Continuing the Walk to Jonathan's Apartment

November 18, 2007

At the intersection at the bottom of the previous page, if we were to turn left and walk up the hill, we would see Porta San Pancrazio.

But our walk must continue to Jonathan's apartment. At the bottom of that hill, we see signs of some type of monument.
It is the Acqua Paolo. I really like this place. It looks even better at night. Unfortunately, the pictures I took of it at night didn't turn out well.

Even though I didn't know it at the time, it turns out this used to be part of an aqueduct system. It is in the middle of a long hillside - the one we walked at least twice every day (one time down, one time up) from bottom to top. I found some historical information for the Acqua Paola at Roman Fountains.

At the bottom of the hill, a couple blocks from Jonathan's apartment, is this piece of aqueduct where water exited - The Mostra Dell. It was moved at least once after the aqueduct's use was halted.

Look real closely to the right of this aqueduct end piece. Right there beside the trees is the Acqua Paolo. Don't be deceived. The walk is further than it appears in this picture.

Going back to Acqua Paola, traveling down Via Garibaldi on the left side of the picture is this monument below.

A little further down the via is Tempietto Di San Pietro.

Click on the Tempietto to see inside.

Now we're being distracted. On with the trek to the apartment.

Go to page 3b - Continuing the walk to Jonathan's Apartment - Via Giacomo Medici.                 Go to page 4a - The Walking To The Apartment Continues.

Jump ahead 10 pages to Page 14 - Palatine Hill - The Final Part.