Reflections of Times Gone By... By Rae Originally scribbled October 31, 1999 Updated February 21, 2005 "Dad?" A familiar feminine voice posed the question in a hushed whisper into the darkness of the room. "Are you in here?" The familiar voice stirred the elderly man out of his peaceful slumber as he awoke with a start to come to grips, not with the darkness of the room of his dream, but the brightness of the midday sunlight, even though two large shade trees sheltered him. It took the man a few minutes for him to get his bearings as he looked around the tranquil scene before him in surprise and some hope, which quickly faded to disappointment. Nothing was different than it was before he took his nap. The only difference was that the sun had moved further across the clear blue mountain sky. His golden retriever, Explorer laid curled up quietly at his feet as the hammock gently swayed back and forth, her eyes closed as she slept on, blissfully unaware that her master had awakened. The elderly man slowly relaxed as he laid his head back down in his hammock, being lulled by the gentle movement of it swinging back and forth as he waited, listening for the voice to call out to him again, but sadly it did not. Ah, it was just too good to be true in as much as he wished that his oldest daughter would appear at his home, but regretfully he knew that she would not. Her life had taken a different path from the one that he thought even hoped she would take, but in the end, she was busy fulfilling her destiny according to her rules. But in the end, it was still a different destiny than the one he had envisioned for her when his little miracle was born. He should have known better than to expect her, or any of his children for that matter, to follow his dreams, his visions for them. A wise man had once told him that a person could only live the life that they controlled, not the lives of others. No matter how much they wanted that person to not make the same mistakes they had in the past, it was inevitable. The man closed his eyes and smiled wistfully to himself as he smiled at the memory of that wise man that he admired and cherished. That wise man should know what he was talking about for he made the same wish for his own children and look how they turned out. It was out of unforeseeable circumstance that all of their lives had changed. It was in an instant that everything had changed in more lives than just his - the future that he had envisioned was gone with the resounding sound of explosions that destroyed all that he knew and loved. He was touched even more because he was out there in the tick of everything, living up to his vow to guard, protect and cherish the home that he loved. Fighting the dreaded enemy of man and living to fight another day while many of his comrades did not. There was just so, so many. Students that he had trained, casual acquaintances, friends and then, very close friends that he loved as though they were members of his own family. The man tried to clear his thoughts of the memories that were pushing at the wall he had built in his mind over the years. A wall of self-protection. A wall of self-preservation. If he left the memories escape from the barrier he had put them behind so many years ago, he would have never made it to now. He would have never been able to live with himself and his past mistakes - the mistakes that caused him to lose those that were nearest and dearest to him. The mistakes that caused the loss of life for many, the mistakes that caused him the loss of love and respect of a few that were important to him, including the loss of respect from his own children. But he had reached his dream - no, not his dream to begin with, but it ended up to be his dream in the end. He had fought and survived to reach this point, a point that he never thought in his younger days that he would ever reach. He was too wild, too unpredictable, too foolhardy back then, even though he exuded a confidence that bordered on sheer cockiness. Flashing a confident smile, depending on lady luck and his charm to see him through any situation, touting his impressive skills to everyone within earshot, and proving without a doubt that what he boasted about was true every time he entered a cockpit. He was one of the best, accolades from many. But in truth, he was a vulnerable man. His desire to belong somewhere was always there in the back of his mind. When he was a boy, he had desperately hoped that his parents would magically appear one day to take him to a home he could call his own, to a room that was his and his alone. He didn't have to share his room with no one for it would be his sanctuary, his alone, with no one clamoring for space or for a place to sleep. No one to tell him that he was nothing but a charity case, no one to cut him down and make him feel as though he was lost and forgotten by his own parents. He had bore the brunt of the cutting retorts of children over the years. The hurtful comments that they knew were cruel, but he had learned after so long, how to push those comments away, making it seem as though he did not care about the words they spoke to him, about the comments. It was that moment he found that suddenly, the children who had taunted him would turn and walk away for he did not show them any anger, any animosity towards them. He did not fight back, at least not in the way that they wanted. He had turned the tide and at that moment discovered a way to draw people to him. He found that in the wake of the children who taunted him, made his life miserable, that there were others who wanted to be seen with him, wanted to be his friend. He made them laugh, he made their lives exciting. He found that he was daring, imaginative and forthright. He found a part of him that drew others to him and that the hurt child that he was in the past could hide behind and feel safe. But he still wished for his parents, a family to call his own and a life that he could live just like all the other children. Never had he been able to have a pet, never had he known the security of a family, never had he known the stability of a home to come back to when he entered the academy. But...maybe, if the fates had played him a different hand, would he have known and been a part of the lives of the people that he had loved in his life? Would he have made the friends that he had over the course of his existence? Would he have become a warrior and fought for the colonies with the drive and determination that he had? Would he have chosen another profession? The man felt the wall crumbling around the memories that he had put away so gently, so carefully. The memories that he treasured more than anything else besides the people in them and his children. He felt the tears start to form in his blue eyes, not bothering to reach up and brush away the lone tear that escaped, making its way down his weathered cheek. He could see it all as if it were yesterday. Caprica. His home. And he could hear people calling him a name that he had not been called for, yahrens. Starbuck. <"Hi, my name is Starbuck." the blond haired youth said brightly as he looked at the other boy sitting across the table from him. The boy raised his green eyes to meet Starbucks and said shyly, "I'm Apollo."