way he always felt a defense should be made. By a rigid devotion to the letter of the procedural codes. The codes existed for a reason, as far as he was concerned, and it wasn't theoretically possible for an innocent man to be convicted if his protectors knew how to follow the codes right. If an injustice had almost been committed during the proceedings, then to Kronus that would have been Starbuck's fault for not having the right protectors handling his case. He stepped aboard the shuttle and settled into the passenger chair, already planning ahead to the resumption of his regular duties. "Back to the Celestra, sir?" his pilot inquired. "Yes, Aurora," he faintly nodded as he relaxed in his chair, "And radio Chaka that I'm resuming full command. The Tribunal is over." His pilot, an attractive woman with an olive complexion and shoulder length dark hair turned around slightly, "It's over, sir?" "Yes," there was an edge of disinterest in his voice. "Lieutenant Starbuck was acquitted. The real killer was discovered." "I.....see," the pilot tried not to show any emotion. "That's good to hear." "The most outrageous spectacle I've ever taken part in, in all my yahrens in the Service," Kronus rubbed his temple, and then glared slightly at her, "There's no time to waste, Aurora. Launch." "Yes sir, sorry sir," she blushed and went back to the controls. As she moved the shuttle out into position, Apollo's parked shuttle now came into view on her right. She quickly shot a glance over and could see the blonde lieutenant still embracing the black-haired captain. I'm glad for you, Starbuck, she said silently. And then, she quickly turned her head away and resumed going over the launch checklist. Epilogue "Grateful as I am for all that you did," Starbuck said as he snapped on the helmet of his triad uniform, "I sincerely hope that neither you nor Boomer ever decide to take another case again." Apollo grinned as he finished adjusting his uniform and took the helmet out of his locker, "That would be the surest bet of your entire life. Once was enough for me." "The legal profession is grateful," Starbuck gave him a playful nudge, and then closed his locker door, turning the lock, "One thing I did learn from this whole ordeal. Always keep your locker door locked whenever you take a quick trip into the turbowash. You never know who might be sneaking in to filch something." "You sure didn't waste anytime regaining your sense of humor," Apollo noted wryly. "As far as I'm concerned, the old Starbuck is back and better than ever. And that includes the burning desire to beat Boomer and Castor and guarantee another championship for us." "Boomer will tell you that you owe him something after all the work he put in too," Apollo quipped. "I'll repay him with something more meaningful than letting him win," Starbuck said. As they reached the doorway leading into the corridor, the blonde lieutenant stopped and then said with a dead serious expression, "Apollo," he started. "Yeah?" Starbuck took a breath, wanting to say how grateful he was for Apollo's friendship and everything else Apollo had done for him during the terrible ordeal. But such openness had never come easy to Starbuck, even when he wanted to be open. "Thanks," he finally whispered. Unable to say anything else. Apollo nodded in understanding and clasped his hand on his shoulder, "Let's go out there and make that crowd think it's getting it's money's worth tonight." When they reached the end of the corridor, leading to the triad court, they saw Boomer and Castor waiting. They also saw that Sheba and Cassiopeia, both looking stylish and attractive in their formal evening gowns, were there with Adama and Chameleon. "Hey, what is this, a send-off committee?" Starbuck asked wryly. Adama smiled, "We all wanted to wish you good luck, Starbuck." he then glanced over at Boomer and Castor, "Of course, with the caveat that the Lords will ultimately decree the final outcome of the match itself." "Thank you for maintaining some semblance of neutrality, sir," Boomer grinned good-naturedly. "Well what are we waiting for?" Starbuck returned it, "Let's get started." "Aren't you forgetting that we're not supposed to enter the court until the officiator gives us the signal?" Apollo noted. "You're right, I forgot," Starbuck sighed, "I guess I've got all this excess energy I want to let off, after being locked up all that time." "Maybe that's the real key to beating you," Boomer said dryly, "Lock you up in your quarters before every match, and you'll be too nervous to concentrate." "I guess that means I've got to watch my back for sinister Blue Team players bearing ropes to tie me up before every match," Starbuck said as everyone else laughed. "Starbuck," Cassiopeia came up to him and gave him a quick kiss, "It's okay. You're going to be wonderful." "You think so?" Starbuck asked, noticing for the first time that her short hairstyle made her more attractive than he could remember. "I think so." "She's right," Adama came up to him, "And while as the commander, I am formally neutral, as a spectator and a triad fan, I took the liberty of placing a small wager on you for this evening as an added incentive." "Well thank you, sir," Starbuck said, "So what do you think of that, Boomer?" "I'm not worried," Boomer shrugged and motioned to Chameleon, "The expert wagerer thinks this might not be your night tonight." The blonde warrior lifted an eyebrow as he faced Chameleon, who had an impish expression. "My experience always taught me that lack of adequate preparation before a match, as you've gone through this past sectan, tilts the odds heavily in the favor of the other team." "Really?" Starbuck returned Chameleon's expression, "Chameleon, after tonight you're going to have to tear up that handbook." "While my wagering instincts say no, Starbuck, I do hope in all sincerity that you prove me wrong," Chameleon smiled back. "Take care of yourself." They heard the buzzer sound, indicating that it was time for the teams to enter the court. Starbuck gave Cassiopeia one last quick kiss before moving out. At the same time, Apollo made brief eye contact with Sheba, not saying anything but taking a long micron to note how beautiful she looked. When the four players stepped out onto the court, they were all greeted to a thunderous standing ovation from the packed galleries of spectators. Some of them in awed admiration of the two best teams in the league, but Apollo, Boomer and Castor also knew that much of it was directed toward Starbuck, to demonstrate their support for him after the ordeal he had gone through. "I guess we should get to our seats now," Adama said, "Sheba?" "Of course," she nodded, "Cassie? Chameleon?" "We'll be up in a centon," Cassiopeia said, "You hold our seats for us." As soon as Adama and Sheba were gone, the med-tech drew up alongside the elderly man, who was staring intently at Starbuck out on the court. Cassiopeia only had to look at Chameleon's eyes to realize what he was thinking. "I came close to telling him during his trial," he said in a low whisper, as he continued to look out, "But....." he trailed off. "Chameleon," Cassiopeia took his hand, "It wouldn't have been the right time for that. You....well, so long as I know that you'll do it someday, I'm not going to hold that over your head." Starbuck's father turned and looked her in the eye, "Cassie," he said, "He will know the truth someday. I promise." She smiled in understanding, "Come on," she said, "Let's go watch your son win at triad." The End