> Starbuck couldn't phantom what drew him to the boy whose bloodline ran so strongly though Caprican history. Whose family was considered one of the most influential on the planet. A boy, who had grown up never knowing hunger, coldness, or rejection, but in truth, Starbuck had discovered the hard way that there were different types of rejection. Different types of indifference. He had always desired to belong to a family, people that would love him no matter what; who he had a connection to, a past. A bonus would be if it was one with power, influence and money, but throughout the course of his friendship with Apollo, he had discovered that even his best friend suffered at the hands of others - others who coveted what he had and wanted it for themselves. It was prejudice in its worse form. Envy. Starbuck found himself many times over the yahrens defending the closeness of his relationship with Apollo, especially with others who could not understand why Apollo would choose Starbuck, a nameless orphan with no connections to them. . Many felt that he used his position with Apollo as the yahrens passed, at the Academy back on Caprica, on the Galactica when Apollo became Captain of the squadrons, then after the holocaust as Apollo rose through the ranks, eventually becoming Commander of the Galactica and the fleet. <"Well, if it isn't the new Captain," Boomer chimed brightly as Apollo walked across the Galactica's flight deck towards the two waiting men. "Now that Apollo's a Captain, how do you think we have to act around him now, Starbuck?" Starbuck leaned back against his viper smiling at Apollo's obvious discomfort, "I'm not sure, Boomer. We're just lowly lieutenants. Now Apollo is a captain, and not just any captain, but Captain of the Squadrons." Starbuck smiled even broader as he watched that familiar look of annoyance come over Apollo's face. "Don't even go there, you two. I just got the word and I'm not sure if I like this promotion myself." Apollo placed his hands on his hips as he looked at his two friends. "Have you had your fun? Are you both finished?" Starbuck knew that Apollo deserved this promotion, but couldn't help feel a little remorseful. Now his friend was his commander and Starbuck had secretly worried about how this would affect their friendship. Starbuck looked at Boomer, who returned the look, and then they both turned to face their friend, their voices replying in unison, "No." Starbuck knew without a doubt in his mind that the change of rank would change the three men's relationship very little when Apollo rolled his eyes and over-dramatically threw his hands up in the air, turning and walking away. Boomer started laughing heartily as he grabbed their friend's arm as Starbuck laughingly reached out and grabbed the other, placing Apollo between them. "But, I think our hurt feelings would be made to feel better if the new captain treated his best friends to a drink in the officer's club. How does that sound to you, Boom-Boom?" "Sounds fair and reasonable to me." Apollo just shook his head laughing at his friends as he let them lead him to the Officer's Club.> Starbuck smiled to himself, his face showing the energy and vibrancy it once had in his youth, his blue eyes sparkling with mirth at the memories that came forth. His mind drifted back to the day of the military ceremony that officially promoted Apollo to his Captaincy. The rank was something that Starbuck and Boomer had expected Apollo to achieve in a short time and he had. One of the youngest Captains in colonial history, but his rise in rank thankfully did not change the man that they both knew. In fact, on the night before the ceremony marking his promotion, Starbuck was still able to take his all-too-serious friend out on the town and get him rip-roaring drunk at one of the chanceries in Tommica, a city on the far side of Caprica. Boomer and Starbuck would have laughed out loud if they had not been in so much pain themselves, watching Apollo stand there stiffly on the podium, wishing fervently that he could, lie down and curl up somewhere all alone in the quiet darkness. Starbuck had glanced over at Apollo's parents in the crowd, knowing fully that both of them were wondering why Apollo was looking so green, although Starbuck suspected the Siress Ila knew exactly what was wrong with her son and his friends. All three suffered in silence at the celebratory reception at the Commander's home, where all three men thought they were going to die from the sights and smells of the food that was being served. Athena had just shook her head and secretly fed the men remedies for their hangovers and Zac thought the sight of three hung over men, one being his uptight older brother was a sight to behold. Zac did not let them totally live that event down. Zac. The memories of the young man he loved as though he was his own younger brother flooded his mind. Starbuck could still see his youthful face looked at him over the yahrens - in the beginning, as a small boy of nine yahrens. His dark hair, so like his older siblings and his blue eyes, so like his sister's, but where Apollo and Athena were almost by the book, Zac was adventurous, daring, willing to take risk and be damn the consequences. In fact, Apollo at one time had comment about how much his younger brother was like Starbuck, who had to admit to himself that he had a soft spot for the younger man. Starbuck even worried about Zac, probably in the same way that Apollo would worry over Starbuck, but the blonde man felt that Zac was more extreme than Starbuck, more open to take the dangerous risks that Starbuck would think twice about. Starbuck had taken Zac on his first night out on the town. Starbuck knew that Zac admired his brother's adventurous friend, even told stories to his classmates about the adventure of his brother and Starbuck, relishing on the attention he would receive from his peers. More often than not, Zac would also tell about Starbuck's romantic adventures, building it up to be more than it actually was in Starbuck's estimation. So when Zac became of legal age to drink and make merry, Starbuck, who was on Caprica on leave, took Zac out on the town, showing him the sights and sounds of a warrior's nightlife. Starbuck had thought that he had the evening under his total control, but somewhere along the line, he had lost control of the night and Zac, who had up and disappeared with some nameless blonde woman they had met at a chancery. Starbuck had searched frantically for the younger man, all the time envisioning as he searched just how insignificant his life would be when Apollo found out that Starbuck had lost his younger brother. The dark haired captain would nail Starbuck's hide to the side of a viper then launch him down the tube for good measure. Apollo had even warned Starbuck when this cavalier friend had brought up the night out to keep his eye on Zac. Make sure that he kept out of trouble. Starbuck didn't even want to think about what the Commander would have done to Starbuck if he had found out. Lady luck had stayed with Starbuck that night for he found Zac, no worse for his experience, totally drunk on Ambrian whiskey with a lady on each arm, almost unable to stand without falling flat on his face. When the younger man had been killed, Starbuck had felt that a piece of himself had died with Zac, but Starbuck was also very proud of the young man, his 'younger brother', had become. He had died with honor, trying to help save the fleet and the colonies from destruction. That fact lessened the pain just a bit, but not much. He still missed Zac to this day, even after everything Starbuck had been through. Another face replaced Zac in Starbuck's memories. Athena. Beautiful, bewitching Athena. A young woman that at one time Starbuck felt that he had truly loved, but he had come to realize that they were not meant to be. Starbuck had been mesmerized by the beautiful young girl that he had been introduced to that first time he visited Apollo's home outside Caprica City. Her crystal clear blue eyes and all that beautiful dark hair, Starbuck had felt himself become lost, but she was too young for him and he knew that. Too inexperienced in the ways of men and women, Athena was a woman to be prized, loved and adored by one man, and Starbuck knew that he was definitely not that one man. In the end, that man had turned out to be Boomer. Starbuck had wondered when those feelings had developed between them, but decided in the end that Athena was better off with Boomer than any other man in the fleet. He knew Boomer to be honest, sincere and very trustworthy. Starbuck had never seen two people as happy as Athena and Boomer when they had sealed, maybe with the exception of Apollo and Sheba. Starbuck had been blessed with being the godfather to Boomer and Athena's first child, Nadia. Starbuck felt his heart constrict at the thought of his precious goddaughter, one of the lights of his life. He wondered how life had treated her here on this planet. Was she happy? Had she found everything that she was looking for? Nadia and her brother and sister had been so devastated when Athena had died. It had been a senseless death in Starbuck's eyes - to have traveled so far and endured so much only to die in a freak accident after arriving here on this planet. They had not been here but four years. Boomer was leaving the colonial service to fulfill his role in a civilian capacity, to help their people make a life for themselves here amongst their brethren. He had been instrumental in setting up the first colony for their people, purchasing the land in a remote part of Washington state, organizing the 6,000 selected colonists in starting their new home, adjusting to their new world. His outpost had been the blueprint for the others that were created for their people, away from the inhabitants of Earth, whom it was decided were not ready to be told the truth about their origins. In the end, the inhabitants of Earth would have to be protected from their Colonial brethren until the colonials were integrated into Earth's society, primitive by the colonial standard. Starbuck felt sadness wash over him as he remembered that tragic night. Athena and Lilith, Boomer and Athena's younger daughter, were out walking in a meadow not that far from their home. Teenagers from Earth, not caring about their actions or who they hurt were driving what the people here called cars through the meadow. Not on a road where the blasted machine belonged, but through a field of flowers and animals. A tranquil place. Driving without headlights, drunk and uncaring, the boys had hit Athena with their car, leaving her for dead. Starbuck could still remember Lilith's screams for her father, her uncles, her brother. High pitched screams of terror that had chilled Starbuck to the bone when he had heard them, his blood running cold. Cassie had tried to save Athena, but the damage was too severe. Cassie had fought death with everything she knew, with all the knowledge that she had gleaned from her mentor and teacher, Dr. Salik, but in the end Athena had died, before an emergency shuttle could arrive from the Galactica. Before advanced medical technology could be used to save her life. Apollo had been devastated, but tried to be strong for his sister's children, Nadia, Trevor and Lilith. Little Lilith had been hardest hit, only 14 yahrens and so close to her mother, she was Athena's child, her mother's daughter. Their relationship had been so close. Lilith retreated into her own shell, never to emerge again. The normally happy, laughing girl had turned into a very quiet somber young lady. Nadia, the oldest, had been almost 20 yahrens at the time, studying to become a doctor, so she had handled her mother's death a bit easier. Trevor had been inconsolable, wanting to go out and search for those who had killed his mother. Murderers was what he called them, his anger there for all to see. Boomer had tried talking sense into his headstrong 17-yahren old son, but to no avail. In the end though, Trevor had seen the light, had seen his father and uncle's wisdom, but only after he had tracked down the teenagers that had killed his mother. As he stood there, beating senseless one who had grown from a frightened teenager into a troubled young man, Trevor had seen what he was doing, where his anger and thirst for revenge had taken him. Away from his father, his sisters and away from his home. He had also seen the guilt that the young man had lived with since that night, the remorse. Trevor had come to his senses hearing the young man's pleas for Trevor to punish him, take his life, end his own pain and suffering. Take the memories of that night away. Starbuck had wanted to kill that man himself with his bare hands, but he knew in his mind and heart that satisfying his thirst for revenge would not bring Athena back, nor would it change anything else that had happened as a result of it. Life would go on and they would all have to deal with the loss of Athena. Starbuck silently felt Athena's loss, probably more profoundly than he felt Boomer did. Athena had been Starbuck's friend in the end and they had shared a closer bond than they had ever shared in their lives, even when they were seeing each other back on Caprica. Athena had became a close confidant for Starbuck, a person that he could lean on when Apollo was not available to hear his friend's problems. Athena had been there when Starbuck and Cassie had finally sealed, produced four children and then after ten yahrens of marriage dissolved their sealing. Athena had turned out to be a true friend, just as her bother had been to Starbuck all those yahrens. She had become a younger 'sister' to Starbuck, one whose memory he would cherish for the rest of his life. Athena had been instrumental in keeping Starbuck and Cassie on friendly terms, not just for themselves, but for their children. She was 'Aunt Athena' to all four of their children and godmother to Atrya, Starbuck and Cassie's oldest. They had been through a lot together, but Athena had finally found happiness with a man who Starbuck trusted as much as he trusted Apollo. Boomer had not been the same since his wife's death, immersing himself in his work to the point that Starbuck was lucky if he heard from his old friend once a year. Starbuck heard from Nadia, Trevor and Lilith more than he heard from Boomer. In as much as Starbuck worried about Boomer's health, which had been declining the past two years, Nadia made sure that her father ate properly and spent time away from work with his grandchildren. There was again a Zac, Athena and also an Apollo. Starbuck's heart almost stopped as he thought of his oldest friend. A man he willingly and gratefully called his 'brother.' Apollo. It had been a long time since he thought of Apollo. Too long if the truth be known, but Starbuck could not afford to think of his best friend more often, could not afford to remember him for with the memories came the realization that Starbuck had failed his friend in the end. Failed him and the consequences of that failure were ones that Starbuck could not stand to remember. In the end, Starbuck had watched Apollo die, along with Sheba and had not been able to do anything to save his friends. In the end, Starbuck had put his own selfishness before his friend's needs and paid a high price. Starbuck had always been there with Apollo, at his side no matter what came at them. On the craziest of missions, where their deaths were all but assured, they both survived. Even the Commander realized early on that if he wanted Apollo or Starbuck to come back to him alive, he sent the both out together with Boomer along as added insurance, more often than not. No matter what the risk, no matter what the odds, they returned from a mission together, sometimes injured beyond anyone's imagination, but alive. They fought, fussed and quibbled, like any friend or sibling, but they never stayed mad at each other long. There were time when Starbuck gave Apollo plenty of reason to wash his hands of Starbuck, but he never did. Starbuck could go places with Apollo that not even his father dared to tread. Starbuck forced himself to look back at the happy times with his friends. The day that Apollo finally realized how much he loved Sheba. Starbuck knew that before Apollo did, but sometimes his very bright friend was very dense, but that was probably the pinnacle of his denseness. The only one that didn't know about Apollo's feelings for Sheba was the man in question himself. There were times when Starbuck just wanted to smash Apollo over the head with a heavy object, thinking maybe that would bring him to his senses, but in the end, the wily lieutenant just let time take its course. Of course Apollo pushed Starbuck's patience, but in the end he saw the light with minimal violence, only a ship had to blow up and nearly kill them all. The course of Apollo and Sheba's relationship was never smooth. Sheba was just as strong willed as Apollo, but to everyone's relief, they never stayed mad at each other long if they disagreed. Alexandra use to just shake her head at her parents and say there were three things that you could be sure of: the Cylons were always lurking out there somewhere, the fleet would maintain its course given to them by the ship of lights, and her parents would agree to disagree about everything, and that was the simple truth of the matter. Starbuck remembered their sealing day, how Apollo just wanted to elope and get the whole show over with, but Sheba practically glued Apollo's feet to the floor because she wanted the ceremony she dreamed of as a young girl. Only difference was that her father was not there to give her to Apollo and in the end, Apollo survived the ceremony reasonably unscathed. Starbuck started to laugh bitter-sweetly as he remembered the day that Sheba found out that she was expecting their first child. Starbuck had gleaned the fact that Sheba was expecting and her happy reaction from Cassie but the rest of the news Starbuck got from the overly excited, rambling man that practically knocked him down in the corridor of the Galactica. Apollo had ran into his friend full tilt, almost knocking both of them to the floor, then Apollo just babbled about illness, Sheba, and more about an illness. Starbuck finally was able to get his friend calmed down with the help of a whole bottle of vintage ambrosia and found out the true nature of Sheba's 'illness'. When Alexandra finally came into the world, the dark haired baby girl immediately became the light of Apollo's life. Even though Boxey was still his son and his first child who he loved without question, there was something about that tiny little life that had enchanted Apollo from the moment he held her in his hands after her birth. Apollo and Sheba went out of their way to reassure Boxey of how much they loved him and of his place in the family, but in the end Boxey was just as enchanted with Alexandra as everyone else was. As for Apollo, Starbuck knew that his friend now had something that he wanted with all his heart. A daughter. A little girl. Starbuck had always called her his little angel, but an angel she was definitely not. Dark hair and clear green eyes like her father, slender and delicate like her mother, that angelic looking little girl could run rings around both of her parents, her brother, her grandfather and her assorted aunts and uncles. Starbuck remembered a time when he had just about fainted dead away when his angel had defiantly stood up to a Borillian Nomen and told him in a not-too-pleased voice that he was not a very nice man, no, not at all. Starbuck had been ready to blast the nomen to dust if he so much as made a move towards Alexandra, but surprisingly, the Leader of the Nomen just stood there, staring for a few microns at the angry face of the five yahren old girl...and laughed. Starbuck had just stood there; downright shocked for he had NEVER seen a Nomen laugh before and it was definitely a strange thing to see. Boomer and Jolly had rushed through the door, weapons drawn, with Apollo, Adama and Sheba right behind them, All five had known that Starbuck had taken Alexandra to the bazaar on the Tamical to purchase her a treat, but little did any of them know that the Nomen were there on a blood hunt. Adama use to tell Starbuck that something good usually came out of most bad situations and Starbuck was given a reason to believe the Commander's words that day. The Leader of the Nomen had been so impressed with the tiny little girl, that he had done something unprecedented by beginning negotiations with Adama regarding the status of the Nomen amongst the fleet survivors as long as little Alexandra was there. Her staunchest and most loyal protectors, besides the full warrior contingent on the Galactica, turned out to be the Nomen, who had taken her into their tribe. When the fleet finally reached Earth, it was Alexandra who made sure that the Nomen were given a settlement in the desert, where they were happiest and made sure that their needs were taken care of. Apollo had been amazed at his oldest daughter's ability to stand up to the most formidable foe and not flinch. Starbuck knew that particular trait of hers had been partially responsible for turning Starbuck's blond hair to gray, and he guessed that the same was true for Apollo. But Apollo also had four more children to contend with, six children in all. The youngest, identical twin girls, had came to Starbuck's home to see Starbuck several months previous, checking on him and making sure all was well. Where Starbuck blamed himself for Apollo and Sheba's deaths, their children did not, and would not let their beloved Uncle Starbuck too far out of their sight. Cliona, the youngest of the twins, came to see her uncle every couple of weeks, making sure his home was clean, his laundry was done and there was plenty of food in his pantry. Starbuck's own children didn't come that often, but there was that attachment of Starbuck to Apollo's children that seemed to be stronger than his ties to his own. But there was a good reason for that. Even though Starbuck did not agree with his children's take on the situation, he tried his best to see their point of view. He knew full well what was the dividing wedge between himself and his children - the fact that they blamed him for the ending of the sealing between him and their mother, and the consequences of that ending. Starbuck was willing to take the blame for part of the downfall of their marriage, but he was not willing to take the brunt of the blame. No, that had to be shared with Cassie, for Starbuck was not the one who broke their vows, it was Cassie. Starbuck closed his eyes as if to avoid the painful memories those thoughts of Cassie stirred within him. He had many regrets in his life, things that he had done that he wished he could change or even wipe out all together, but the downfall of his relationship with Cassiopeia was one of the bitterest of memories for him. There were times he would rant and rave about what had went wrong with their relationship, but then he would remember the good times, and there were so many good memories, especially in the early years of their marriage. There were times of reflection where Starbuck wondered what went wrong? What could he have done to change the outcome? As Adama had counseled him many times over the yahrens, there were just some things in life where no matter how much you try to figure out what you could have changed or what you could have done differently, there is really no way to change things. Starbuck was willing to admit that he had been preoccupied with his duty to the fleet, his loyalty to Adama, Tigh and Apollo, but it was Cassie who changed the rules for it was Cassie whom Starbuck caught in another man's arms. It was Cassie who had broken Starbuck's heart and made him feel totally betrayed. One thing that his children did not even stop to consider was how quickly their mother had remarried. Apollo had stood there beside Starbuck, consoling his friend when the news came to them that Cassie had remarried several sectars after the dissolving of their sealing was final. It was Apollo and Boomer who helped Starbuck deal with the fact that Cassie's new husband didn't really want Starbuck around his wife and her children, as Kamber put it. As far as Kamber was concerned, they were not Starbuck's children, but Cassie's children. In as much as Starbuck wanted to forget, he couldn't, for he could still feel the shock that he had felt then when he was served with the papers from the Colonial Family Court. Cassie's new husband claimed that Starbuck was an unfit parent and Kamber wanted to adopt Starbuck's children as his own. Apollo, Sheba, Boomer, Athena, the Commander, all of his extended family had stood by him. Sheba had even tried her best to talk to Cassie but with little to no success. The woman that Starbuck had lost his heart to, had changed dramatically since she had became involved with Kamber and to Starbuck, that was the saddest cut of all. The intelligent, compassionate woman that Starbuck had loved for so long had turned into someone that Starbuck never even knew and that loss was difficult for Starbuck to accept. Besides the changes that Kamber's influence created in Cassie, Starbuck's greatest animosity towards Kamber was for the damage he had done to Starbuck's children emotionally. When Starbuck finally won the right to see his children, he had been shocked as to how his once loving children had treated him. They had been so cold to him, indifferent. Only Atrya, his oldest, managed to smile at her father, to hang back when the others had walked away, whispering to her father, 'I love you, Daddy. Don't forget that.' As the yahrens went by, Starbuck had continued to have a strained relationship with his three younger children, until one day, a surprise awaited him as he went down to his viper to fill out his maintenance paperwork. Sitting by his viper was Atrya and with her was her brother Niall. Atrya being there did not surprise Starbuck, for she had been the one who had always stood by her father, came to him to visit when she could, kept him informed about her other siblings. She staunchly stood by her father and believed in him when there were times Starbuck didn't believe in his own self. Atrya shared Starbuck's dislike for Kamber, but she knew that her mother was blind to Kamber's true self and that her brothers and sister were too young and impressionable to ignore what Kamber said to them about their father. But that Atrya was there with her brother did set Starbuck back a bit. Niall was a stubborn 13 yahren old at that time, his face set in a determined frown, anger written clearly in his blue eyes. Starbuck tried to remember Boxey at that age, the anger that his nephew had felt towards Apollo and Sheba at that time, the reasons for it and how it was handled. How the angry and confused boy had done his worst to Apollo and Sheba, parted them for a time, but in the end, realized how much he loved his adoptive father and the woman whom Boxey would come to love as a mother in the end. Looking at Niall at that micron in time, he had seen that same anger and the same confusion on the face of his son. On closer look, Starbuck could see the hurt and sadness behind the anger and it made Starbuck even more determined to stand by his children, no matter what. That meeting with Niall had been almost a fight to the finish, a lot of angry words spoken, just as many tears shed, but in the end Starbuck got through to his son, and as they grew, he also was able to forge a relationship with Colin and Triona. They were not the relationships that Starbuck hoped for, but at least there was something there. Communication. Starbuck felt another factor that helped him at least be able to talk to his children was the fact that in the end, Cassie did see the true Kamber, but only after the fleet had discovered Earth. Only after the Commander had died, Tigh had followed another path other than being Commander of the Galactica and leader of the Fleet. Only after Apollo had assumed command. Only after the children had grown and the relationship between Starbuck and Cassie had been damaged beyond even the simple binding bonds of friendship, damaged beyond any hope of repair. Athena made sure that Starbuck and Cassie talked for the sake of their children, were able to be civil to each other at family gatherings, but any love that had been there had died a horrible death through mistakes too vast to be overcome. Starbuck looked up at the sun streaming through the leaves of the trees, turning his thoughts to quietly remember all the people he had lost. Athena dying so young, so tragically. Apollo and Sheba, their deaths sudden, but at least they went together so one did not have to live without the other. They would have never made it, one without the other. Boomer, not dead, but maybe he should have died with Athena, since he did nothing except continue to exist, not enjoying life anymore without the woman he loved. Jolly, Greenbean, Bojay, Giles and Brie. People he had known and cared about in his life, but there was one person that he remembered with the fondness of a child for his father. Starbuck could still see the man in his mind's eye - as he was when the young boy met the austere man who he had only seen on the vid, and was finally meeting in person. The righteous man who was skeptical of his oldest son's friendship with the young orphan with no family as well as no clue as to his background. The extremely knowledgeable and wise man who slowly came to see the orphan boy for who and what he really was behind that persona of carefree indifference, who finally saw what his wife and children saw in the boy. The father figure who taught that same young man what love and respect was; that respect came at a cost, but was worth more than all the riches you could ever win in any chancery. That love was a jewel beyond price and that belonging to someone, to a family was one of the greatest gifts given to a person. Starbuck looked up at the blueness of the sky through the leaves of the trees, the lone wispy white cloud reminding him of the whiteness of the hair of the man who was both father and friend to Starbuck, teacher and mentor. Source of wisdom and knowledge. A man Starbuck held the utmost love and respect for, that continued to this day, so many yahrens after his death. Adama's tolerance of the young boy that Starbuck was at one time was sorely tested on more than one occasion. In his mind's eye, Starbuck could clearly hear the Commander's crystal clear baritone voice shouting at Apollo about some wild harebrained action that he had pulled during a mission, then turning onto Starbuck to give him a dose of the same medicine. It was not the shouting, or the anger that flashed in his superior officer's eyes that got to Starbuck. No, it was his tone of voice, not the tone of a commander to a subordinate, but the tone of a father who showed his child love and indulgence even as he shouted at him for a stupid act. It continued to be there as the Commander shifted his attention from his own firstborn son to the young man who had never known a father's love, who had never known a father's guidance, but it was something that the boy that Starbuck had once been, had dreamed of every night of his young life. And dreams do come true, even if it was in the form of his best friend's father, in the form of a man respected throughout the colonies. From a person Starbuck would have never guessed in a thousand yahrens would have been such an intricate part of his life. Such a high-born, respected, learned man. Adama had been a man who commanded the utmost respect throughout the colonies by just the mention of his name, or the power of his presence. A man who was a member of the Council of Twelve, the Commander of the flagship of the colonial fleet and the man who had the ability to care for an orphan, who had been considered a burden on society and the recipient of scorn from others. The father who watched over Starbuck as if he was another one of his children. Starbuck, at first had been surprised that Apollo had hidden the truth of his father's identity for such a long time in the beginning of their friendship. When the truth finally came out as to the identity of Apollo's father, Starbuck questioned his friend as to the reason for his omission. Was he ashamed of his father? Was there something wrong in the relationship between Apollo and his high profile parent? Had his father abused his friend in some way that Apollo felt afraid of his father? Starbuck was curious, but also felt protective towards his friend, who was such a serious person, sensitive in nature, but at that age Apollo had not yet learned to hide his emotional sensitivity. It took a long time and many long late night talks for Apollo to finally come clean. The youthful Apollo carried a deep love, pride and admiration for his father and his accomplishments, but the price that was paid by the Commander and Apollo, also by Athena and Zac for those accomplishments was high. Apollo never really spent time he wanted with his father, his military service kept him away from home for sectars at a time, sometimes even yahrens. The father and son never had the relationship that Apollo so desperately desired until Apollo had grown and was newly assigned to the Galactica, but even then it was a very rocky relationship. The chip that had grown over the yahrens on the youthful Apollo's shoulder was the size of a boulder by the time that Apollo had received his assignment to the Galactica. Starbuck had crossed angry words with his friend many times in the beginning. Starbuck watched with disbelief at some of his friend's actions, done deliberately to show Adama along with others under his father's command that Apollo wanted no special treatment as the Commander's son. Time had played its cards close but finally time proved to be the great healer of all wounds. Slowly the relationship between father and son reached the level that Apollo had desired throughout his childhood. He had his father's trust, respect, and endless love. Starbuck felt compassion towards his commander as he watched the man go through the same routine each time one of his children was assigned to the battlestar. Athena had been easier than Apollo in many respects, where Zac, at times, made the rocky start between Adama and Apollo seem like child's play. To Starbuck's relief, everything worked out in the end. But came the annihilation of the colonies, the death of Zac at the hands of the Cylons, the death of Ila and the destruction of their home. The total destruction of the colonies at the hands of the Cylons, who were assisted by the treachery of one man. The Galactica survived only because of Adama's well placed distrust of the Cylons coupled with his total disbelief in the smooth words of the traitorous Count Baltar. Adama took a calculated risk, defied a direct order of the President of the Council of Twelve and ran a 'mock' battle drill which in actuality turned out to be as real a battle alert as you could get. His suspicions saved those under his command along with the Galactica and his vision took them away from their burning homes towards a new hope. Earth. Starbuck had listened to the survivors cheer Adama's name as they began on their journey in haste as to avoid the extermination force that the Cylons were sure to send in to finish what they had begun. He had also heard those same survivors scorn the Commander when things did not go the way that the people, along with the Council, thought that things should go. Starbuck defended his Commander's actions, stood by his decisions for Starbuck knew that it was Adama's insight and leadership that had gotten them as far as they had. He kept them alive with his cautious approach to situations, his suspicious nature concerning any new race, any new planet that the fleet came upon, unlike the Council who welcomed every contact with open arms. Many times, Starbuck watched the Commander bail the Council out of decisions made in haste, which they regretted in the final outcome. In the end, Adama had led them to a new home, a new life and reunited them with their brethren, even though the Colonials found that they could never make their presence known for the Earth they found was still too primitive by the Colonials standards. Like a child, still growing, changing and discovering. There were those special individuals who did know that the Colonials were here, but they were very few and far between. People with open minds, open hearts, who came to trust the strangers from the stars, accepting them for who they were and not as Earth's overly-imaginative media portrayed visitors from the stars as aggressive, conquering green skinned aliens. Although, in reflection of races that the fleet had encountered, sometimes Starbuck wondered if those producers and writers in Hollywood would ever really know how close they actually were to reality with their creations. Starbuck just smiled and shook his head gently in an indulgent gesture as he toyed with the prospect. Starbuck felt a cool nose gently nudge his hand and he reached down to pet the soft fur atop the golden retriever's head lovingly as he sighed to himself. Starbuck could almost hear Adama's voice cautioning him that reflection on past events could be a double edge sword, but Starbuck knew that Adama reflected many times on the past. On past encounters with the Cylons, past decisions and the price that was extracted for those decisions, even those made in the heat of battle. Reflections of his life with his wife Ila, their courtship, their marriage, the births of their children and their growing up years, the regrets that he missed so much of his children's lives because of his dedication to his people. The joys that the Commander experienced, even in light of the loss of his beloved wife, youngest son, and his home. Starbuck smiled as he remembered the birth of his own first child, how Adama's eyes misted over when Starbuck placed the tiny child in his Commander's arms. From that moment, a special bond was formed between Adama and Atrya that no one dared challenge. It had been the same with the subsequent births of Starbuck's other children, who had all grown up calling Adama 'Grandfather' as he proudly claimed each one as his grandchild, defying anyone to challenge their right to claim Adama's family line as their own. Starbuck had been told the truth about his own father shortly after sealing with Cassie. Over time he had even built a pretty good relationship with the elderly con man, but in Starbuck's heart and mind, Adama was still the father figure in his life. Starbuck had even stood at Adama's bedside beside Apollo and Sheba, Athena and Boomer as the regal man said his last good-byes and took his final breath. Stood there, with unrestrained emotion as they committed the Commander's body to the vastness of space. Grieved along with Apollo and Athena at his passing. But it was Adama's final gift, final act of fatherly love that had rendered Starbuck speechless. After the service, Apollo had handed Starbuck papers that the Commander had drafted and signed, that his children had signed their agreement to, and was approved by a Colonial Judge. Those documents gave Starbuck and his children the legal right to be known as the son and grandchildren of Adama, entitling them to all legal and moral rights under Colonial Law. Adama gave Starbuck what he had desired all of his life, searched for, even though what Starbuck wanted was right in front of him all the time. A family. A background. A history. Not one of blood, but one of love, and as a wise man once said, bonds of love are sometimes stronger and more binding that bonds of blood. Apollo told Starbuck that his father knew that the bonds that they shared did not need any legal paperwork, but his father wanted to be assured that Starbuck, along with his beloved grandchildren were legally taken care of. That no one could ever challenge the children's right to call Adama 'Grandfather.' Starbuck pushed back the feelings of sadness coupled with melancholy at the realization that he was the only one left. The Commander, Ila, Apollo, Athena and Zac were gone. Now only he remained to tell the children about their family, about their home world. Damn, he hated responsibility!! This should have been Apollo's job. HE was the responsible one! Starbuck grinned at his attempt to lighten his mood as he gave Explorer a final pat on the head and slowly got up from his hammock. He hated old age, because he moved slower than he liked and experienced aches in his body that had not been there before. Starbuck silently wished for his youth, for the voices and presence of his old friends, but that was a wish that would not come true until his death, when he would meet up with all his loved ones that had passed before him. Starbuck walked over to the whitewashed wooden fence that kept the two horses that he owned contained. Explorer sat down at her master's feet as Starbuck rested his arms against the warm painted surface, admiring the view before him. Snow-capped mountains, the tall grass that grew in the field before it, with the wild flowers that grew amongst them flittering gently in the breeze, their swaying almost hypnotic. He loved this country as much as he had loved Caprica, but in a way this was different. This was his home, one that he created for himself. Apollo had called this place "God's Country" and his friend was very accurate. Starbuck had been drawn to the high mountains, the tall grasses, the stark beauty of the countryside, so he bought this place, all 370 acres for himself. It was not big by local standards but it was his. Lost in his revere, Starbuck did not hear the small red car drive up and park by the white wooden two-car garage that was set off from the quaint white frame house. A young woman got out of the car, her curly dark blond hair was a reminder of the color of the elderly man's hair in his youth. Her crystal blue eyes sparkled with love for the man that stood at the fence with his faithful companion by his side as she recognized that faraway look on his face. She wondered if his mind was soaring amongst the stars as he once did as a viper pilot, or if he was remembering his family, her Uncle Apollo, Aunt Sheba, Aunt Athena, or maybe her beloved Grandfather. Maybe he was flying another mission to protect the fleet from the Cylons, exploring another distant planet, or winning another hand at some chancery. Was he remembering one of Jolly's jokes, Greenbean's exaggerated tales of past skirmishes, or one of his patrols with Uncle Boomer? Atrya wished she knew for sure, but she knew that as soon as she made her presence known, the expression would change to one of carefree charm as it always did when someone else was around. She remembered her trip through the stars, remembered the carefree charismatic father of her youth who flew through the stars in a sleek viper. She remembered his tales of life in the colonies, adventures with Uncle Apollo and Uncle Boomer. She remembered to good times, just as she remembered the bad. The divorce of her parents, the remarriage of her mother, the death of her grandfather, the crash and explosion that killed her beloved Uncle Apollo and Aunt Sheba, the murder, yes murder of her Aunt Athena. Atrya could not see it as anything else. And she could see her father, in his youth, taking her small hand protectively in his as they walked the long, dimly lit corridors of the great battlestar that was still vigilantly keeping watch out there. So many memories, the good outweighing the bad. She knew her father missed so much, but he also knew he had so much still, even though old battle injuries still made themselves known on his aging body, slowing him down. She walked towards her father, hoping to surprise him but was thwarted when Explorer turned and barked at her in greeting. Her father turned, his expression changing just as she had predicted, to one of happiness as his blue eyes sparkled at the sight of his oldest child. "Baby!" "Hi Daddy." Atrya felt like she was four yahrens old again with her father's loving greeting. She walked into his outstretched arms and felt them close around her. The strength that she remembered was still there, just as it was when she was small. God, how much she loved this man, how important he was to her life and Atrya's fervent wish was that he really realized that fact. "So what brings you here to see your old man?" Starbuck asked as he stepped back from the embrace, but did not let go of his little girl. No matter how old she was, she was still his little girl. "I have to have a reason to come and visit you?" "No." Starbuck replied. "I was just thinking about you." Atrya raised an carefully arched eyebrow at her father. "Oh, really?" she asked skeptically. Starbuck turned, resting his arm around her waist and guiding her to the house. "Yes," he said charmingly. "I was remembering when you were born, how beautiful you were and the expression on your grandfather's face when I placed you in his arms." Atrya laughed, as she knew this story by writ and by wrote, but she still loved hearing it over and over again for her father breathed life back into her grandfather, aunts and uncles. The Galactica rumbled under her feet again, just as it did in her childhood as it traveled through the stars. She knew in her mind and heart that was not what he was remembering when she arrived, but one of these days her father would open up to her, tell her about his innermost thoughts, but for now, she would continue to play this old game with her dad. She knew her father well enough from her own experience and advice from her family that she would have to let him tell her things in his own time, his own way. As Starbuck guided his daughter back to the house, he pushed his memories back for another day. The time would come again, very soon, that he would be able to lie in his hammock, remembering the past and his loved ones. Now Atrya was here and Starbuck planned to make the most of it, keeping his memories tucked away from her and everyone else for another day. Some day soon he would sit down with his oldest daughter and her cousins by Apollo and Athena, with a vid camera in had to record the day and tell all of them about times gone by. END (or is it?)